scholarly journals Capturing Social Issues Through Signs: Linguistic Landscape in Great Malang Schools, Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 591-601
Sumarlam ◽  
Dwi Purnanto ◽  
Dany Ardhian

This study aims to analyze the signs associated with social issues in school spaces by using the Linguistic Landscape approach. Data were obtained from 10 public and private schools in Great Malang, Indonesia through photography. The study reports several findings, namely (1) Indonesian schools are monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual with the dominant use of Bahasa, English, Arabic and Javanese, (2) phrases and clauses dominate the appearance of data in linguistic aspects, compared to words. Therefore, they are very effective in mediating messages conveyed in signs, (3) it comprises of eight themes, namely environment, juvenile delinquency, health, discipline, motivation, attitude and behavior, religion, and nationalism, (4) there are 9 out of 18 values of character education, namely hard work, creative, discipline, national spirit, religious, honest, environmental care, reading hobby, and love for peace. In conclusion, Bahasa Indonesia is associated with the symbol of nationalism and language policy, where English, Arabic and Javanese symbolize modernization, Islam, and the local culture, respectively. Furthermore, the themes and values of character education that emerge represent the conditions of the problems faced by students. This finding suggest education through signs, evoke perceptions and attitudes which is used to strengthen character education in schools to solve social problems.

Femilia Elsa ◽  
Khairil Khairil ◽  
Yuswar Yunus

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar dan sikap siswa serta hubungan sikap siswa dan hasil belajar siswa dengan penerapan pendidikan karakter peduli lingkungan melalui metode inkuiri pada materi pencemaran dan kerusakan lingkungan di SMP Negeri 6 Banda Aceh. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen dengan jumlah sampel 25 siswa, untuk mengetahui aspek pemahaman (kognitif) menggunakan Ngain dan uji t, sedangkan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pemahaman dan sikap, serta sikap dan perilaku digunakan uji korelasi Product Moment pada taraf nyata= 0,05. Hasil penelitian pada kelas eksperimen diketahui bahwa pada aspek kemampuan kognitif siswa (nilai) dalam pemahaman konsep terjadi peningkatan Korelasi pemahaman dan sikap siswa memiliki hubungan yang cukup. Korelasi sikap dan perilaku memiliki hubungan yang sangat kuat. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penerapan pendidikan karakter peduli lingkungan dengan menggunakan metode inkuiri dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan menyebabkan perubahan sikap dan perilaku siswa sehingga menjadi sadar dan peduli lingkungan pada konsep pencemaran dan kerusakan lingkungan di SMP Negeri 6 Banda Aceh. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Karakter, Metode Inkuiri, Sikap dan Perilaku This study aims at determining the increase of students’ learning outcomes and attitudes, and also the relations between students’ attitudes and students’ learning outcomes after implementating environmental care character education through inquiry method in the concept of pollution and environmental damage at SMPN 6 Banda Aceh. This study used experimental method with the sample of 25 students. The improvement analysis was using N-gain and t-test, To determine the relationship between understanding and attitudes, and the attitudes and behavior of the students, the researcher analyzed the data by using product moment correlation on the level of significant 0.05. The results obtained by the experimental class students noted that the aspect of cognitive ability of students (grades) in understanding the concept was increased. The correlation between understanding and attitudes of the students have enough relationship. Meanwhile, the correlation between attitudes and behaviors have a very strong relationship. The conclusion of this research were the implementation of environmental care character education through inquiry methods can improve the understanding of students toward the concept and lead to changes in attitudes and behavior. Students become aware of and concerned about the environment in the concept of pollution and environmental damage. Keywords: Character Education; Inquiry Method; Student Attitudes; Behavior

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 765-774
Meitriana Mezi ◽  
Jagad Aditya Dewantara

This study aims to find out about "the implementation of character education in OSIS 1 Pontinak State High School". The method used is descriptive method with qualitative research. The data source of this research is the Student Council Supervisor, student council members and ordinary students who are not student council members. Data collection techniques used were observation techniques, interview techniques and documentation, while the data collection tools used were observation guides, interviews and documentation tools. There are 11 informants in this research. The results showed that the implementation of character education at OSIS Pontianak 1 High School was through student coaching activities that instill character values towards student council members who were realized by the student council through programmed activities. Character values that emerge are religious character values, responsibility, independence, tolerance, social care and environmental care. Evaluation of character education in OSIS Pontianak 1 High School is done by the OSIS Trustees by observing directly the behavior of students in a continuous manner in every planning and implementation activity and behavior of daily students in the school environment.

