2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Brigitte Sarah Renyoet

Millions of children and adolescents in Indonesia today still show a high number of premature death in children who are moderately malnourished and severely malnourished. The research objective was to calculate the estimated economic losses potential due to underweight among toddlers in Indonesia. This was a descriptive research by analyzing secondary data of nutritional status and socio-economic indicators in 2013 from the Indonesian Ministry of Health and Central Statistical Agency. The formula to calculate potential economic loss is based on Konig’s formula (1995) and the correction factor from research by Horton (1999). The results showed that the average economic loss in 32 provinces in Indonesia is approximately IDR 93 billion – IDR 417 billion, which seen from the GRDP percentage, the economic loss due to a decrease in productivity amounted to 2% and 9% or about 0.1–0.7% of the average GRDP of the provinces in Indonesia. Nationally, economic losses due to low productivity in underweight toddlers reach IDR 3,054 billion – IDR 13,746 billion (0.04–0.2%) of Indonesia’s total GDP. The results of this study are expected to show that the importance of this issue was handled and can assist the government in planning for health and nutrition programs targeted to human resources in Indonesia qualifi ed and productive.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Agus Saiful Abib ◽  
Efi Yulistyowati ◽  
Amri Panahatan Sihotang

<p>Tahun 2016, pemerintah mengeluarkan kembali kebijakan <em>Tax</em> <em>Amnesty </em>yang dituangkan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2016 tentang Pengampunan Pajak. Pengampunan Pajak (<em>Tax</em> <em>Amnesty)</em> ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan penerimaan pajak dalam jangka pendek melalui pembayaran uang tebusan, meningkatkan penerimaan pajak dalam jangka panjang melalui perluasan basis data pemajakan, meningkatkan kepatuhan Wajib Pajak, transisi ke sistem perpajakan baru yang lebih kuat dan adil, dan mendorong rekonsiliasi perpajakan nasional. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, untuk mengetahui apakah program <em>Tax</em> <em>Amnesty</em> Indonesia Tahun 2016 berhasil atau tidak, khususnya dalam meningkatkan kepatuhan wajib pajak, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang : “Implikasi Penerapan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2016 tentang Pengampunan Pajak (<em>Tax</em> <em>Amnesty</em>) dalam Meningkatkan Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak”. Adapun permasalahan yang akan dibahas adalah bagaimana implikasi penerapan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2016 tentang Pengampunan Pajak<em> (Tax</em> <em>Amnesty)</em> dalam meningkatkan kepatuhan Wajib Pajak ? Berdasarkan implikasi tersebut, maka bagaimana sebaiknya pengaturan perpajakan yang akan datang ? Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut jenis penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif yang akan dikaji dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, spesifikasi penelitiannya diskriptif analitis, data yang dipergunakan data sekunder, yang dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implikasi penerapan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2016 tentang Pengampunan Pajak<em> (Tax</em> <em>Amnesty)</em> dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan Wajib Pajak, dan berdasarkan implikasi tersebut SE Dirjen Pajak No. SE - 06/PJ/2017 seharusnya tidak hanya untuk tahun pajak 2017 saja, tetapi juga untuk tahun-tahun yang akan datang. Di samping itu perlu ada peraturan yang mengatur tentang pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan hak Wajib Pajak.</p><pre>In 2016, the government re-issue the Tax Amnesty policy as outlined in Law Number 11 Year 2016 on Tax Amnesty. The Tax Amnesty is expected to increase tax revenue in the short term through ransom payments, increase tax revenues over the long term through the expansion of taxation databases, increase taxpayer compliance, transition to a stronger and more just tax system, and encourage national tax reconciliation. In relation to this matter, to find out whether the program of Tax Amnesty Indonesia Year 2016 succeed or not, especially in increasing taxpayer compliance, it is necessary to do research on: "Implications Implementation of Law Number 11 Year 2016 on Tax Amnesty in Improving Taxpayer Compliance ". The problem to be discussed is how the implications of the implementation of Law Number 11 Year 2016 on Tax Amendment (Tax Amnesty) in improving taxpayer compliance? Based on these implications, then how should the taxation arrangements to come? Based on the problem, this type of research is normative juridical which will be studied with the approach of legislation, the analytical descriptive research specification, the data used secondary data, which analyzed qualitatively. The result of the research shows that the implication of the implementation of Law Number 11 Year 2016 on Tax Amnesty can improve Taxpayer compliance, and based on the implication of SE Dirjen Pajak No. SE - 06 / PJ / 2017 should not only be for the fiscal year 2017 alone, but also for the years to come. In addition, there should be a regulation that regulates the supervision of the implementation of taxpayers' rights.</pre>

