scholarly journals Integration of Islamic Values ​​in Science Education 'A Reconstruction Effort in Education'

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-168
Akhtim Wahyuni

Islam and science are an inseparable unity. Islam as a religion is a source of knowledge and knowledge is a means to apply everything contained in religious teachings. In the Qur'an, there are around 750 verses related to science. This shows that Islam places great emphasis on the development of science. But what happens, these two things are pushed aside from each other, resulting in a dichotomy of knowledge that enters all aspects of life. The awareness to restore the position of Islam and science began to be rolled back by Muslim thinkers by integrating the two. In educational institutions, the integration of Islamic and science values ​​is strengthened through an "integrated curriculum", which is "bringing together several scientific disciplines in a learning design to obtain better learning outcomes with the ability of students to connect one subject to another. Among the integration concepts offered are "shared, Webbed, and integrated." In addition to curriculum integration, components that need to be considered are improving the quality of human resources and educational infrastructure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 296
Herlinawati Herlinawati ◽  
Muhammad Kristiawan ◽  
Alforqi Alforqi

The principal is a leader in educational institutions that regulates and manages educational activities in schools. Therefore, school principals play an important role in improving the quality of education, especially improving teacher performance to be more enthusiastic and professional in teaching and developing themselves who are in charge of delivering lessons to students. This study aims to identify the role of principal supervision as an effort to improve teacher professionalism in teaching at SMA Negeri 10 OKU.This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 10 OKU. The research was carried out for 3 (three) months, starting from September 2020 to November 2020. The research method used was a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques used include: (1) Interview or Interview; (2) Observation; (3) Documentation. Based on the research results, it was concluded that the principal had a role in the supervision carried out as an effort to improve teacher professionalism in teaching. It is known: (1) The role of principal supervision is evidenced by the teacher in planning lesson plans which are made reported and approved by the principal and according to the curriculum; (2) The role of principal supervision is proven by the teacher in carrying out the learning process in accordance with the learning device guidelines and using teaching aids; (3) The role of principal supervision is evidenced by the teacher evaluating the learning outcomes and reporting to the principal; (4) The role of principal supervision is evidenced by the teacher following up on the learning outcomes in accordance with the direction of the principal; (5) The role of principal supervision is evidenced by the teacher providing guidance to students.

Togi Martua Damanik ◽  
Saidun Hutasuhut ◽  
Fitrawaty Fitrawaty

To realize the success of improving education, efforts must be made from various sides, namely paying attention to all components that play an important role such as improving the quality of lecturers, curriculum, facilities and infrastructure, management and community participation. E-module with the sigil application really helps students in lectures because the tutorial content facility supports both descriptions in text, images, and videos so that students have an interest, are able to understand and review learning materials properly and motivate them to study independently. The objectives of this study are: 1) to produce problem solving-based e-modules that are suitable for use in learning, 2) to determine the effectiveness of e-modules developed in improving learning outcomes. Introduction to accounting I. This type of development research uses the Borg & Gahl model with the Dick n Carey development model. The results showed; (1) The instructional media expert test is at very feasible criteria (80.26%), (2) the learning design expert test is in the appropriate criteria (75%), (3) the material expert test is at very feasible criteria (92.5 %), (4) small group trials are in very feasible criteria (84.16%) (5) Limited field trials are in very feasible criteria (81.79%). Based on the results of the feasibility assessment of the developed problem solving-based e-module with the percentage of the average score of the overall variable score of 82.74%, it is included in the “very feasible” category, meaning that the developed e-module is proven to be feasible for use.

Patrizia Ghislandi ◽  
Juliana Raffaghelli ◽  
Nan Yang

Even if the question of eLearning quality has been intensely discussed in the recent years, with several approaches and models arising, consistent transferring of concepts into practices is still difficult (Elhers & Hilera, 2012). In fact, eLearning is given different importance by the several stakeholders; consequently, the educational institutions’ culture of quality –meanings, discourses, representations and practices- is highly variable (Ehlers & Schneckenberg, 2010) and adapting to external frameworks and models of quality could be difficult. As a result, the implementation of quality eLearning in HEI is slowed down or blocked (Conole, Smith, & White, 2007). This article analyzes three quality models taking into account the different underlying values and quality cultures underpinning practices, in an attempt to show how the embedded epistemological values generate technical practices that may or may not respect the complexities of quality as a contextualized, multiperspective, multidimentional process. Drawing on this analysis, the authors introduce the concept of “mediated quality” as approach that takes into account the participants engagement as insiders of a (quality) learning culture. An example of this approach is given through the case of quality of teaching/learning, and the mediation introduced through Learning Design.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-228
Moch. Kabibul Asro ◽  
Nailal Muna

