scholarly journals Sosialisasi Bahaya Hoax di Kalangan Ibu-Ibu Jamaah Pengajian Ar-Rahmah Kelurahan Sekumpul Martapura Kabupaten Banjar

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Alfisyah Alfisyah ◽  
Yuli Apriati ◽  
Laila Azkia

Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini  bertujuan untuk memberi pengetahuan tentang manfaat penggunaan internet serta pemahaman terhadap sisi negatif dan bahaya hoax.  Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah ibu-ibu jamaah pengajian Ar-Rahmah, Kelurahan Sekumpul, Kecamatan Martapura, yang berjumlah 53 orang. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi, dan tanya jawab. Materi sosialisasi terdiri dari pengetahuan tentang hoax dan bahayanya; tips dan trik agar terhindar dari hoax; serta cara menghadapi dan mengenali hoax. Berdasarkan hasil sosialisasi yang dilaksanakan menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan dan kemampuan peserta tentang manfaat penggunaan internet serta sisi negatif dari bahaya hoax. Selain itu kegiatan berjalan lancar dan besarnya antusias peserta terhadap kegiatan ini. Melalui kegiatan sosialisasi ini peserta dapat memanfaatkan internet dengan sehat dan aman dan tidak terjebak dalam penyebaran hoax.The community service activities aim to provide knowledge about the benefits of internet use and understanding of the negative side and the dangers of hoax. The target of this activity is the mothers of the recitation of Ar-Rahmah, Sekumpul Village, Martapura District, totaling 53 people. This activity is carried out by lecturing, discussion, and question and answer methods. Socialization material consists of knowledge about hoaxes and the dangers, tips, and tricks to avoid hoax; and how to deal with and recognize hoax. Based on the results of the socialization carried out showed increased knowledge and ability of participants about the benefits of using the internet as well as the negative side of the dangers of hoax. Besides that, the activity went well and the amount of enthusiasm of the participants towards this activity. Through this outreach activity, participants can use the internet healthily and safely without getting caught up in the spread of hoax. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Aria Aji Priyanto ◽  
Ali Zaenal Abidin ◽  
Gina Fauziah ◽  
Heri Saputra ◽  
Juwita Ramadani

The purpose of community service activities is to provide information about ISO (International Organization for Standardization) to the employees of PT. Tegnolabindo in developing good human resources at the company. The method of service is the method of seminar, discussion and question and answer as well as personal evaluation. The ISO material presented is ISO 9001: 2015. The results of information activities about ISO (International Organization for Standardization) to employees of PT. Tegnolabindo, employees are expected to have knowledge about ISO and how it is implemented. Furthermore, in order to be applied in the company, especially in improving good human resources in the company.Keywords: ISO, Human Resources

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-21
Sri Puji Astuti ◽  
Rina Kurnianingsih

Community service activities has been done with target audiences of tofu tempe craftsmen, farm laborers, and housewife in Lingkung Daye Hamlet, Puyung Village, Jonggat Sub-district. The purpose of this activity were to socialize the importance of the clean environment to the residents of Lingkung Daye Hamlet, to socialize the benefit of rice husk ash to make solid compost with the windraw method, to provide solutions the benefit of compost and marketing prospects. The method applied in this PPM activity were lectured, discussion, question and answer by applying the Applied Group Discuss (AGD) technique involving the community, demonstrations, practices and survey the location of the demonstration plot for the application of compost fertilizer that had been made previously on the agricultural land of tomatoes and chillies. An evaluation was conducted by monitor the success of the activity, using the observation method. The conclusion were 100% of participants understood the material presented, as many as 90% of participants understood how to make solid compost from rice husk ash and as many as 100% of motivated participants looked for alternatives to processing husk ash waste and as many as 80% of participants were motivated to apply and sold the solid compost products.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Aris Doyan ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati ◽  
Muhammad Zuhdi ◽  
Hairunisa Sahidu

