scholarly journals Mobility of Non Permanent Mobility and Remmitance, Case in Tanjung Municipality, Juwiring, Klaten District

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Umrotun Umrotun

The study Non Permanent Mobility and Remmitance was conducted in Tanjung Village Juwiring Subdistrict Klaten entral Java. Non Permanent Mobility in the village was due to the outcome of the development, particularly the transportation facilities permitting the public transport to reach the depth of the village. The mobility of going back and from village to town was the consequence of the increasing job opportunities in town and the decreasing job opportunities in the village, as well as the striking difference of wages between what the people got in the village and that in town. The mobility of the commuting people also influenced the development in the village an addition to reducing the population density in town because the people did not stay permanently. The study was that mobile agents had better income than those who were not. The study showed that the working term, the working hours per week, and the level of education did not have  significant influence on the income. This was due the fact that most of the commuting people worked in the marginal sectors. The remmitance that the people brought from town constituted the main contribution to the life of the migrants. The remmitance was mainly spent for primary needs. Based on the research outcome, it is advisable that the transportation facilities be improved so that the commutation becomes easier since non permanent mobility of is proved to have increased the quality of their life and social environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 217-221
Indah Tri Handayani ◽  
Bahrianoor Bahrianoor

The village of Mentaren II is productive as the center of the snack processing industry. The majority of the people use agricultural land as a livelihood to make various snacks. The management of small industries in this village has been going on for a long time; business actors have their own materials and equipment in their processing practices. Pukades is one of the leading village programs in the direction of development in the village. With this superior village product, it is hoped that it can boost job opportunities in the countryside. So that systematically, it can increase purchasing power and reduce the level of poverty in the village. The sales prospect is quite developed, as evidenced by the many results of their complaining that they are traded in suburban stalls along the Kalimantan road, even directly with buyers. However, this industry's development has faced obstacles since the Covid-19 epidemic, which requires the public not to gather together. This has an impact, especially on business actors who have been relying on conventional marketing systems. At this stage, the community service team visits the village office and meets the village head and village officials, discussing village institutions' activeness, both BUMDes, and Posyantek, in the village. The service team immediately went into the field by visiting several houses that had businesses and conducting brief interviews with the procession of managing activities and various obstacles.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Sukman S

This study was conducted to investigate the implementation process of Islamic religious education in the public sphere Kokoda. Especially those living in Maebo Village, Sorong, West Papua. Further study is intended to look at the obstacles faced by educators in performing their duties in Maebo Village. This research was conducted with qualitative methods by interviewing objects associated with the process in the field. Based on the facts obtained, this study reveals several things, such as: first, from existing educational facilities, in new Maebo village has a primary school run by a private foundation. Only state schools still require education personnel can continue to carry out the activities of the school. Second, the constraints faced by the people in the village of Kokoda Maebo in studying is their own consciousness. The majority of children are still more concerned with work than school. This is attempted to be addressed by teachers in order that future generations Kokoda existing communities can the better quality of life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 175
Nomensen Freddy Siahaan

After a long time was not heard to the public area, lately death penalty toward the criminal cases that classified as extraordinary crime are appear. The author discovers electronic article about the execution of the death penalty which is the prosecutor prepares to execute death penalty toward the drugs dealer. The president of Republic of Indonesia stated that it is necessary to give a deterrent effect to the convicted  criminal and keep the morality of Indonesian teenagers. According to my opinion, the author argues that it will be better and wiser if we discuss about renovating all of the Penitentiary in Indonesia than debating whether death penalty could be done in Indonesia or not, because it will be displeasure many parties, death penalty infringed the human rights of the convicted criminals and cause psychological burden to them, families, the executor of the death penalty, and other parties. Because if we have to improve the quality of the Penitentiary, if the function of Penitentiary for fostering moralily has been optimal or properly enough to the convicted criminals, Indonesia will be no longer need the death penalty option as sanction to the convicted crimanals including for the extraordinary crime (especially for drugs trafficking in our country). Penitentiary is one of the public services which aims for fostering the people that initially have bad habits (commited to the crime), so that they will have the awareness to change their bad attitude into the be better ones, will not harm others, and positively contributed to the society. Already Penitentiary’s conditions should be designed in such a way and as good as possible, so that the inmates feels like at their own home (like having a second home after his own home), and feel humaner to spend their days in the Penitentiary. The author believes that if the Penitentiary has been improved and optimized its function well, then the real purpose of Penitentiary will definitely achieved. As stated in Law Number 12 Year 1995 regarding to Penitentiary Article 2 which states "sanction system are organized in order to fostering the convicted criminals in order to be the real man, aware of their fault, improve themselves, and not to repeat the criminal act so that they can be friendly received by the community, can actively participated in the development of our country, and can socialize themselves as good citizen."Article 3 on this regulation also intensifies the function of Penitentiary "the function of Penitentiary is to prepare convicted criminals to be able to properly integrated to the society, so they can be accepted again as members of the public who are free and responsible ones." 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 279
Evie Ariadne Shinta Dewi ◽  
Nindi Aristi ◽  
Rachmaniar Rachmaniar

This article is based on the results of research which the aim is to find out how is mapping of the education information dissemination network in the community of Cintaratu village, Pangandaran district. The reason for choosing the topic was that Padjadjaran University (Unpad) campus is in the village and it is assumed that the presence of the university in the village could improve the quality of education of its people. To confirm this assumption, it is necessary to map the education sector information network. We use qualitative methods which approach is a descriptive study, the researchers conducted a mapping of educational information dissemination. The main informants of this study are the community and village officials. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, passive participatory observation, and literature studies. The finding of the research are as follows, 1) the initial mapping of educational information dissemination to the community was carried out through direct communication, namely through two major activities - recitation and celebration; 2) recitation and celebration are two activities that are susceptible to physical noise-causing information related to education not conveyed properly to the public. Effective communication does not occur in these two activities. 