In educational institutions, the teacher is the most important component, where he as an actor, implementer and spearhead of the educational process in terms of education and teaching. The quality of the learning process requires the development of human resource educators, especially the development of teacher competencies, this is an effort to prepare teachers to have various insights, knowledge, skills, and provide confidence to carry out their duties and obligations. In this case, the researcher analyzes Pedagogic Competence and the Use of Learning Media. The methodology in this study uses a quantitative approach and uses double regression analysis of two variables. As for the data collection in this study using a questionnaire to obtain data on pedagogical competence and the use of instructional media. While the method of observation and documentation to obtain information about learning outcomes, populations, samples, and other information needed in research. The results concluded that this study showed that there was no influence between the completeness of learning media variables (X2) and the Fiqh (Y) learning outcomes in MA Darusslam Krempyang Nganjuk.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Achbar Safrudin

Management of  Islamic education institutions can be defined  as a form of cooperation to carry out planning functions, organizing, preparation of personnel or staffing, direction and leadership, and supervision of the efforts of members  of  Islamic  education  institutions  and  the  use  of  human,  financial, physical and other resources by making Islam the foundation and guide in their operational practices to achieve the objectives of Islamic education institutions in various types and forms which essentially try to help someone or a group of students in instilling teachings and / or develop Islamic values. This study wanted to find out the management and defense owned by Islamic education institutions in  managing  Islamic  education  institutions.  This  study aims  to  determine the management and challenges of Islamic education institutions in the tahfiẓ al- Qur'an program in Ma’had Umar Bin Al-Khattab, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya. This type of research is qualitative research, namely research that produces descriptive data, namely a type of research that seeks to present data and actual facts about the management of Islamic education institutions in the tahfiẓ al-Qur'an program in Ma'had Umar Bin Al-Khattab University Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Data collection techniques used in this study were (1) interview (2) observation (3) documentation. For data analysis using descriptive techniques, the application is carried out in three activities, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification. The results of this study indicate that first, planning in Ma'had Tahfiẓ Umar Bin Al-Khattab Surabaya carried out activities (1) developing a strategic plan, which included vision and mission, objectives, strategic programs, implementation strategies, monitoring and evaluation; (2) arranging the rules of the santri (3) compiling technical guidelines for the implementation of activities. Second, organizing in managing Ma'had Tahfiẓ Umar Bin Al-Khattab, including (1) arranging the organizational structure and the map of the program's responsibility (2) preparing the tasks and positions of each personnel (3) structuring the program. Third, the mobilization in Ma'had Tahfiẓ Umar Bin Al- Khattab was said to be (1) motivating; (2) coordination; (3) leadership and (4) maintaining good relations with ustadh, santri and staff. Fourth, controlling in Ma'had Tahfiẓ Umar Bin Al-Khattab is divided into (1) monitoring and evaluation (2) assessment. Fifth, the constraints of management of Islamic education institutions in the Islamic program in Ma'ad Umar Bin Al-Khattab consist of, (1) financial activities and operations in Ma'had Tahfiad Umar Bin Al-Khattab Surabaya still rely on permanent donors; (2) makeshift facilities; (3) Inadequate human resources. The six obstacles faced in the tahfiẓ al-Qur'an program are (1) the saturation and laziness felt by the santri in carrying out established programs; (2)  guarding  the memorization  of  the  Qur'an  that  has  been  memorized  (3) guarding themselves from immorality. From the results of this study it can be suggested (1) in improving the quality of Islamic education institutions, Ma'had Tahfiẓ Umar Bin Al-Khattab Surabaya should improve the quality of institutional management; (2) The Asia Muslim Charity Foundation (AMCF) should provide funds for operational and learning activities that exist in Ma’had Tahfiẓ Umar Bin Al-Khattab Surabaya; (3) The Asia Muslim Charity Foundation (AMCF) and the Muhammadiyah Union pay more attention to existing facilities in Ma’had Tahfiẓ Umar Bin Al-Khattab Surabaya. (4) the results of this study can be used as reference material in developing and implementing management of educational institutions, especially in Islamic education institutions that implement the tahfiẓ al-Qur'an program; (5) the need for development research on the comparison of management of Islamic education institutions in the tahfiẓ al-Qur'an program, especially the management of educational institutions in Ma’had Tahfiẓ Umar Bin Al-Khattab Surabaya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-240
E. F. Fahyuni ◽  
W. Wasis ◽  
A. Bandono ◽  
M. B. U. B. Arifin

