scholarly journals Cervical cytology by pap smear in reproductive population

Vidya A. Thobbi ◽  
Farheen Khan

Background: The present hospital-based study was conducted to study the incidence of various cervical epithelial abnormalities such as infection, dysplasia and early cervical cancer changes in reproductive age population and its correlation with age, parity, socioeconomic status, clinical symptoms and cervical biopsy findings.Methods: A prospective study was conducted in 300 women of reproductive age group. The cervical smear was taken from all patients by means of the scrape technique using the Ayre’s spatula. Pap smear results were considered as positive (abnormal) when they are ASCUS, LSIL, HSIL or Invasive lesion. On persistence of unhealthy cervix/inflammatory smear after a course of antibiotic, direct cervical punch biopsy was taken.Results: Inflammatory smears were seen in 88.0%, ASCUS in 5%, LSIL in 1.4%, HSIL in 0.3% and invasive carcinoma in 0.3% patients. Direct cervical punch biopsy was taken from 13 cases out of 264 with inflammatory smear. Most of these patients had cervicitis (12 cases) while 1 case showed CIN stage 2. All cases of ASCUS and LSIL had infection which showed chronic cervicitis on biopsy. HSIL and Invasive carcinoma showed CIN stage 2 and Carcinoma as their biopsy findings.Conclusions: The Pap smear is a simple, safe, practical and cost-effective method for early detection of cervical cancer and its precursors. In developing countries like India, it is the most logical screening modality although it has a very low sensitivity, but detection rates could be further improved using liquid-based cytology and the use of endocervical cytobrush.

Bhawna Verma ◽  
Radha Rastogi ◽  
Dipti Srivastava ◽  
Saroj Saharan

Background: Pap test has been successful in reducing the incidence of cervical cancer by 80% and mortality by 70%. Any women with a cytologic specimen suggesting the presence of HSIL on Pap smear should undergo colposcopy and dissected biopsy. Prevention of invasive cancer by early detection and treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) currently offers the most cost effective, long term strategy for cervical cancer control. The aim of study was to minimise disagreements and make colposcopy assessment quick, accurate and easy for follow-up.Methods: Prospective analytical study of 300 gynaecological patients with abdominal Pap smear findings between June 2020 to Dec 2020 at R.N.T. Medical College, Udaipur. All of them were subjected to colposcopy and dissected biopsy from the abdominal areas. The incidence of CIN/invasive carcinoma was calculated by proportion/percentage.Results: Incidence of invasive carcinoma was <1% but the incidence of premalignant lesion CIN was high (20.9%), CIN 2/3 and CIS were present in 6.9%.Conclusions: Patients with persistent inflammation pap smear can harbour high proportion of CIN and hence these patients need further evaluation through colposcopy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-4
Yuji Kamei ◽  
Ai Miyoshi ◽  
Nao Wakui ◽  
Takeya Hara ◽  
Serika Kanao ◽  

Women in the reproductive age group diagnosed with cervical cancer can receive radical trachelectomy in case they wish to preserve fertility. However, the indication for this procedure in infertile women with cervical cancer is controversial depending on the underlying cause of infertility. Here, we present a case of a successful pregnancy following myomectomy accompanied with abdominal radical trachelectomy for an infertile woman with early cervical cancer. The patient was a 38-year-old nulliparous woman with a significant past medical history of infertility of unknown origin. She had been undergoing treatment with assisted reproductive technologies including artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization for over four years. During her treatment for infertility, she was diagnosed with stage IB1 cervical squamous cell carcinoma. She received abdominal radical trachelectomy and abdominal myomectomy in the same surgical procedure. Six months after the surgery, she went for the first embryo transfer and became pregnant. At 26 weeks of pregnancy, a male baby weighing 980 g was delivered with an Apgar score of 3/5/7 by cesarean section due to chorioamnionitis. The baby has received general care in a neonatal intensive care unit for four months and weighed 4520 g when discharged.

