scholarly journals Prevention of Human Trafficking with AMP Model with based vilage education

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1882-1890
Kuswandi Katinah ◽  
Sigit Priyo Sembodo ◽  
Surachmad Surachmad

This study offers a framework for the prevention of human trafficking using the action means purpose (AMP) model in "Kampunge arek surobayo ". This model has the goal of creating an educative, safe, comfortable, friendly, healthy, creative living environment (kampong) and literacy for the process of child development in community support that guarantees the fulfillment of children's rights and seeks optimal protection of children. KAS KP raised AREK's local culture, which became the spirit of the village, including togetherness, mutual cooperation, ownership, help, tolerance and concern for the environment, especially in the growth and development of children around it and the development of a variety of activities in 6 (six) variables include; educative village, foster village, safe village, healthy village, innovative creative village and literacy village.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-140
Christina Ririn Widianti

Background: Children experience growth and development according to their stages. Early detection of growth and development deviations needs to be done. The implementation of early detection stimulation for child development (SDIDTK) has been carried out by Puskesmas officers and health cadres, but cadres do not routinely carry out it .  Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge of cadres about SDIDTK in Umbulmartani Village and Bimomartani Village in the Ngemplak I Health Center area. Methods: This research is a quantitative descriptive study with a population of cadres in the village of Umbulmartani and the village of Bimomartani. Samples were taken purposively and carried out on 133 cadres.  Results: Less than half of the cadres were aged 41-50 years (44.36%) and a small proportion were 21-30 years old, while the rest were 31-40 years old and 51-60 years old. Kader 's latest education shows that more than half of the respondents have a high school education (73.68%) and 1 has an elementary education. SMP, and D3. Most of the cadres work as housewives (87.97%) and the rest work as teachers, midwives, entrepreneurs, farmers and civil servants. Cadre's level of knowledge about stimulation of early intervention detection of child development and development: a small proportion of them had less knowledge (8.27%) and more than half (74.44%) had sufficient knowledge.  Conclusion: The level of knowledge of cadres about SDIDTK was still lacking as much as 8.27% and sufficient 74.44%

1981 ◽  
Vol 68 (3) ◽  
pp. 447-447
T. E. C.

Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), English philosopher, jurist, political theorist, and founder of the doctrine of utilitarianism, was also influential in the field of medical theory and practice. Spector1 has called attention to the following data set down by Bentham more than a century and a half before the emergence of modern interest in child development. This list shows Bentham's prescience in conceptualizing the data that would need to be collected before one could properly understand the temporal steps in a child's development. 1. Advances independent of instruction: First indication of fear, smiling, recognizing persons Indication of a preference for a particular person Indication of a dislike for a particular person Attention to musical sounds Appearance of first tooth Appearance of each of the successive teeth; duration and degree of pain and illness in cutting teeth Giving toys or food to others Attempt to imitate sound laughter General progress in bodily or intellectual requirements whether uniform or by sudden degree 2. Advances dependent upon instruction: Standing, supported by one arm Standing, supporting itself by resting the hands Token of obedience to will of others Command of natural evacuation Walking, supporting itself by chairs Standing alone Walking alone Pointing out the seat of pain.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Rey Bintang Pamungkas ◽  
Jeffrey .

Abstract. Introduction: The deciduous tooth period is an important period in child development. Premature loss of deciduous teeth is defined as the loss of deciduous teeth before they approach the eruption of permanent teeth. The prevalance of premature loss offered in several studies obtained was between 4.3% and 42.6%. Method: An 10 years-old-boy accompanied by her mother came to RSGMP Unjani, complaints of lower right nack teeth missing because they have to extracted since 3 mouth ago. Tooth have been extracted because of caries. Result: Result of clinical examination was found premature loss teeth 75, 74, and 85. The space in Moyers analysis was +0.2 mm in region 3 and +0.1 mm in region 4. Patient was treated with a fungsional removable-space-maintainer on teeth 75, 74, and 85. Conclusion: The results of premature loss is excess space in the arch, so to prevent further occlusion abnormalities in child’s growth and development process, we need a special appliance that is used to protect the space due to premature loss of deciduous teeth. Keywords: Premature loss, space maintainer, deciduous teeth