2021 ◽  
shinta mailina

Environmental education aims to attract people's interest in paying attention toenvironmental functions, how to manage the environment and protect the environment.Developing knowledge about the importance of the environment is the first step in the formationof an environmentally friendly society. Through knowledge and awareness, positive values andattitudes will emerge to make lifestyle adjustments that will reduce the burden on the environment(Ramadhan et al 2019). Sukma & Azrianti (2020) said that character education is very importantto be instilled since students are still in elementary school. The diversity of characters and habitsof students at school who come from different family backgrounds is very influential and can evencause bad things in the character of the child. Several cases state that students' attitudes areinfluenced by the surrounding environment or family environment, in addition, the finding of somestudents who often experience confusion in translating their local language into Indonesian is aform that the environment greatly affects Indonesian language learning (Ikhlasani & Ramadhan2021). Therefore, it is important to develop knowledge about the environment, environmentalawareness and behavior change towards the environment (Ramadhan et al, 2019).

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 31
Edi Wahyu Wibowo

<p>The impact of globalization that is currently happening has made Indonesians forget their character. There are many problems that arise in Indonesian society, including the case of the lack of character possessed by students. This research analyzes the influence of religious character education, social care, environmental care on discipline of LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic Office Administration students. In the t test, the religious character variable partially does not have a positive and significant effect on the discipline variable. While the Social Care Character variable partially does not have a positive and significant effect on the discipline variable. However, the variable Character Caring for the Environment partially has a positive and significant effect on the discipline variable. In the F test simultaneously or together the independent variables have a significant effect on the dependent variable, that the model is able to explain 41.22% of the dependent variable, while 58.78% is influenced by other factors outside the regression model. For the character of caring for the environment, discipline is good and must be improved. Meanwhile, religious character does not affect discipline, this needs to be increased again in the spirit of learning motivation for religious subjects, it is also necessary to make an appropriate curriculum for religious subjects in order to produce disciplined students. For the character of social care, it is necessary to improve soft skills, especially in terms of sharing, so that students have an increased sense of empathy. This also requires an integrated curriculum between subjects, so that graduates Office Administration program of the Polytechnic LP3I Jakarta, can be ready to work with adequate hard skills and soft skills.</p><p class="Style4"><strong>Keywords:</strong> Character Education, Religious, Social Care, Environmental Care, Discipline</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-100
Siti Nur Fadilah ◽  
Nasirudin F

Giving stimulus from educators in the form of giving appreciation and punishment will greatly affect the way of thinking and behavior of students in achieving the goals of character education that have been set. This study aims to describe the implementation of reward and punishment in shaping the character of students' discipline. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study. Methods of data collection using interviews, observation and documentation. The validity of the data used source triangulation and technical triangulation. The results of this study indicate: (1) The implementation of rewards in shaping the discipline character of students is done by giving rewards in the form of praise and giving appreciation in the form of gifts. (2) The implementation of punishment in shaping the disciplinary character of students is carried out by giving gradual warnings, giving spontaneous warnings and written warning letters. (3) Evaluation of the implementation of rewards and punishments in shaping the character of students' discipline is using process evaluation, which is an assessment carried out during the learning process by observing the attitudes of students everyday when they are in the madrasa environment.. Keywords: Reward; Punishment; Discipline; Learners Pemberian stimulus dari pendidik berupa pemberian apresiasi dan hukuman akan sangat mempengaruhi cara berpikir dan tingkah laku peserta didik dalam mencapai tujuan pendidikan karakter yang sudah ditetapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi reward dan punishment dalam membentuk karakter disiplin peserta didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi tehnik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: (1) Implementasi reward dalam membentuk karakter kedisiplinan peserta didik dilakukan dengan memberikan reward dalam bentuk pujian serta memberikan apresiasi dalam bentuk hadiah. (2) Implementasi punishment dalam membentuk karakter kedisiplinan peserta didik dilakukan dengan cara memberi peringatan secara bertahap, memberi teguran spontan dan surat peringatan tertulis. (3) Evaluasi implementasi reward dan punishment dalam membentuk karakter kedisiplinan peserta didik adalah menggunakan evaluasi proses, yaitu penilaian yang dilakukan di saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung dengan mengamati dari sikap peserta didik sehari-hari ketika berada di lingkungan madrasah. Kata Kunci: Reward; Punishment; Disiplin; Peserta Didik