The Village Community Empowerment With Traditional Culinary Business in the Group of Boga Ganesha Buleleng The development of fast food must be balanced with the consumption of traditional foods because fast food is allegedly to be a risk factor for the emergence of various diseases. This study aimed to analyze the behavior of IbIKK group of Boga Ganesha. The choice of location of the research was determined purposively with the consideration that the Boga Ganesha is one of the groups to empower the people with the traditional culinary efforts. The method used in collecting the data in this study was interviews with questionnaire instruments. Based on the research results, the potential of the IbIKK of Boga Ganesha is a kosher, hygienic and healthy traditional food processing. Behavior that was demonstrated by the members can be classified into an excellent category (4,6). The achievement of the implementation of the empowerment program that is included in the category of successful (4,2). Empowerment of program aimed to improve the quality of human resources. In this regard, members of the group should implement their skills so that they can open up business opportunities in order to improve the economy of the family. To support this, the facilitator should use the appropriate method so that all participants can obtain information equally.

Rehia K. Isabella Barus ◽  
Armansyah Matondang ◽  
Nina Angelia ◽  
Beby Masitho Batubara

Ahead of the 2019 general election which is divided into two stages, namely the Legislative election and the Presidential election. This event is the right moment to find out the political participation of the people at the grass-roots level while at the same time seeing the interaction between the people in the grass-roots and political parties. The interaction that wants to be seen is what forms of political behavior and community participation at the grassroots, as well as how political parties behave in interacting with this community. Then the important point that is also seen is how political parties behave in involving and seeking to raise support from the community. In the end, through this research, it will be known the quality of political participation from the public and electoral political parties in 2019.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 201
M. Hasbi Amiruddin

This article presents how contemporary Islamic thought which has been tr ying to find a breakthrough in order to improve the quality of life of the Muslims, then collide with a culture that has been attached to the public, the results of a long legacy of their predecessors. This phenomenon which occurred in Indonesia, because the Indonesian archipelago was not found to be the legacy of Islamic thought advances era (570-1250) in various fields of religion, science and technology. In Indonesia, even contemporary Islamic thought that tr ying to get back to the essence of Islam, which is the religion that is always authentic from times to times and in all palces, always in conflict with the culture of the people who have been acute determinism school of thought.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 132
Ridho Muhammad Purnomosidi ◽  
Ari Kamayanti ◽  
Iwan Triyuwono

The aim of this study is to desing a construct of public accountability concept that is independent of lifeworld colonization brought by the concept of New Public Management. This study emphasize its analysis on process-oriented accountability and one that liberates public communication. This study will shed a light on process responsibility, one that is not limited to information presentation but more than that, as a moral responsibility of government executive. In this study, I approach the problem through the eyes of Habermas’s critical perspective. Using Habermas's approach, I want to understand the colonization of accountability lifeworld in society. In relation to budget accountability issues, public discussion space would be the main issue.The findings of this study is that accountability, judging from the quality of service delivery, has eroded its meaning. That is, the service providers have not been able to give an adequate account for the service that they are doing, such as trying to produce a quality of service according to the wishes of the people. Therefore, the current accountability process still needs improvement, so that public officials providing service would have a sense of public responsibility when providing services to the public. Public accountability of service provided appears to disregard public discussion space that creates equality in determining what is needed and what is given to the public.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Saras Sarita ◽  
Siti Nurbayani

This study is about the changing role of traditional leaders called punyimbang in pepadun community. This research was conducted in the village of Terbanggi Besar, Terbanggi Besar District of Central Lampung regency. This research was motivated by the social and cultural changes taking place in society. The research is a qualitative research method of case study that compares difference conditions punyimbang role ago and today. The results of this study are firstly the social and cultural changes that occurred in the community so that the role punyimbang the first switch and always involved in every aspect of community life is starting at left, second, the factors that cause changes in this role is the modernization that began touching indigenous peoples pepadun village Terbanggi great so that people began to leave things that are traditional, third, these changes have an impact on the conflict in the community, due to the people lost figure punyimbang that exemplifies the good things that people are starting to do a lot of irregularities such as conflict between villages, spoliation, and the conflict between generations, fourth, related to the changing role of public response punyimbang happens is people still assume the existence punyimbang needed as long as there customary held by the public but does not bind as before.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Nurwita Ismail

In essence the right of everyone to get the same job and opportunity in government, is one of the instruments in trying to improve prosperity and prosperity of the people. This corresponds to the basic philosophy of the state summarized in Pancasila, where the five precepts of Pancasila should be viewed as one unified whole. Even has been translated in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD) Year 1945, as well as a constitutional basis in governance, nation and state.The importance of Gorontalo Regency Government / related agencies especially Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) performs acceptance in accordance with the mechanisms stipulated in several Laws and Regulations in particular PP. 43 of 2007, with the expectation that the quantity of civil servants can dominate the quality so that the public expectation of the quality of service and the acceleration of regional development can be fulfilled. Type of research Sociological Juridical. Juridical Sociological Research is a legal research that combines the research of normative law and sociological law research.

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