scholarly journals Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berbasis Komunitas Zakat Pada Masa Pandemi Di Desa Kahayya, Kabupaten Bulukumba

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-208
Ainul Fatha Isman

Zakat as one of the institutions in Islam, has a spiritual dimension and covers many aspects of community empowerment that include various aspects such as economic, social, health, education and religion, especially in the event of a pandemic. One of the community empowerment programs by zakat institutions is Zakat Community Development. One of the community empowerments programs by zakat institutions in this research to find out and analyze the concept of empowerment in the form of Zakat Community Development during the pandemic in Kahayya Village, Bulukumba Regency. The method in this study is qualitatively descriptive by finding detailed information related to the Zakat Community Development program in Kahayya Village, Bulukumba Regency. The results of this study show that several programs have been implemented covering various aspects such as socioeconomic, health, education and religion. In the field of health, disinfectant narrowing, vaccination programs, provision of handwashing, distribution of masks and hand sanitizers to socialization related to the prevention of the spread of the covid-19 virus to the community. Similarly, in the world of education, through ZCD is done the reactivation of reading parks and the development of ICT-based libraries. Socialization in pondok tahfidz as a preventive measure of transmission and healthy life is part of religious empowerment so that students can still learn religion. Especially in the economic aspects formed by several SME communities, namely farmers groups that develop AGROWISATA and horticulture, Kahayya coffee SMEs and honey mustika Kahayya SME groups.Zakat sebagai salah satu pranata dalam Islam, memiliki dimensi spiritual serta mencakup banyak aspek pemberdayaan masyarakat yang meliputi berbagai aspek seperti ekonomi, sosial, kesehatan, pendidikan dan agama, khususnya pada saat terjadi pandemi. Salah satu program pemberdayaan masyarakat oleh lembaga zakat adalah Zakat Community Development. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui serta menganalisis konsep pemberdayaan berupa Zakat Community Development pada masa pandemi di Desa Kahayya, Kabupaten Bulukumba. Metode pada penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan menemukan informasi secara detail terkait program Zakat Community Development di Desa Kahayya, Kabupaten Bulukumba. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa telah dilaksanakan beberapa program yang meliputi berbagai aspek seperti sosial ekonomi, kesehatan, pendidikan maupun keagamaan. Pada bidang kesehatan dilakukan penyemprotan desinfektan, program vaksinasi, penyediaan tempat cuci tangan, pembagian masker dan hand sanitizer hingga sosialisasi terkait pencegahan penyebaran virus covid-19 kepada masyarakat. Demikian pula pada dunia pendidikan, melalui ZCD dilakukan pengaktifan kembali taman baca serta pengembangan perpustakaan berbasis TIK. Sosialisasi di Pondok Tahfidz sebagai langkah pencegahan penularan dan hidup sehat merupakan bagian dari pemberdayaan keagamaan agar santri tetap dapat belajar agama. Terkhusus pada aspek ekonomi yang terbentuk beberapa komunitas UKM yaitu kelompok tani yang mengembangkan AGROWISATA dan holtikultura, UKM Kopi Kahayya serta kelompok UKM Madu Mustika Kahayya.

Curationis ◽  
1981 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Mavis Arthur

HEALTH EDUCATION — THE NEED TO MAKE IT WORK It is increasingly apparent that the major health problems in the world today — ranging from malnutrition and communicable diseases; many forms of mental ill-health and cardiac conditions; accidents and alcoholism, are primarily attributable to unsatisfactory living conditions, lack of knowledge and harmful practices on the part of individuals, families and communities. Advances in the field of science and technology can do no more towards the promotion of the health of the population unless it is accompanied by fundamental changes in the way of life and behaviour patterns of the people themselves.

1998 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-159 ◽  
Galen El-Askari ◽  
Julie Freestone ◽  
Chicky Irizarry ◽  
Karen L. Kraut ◽  
Susan T. Mashiyama ◽  

Studies show that community development approaches to health education may lead not only to improved social, economic, and health status but also to increased individual participation in health education and preventive health care activities. However, because of categorical funding restraints and philosophical issues, local health departments have rarely given control of defining project outcomes to the community. One such project was in a low-income urban neighborhood in the San Francisco Bay Area. In this Healthy Neighborhoods Project, the health department catalyzed community development and organization in a multiethnic public housing complex. As a result, an empowered community successfully advocated to improve public safety by installing street speed humps and increased street lighting. After project completion, residents initiated several additional health actions, including the removal of a neighborhood tobacco billboard. This article describes the project, which may serve as a model for other urban public health programs to explore their role in community empowerment.

1998 ◽  
Vol 102 (Supplement_E1) ◽  
pp. 1327-1329
Robert J. Haggerty

This article provides a unique look at development—the lessons highly industrialized nations can learn from the rest of the world. Thailand, for example, created a comprehensive child development program through integration of health, education, economic development, social welfare, and community involvement. The program was proven to improve developmental outcomes that included IQ and nutritional status.