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-132
Brigitte Sarah Renyoet ◽  
Hildagardis Meliyani Erista Nai

Background: Wasting cases for children under five are currently increasing, the high risk of malnutrition continues to increase so that it has an effect on increasing the prevalence of nutritional problems which results in decreased productivity.Objectives: To estimate the economic potential lost due to wasting in children under five.Methods: Descriptive research, by processing data from various related agencies which are all in the form of secondary data. Calculate using the Konig (1995) formula and a correction factor from Horton's (1999) study. The research activities are carried out starting July 2018 until September 2018.Results: Nationally based on the prevalence of wasting in children under five in 2013 amounting to IDR 1.042 billion - IDR 4.687 billion or 0.01% - 0.06% of the total GDP of Indonesia.Conclusion: The prevalence of high wasting problems can increase the potential for economic losses and affect the economy of a country especially in developing countries and one of them is Indonesia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 376-386
Adnan Abdul Safii ◽  
Amin Pujiati

This research aims to identify the level of community participation in the development of Keseneng Tourism Village, to know the inhibiting factors in the development of tourism villages, and to identify efforts to overcome obstacles to increase the participation of the Keseneng Village community. The design in this study is a case study research with a type of qualitative descriptive research. The data used are primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. The data validity technique uses triangulation techniques. Trianggulation technique means using different data collection techniques to get data from the same source. The results showed that the level of community participation in the development of the Keseneng Tourism Village using the Arnstein ladder was in the stage of Placatation. Participation in the threatening stage means that the communication made by the community and the government has been done well. The community also has the opportunity to place its representatives in the development of Keseneng Tourism Village activities. The inhibiting factors in the development of Keseneng Tourism Village are lack of funding, quality of Human Resources, knowledge and insights of the community regarding tourism villages, and incomplete facilities and infrastructure. Efforts are being made to overcome obstacles by disseminating tourism, providing skills training, fostering tourism villages, participating in marketing and publishing Keseneng Tourism Village, as well as comparative studies to other tourist villages. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata Keseneng, mengetahui faktor penghambat dalam pengembangan desa wisata, serta mengetahui upaya dalam mengatasi hambatan untuk meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat Desa Keseneng. Desain dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi kasus dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan trianggulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat partisipasi masyarakat pengembangan Desa Wisata Keseneng menggunakan tangga Arnstein berada pada tahap Penentraman (Placatation). Partisipasi tahap Penetraman berarti bahwa komunikasi yang dilakukan masyarakat dan pemerintah telah dilakukan dengan baik. Masyarakat juga memiliki kesempatan untuk menempatkan perwakilannya dalam kegiatan pengembangan Desa Wisata Keseneng. Faktor penghambat dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata Keseneng yaitu kurangnya pendanaan, kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia, pengetahuan dan wawasan masyarakat mengenai desa wisata, serta sarana dan prasarana belum lengkap. Upaya yang dilakukan  masyarakat dan pemerintah untuk mengatasi hambatan dengan melakukan sosialisasi kepariwisataan, memberikan pelatihan keterampilan, pembinaan desa wisata, ikut memasarkan dan mempublikasikan Desa Wisata Keseneng, serta studi banding ke desa wisata lain.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Nurul Husna Binti Abd Malek ◽  
M. Fahli Zatrahadi

This research is based on the assumption that the rise of homeless and beggars in the City of Alor Setar. This condition has caused disrupt the beauty and comfort of the city as a result of cancer suffered by the city and the State. For this reason, the government through the Kedah Community Virtue Position has built a transit house as a temporary stopover place for which they are then given guidance on Islamic counseling. Based on the facts above, this study answers the problem formulation, namely how to guide Islamic counseling in tackling homelessness in the City of Alor Setar by the Office of Benevolent Society of the State of Kedah, Malaysia. To answer these questions, this study uses descriptive qualitative methods.This study aims to describe the techniques of Islamic Counseling Guidance conducted by Counselor officers in counseling activities carried out by counselors from the Department of Public Virtue to the homeless in the City of Alor Setar. This research is a qualitative research, namely a type of field research field research, the nature of descriptive research, this study uses interview, observation, and documentation data collection techniques. Interviews were conducted with counselors and midfielders who had participated in Islamic counseling activities in the City of Alor Setar Negeri Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia. Observation was carried out Islamic counseling guidance techniques used and the process of Islamic counseling in the Office of Benevolence of the Community of Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia. Photo documentation of Islamic counseling activities. The data source of this research is primary data and secondary data. Qualitative data analysis with deductive deduction method. From the results of this study the Islamic counseling process in the public virtue  position using three homeless people can follow the stages of counseling well so that the homeless can be firm in his faith, especially mental and mental health, can control themselves and understand what is ordered and forbidden by Allah SWT so that when the homeless people have come out to the outside community they no longer feel inferior and can also adjust to society.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Andrian Ramadhan ◽  
Siti Hajar Suryawati ◽  
Sonny Koeshendrajana