Abstract: This community service aims to provide insight into the knowledge of writing scientific papers in an effort to improve teacher professionalism. Training The methods used in community service activities are the lecture, discussion and question, and answer method. Results of community service activities overall it can be considered quite good, seen from the presence of trainees reaching 90% of the number of MA Manbaul Bayan East Lombok teachers. The implementation procedure in the classroom action research training was rated as well based on positive responses from the participants and the level of mastery of the participants reached 75% of all stages of the implementation of the Classroom Action Research.Keywords: Classroom Action Research, Training and Assistance

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-19
Rosman H Rosman H ◽  
Nining Sudiar ◽  
Hadira Latiar

Scientific articles are scientific papers from research results communicated in scientific publications, such as journals, magazines, or other publications. Librarians as functional personnel are required to make a positive contribution to the nation's change, one of which is to produce scientific papers published in scientific publications. The community service activities aim to provide understanding, improve and provide the ability to compile research results and the ability to write scientific articles to librarians in Pekanbaru. The method used in this activity is in the form of workshops delivered with lecture techniques, question and answer, and practice. To find out the extent of participants' acceptance and understanding, as well as the ability of participants, at the beginning and end of the training an evaluation or evaluation is carried out by filling in the pretest and post-test sheets. Based on the results of the tests that have been conducted, it is known that the participants experienced an increase after training in writing scientific articles. On the understanding of the concept of scientific articles increased by 30.75%, while the ability of strategies and scientific article writing techniques increased by 29.64%. in the training participants were very enthusiastic and active in participating in training activities writing scientific articles from beginning to end.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 172
Inaya Sari Melati ◽  
Raeni Raeni ◽  
Harnanik Harnanik

<p class="StyleAuthorBold"><strong>Abstract.</strong> <em>The objective of this service is the first to empower tourism Embung Patemon Kecamatan Gunungpati, Kota Semarang through the concept of ecotourism with an environmental approach. The second objective is to contribute positively to the existence of ecotourism empowerment with the environment approach in Embung Patemon, so that it can provide more value not only to the welfare of the local community, but also to environmental sustainability. The method of implementing community service activities in the form of empowerment and development of ecotourism for Embung Patemon with environmental approaches is carried out with training that produces skills, lecture methods, question and answer, discussion, simulation and mentoring. The results of community service activities that have been carried out are (1) The potentialof the village mapping and coordination activities, (2) identification of the potential of tourism in Embung Patemon as a basis for implementing ecotourism programs, (3) development of the potential tourism of Embung Patemon. The next stage of the plan is training in tourism marketing, evaluation of service programs, preparation of final service reports, and preparation and publication of articles / manuscripts to accredited national journals.</em></p><br /><p class="StyleAuthorBold"><strong>Abstrak.</strong> Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini yang pertama adalah untuk memberdayakan wisata Embung Patemon Kecamatan Gunungpati, Kota Semarang melalui konsep ekowisata dengan pendekatan lingkungan. Tujuan kedua adalah memberikan kontribusi positif dari adanya pemberdayaan ekowisata dengan pendekatan lingkungandi Embung Patemon, sehingga mampu memberikan nilai lebih tidak hanya pada kesejahteraan masyarakat lokal, tetapi juga pada kelestarian lingkungan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa pemberdayaan dan pengembangan ekowisata Embung Patemon dengan pendekatan lingkungandilakukan dengan pelatihan yang menghasilkan keterampilan, metode ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi, simulasi serta pendampingan. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat yang telah terlaksana adalah (1) kegiatan kordinasi dan pemetaan potensi kelurahan, (2) identifikasi potensi wisata di Embung Patemon sebagai dasar dalam pelaksanaan program ekowisata, (3) pengembangan potensi wisata Embung Patemon. Rencana tahapan berikutnya adalah pelatihan pemasaran wisata, evaluasi program pengabdian, penyusunan laporan akhir pengabdian, serta penyusunan dan publikasi artikel/ manuskrip ke jurnal nasional terakreditasi.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-52
Romy Aulia ◽  
Mardalius Mardalius ◽  
Febri Dristyan