ICCD ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-70
Dewi Widowati ◽  
Rahtika Diana

PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk or PTKS is one of the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) located in the city of Cilegon, Banten Province. As a strategic industry, This company is engaged in manufacturing the steel industry. PTKS conducts corporate social responsibility (CSR) aimed at empowering the surrounding community through the Partnership and Community Development Program (PKBL). By using the Stakeholder Theory and Relationship Management Theory, it shows that stakeholders must be considered by the company. Assuming that the company deals with many groups that affect the company's goals. It is emphasized the nature of a relationship in the process, and the output for the company and its stakeholders. Relational management theory is useful to explain how CSR and public relations can balance the interests of the organization with the public, so as to create a harmonious relationship between the company and the surrounding community. The research used qualitative approaches and interpretative analysis. The implementation of CSR and empowerment of the community carried out by PTKS through PKBL is relatively running in accordance with the provisions contained in the Decree of the Minister of SOEs No.236 of 2003. CSR activities continue to be carried out mainly in the micro and small business sector. Both soft loans (Partnership) and Community Development run by PKBL PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk has significant impact for growing their business.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Rusi Rusmiati Aliyyah ◽  
R ST Pupu Fauziah ◽  
Nur Asiyah

Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) bertujuan menjadikan sesuatu bentuk perwujudan dari Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yakni pengabdian, sebagai indeks pembangunan masyarakat melalui karya dan bukti nyata. Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) adalah salah bentuk kerja yang nyata pada lingkungan masyarakat untuk pemberdayakan masyarakat pedesaan yang dirancang oleh mahasiswa yang mampu mengantarkan mahasiswa menjadi individu yang lengkap dengan bimbingan seorang dosen, baik dalam memanfaatkan ilmu, kemampuan menganalisis kondisi masyarakat sekitar, serta memberikan solusi dalam mengatasi berbagai permasalahan sosial, ekonomi, kesehatan, pendidikan maupun politik sesuai bidang keilmuan yang dimiliki. Dilihat dari problematika yang terjadi dilapangan maka kami membuat program Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) terbagi kedalam empat bidang yang didalamnya terdiri dari bidang pendidikan, keagamaan, kewirausahaan, lingkungan sosial kesehatan dan infrastruktur.  Data dikumpulkan melalui multimetode seperti wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi, dan perekaman audio visual. Hasil dari kuliah kerja nyata ini menunjukan bahwa merupakan barometer kemampuan para pelaksana mengabdikan dan mengamalkan ilmunya dalam dunia lapangan yang menghadapi beberapa masalah yang terjadi didunia kehidupan yang berkelompok dan juga bisa meningkatkan profesionalisme kapasitas kompetensi bagi lulusan program yang ada di perguruan tinggi tersebut.Kata Kunci: KKN, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Program Kegiatan. INCREASED LOVE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND EMPOWERMENT OF RURAL COMMUNITIES THROUGH COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS ABSTRACTKuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) aims to make one of the form of the realization of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi namely devotion, as an index of community development through works and tangible proof. Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) is one of rural community empowerment activities designed by students who are able to deliver students into complete individuals with guidance of a lecturer, both in mastery of science, the ability to analyze the condition of the surrounding community, and provide solutions in overcoming various social problems, economic, health, education and politics in accordance with the field of science owned. Judging from the problems that occurred in the field then we make the program Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) divided into four areas in which consists of education, religious, entrepreneurship, social environment health and infrastructure. Data were collected through multimethods such as interviews, observation, documentation studies, and audio-visual recording. The result of this real work lecture shows that it is a barometer of the ability of students to face and practice their knowledge in the field field that faces some problems that occur in the world of social life and also can increase the professionalism of competency capacity for graduates of the existing programs in the college.