Ferdousi Begum ◽  
Setara B Kasem ◽  
Shaikh A Razzaque ◽  
Raisa Adiba ◽  
Selma Anika

ABSTRACT Introduction Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women worldwide, and it is the principal cancer of women in most developing countries, where 80% of cases occur. This disease is preventable by screening and treatment of preinvasive condition. All sexually active women are at risk of acquiring a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection that may lead to cervical cancer in the future. Cervical cancer is a preventable disease as the different screening, diagnostic, and therapeutic procedures are effective. The screening procedures are visual inspection of cervix with acetic acid (VIA), Pap smear, colposcopy, and HPV deoxyribonucleic acid test. Among them, colposcopy is effective in screening, taking colposcopy-directed biopsy as well as treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), such as cold coagulation, cryotherapy, and loop electro-surgical excision procedure. Hence, there is an obvious need to subject the women with VIA-positive report to colposcopy and directed biopsy. This study is done to evaluate the role of colposcopy in evaluation of VIA-positive cases. Objective Colposcopic evaluation of VIA-positive cases and detection of precancerous lesion of cervix for early management. Materials and methods This was a cross-sectional study done among married female patient aged 22 to 65 years, who had VIA-positive report, and attending the colposcopy clinic in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Sir Salimullah Medical College and Mitford Hospital from January 2014 to December 2016. Colposcopy-directed punch biopsy was taken from the abnormal colposcopic appearance and specimen sent for histopathological examination. Results Out of 97 cases, all had VIA-positive acetowhite areas. But colposcopy revealed that 76.29% had CIN and invasive lesions, while 23.71% had either normal or inflammatory lesions. Colposcopy-directed punch biopsy revealed that 59.79% cases had positive lesions like CIN or invasive carcinoma and 40.21% had neither CIN nor invasive lesions. Among positive lesions, about 34.02% had CIN I, 3.09% had CIN II, 0% had CIN III, and 22.68% had invasive carcinoma. In this study, sensitivity and specificity of colposcopy examination were found 94.83 and 51.28% respectively. Conclusion Cervical cancer presents as major cause of morbidity and mortality, especially in developing countries like Bangladesh. In developing countries, the various screening programs are implemented for its early detection and treatment. It is evident that colposcopy plays a very important role in early diagnosis and treatment of preinvasive and early invasive carcinoma of cervix. So wide use of colposcopy in screening program of Bangladesh can reduce many young women's morbidity and mortality. How to cite this article Kasem SB, Razzaque SA, Adiba R, Anika S, Begum F. Role of Colposcopy in the Evaluation of Visual Inspection of Cervix with Acetic Acid-positive Cases of Unhealthy Cervix. J South Asian Feder Menopause Soc 2017;5(2):102-106.

Shafag Eldar Aliyeva ◽  

Introduction. According to modern data, cervical diseases do not occur by chance. Precancerous lesions vary from person to person and become invasive over time. The need for specific diagnostic methods for early detection of cervical cancer in women of reproductive age always remains relevant. Over the years, numerous diagnostic, cytological and histological studies have been carried out to identify malignant lesions of the cervix. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a widespread sexually transmitted infection that affects both women and men around the world and plays an important role in the development of cervical disease. It is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the United States of America. For the first time in 1942, Papanicolaou emphasized the possibility of using smears (PAP smears) from the cervix and from the vagina to diagnose cervical disease. PAP preparations of smears are mainly multilayered flat epithelial cells of the ectocervix and vagina, endocervical cylindrical cells, including mononuclear and polynuclear inflammatory cells that enter the vagina through diapedesis from the surface of the epithelial layer, mixing with the mucoid fluid produced by the endocervical epithelial fluid. Purpose — using objective criteria for cytological examination to identify neoplastic changes in the cervix. Materials and methods. The study included 100 women of reproductive age (18–45 years old) during 2015–2020. Of these, 20 were in the control group (group I — control) and 80 — in the high-risk group for cervical cancer (group II — the main group). Group II women were also divided into 2 subgroups: II A — with pathology of the cervix (n=41), II B — without pathology of the cervix (n=39). The study included patients with a positive result on HPV 16/18 including patients whose PAP smears revealed intracellular damage. Pap smears were included in the study according to the following criteria. The smears contained a sufficient number of squamous epithelial cells and their integrity was preserved. Endocervical cells were monitored in all PAP smears. The examination was carried out with at least 5 cells in each, not completely, and with 2 clusters of endocervical glandular or squamous metaplastic cells. Squamous epithelial cells covered at least 10% of the preparation. Bloody, technically artifactic preparations without clinical data have not been studied. The deficit rate did not exceed 3%, and high interest rates on artifacts were not included in the study. Despite the small number of cells in the presence of abnormal cells, this was unequivocally considered sufficient. Results. Interpretation of PAP smear results identified n=35 ASCUS patients, n=24 LSIL, n=21 HSIL patients in the PAP smear positive reproductive age group. HPV serotypes 16.18 were found in 24 of these patients. In women of the II B subgroup, no pathological changes in the cervix were observed. Conclusions. In women of reproductive age with positive HPV 16, 18, for the diagnosis of precancerous diseases of the cervix, taking pap smears is an integral part of the study. As a result of the study, it was revealed that, despite the absence of a clinical picture, pathological changes at the cell level are detected. Key words: HPV16, 18, ASCUS, LSIL, HSIL, PAP.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-70
Thinley Dorji ◽  
Hari Prasad Pokhrel ◽  
Tshokey Tshokey

