Some Applications of Statistical Method to Political Research

1926 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 313-329 ◽  
Stuart A. Rice

This paper deals with the applicability of statistical principles and methods to research in political science. The subject is virgin and comprehensive. At the outset it will be necessary to delimit the treatment to be given it here, and to state some of the premises upon which this treatment will be based.In the first place, the topic is unrelated to questions of public finance, or any of the bookkeeping aspects of government. I shall confine attention to more fundamental problems, distinctly psychological and sociological as well as political in character. These have to do with the nature and operation of forces that give rise to political activity and that determine its forms and its direction. A socio-political-psychology, quantitative in method, is the goal with respect to which orientation is sought.In the second place, only data of a kind now available for research will be considered. Every statistician will agree with Professor Merriam's demand for the development and extension of governmental reporting, but my immediate concern is with undeveloped possibilities of utilizing existing materials.In the third place, the desirability of a quantitative approach to political research problems is taken for granted. Yet the statistical method has serious limitations, not merely because it can never replace logic as a means of interpretation, but also because it is not universally available for scientific inquiry. The developments of recent years in the field of abnormal psychology, for example, have no quantitative method of discovery behind them. When subjective processes give rise to or accompany behavior, measurements of the latter may be possible.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 781
Fatma Kenevir

<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>       This study consists of the results of the research conducted with convicted female prisoners who committed crimes against the immunity and body immunity in Ankara (Sincan), İzmir (Şakran) and İstanbul (Bakırköy) women's closed prisons. The scope of the research includes women convicted of crimes against life and body immunity, who are more religious than prisoners convicted of theft, drugs etc. In this respect, the factors that lead to the criminality of women, who were convicted of murder or attempt murder, convicted of wounding offenses and who defined themselves as religious, are determined. Another aim is to demonstrate the crime and victim relationship, how convicts explain criminal actions to themselves and their surroundings and how they justify themselves. Questionnaires and semi-structured interview techniques were used as a method. In this direction, the findings obtained from the results of the questionnaire conducted with 151 women convicts were evaluated by descriptive statistical method and the results of semi-structured interviews with 8 women were included in the results. These types of explanations, included in neutralization techniques, are: commitment to values, the role of the victim, and rejection of responsibility. In the first place, the victim sees the situation as a matter of honor and explains the guilt involved with their beliefs / beliefs. Secondly, the violence (domestic problems) that is experienced is said to be the result, as in the opposite party deserves it. In the third place, the victim rejects the responsibility, indicating that the mental illness or depression is the result of suicide.</p><p><strong>Öz</strong></p><p>     Bu çalışma, Ankara (Sincan), İzmir (Şakran) ve İstanbul (Bakırköy) kadın kapalı ceza infaz kurumlarında bulunan hayata ve vücut dokunulmazlığına karşı suç işlemiş hükümlü kadın mahkûmlarla yapılan araştırma sonuçlarından oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın kapsamı ise, hırsızlık, uyuşturucu vs. gibi suç türlerinden hüküm giymiş mahkûmlara kıyasla dindarlığı daha yüksek olan, hayata ve vücut dokunulmazlığına karşı suçlardan hüküm giymiş kadın mahkûmlarla sınırlandırılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda, adam öldürme veya adam öldürmeye teşebbüs, yaralama suçlarından hüküm giymiş olup, kendilerini dindar olarak tanımlayan kadınların, suça yönelmesindeki etken faktörler ele alınmış olup; kadın mahkûmlarda suç ve mağdur ilişkisi, suç eylemini kendisine ve çevresine açıklayıp, gerekçelendirme biçimlerinin ortaya çıkarılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem olarak anket ve yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat teknikleri beraber kullanılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda 151 kadın mahkûma uygulanan anket sonuçlarından elde edilen bulgular, tanımlayıcı istatistiksel metot ile değerlendirilmiş, ayrıca 8 kadınla yapılan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme sonuçlarına yer verilmiştir. Bulguların değerlendirilmesi sonucunda, hayata ve vücut dokunulmazlığına karşı suç işlemiş kadın mahkûmların karıştıkları suçu dindarlıkları içinde genellikle üç şekilde açıkladığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Nötrleştirme teknikleri içinde yer alan bu açıklama tipleri, değerlere bağlılık, mağdurun rolü ve sorumluluğu reddetme şeklindedir. Birincisinde, durumu namus meselesi olarak görme ve sahip olduğu değerlerle/inançla karıştıkları suçu açıklama söz konusudur. İkincisinde, maruz kalınan şiddet (aile içi sorunlar) sonucu, karşı tarafın bunu hak etmesi olarak açıklanmaktadır. Üçüncüsü ise, akli hastalık ya da bunalım sonucu bu suça karıştığını belirterek, sorumluluğu reddetme şeklindedir.</p>