2019 ◽  

Mental revolution starts from the education. Education is very important, as the strategic role of educations is to form children's mental nation. Development of culture and national character is realized through the area of education. Character development education is a continuous process and never ends (never ending process). As long as a nation exist, a character education must be an integral part of education over the generations. Implementation of character education should not be linked to the budget. It takes commitment and integrity of the stakeholders in the education sector to seriously implement the values of life in every lesson. Character education does not just teach what is right and what is wrong, but also inculcate the habit (habituation) of which one is a good thing. By doing so, students become acquainted (cognitive) about which one is good and bad, able to feel (affective) good value (loving the good/moral feeling), and behavior (moral action), and used to do (psychomotor). Thus, character education is closely related to the habit (custom) practiced and performed. Children do not need a curriculum, but a real life that support them. They learn from real life. What happens now, a lot of value or an existing teachings that are obscured, covered up with a lie that is packaged in an iconic form of advertising that is actually misleading.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-38
Aprila Niravita ◽  
Benny Sumardiana ◽  
Bayangsari Wedhatami ◽  
Syukron Salam ◽  
Ubaidillah Kamal ◽  

Character education is an important element in the effort to prepare superior Indonesian human resources, it is of particular concern to be applied especially among students, there is a need for character education because the attitudes and behavior of the people and people of Indonesia now tend to ignore the noble values ​​of Pancasila which are highly respected and should be rooted in everyday attitudes and behaviors, values ​​such as honesty, politeness, togetherness and religious, gradually eroded by foreign cultures that tend to be hedonistic, materialistic, and individualistic, so that the noble character values ​​are ignored in the future if students and young people are not equipped with character education. Law students have their own challenges, especially in the era of globalization. This paper analyzes and illustrates the character strengthening program for law student activists in Semarang State University through several programs, namely public speaking, strengthening student idealism, strengthening advocacy capacitation and human rights assistance and self-motivation. This research is a field research with the object of research as activists of law students who are members of student organizations. This research confirms that the programs for strengthening the character of students experience several obstacles, one of which is the model used and a relatively short time. However, character education for student activists helps students to survive in real life as part of community members.

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-102
Sheila M. Kidd

This article examines the linguistic landscape of the nineteenth-century Highlands through the lens of the labour market. It analyses a corpus of over 600 job advertisements seeking Gaelic speakers which appeared in the Inverness Courier between 1817 and 1899 and draws on a further 200 from selected years of the Glasgow Herald and The Scotsman. It examines the range of roles in which an ability to speak Gaelic, alongside English, was seen as either a necessity or advantageous by employers, considering in turn, education, health and social welfare, commerce, domestic service, law and order, estate and land, and the church. Some of the factors behind growing opportunities for skilled and semi-skilled Gaelic speakers are explored, such as the expansion of the health and welfare system in the wake of the 1845 Poor Law (Scotland) Act, and the accommodations made for the needs of Gaelic speakers when new roles were created. The continuing utility of Gaelic in Highland commerce also emerges as a counter to contemporary views of the language as unsuited for such transactional contexts. The evidence from these advertisements underlines the complexity of language usage in the Highlands in the nineteenth century as well as the need for further research to extend our understanding of the use of Gaelic in both public and private spheres.

Tamaddun ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-73
Umar Mansyur

Indonesian language learning in schools is directed at improving students’ language skills, bothin the aspects of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Speaking is one of the language skillsthat is vulnerable in relation to spoken ethics. Language ethics is defined as a normative rule oflanguage use which becomes a general guideline agreed by the language user community thatsuch a method is recognized as a language that is polite, respectful, and in accordance with thevalues that apply in society. Someone who is skilled at speaking must consider what will be saidbefore speaking. It is not wrong if the saying goes that language is someone’s personal mirror.The phrase shows that a person’s personality can be judged by his speech in language. Formany people, good words, gentle, polite, will portray someone as a good person and virtuouscharacter. Conversely, rude and bad words will also cause a bad image in the person. On thatbasis, Indonesian speech ethics has an important role in learning in schools which also contributes to the student’s character education curriculum.

Fitria Nuraini ◽  
Toni Anwar Mahmud

The title of the research is The Role of Parents in Shaping the Character of Children in the Globalization Era in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. In the current era of globalization, there are many influences, both positive and negative. This negative influence must be avoided because it can affect a person's habits, attitudes, and behavior. Character education is one of the important things that must be applied in the family environment. Parents must reflect good attitudes and habits in interacting in the family environment and in the community environment. This is important for fostering good attitudes and habits in children. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the role of parents in improving children's character in the era of globalization, Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. What factors can influence the formation of children's character in the era of globalization, Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. What efforts are made by parents in shaping children's character in the era of globalization in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. This study aims to determine the role of parents in shaping children's character in the era of globalization in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. The subjects of this study were 6 parents and 6 children in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Data analysis in qualitative research is by doing data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results of this study indicate that the role of parents in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City has been good in shaping children's character in the era of globalization.

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