Abstract: Community Service Activities in the form of internet utilization training at LKP Bintang Mulia Batubara aim to increase students' knowledge of internet technology and the benefits of the internet and encourage students to be able to independently manage networks and the internet. The target audience in this community service is LKP Bintang Mulia Batubara students. The training method used is a form of training in the classroom using the lecture method, discussion and question and answer. The lecture method used is intended to provide a theoretical explanation of internet and network material. The discussion method is used to explore students' understanding of the material given in lectures. The practice method is used to show directly how to make a network cable. The benefits obtained from this training activity are that students are able to make wired network connections and know the benefits of the internet.Keywords: Internet, Benefits, Training, NetworksAbstrak : Kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat berupa pelatihan pemanfaatan internet di LKP Bintang Mulia Batubara bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta didik terhadap teknologi internet dan manfaat dari internet serta mendorong peserta didik agar mampu dengan mandiri mengelola jaringan dan internet. Khalayak sasaran dalam pengabdian masyrakat ini adalah peserta didik LKP Bintang Mulia Batubara. Metode pelatihan yang digunakan adalah bentuk pelatihan di dalam kelas dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi dan tanya jawab. Metode ceramah yang digunakan dimaksudkan untuk memberikan penjelasan secara teori terhadap materi internet dan jaringan. Metode diskusi digunakan untuk menggali pemahaman peserta didik terhadap materi yang diberikan secara ceramah. Metode praktek digunakan untuk menunjukan langsung cara membuat kabel jaringan. Manfaat yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah peserta didik mampu membuat koneksi jaringan dengan kabel serta mengetahui manfaat dari internet.Kata kunci : Internet, Manfaat, Pelatihan, Jaringan

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 1

<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></p><p><em>Th</em><em>e purpose of community service activities with the title Empowerment Group Care (KPD) Leprosy at public healthy Service, District Slahung by potential development fruit nursery, first objective are, to helping public healthy Service, District Slahung as the chief of activities KPD leprosy to increasing the participation rate of leprosy patients in KPD to attend the activities KPD by providing activities pull through the empowerment of leprosy patients in agriculture, especially fruit nurseries. The second objective is to increase the potential of agriculture in the district Slahung especially fruit by empowering KPD Leprosy public healthy Service, District Slahung. To achieve the goals of community service which have conducted the faculty team Agroteknologi Gontor Darussalam University, community service activities carried out in the form of materials, discussion and question and answer, simulation and practice. Once completed community service activities, there was an evaluation. Community service activities are carried out in public healthy Service, District Slahung can be concluded that an increase in the participation of members KPD KPD Leprosy activities. KPD members Leprosy quite interested in community service activities in the field of fruit plant nurseries because most members of the KPD Leprosy is a farmer. The KPD members of both leprosy have been able to carry fruit plant nurseries by grafting and cuttings.</em></p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong><strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong>Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dengan judul Pemberdayaan Kelompok Perawatan Diri (KPD) Kusta Puskesmas Slahung Dalam Pengembangan Potensi Pembibitan Tanaman Buah yang pertama adalah membantu puskesmas selaku pelaksana kegiatan KPD kusta dalam meningkatkan angka partisipasi penderita kusta di KPD untuk hadir di kegiatan KPD dengan memberikan kegiatan yang menarik melalui pemberdayaan penderita kusta di bidang pertanian khususnya pembibitan tanaman buah. Tujuan yang kedua adalah meningkatkan potensi pertanian di kecamatan Slahung khususnya tanaman buah dengan memberdayakan kelompok KPD Kusta Puskesmas Slahung. Untuk mencapai tujuan pengabdian masyarakat yang telah dilaksanakan tim dosen Agroteknologi Universitas Darussalam Gontor, kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan dalam bentuk pemberian materi, diskusi dan tanya jawab, simulasi serta praktek. Setelah kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat selesai, dilakukan evaluasi. Dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilaksanakan di Puskesmas Slahung di Kecamatan Slahung Kabupaten Ponorogo ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan partisipasi anggota KPD pada kegiatan KPD Kusta. Anggota KPD Kusta cukup tertarik pada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dibidang pembibitan tanaman buah karena sebagian besar anggota KPD Kusta adalah petani. Para naggota KPD kusta sudah mampu melaksanakan pembibitan tanaman buah dengan okulasi dan stek.</p><strong></strong>

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 29
Resy Nirawati ◽  
Mariyam Mariyam ◽  
Sri Mulyani ◽  
Haris Rosdianto