Kejadian tumpahan minyak di laut bisa terjadi sewaktu-waktu dan dimana saja khususnya yang memiliki kedekatan dengan jalur perkapalan dan aktivitas pengeboran minyak. Hal ini menuntut kewaspadaan pemerintah sekaligus kemampuan untuk menanggulangi kejadian yang terjadi secara cepat. Seiring dengan itu, pemerintah juga harus segera dapat menghitung nilai kerugian atau dampak ekonomi yang ditimbulkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun pedoman perhitungan dampak kerugian akibat tumpahan minyak dengan pendekatan valuasi ekonomi. Penilaian dengan pendekatan ini memberi keuntungan yaitu terhitungnya seluruh manfaat barang dan jasa yang hilang baik yang bersifat ekonomi langsung, ekologi maupun sosial budaya. Secara total nilai dampak ekonomi dihitung dengan memasukkan tiga komponen yaitu biaya kerugian ekonomi yang dikompensasi, biaya rehabilitasi dan biaya administrasi penghitungan kerugian.Tittle: Economic Valuation Approach for Calculating the Economic Impact Due to Oil Spill on Coastal and MarineOil spills in the sea water can occur at anytime and anywhere especially on sites are closely associated with shipping and oil drilling activities. This issue requires government vigilance and ability in order to cope with it responsively. The government must also be able to calculate the economic loss. The purpose of this research is to compose a guidance of economic valuation for oil spill economic impact. The use of economic valuation give advantages where the loss of all benefits of goods and services, that include economic, ecological and socio-cultural value, are comprehensively counted. In total, the economic impact is calculated based on three components: the cost of compensated economic losses, rehabilitation costs and administrative costs of calculating losses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 163
Nuryanto Nuryanto ◽  
Umar Ma'ruf

The birth of a complete systematic land registration program is expected to reduce the level of land problems faced by the government, especially in fulfilling land rights and accelerating the making of land certificates for the community. In this research, the formulation of the problem proposed is how is the dynamics of the community in implementing a complete systematic land registration in Blora Regency?. This study uses a sociological juridical approach to the type of analytical descriptive research. The data used for this study are primary and secondary data taken by library research methods, field research, and interviews. Based on the results of the study concluded that the dynamics of the community towards the implementation of the PTSL program by looking at the benefits of the program which has a great influence on the welfare of the community. In an effort to realize the welfare of the community, the community receiving land certificates through PTSL can be mobilized together to make various productive businesses that are expected to improve the community's economy.Keywords: Community Dynamics; Complete Systematic Land Registration; Land Office.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Nik Haryanti ◽  
Dewi Fitrotus Sa’diyah ◽  
Diah Ismaya

At the end of 2019, the world was shocked by Covid-19 from China. Not only causing casualties but also having an impact on the national economy, including in Nganjuk Regency. To restore economic stability, the Nganjuk Regency Government took steps in implementing the new normal so that the community remained productive and maintained economic stability. The problem raised in this study is the economic growth of the people of Nganjuk district before and during the Covid-19 Pandemic and its impact on employment opportunities and household income of the Nganjuk community. The purpose of this study is to see the economic growth of the Nganjuk community before and during the Covid-19 Pandemic and its impact on employment opportunities and household income of the Nganjuk community. The type of research used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The results show that the economic growth of the Nganjuk Regency community before the Covid-19 outbreak was felt to be stable, this can be seen from the income of traders which tends to increase. During the period past the Covid-19 pandemic, the community had a significant economic impact, this was felt by many traders who experienced a decrease in turnover of around 75%. And based on the central statistical agency, the number of unemployed people in 2019 has increased by 3 thousand people. To respond to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Nuno Saldanha Da Silva Fatima ◽  
Karolus Kopong Medan ◽  
Saryono Yohanes