Lavia Lavia ◽  
Petrus Rudi Kasimun

The condition of a child who does not have parents or a guide in life will be difficult to develop and grow well. It takes the right place for children to study together regardless of race, economy, and other problems. A place that becomes a home for children to learn and play together with the right people and understand very well about children's problems. Even parents always hope that their children can grow up to be children who have good and healthy personalities. But of course parents themselves are not perfect creatures who can teach it all. Because humans have their own skills and talents. Respectively Even having parents, there is no guarantee that parents really understand the child's condition. Very often parents do not understand or even pay less attention which of course affects the child's growth and development. Because humans naturally need other people to be role models or examples in their life. One solution that can address this problem is by designing a halfway house for street children that has appropriate facilities for child development, is environmentally friendly, and is located close to where street children are. Street children generally earn money on streets close to public transportation locations. some street children have been handled by an orphanage. However, the facilities and the number of orphanages are not proportional to the number of street children. So that not all street children can be handled properly. Designs are made not only for theoretical learning but also for developing other types of children's intelligence. The process of form and space is made according to the needs that will be needed by children in terms of health, hobby distribution, social interaction, and education. So that children can feel learning is not just a theory but can also be channeled into other forms of activity. Keywords: develop and grow well; house for street children; personalitites AbstrakKondisi anak yang tidak memiliki orangtua maupun penuntun dalam hidupnya akan sulit untuk berkembang dan tumbuh dengan baik. Diperlukan tempat yang tepat untuk anak dapat belajar bersama tanpa memandang ras, ekonomi, dan masalah lainnya. Tempat yang menjadi rumah untuk anak belajar dan bermain bersama dengan orang yang tepat dan paham betul tentang persoalan anak.  Orangtua sekalipun selalu berharap anaknya dapat tumbuh menjadi anak yang memiliki kepribadian baik dan sehat. Tetapi tentunya orangtua sendiri bukan mahkluk sempuran yang dapat mengajarkan itu semua. Karena manusia memiliki keahlian dan bakat masing – masing. Bahkan memiliki orangtua sekalipun tidak ada jaminan orangtua mengerti betul tentang kondisi anak. Sering sekali orangtua kurang memahami atau bahkan kurang memberikan perhatian yang tentu saja berpengaruh terhadap tumbuh kembang anak. Karena sewajarnya manusia memerlukan orang lain untuk menjadi panutan atau contoh dalam hidupnya. Salah satu solusi yang dapat menangani masalah tersebut dengan merancang rumah singgah untuk anak jalanan yang memiliki fasilitas yang sesuai untuk perkembangan anak ,ramah lingkungaan, serta letaknya dekat dengan dimana anak jalanan berada. Anak jalanan pada umumnya mencari uang dijalan berdekatan dengan lokasi transpotasi umum. beberapa anak jalanan sudah di tangani oleh panti asuhan. Akan tetapi, fasilitas serta jumlah panti asuhan tidak sebanding dengan jumlah anak jalanan. Sehingga tidak semua anak jalanan dapat tertangani dengan baik. Rancangan dibuat tidak hanya untuk belajar secara teori melainkan mengembangkan jenis kecerdasaaan anak lainnya. Proses bentuk dan ruang dibuat menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan yang  akan dibutuhkan anak dari segi kesehatan, penyaluran hobi, interaksi sosial, dan edukasi.  Sehingga anak dapat merasakan belajar tidak hanya sekedar teori akan tetapi juga dapat disalurkan dalam bentuk aktivitas lainnya. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 216
Rohmat Tulloh ◽  
Dadan Nur Ramadan ◽  
Dendi Gusnadi