Event PPM is one of dedication to the community listed in the Tri Dharma College. The PPM activities conducted involving several professors, students, teenagers around the village Nyarumkop and some employees of the village. Measures undertaken in the form of socialization about the impact of social media for teens in the Village of East Singkawang Nyarumkop in the district in 2017. The method used in the service activities of these activities are lectures, discussions and question and answer. Results of implementation and yag response was obtained from the participants can be concluded that the purpose of these activities successfully and on target. Hopefully with these activities can contribute to society as one application of the Tri Dharma College, especially community service.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-51
Jeperson Hutahaean Hutahaean ◽  
Cecep Maulana ◽  
Ramadhani Ramadhani ◽  
Nuriadi Manurung ◽  
Zulfi Azhar ◽  

Abstract: Activities devotion to the community is in the form of training table for the processing of student value for employees and teachers SMP Negeri 5 Kisaran. It aims to provide knowledge, skills, which are expected to result in changes in knowledge, skills and from employees and teachers so that the process of processing student values can run smoothly and easily. Target audiences in community service activities are employees and teachers of SMP Negeri 5 Kisaran. The training activities are presented with lecture, demonstration and question and answer methods. The availability of adequate lecturers, enthusiasm of the participants, and the support of the principal is a support for the implementation of this PKM activity. The obstacles faced is the ability of participants to use this application is still low. Benefits derived from this activity include participants can know about the significance of the use of Micrososft Excel primarily using the table on processing the value of suswa always used by teachers in schools in entering student value and application of basic formula in accelerate the processing of other data. Keywords: Teachers, Microsoft Excel, Student Values, Employees, Tables  Abstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini yaitu berupa pelatihan pembuatan tabel untuk pengolahan nilai siswa bagi pegawai dan guru-guru SMP Negeri 5 Kisaran. Hal  ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan, keterampilan, yang diharapkan dapat menghasilkan perubahan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan  dari para  pegawai dan guru sehingga proses pengolahan nilai siswa  dapat berjalan dengna lancar dan mudah.  Khalayak sasaran dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah pegawai dan guru-guru SMP Negeri 5 Kisaran . Kegiatan pelatihan ini disajikan dengan metodeceramah, demonstrasi dan tanya jawab. Ketersediaan dosen yang memadai, antusiasme peserta, dan dukungan kepala sekolah merupakan pendukung terlaksananya kegiatan PKM ini.Adapun kendala yang dihadapi adalah kemampuan peserta menggunakan porgram aplikasi ini masih rendah.Manfaat yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini antara lain peserta dapat mengetahui tentang arti pentingnya penggunaan Micrososft Excel terutama menggunakan tabel pada pengolahan nilai suswa yang selalu digunakan oleh para guru-guru di sekolah dalam memasukkan nilai siswa dan aplikasi formula dasar dalam mempercepat pengolahan data lainnya. Kata Kunci:  Guru,Microsoft Excel, Nilai siswa,  Pegawai, Tabel

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-169
Bengawan Alfaresi ◽  
Feby Ardianto ◽  
Muhammad Hurairah ◽  
Taufik Barlian ◽  
Rika Noverianty

The development of telecommunications technology has developed very rapidly. This is in line with the increase in internet data traffic which is growing tremendously. The use of the Internet has been used in all layers of the age segment both the older generation to the younger generation. Global competition in the future is very tight and required knowledge of technology, especially telecommunications technology. This is the basis of community service activities for young people to be given knowledge and education about telecommunications technology and its development and to prepare young people to welcome the 5G era to have competitiveness to face the competition map going forward. In this dedication activity, the method used is direct material exposure to students with the implementation of pre and post-tests as material for evaluating activities. Community service activities carried out in Palembang Muhammadiyah 6 Junior High School with a duration of community service activities for 1 day. The number of students who took part in the service was 60 people. In this service, it was found that almost all students have used the Internet with various uses both in the use of email, social media and social messenger, where Facebook is the most favorite social media for junior high school students. From the results of the pre and post-test evaluation, it was found that the level of student retention regarding telecommunications has increased. 

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