Kartika Dian Pertiwi

Abstrak Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat walaupun telah dikendalikan lebih dari 20 tahun dengan berbagai upaya. Peran serta masyarakat sangat besar dalam upaya pengendalian sehingga pemberdayaan masyarakat penting dilakukan untuk mengurangi kejadian penyakit DBD. Pemberdayaan masyarakat akan sangat membantu pemerintah dalam menyukseskan upaya preventif DBD sehingga DBD dapat dikendalikan. Kecamatan Bergas menempati peringkat ke 3 dengan jumlah penderita demam berdarah terbanyak di Kabupaten Semarang. Desa Gebugan merupakan penyumbang penderita demam berdarah terbanyak di wilayah Kecamatan Bergas. Kompleksitas permasalahan DBD membutuhkan upaya penyelesaian yang terintegrasi, dalam hal ini pengusul melakukan program pengembangan masyarakat, dimana kegiatan ini dilakukan bersama, oleh masyarakat, dan untuk masyarakat, sehingga masyarakat memiliki peran dan fungsi vital dalam lingkungannya sendiri yang disebut dengan Combat Degue. Combat Dengue ini adalah pengembangan masyarakat, dimana disini kami memberdayakan masyarakat untuk dapat secara mandiri menerapkan prinsip-prinsip PHBS yang berhubungan dengan pemberatasan sarang nyamuk DBD, serta menghimbau masyarakat melalui kader kesehatan untuk mempergunakan sumber daya local yang dapat digunakan sebagai pengusir nyamuk yang dapat memutus rantai perkembangan nyamuk DBD. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap praktik pencegahan DBD dan peningkatan ABJ di Desa Gebugan. Abstract Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is still a public health problem even though it has been controlled for more than 20 years with various efforts. Community participation is very large in the control effort so that community empowerment is important to reduce the incidence of DHF. Community empowerment will greatly help the government in the success of preventive measures so that DHF can be controlled. Bergas District is ranked 3rd with the highest number of dengue fever sufferers in Semarang Regency. Gebugan Village is the largest contributor to dengue patients in the District of Bergas. The complexity of the DHF problem requires an integrated resolution effort, in this case the proposer conducts a community development program, where this activity is carried out together, by the community, and for the community, so that the community has a vital role and function in their own environment called Combat Degue. Combat Dengue is a community development, where we empower people to be able to independently implement the PHBS principles relating to the restriction of dengue mosquito nests, and encourage the community through health cadres to use local resources that can be used as mosquito repellent that can break the chain development of DHF mosquitoes. The results of the activity showed an increase in public knowledge about the practice of preventing DHF and an increase in ABJ in Gebugan Village.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-41
Simson Ginting

The purpose of this research is to find out whether PT. (Persero) Indonesia's Port of Belawan Main Branch I have been doing local community empowerment activities (its environment) and what are the factors that hampered and supporters in the activities of the community empowerment. This research was qualitative research with a descriptive method, i.e. the research procedure that generates descriptive data in the form of the written word or spoken and the behavior of people who observed, i.e. the existing community around the the environment of PT Persero Indonesia's Port I main branch of Belawan, through interviews, observation and documentation. Community empowerment in the environs of PT. (Persero) Indonesia's Port I main branch of Belawan in partnerships program with small businesses and Community Development Program is still limited to venture capital lending, assistance towards victims of natural disasters, aid (contribution) of education, and public development assistance. This is more emphasize the economic and development dimensions rather than the social and science and technology dimensions. Obstacles faced was the lack of funds for the implementation of the community development program and partnership as well as a lack of  field employee that is in charge of providing training and education for the built community. The surrounding community is not directly involved in policy making to support community empowerment activities. Likewise in solving problems by allowing problems to occur, without providing assistance for their resolution. Like when partner experience obstacles in repaying loan capital, they just bill to the place of the business partners. If it doesn't already exist, it will be billed the following month, without any assistance how to solve the problem.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-29
Ika Sartika

Community development program being implemented in some villages in Indonesia has been running long enough; even some villages have managed to put together a program to reduce poverty with the help of a facilitator appointed by the national program of empowerment community. The preparation program should involve the participation of the community, especially the poor, but in fact much more dominated by the facilitators with limited understanding of the whole village resources. Therefore, program that had been developed theoretically feasible, but in practice still requires a deeper study. This study will try to complement poverty reduction programs in West Cileunyi village based on community empowerment through village resources. To assess the resources of the village could be the basis of empowerment and community expectations about future conditions used qualitative analysis, whereas to determine the priority of community empowerment programs used quantitative analysis with the approach of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Based on the excellent resources of village were identified, the community development program disaggregated by specific target group. The result were: assisting management, innovation, and entrepreneurship to the industry and business owners target group, preservation of the environment for the target group of farmers and farmer groups, motivation to work for the target group drop out of the labor force, an increase in the ability of the administration to the target group of village officials, and the importance of social capital for the general public target group.  Keywords: community empowerment program, priorities, target groups, village resources

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 608-618
Alamsyah Agus

In recent years, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has attained increased significance in both business and in the associated academic literature. The very term, CSR, clearly indicates the focus is on social responsibility as a company’s obligation to be accountable to all its stakeholders in all its operations and activities. Nowadays the concept of empowerment has become the development paradigm. The Indonesian government is expected to coordinate and be responsible for a wide range of community development activities that allow the entire community to participate actively, while the company contributes to the community empowerment process as the implementation of social responsibility undertaken through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This study assessed the CSR activities undertaken by a mining company (PT Vale Indonesia). Over the past 50 years, PT Vale Indonesia (PTVI) has been operating under the Contract of Work (CoW) agreement with the Indonesia government to open-pit nickel mines and processing plant facilities near Sorowako, Indonesia. This study provided empirical evidence on PTVI's presence benefits the surrounding communities by implementing PTVI’s CSR program called Integrated Community Development Program (ICDP). The research purpose is to explore the concept of CSR practice that is viewed and applied by PTVI to create a win-win situation that contributes to community empowerment. The findings of this case study contribute significantly to give more profound knowledge of the role of ICDP to community empowerment and to extant an understanding of the company dealing with the challenges of CSR activities for community empowerment.

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