Background: The case burden of cervical cancer has been increasing globally especially in developing countries without proper health system. Cervical cancer can be eliminated with timely vaccination and screening program as it usually takes years for pre-malignant lesions to develop into malignant lesion. Bhutan has committed to eliminate cervical cancer. Thus, it is important to understand the factors associated with abnormal Pap test findings. Methodology: A retrospective study was conducted using the Pap smear data for the year 2018. It was extracted from the records maintained in the cytology unit of Samtse General Hospital. Result: The abnormal slide rate in this study was 2.5%. The majority of women seeking Pap smear services were women in reproductive age group and housewife by occupation. There were significant differences between age groups and marital status among normal in the Pap test results. Conclusion: The slide abnormality of Pap smear in Samtse District is low. The abnormality is more common among married and older women. Therefore, additional screening efforts needs to be put into this group to detect pre-malignant lesions.

Nazia Ayub ◽  
Mahliqa Maqsud ◽  
Huma Tahseen ◽  
Mehmona Sharif ◽  
Nahid Waris ◽  

Objective: To find out the knowledge, awareness and screening practices of cervical cancer among nurses at Lahore general Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional, interview based study was conducted on 250 nurses at Lahore general Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan. The duration of this study was one year from 2017 to 2018. All the cases underwent interview based information regarding cervical cases. The questionnaire was applied to assess the knowledge, awareness and screening practices about cervical cancer among nurses. Data was collected via self-made proforma. Results: Most of the study participants were less than 35 years. 72% nurses were married and 28% were married. Most of the study participants 96% known that cervical cancer is the abnormal growth of cervical cells and few were unaware regarding it. According to causes of cervical cancer, 70% to 75.6% participants agreed with the causes of early marriage and multiple sex partners, while others had ideas of smoking, infection and hereditary causes. 25.5% nurses answered that it can occur in any age group, 11.2% replied in reproductive age group, 42.8% were agreed with menopausal age group and 20.4% had no idea. 75.6% to 95.5% nurses were in the favor of scanning, pap smear test and cervical biopsy methods. 85 participants said it is a preventable disease via vaccination, early diagnosis and safe sex activities. Conclusion: It was concluded that nurses had satisfactory knowledge and screening practice cervical cancer at Lahore general Hospital.

Azian Azamimi Abdullah ◽  
Aafion Fonetta Dickson Giong ◽  
Nik Adilah Hanin Zahri

<span>Cervical cancer is the second most common in Malaysia and the fourth frequent cancer among women in worldwide.  Pap smear test is often ignored although it is actually useful, beneficial and essential as screening tool for cervical cancer. However, Pap smear images have low sensitivity as well as specificity. Therefore, it is difficult to determine whether the abnormal cells are cancerous or not. Recently, computer-based algorithms are widely used in cervical cancer screening. In this study, an improved cellular neural network (CNN) algorithm is proposed as the solution to detect the cancerous cells in real-time by undergoing the image processing of Pap smear images. A few templates are combined and modified to form an ideal CNN algorithm to detect the cancerous cells in total of 115 Pap smear images. A MATLAB based CNN is developed for an automated detection of cervix cancerous cells where the templates segmented the nucleus of the cells. From the simulation results, our proposed CNN algorithm can detect the cervix cancer cells automatically with more than 88% accuracy.</span>