E-KMS Application for Data Collection and Recapitulation of Toddler Growth in Posyandu Mekar Arum 18Abstract. Mekar Arum Posyandu 18, which located in Lengkong village, has a low to moderate participation rate of mothers and toddlers, ranging from 15% to 25%. Besides, the registration of growth and development of infants is done manually or handwritten by the cadre on a Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS). KMS loss often occurs so that parents and Posyandu officials have difficulty finding a history of growth and development of infants. The purpose of this activity is to increase the number of toddlers who come to the Posyandu. Besides that, this activity intends to make it easier for parents of toddlers to get information about Posyandu activities schedules, data on children's growth and development, health information also Posyandu programs. While for Posyandu cadres, this activity can help to collect data and recapitulate the growth of children and also make it easier to reports to the village office or Puskesmas. This activity uses the technology implementation method through the creation of the Posyandu mobile application (mPosyandu). This application is an electronic KMS (e-KMS) based on Android. Electronic-based data collection methods are used as a basis for planning and implementing activities. From the measurement results, this community service activity can meet all the indicators of success. Those indicators are including, the number of mothers of toddlers who use the application reaches 90%, the number of toddlers who come to Posyandu has increased to 90%, all toddlers in Posyandu Mekar Arum 18 recorded digitally, the level of high satisfaction society and the level of suitability of activities that reach 100%.Keywords: Posyandu, e-KMS, toddler.Abstrak. Posyandu Mekar Arum 18 yang berlokasi di desa Lengkong memiliki tingkat partisipasi ibu dan balita yang terbilang rendah hingga sedang, berkisar antara 15 sampai dengan 25 persen. Selain itu pencatatan tumbuh kembang balita dilakukan secara manual atau ditulis tangan oleh kader pada selembar Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS).  Kehilangan KMS sering terjadi sehingga para orang tua dan petugas posyandu kesulitan mencari riwayat tumbuh kembang balita. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan jumlah balita yang datang ke posyandu. Disamping itu kegiatan ini ditujukan untuk memudahkan orang tua balita untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang jadwal kegiatan posyandu, data tumbuh kembang anak dan informasi kesehatan serta program-program posyandu. Sedangkan bagi kader posyandu, kegiatan ini dapat membantu untuk pendataan dan rekapitulasi pertumbuhan balita dan juga dapat memudahkan dalam pelaporan ke kelurahan atau puskesmas. Kegiatan ini menggunakan metode penerapan teknologi melalui pembuatan aplikasi mobile Posyandu (mPosyandu). Aplikasi ini merupakan sebuah elektronik KMS (e-KMS) berbasis android. Metode pendataan berbasis elektronik digunakan sebagai landasan perencanaan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan. Dari hasil pengukuran, kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini mampu memenuhi semua indikator keberhasilan diantaranya, jumlah ibu balita yang memakai aplikasi mencapai 90%, jumlah balita yang datang ke posyandu meningkat hingga 90%, semua balita di posyandu mekar arum 18 sudah terdata secara digital, tingkat kepuasan masyarakat yang tinggi dan tingkat kesesuaian kegiatan yang mencapai 100%.Kata Kunci: Posyandu, e-KMS, Balita.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-21
Nabila Clara ◽  
Jeffrey .

Introduction: The period of deciduous teeth is an important period in child development. Damage to deciduous teeth that occur and cannot be treated conservatively will cause premature decay of teeth which is often called premature loss. A space maintainer is a passive tool used to maintain dental arches due to premature loss of deciduous teeth. Method: An 11-year-old girl accompanied by her mother came to RSGMP Unjani in 2018 with complaints of lower right back teeth missing because they have removed. The patient's mother is worried that her replacement teeth will not grow properly. Intraoral examination revealed tooth loss 85. The study model was analyzed using the Moyers method. Results: Analysis of the lower jaw model showed excess space. Patients were treated with a semi-fixed band and loop space maintainer on teeth 85. Conclusion: Premature loss results in excess space in the arch, so as to prevent further occlusion abnormalities in the child's growth and development process, we need a special tool used to maintain space due to premature loss of deciduous teeth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Muliyono Muliyono ◽  
La Taena ◽  
La Aso