Muhammad Kholil Arraki

<p class="15bIsiAbstractBInggris"><em><span lang="EN-US">The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of KPI UIKA Bogor students towards the RRI Bogor Radio Pro 2 program and later in it would be known what points were the input for the programs in it. This research method uses quantitative methods, namely the method of distributing questionnaires to KPI UIKA Bogor students by using Suharsimi Arikunto's theory which takes a partial sample or representative of the population being studied. If the subject is less than 100, it is better to take all, on the contrary if the subject is greater than 100, it can be taken between 10-15%. The results obtained from the study were firstly the results of the research on the perception of UIKA KPI students on the satisfaction motive of the Pro 2 RRI Bogor program which got first place by getting a score of 550 from the results of the questionnaire answers, then the program effect dimension was ranked second with a score of 460 from the results of the questionnaire answers. In the third place, there is a motive for the respondents' knowledge of all programs in Pro 2 RRI Bogor with a score of 295. Finally, there is a motive for the general view of respondents on the Pro 2 RRI Radio Bogor which is ranked fourth with a score of 221. In general, the results obtained are known. that the listener's perception, namely the Islamic Broadcasting and Communications Students, University of Ibn Khaldun Bogor, is found in the satisfaction motive of the RRI Bogor Pro 2 Program.</span></em></p><p class="16aJudulAbstrak"><strong><span lang="IN">Abs</span><span lang="EN-US">trak</span></strong></p><p class="16bIsiAbstrak"><span lang="IN">Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa KPI UIKA Bogor terhadap program Radio Pro 2 RRI Bogor dan nantinya didalamnya akan di ketahui apa saja poin yang menjadi masukan untuk program-program didalamnya. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yaitu dengan metode penyebaran angket kepada Mahasiswa KPI UIKA bogor dengan menggunakan teori Suharsimi Arikunto yang mengambil sempel sebagian atau wakil populasi yang diteliti. Apabila subyeknya kurang dari 100 lebih baik diambil semua, sebaliknya jika subyeknya lebih besar dari 100 dapat diambil antara 10-15%.</span><span lang="IN">Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian tersebut pertama hasil penelitian persepsi mahasiswa KPI UIKA terhadap motif kepuasan program Pro 2 RRI bogor mendapat peringkat pertama dengan mendapat skor 550 dari hasil jawaban kuesioner, Selanjutnya dimensi efek program menempati peringkat kedua dengan skor 460 dari hasil jawaban kuisoner, Kemudian di peringkat ketiga ada motif pengetahuan responden terhadap seluruh program-program yang ada di Pro 2 RRI Bogor dengan skor 295, Terakhir ada motif pandangan umum responden terhadap radio Pro 2 RRI Bogor yang mendapat peringkat keempat dengan skor 221. Secara umum, hasil penelitian yang diperoleh diketahui bahwa persepsi pendengar yaitu Mahasiswa Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor terdapat pada motif kepuasan Program Pro 2 RRI Bogor.</span></p>

1975 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 367-389 ◽  
Marian Kent

‘The National Bank of Turkey was founded in 1909 with British Government encouragement and support to further British economic enterprise in the Ottoman Empire’ so we are told in all die standard and respectable works on the subject. This is correct in form but incorrect in substance, for one cannot accept the implications it carries with it, in some cases explicitly stated. These are that, in the first place, the Foreign Office was instrumental in actually starting the Bank, in the second place, that the Bank succeeded very far in its objects, and in the third place, that it ever received much Foreign Office support in what it sought to do.

2013 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-98
Humberto L. Casarotti

Four points are considered in this article. In the first place, it is argued that the "settings" of psychiatric care express the need to respond to the degree of decrease in personal freedom of the patient. Then, the issue of how "the mental feature" of the mental pathology has been recognized and categorized since the 18th century is examined, pointing out the difficulties involved in considering the mental nature of the subject of psychiatry. In the third place, the issue of how current systems of diagnosis and classification are posed regarding this reality is briefly looked at. Finally, the characteristics of a working hypothesis that allows organizing consistent clinical facts providing a heuristic perspective are analyzed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
Nazlah Syahaf Nasution And Masitowarni Siregar