This research aims to facilitate and assist student learning in finding, gathering and analyzing what is needed to develop spiritual potential, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, by using seamless mobile media to get the required help in his life. Integration with guided inquiry learning the values of Islam and science in the phenomenon of natural at millennial students utilize information technology of learning resources available environment. The concurrent triangulation strategy is done by collecting quantitative and qualitative data concurrently, then comparing the two databases related to the presence or absence of convergence, differences, or combination. Based on this multivariate statistic analysis, there are differences in learning outcomes between millennial students who use seamless mobile media and non-seamless mobile media. Efforts to integrate Islamic values and science are realized learning outcomes that are; 1) wisdom of greatness, 2) usefulness in life, 3) artificial projects, 4) written reports, 5) responsibilities, 6) accuracy, 7) curiosity. The results of learning patterns that integrate Islamic values and science using seamless mobile media increase students’ skills, abilities, and knowledge. The millennial students can complete artificial projects and report very well their meaningful learning activities to have gratitude to all who made God’s creation on Earth. Efforts to integrate Islamic values and science essential to develop knowledge and ethical character. In Islam, every human being born in a sacred environment, and education becomes a deciding factor in the quality of a child’s religion by providing learning of meaning to improve the quality of millennial students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 93-107
Munjiatun Munjiatun

This paper examines the models, approaches and techniques of educational supervision implementation in schools. In the world of education, supervision is an integral part of the efforts to improve learning achievement and school’s quality. Controlling or supervision is nothing but an effort to provide services to education stakeholders, especially teachers, done both individually and in groups in light of the improvement of the quality of learning processes and learning outcomes. Educational supervision is also defined as a process of monitoring and evaluation activities to ensure that all educational activities within educational institutions are carried out as planned and, at the same time, as activities to correct and improve in case of deviations that will interfere the process of objective achievement. In carrying out supervision, supervisors must understand the models, approaches and techniques of educational supervision as a provision of knowledge and skills to carry out their supervisory duties in schools. There are several models in educational supervision, namely: a) conventional (traditional) model, b) scientific model, (c) clinical model, and d) artistic model. The approaches that can be applied by the supervisors in conducting supervision, namely the directive approach, non directive approach and collaborative approach, while the techniques that can be used are two, namely individual and group techniques. Without considering the models, approaches, and techniques, the implementation of supervision might not run in line with the expectations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 159
Mujiburrahman Mujiburrahman

The Indonesian nation is being hit by a moral crisis. This is due to mistakes in both policy and operational levels in education, economics, politics and law. Educational institutions especially accused of failing to shape the character, moral and noble character of the students. This phenomenon seems to be the basis for universities to think, implement and develop the paradigm and character education system in line with the spirit of Islamic sharia values. Through Islamic education-based educational model that actualized in the process of education in total and comprehensive provide wide space and opportunity to shape the character and personality of children (students) in accordance with the demands of Islamic values. So in the end, the orientation and the ultimate goal of educational activities to realize the individual (Muslim person) and members of society (Muslim community) who have a high quality of faith, noble, character, knowledgeable and professional can be achieved.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-116
Adi Purwanto

The purpose of this study is to formulate the efforts that can be done to develop the quality of Islamic Education in Indonesia. The type of research is descriptive qualitative. The data used in this study are qualitative data that are collected using literature study method and processed using qualitative analysis techniques. The study findings suggest that efforts to develop the quality of Islamic Education in Indonesia include: 1) Integrating products from the development and advancement of science and technology into the Islamic Education system; 2) Applying a comprehensive approach and learning method that combines Islamic education provided at school, in the family, and in society, balanced by communicative delivery and exemplary practice of Islamic values; 3) Implementation of quality management of Islamic Education covering the management of educational institutions and all components of education in it, including teachers, learners, educational facilities, learning process, and community relations; 4) Increasing the welfare of teachers to encourage the improvement of the work ethos, which in turn will be able to contribute maximally in improving the quality of Islamic Education; and 5) Directing learning practices in Islamic Education on the purpose of increasing understanding, mastery, and application of Islamic values by learners.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 20
Muhammad Amin Nur

<span><em>Currently we are in an era of quality, every consumer or customer of both </em><span><em>goods and services expect quality. Institutions that rely on service quality, </em><span><em>people will be increasingly in demand as customers. Instead institution</em><br /><span><em>that ignores its customers quality service will be abandoned. Customer </em><span><em>education is always to be aware of the needs and expectations include </em><span><em>the students and their parents who feel the direct impact of education </em><span><em>services. One indicator of the low quality of education is the low level of </em><span><em>trust and the level of customer satisfaction (learners and their parents) to</em><br /><span><em>educational services. The low quality of educational services to customers </em><span><em>often happens because the pengalola institutions ignore the universal values </em><span><em>that the values of Islam. </em><span><em>Now it’s time especially educational institutions of Islamic education </em><span><em>institutions to review their Islamic values and implement them in improving </em><span><em>the quality of service to its customers, in order to remain prosperous </em><span><em>Islamic educational institutions and competitive in the global  competition </em><span><em>intensifis.</em><br /><span><strong>Keywords: </strong><span><em>Islamic Values, Quality Service, Customer Education</em></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><br /><br class="Apple-interchange-newline" /></span></span>

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