Diversity in Indonesia is a gift from God, including religious differences. This difference sometimes become conflicts in the community, for example the conflict in Poso, Ambon, Wamena and others, but not all different regions always have conflicts. Instead of, it looks safe, peaceful, and harmonious therefore the researcher is interested in examining this diversity. The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe the harmonization of socio-cultural interactions and the causes of socio-cultural interactions in the village of Lolibu. The type of research is descriptive qualitative. The technique of determining informants is by purposive sampling, and the technique of data collection is done by observation participant, indepth interviews, and document studies. Data analysis techniques are done by (1) data reduction, (2) presentation, (3) verification. The results of this study indicate that socio-cultural interaction between religious communities in Lolibu Village, can be described as follows: First, the harmonization of social-cultural interactions between religious communities such as, the existence of regional ties, mutual respect and respect between religious adherents, the harmonization of the birocrate of Lolibu Village. Second, factors that cause of social and cultural interactions between religious communities such as traditional and cultural units, mutual cooperation (Pohamba-hambai), and marriage.Keywords: Harmonization, social, culture, religious people, Lolibu village

2017 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 51 ◽  
Dwi Susanti ◽  
Florentina Sustini

It’s Important to conduct child development screening regularly in primary health services, so child developmental delay cases can be detected and treated as early as possible. Child development screening program in Puskesmas should been carried out integrated with growth screening in Stimulation, Detection, and Early Intervention of Child Growth and Development (SDIDTK) Program. Aims of this study was to gathering informations about the implementation of child development screening activity conducted by Puskesmas Mojo. This was a cross sectional study with kualitatif method. Primary data taken from under 5 years old child’s mothers, kindergarten teachers, cadres, and health staff of Puskesmas Mojo. Secondary data gotten from PWS KIA report of Puskesmas Mojo.Results of SDIDTK activities in Puskesmas Mojo according to PWS KIA report, achieve 88.1% in 2013 and 95.2% in 2014. Child development screening activities done infrequenly in Posyandu. Routine activities of Posyandu was growth/nutrition screening. Child development screening activities done by visiting kindergarten school every 6 month but not every child getting development screen, only those who suspicious have developmental delay because of minimum number of staff and aids. Results of SDIDTK activities in Puskesmas Mojo only represents child growth screening activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-125
Putu Aditya Palguna Yoga ◽  
I Made Suwitra ◽  
I Ketut Sukadana

The relationship between the ruler and the land is closely related to obligations in the form of ayahan for village karma for both the banjar and the village. This study aims to determine the control of village coral and the legal consequences if there is village karma that neglects its obligations. The research method used in this research is empirical legal research with a conceptual approach. Data that has been collected through interview techniques. The results of this study indicate that the right for village krama who has carried out their obligations is to legally obtain Karang Desa land protected by the village. If Krama Desa dies, he will receive land. Meanwhile, the obligation of the village manners who occupy the village reef is obliged to take part in the village temple during the odalan fee in the form of pepesan money (klangsah palpalan penjor) and must be present at the time of mutual cooperation activities. Through this research, it is hoped that the village officers will socialize more often about Karang Desa, especially regarding their rights and obligations so that one day the Krama Desa who violates them will not be given sanctions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-59
Mochamad Mochklas ◽  
Zeni Rusmawati ◽  
Aris Santoso ◽  
Roudotul Jannah

Education Village of Kampung'e Arek Suroboyo (KP KAS) is one of the efforts to make the village in Surabaya feasible for children's growth and development. Help from the assistance of Education Village of Kampung'e Arek Suroboyo (KP KAS) in RW 03 Ketintang, so that the residents of Ketintang Baru can make a portfolio of an educational village, a village that is comfortable and safe for the process of growth and development. The participation of all components of the Ketintang residents RW 03 that will make this program successful. With the awareness and concern of the citizens of RW 03 Ketintang managed to become a village of education, a village that guarantees the development of children in a comprehensive manner both spiritual, intellectual, social emotional, and physical aspect

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