Law enforcement discrimination in handling the theft of electric flow in Dili District of Timor Leste, about the treatment to fellow citizes (discrimination) because the people’s welfare must be the highest law in a country “salus publika supreme lex”. This research is an empirical yuridical law research. This is descriptive research by using primary data and secondary data. The result of this research indicate that every service given by the government through electricidade de Timor Leste (EDTL) as electrical energy distributor starting from the generation of transmission and distribution of electrical energy which become the source of supply to all society that widespread in Dili District of East Timor. In fact, deviates from the mandate of constitution which exist for the welfare of people. The deviations that occur are followed up by unfair law action toward the various level/group that exist in the society as the costumer. Injustice in handling is basically due to the interference of power both economic or political. Diskriminasi Penegakan Hukum Dalam Penanganan PencurianAliran Listrik Di Distrik Dili Timor-Leste, tentang perlakuan terhadap sesama warga negara secara (Diskriminasi) karenakesejahteraan rakyat harus menjadi hukum tertinggi dalam suatu negara “salus publica suprema lex”. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitianhukum yuridis Empirik. Sifat penelitian ini adalah deskriptif yang mempergunakan data primer dan data sekunder.Hasil penelitian nenunjukan bahwa Setiap pelayanan yang diberikan pemerintah melalui Electricidade de Timor Leste(EDTL) sebagai penyalur energi kelistrikan mulai dari pembangkitan transmisi dan distribusi energi listrik yangmenjadi sumber pasokan ke seluruh masyarakat yang menyebar luas di Distrik Dili Timor Leste pada kenyataanya menyimpang dari amanat konstitusi yang ada untuk kesejahteraan rakyat. Penyimpangan yang terjadi ditindaklanjuti dengan tindakan hukum yang  tidak adil terhadap berbagai tingkatan/golongan yang ada dalam masyarakat sebagai pelanggan. Ketidakadilan dalam penanganan yang semestinya pada dasarnya terjadi karena adanya interfensi kekuasaan, baik ekonomi maupun politik.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 7
Amrita Sidhu ◽  
Pretty Bhalla ◽  
Inass Said Salamah Ali

Pandemic is the worst situation faced by the world in every century. It not only leads to great human loss but unbearable economic loss also. In order to understand the nature & severity of COVID- 19, emerged in the year 2019 in the Wuhan city of China we have studied the great pandemics occurred in 20th century i.e., influenza outbreak in 1918, 1957 and 1968 1918. The objective of this paper was to understand the severity, mitigating strategies and impact of COVID- 19 on the wellbeing of the society. A review research method was followed to collect the information regarding previous pandemic occurred and the prevailing situation of the society. It is being studied that, alike previous pandemics, this pandemic also leads to great human and economic losses all over the world. Transmission rate was so high that in few weeks it covers a large area under its impact. Similar mathematical model SIR (Susceptible- Infectious- Recovered) of transmission used in 20th century was used to understand the transmission process of COVID- 19. As far as mitigating strategies are concerned, it is being observed that similar strategies like travel restrictions, social distancing, home quarantine, school & workplace closure which were used to control influenza pandemics were used to control the current situation. Recommendations were made on the basis of steps taken by the government in order to help the society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 15-23
Mohammad Kotib

Ternate city has several modern and traditional markets. This study focuses on the traditional markets. They are found in several locations, such as in Gamalama village, Dufa-Dufa village, and Bastiong village. Meanwhile the local government builds traditional markets in Kota Baru village. The existence of traditional markets as centers for trade contribute to the Local Own-source Revenue of the region from retributions. Ternate's Own-source Revenue increased during the period of 2010 to 2015, as well as the level of retribution as one of its contributing factor. This study aims to determine the development of traditional market retribution and their perks sector of the Local Own-source Revenue of Ternate City. This study was carried out in Ternate City. This study is a descriptive research with secondary data analysis. The data were analyzed with simple linear regression tools in time series formatted as Y = β + x. The study findings reveal that there is a very strong relationship between Local Own-source Revenue and traditional market retribution. The correlation coefficient (R) of 0.987 and the coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.975 illustrate 97.5% contribution to the revenue. It recommends the Ternate Local Government to perfectly manage the retribution to realize a positive relationship between the fees taken and the service provided. This is mutually beneficial between the government and the community in general.

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