The aim of this study was to find out the type of translation method and to find out the most dominant type of translation method used in billingual Indonesian folklore book “Batu Menangis” from West Kalimantan. There were 100 sentences from the book as the subject of this research. Qualitative and quantitative method used to analyze the data. The result showed that free translation method was the most dominant type in “Batu Menangis” Indonesian folklore, with percentage 63% from the total number 63 sentences using this method, and the second was communicative translation method with total 12 sentences (12%), the third was semantic translation method  with total number were 7 sentences (7%), and the fourth was the idiomatic translation with 6 sentences (6%),  the fifth was literal translation with 5 sentences (5%), and the sixth place was faithful translation with 5 sentences (5%), the seventh was adaptation translation method that found in only 2 sentences (2%), and the last was word-for-word translation method with 0%, because it is not used in any sentence from the data.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Juniar Siregar

This study presents a research report on improving students’ Learning results on IPA through Video. The objective was to find out whether students’ learning result improved when they are taught by using Video. It was conducted using classroom action research method. The subject of the study was the Grade IV students of SDN 187/IV Kota Jambi which is located on Jln. Adi Sucipto RT 05 Kecamatan Jambi Selatan, and the number of the students were 21 persons. The instruments used were test. In analyzing the data, the mean of the students’ score for the on fisrt sycle was 65,4 (42,85%) and the mean on cycle two was 68,5 (37,15%) and the mean of the third cycle was 81,4 (100%). Then it can be concluded that the use of video on learning IPA can improve the students’ learning result. It is suggested that teachers should use video as one of the media to improve students’ learning result on IPA.Keywords : IPA, students’ learning result, video

Nurmi Nurmi ◽  
Hadi Putra ◽  
Penti Nursida ◽  
Khoiro Mahbubah ◽  
Neni Hermita

This study aims to improve 3rd grade students’ science learning outcomes bylearning to use visual multimedia. This research method uses classroom actionresearch. The subject of this research was the third grade students of secondsemester of elementary school which conducted 30 students. Based on theresults of research by using visual media, it have been found that theimprovement learning outcome, seen from the initial average score before theaction of 3rd grade class students from 65.5 to 83.83. The results of this studyindicate that with the use of visual media can improve student learningoutcomes.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-35
Joseph Azize

The various published biographies and biographical notices of G.I. Gurdjieff (c.1865-1949) are of diverse style, quantity and content. While some have made considerable contributions to the subject, most attempts have reacted for or against Gurdjieff’s status as what might call an ‘Enlightened Master’. Little biographical writing on Gurdjieff has questioned the scope, reliability and prejudices of the sources. Further, possible resources have been neglected. The development in Gurdjieff’s ideas is often overlooked, his life is not sufficiently related to that development, and the lack of comparative research has failed to highlight Gurdjieff’s unique contributions. This article is structured in four parts. The first is an introduction, followed by an overview of existing biographical studies of Gurdjieff. The third part addresses bias in these studies, and this is followed by suggestions for future studies. It is concluded that fieldwork regarding the biography of Gurdjieff has been hampered by imperfect methodology. However, with better use of the source material, some of which has only recently been discovered, and a rigorous use of sources, a more balanced and nuanced picture of Gurdjieff’s life, and the development of his ideas and methods, should emerge.

Hotria Manik ◽  
Elia Masa Ginting

This study attempts to improve students’ writing achievement in recount text through Think-Pair-Share Strategy. This study was conducted by using classroom action research. The subject of the research was class VIII-1 SMPN 1 Pematangsiantar. The number of the students was 32 students, consisted of 5 males and twenty seven females. The research was conducted in two cycles and consisted of six meetings. The instruments for collecting data were writing tests as the quantitative data and diary notes, observation sheet, interview sheet and questionnaire sheet as qualitative data. Based on the writing score, students’ scores kept improving in every test. In analyzing the data, the mean of the students’ score for the first test as a pre-test was 57.84, for the second test as a post test I was 73.56, for the third test as a post test II was 77.56. Based on diary notes, observation sheet and questionnaire sheet, it was found that students were actively involved in writing process. The result of the research showed that Think-Pair-Share Strategy can improve students’ achievement in writing recount text.   Keywords: Think Pair Share, Writing, Recount text, Action research

Meryanti Napitupulu And Anni Holila Pulungan

This study was conducted as an attempt to discover the effect of applying Demonstration Method on students’ achievement in speaking skill. It was an experimental research. The subject was students of Grade XII, Vocational High School (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan: SMK), which consisted of 79 students. The research was divided into two groups: experimental and control groups. The instrument used to collect the data was speaking test. To obtain the reliability of the test, the writer applied Kuder Richardson 21 formula. The result of the reliability was 0.7, and it was found that the test was reliable. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The analysis showed that the scores of the students in the experimental group were significantly higher than the scores of the students in the control group at the level of significant m = 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 77, t-observed value 8.9 > t-table value 1.99. The findings indicate that using Demonstration Method significantly affected the students’ achievement in speaking skill. So, English teachers are suggested to use Demonstration Method in order to improve students’ achievement in speaking skill.

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