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
pp. 820-823 ◽  
S Pudasaini ◽  
KBR Prasad ◽  
SK Rauniyar ◽  
R Pathak ◽  
K Pande ◽  

Background: Cervical cancer is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity among women worldwide and most common gynaecological cancer in developing countries. Papanicolaou smear is a simple and cost effective screening test for cervical cancer. The aim of this study is to evaluate and interpret the cervical pap smear cytology in a tertiary hospital. The interpretation and reporting of the pap smear is based on 2001Bethesda system.Materials and methods: This is a prospective study conducted in a tertiary hospital, Nepal Medical College over a period of two and a half years (January 2013 to June 2015). All cervical pap smears received in the department of Pathology in the study period were included.Results: A total of 4160 cervical pap smears were reported in the study period. Majority of the cases were Negative for Intraepithelial lesion or malignancy (87.9%). Bacterial vaginosis, atrophy and reactive cellular changes associated with inflammation were seen in 5.3%, 2.4% and 1.5% cases respectively.   Epithelial cell abnormalities (0.5%) include Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance, Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion and High grade intraepithelial lesion. 88% of Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion was seen in reproductive age group (20-45 years).Conclusion: Cervical cancer is the most common gynaecological cancer in the developing countries. Pap smear is the simple and cost effective screening tool to detect pre invasive cervical epithelial lesions.

Bustanil Bustanil ◽  
Dina Putri Utami Lubis

Background: Cervical cancer is cancer that often happens and that causes of death to women. More than 270,000 deaths of cervical cancer each year in developing countries (WHO, 2014). Objective: To determine the correlation of perception of women in reproductive about cervical cancer with motivation Pap smear in Sapuangin, Srandakan, Bantul, Yogyakarta.Methods: Research methods is used in my research was quantitative research using a descriptive correlation design with cross sectional approach. The population women in reproductive age with the number 46 of sons in Sapuangin, Srandakan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Sampling technique using saturated purposive sampling. Data collection using the questionnaire. Data analyzed used univariat analysis by fi nding the frequency distribution and bivariate analysis by correlation perception of women in reproductive age about cervical cancer with motivation Pap smear by Chi-Square. Results: Statistical test results obtained using the Chi-Square X 2 result amounted to 13.295> 5.591 X 2 tabel, the value of ρ value of 0,001 (ρ <0.05) and showed that Ha Ho accepted and rejected, meaning there is a perception of women in reproductive age about cervical cancer with motivation Pap smear in sapuangin. 0495 correlation value and signifi cance value of 0.001.Conclusion: There is a relation perception of women in reproductive age about cervical cancer with motivation Pap smear in Sapuangin, Srandakan, Bantul, Yogyakarta

Ike Nurrochmawati ◽  
Ambar Dwi Retnoningrum ◽  
Remita Yuli Kusumaningrum ◽  

Background: Cervical cancer is the fourth most prevalent cancer in women. Pap smear and visual inspection acetic acid (VIA) are essential screening tests to early detect cervical cancer. However, the use of screening tests remained low among women of reproductive age in Nganjuk district, East Java. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of health education using flip chart and video on knowledge about early detection of cervical cancer among women of reproductive age in Nganjuk district, East Java. Subjects and Method: A randomized control trial conducted in Rejoso, Nganjuk, East Java, from October to November 2019. A sample of 120 women of reproductive age was randomized into two groups: (1) Experiment group that received health education using a flip chart and video, and (2) Control group that received no intervention. The dependent variable was knowledge of early detection of cervical cancer. The independent variable was health education using a flip chart and video. The data were collected using questionnaire. The data were analyzed by independent t-test. Results: After the intervention, knowledge about early detection of cervical cancer in the experimental group (Mean= 80.40; SD= 10.54) was higher than the control group (Mean= 70.53; SD= 9.68), and it was statistically significant (p <0.001). Conclusion: Health education using a flip chart and video is effective in improving knowledge about early detection of cervical cancer among women of reproductive age. Keywords: early detection, cervical cancer, health education, women of reproductive age Correspondence: Ike Nurrochmawati. School of Health Sciences Satria Bhakti, Nganjuk. Jl. Panglima Sudirman VI, Nganjuk, East Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6282141578108. DOI:

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