scholarly journals Analisis Kesulitan Guru Pembimbing dalam Menguasai Konsep dan Praksis Assesment

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-136
Citra Abriani Maharani ◽  
Muswardi Rosra ◽  
Yusmansyah Yusmansyah ◽  
Diah Utaminingsih

This research aimed to determine the level of difficulty of the Supervising Teacher in Mastering the Concept and Praxis of Assessment to Understand the Conditions, Needs, and Problems of the Counselee. This research used survey research methods with descriptive quantitative research. The population of the research was 160 guidance and counseling teachers who were taken by using proportional sampling techniques from each regional representative, so that 50 teachers of guidance and counseling were obtained. The data collection is collected through understanding tests. The data analysis is used descriptive quantitative analysis. The results of the study showed that the Level of Teacher Difficulties in Mastering the Concept and Praxis of Assessment to Understand the Conditions, Needs, and Problems of the counselees in the very low category with a percentage of 44%. This is supported by the results of the respondents' justification analysis that the level of understanding of the concepts and assessment praxis in guidance and counseling teachers in schools is in the moderate category with only 16%. Keywords: counselor competence, assessment, mastery of concept and prescriptive assessment, teacher guidance and counseling

Muhammad Chamdani

<em>The research is based on an analysis of the problems of elementary school children and efforts to develop planning and counseling programs. This type of quantitative research with survey sampling techniques. The research location was in the elementary school in Klirong sub-district, Kebumen. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation methods. The results showed that there were several types of problems of elementary school children so that there was a need for planning counseling and programs to help elementary students optimal development.</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Ali Rachman ◽  
Akhmad Sugianto ◽  
Sri Yustina

Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen dan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 37 Tahun 2009 tentang Dosen bahwa Kompetensi Guru dan Dosen terdiri dari kompetensi pedagogik, profesional, sosial dan kepribadian. Berdasarkan hal tersebut guru bimbingan dan konseling harus mampu dalam menyelenggarakan layanan bimnbingan dan konseling. Penyelengaraan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah sudah berpedemoan kepada panduan operasional penyelengaaran bimbingan dan konseling. Urgensi penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pemahaman guru bimbingan dan konseling terhadap panduan operasional penyelenggaraan bimbingan dan konseling di tingkat SMP serta untuk mengetahui hasil penerapan panduan operasional penyelenggaraan bimbingan dan konseling di tingkat SMP. Secara metodologis, penelitian ini didasarkan pada penelitian kuantitatif  dengan jenis penelitian survei. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menggambarkan tingkat pemehaman guru bimbingan dan konseling terhadap panduan operasional penyelenggaraan bimbingan dan konseling di tingkat SMP Se-Kabupaten Tabalong. Adapun jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 37 orang dari 35 sekolah Menegah tingkat Pertama di Kabupaten Tabalong.__________________________________________________________Republic Indonesia Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers and Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 37 of 2009 concerning Lecturers namely Teacher and Lecturer Competencies consists of several competencies namely Professional, Social, Personality & Pedagogic. Based on this the BK teacher must be able to implement the BK program. The organization of BK has demonstrated to the operational guidelines for conducting guidance and counseling. The urgency of the research is to see how far Bk teachers understand POP BK at the SMP level on aspects of the SMP POPBK concept, basic services, specialization and individual planning, responsive services and system support. Methodologically, this research is based on quantitative research. The purpose of the study is to describe the level of understanding of BK teachers against BK BK at the Junior High School level in Tabalong Regency. The number of samples in this study were 37 people from 35 Menegah First level schools in Tabalong Regency. The technique used in sampling is purposive sampling. Based on the results of research conducted, it was found that the understanding of guidance and counseling teachers on the concept of POP BK SMP 89% in the category of very understanding. Basic services 81% of the categories are very understanding, specialization services and individual planning 91% in the category of very understanding, responsive services 59% are quite understanding and support systems are 79% in the categories of understanding.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 128
Lalu A. Didik ◽  
Muh. Wahyudi ◽  
Muhammad Kafrawi

This study aims to determine the misconceptions and level of understanding of physics education students on dynamic electricity. The method used is descriptive quantitative research methods. The research sample was 33 students of the tadris physics study program who are currently taking basic physics courses 2 even semester 2019/2020. Data collection used a 3-tier diagnostic test. In the concept of current and electric voltage, students who are included in the full understanding category are 26% and 29% understand partially with the low category and the level of misconception reaches 45%. In the concept of ohm law and electrical resistance, it was found that students with a full understanding level of 23% and partially understanding 14% were in the low category and the level of student misconception showed the largest percentage, namely 63% with the high category. In the concept of electrical circuits, students with a full understanding level of 29% and partially understanding 50% and included in the medium category with student misconceptions showed the smallest percentage was 21% with the low category. As a whole, it shows that the average level of students' understanding and misconceptions on dynamic electricity material is still low with a percentage of 26% and partial understanding is moderate with a percentage of 31% and a misconception of 43% with a moderate category. Keywords: Misconception, level of undertanding, 3-tier diagnostic, electricicity.ABSTRAK.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui miskonsepsi dan tingkat pemahaman mahasiswa tadris fisika pada materi listrik dinamis. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian adalah 33 orang mahasiswa program studi tadris fisika yang sedang menempuh mata kuliah fisika dasar 2 semester genap 2019/2020. Pengumpulan data menggunakan 3-tier diagnostic test. Pada konsep arus dan tegangan listrik, mahasiswa yang termasuk dalam kategori pemahaman penuh sebesar 26% dan paham sebagian sebesar 29% dengan kategori rendah dan tingkat miskonsepsi mencapai 45%. Pada konsep hukum ohm dan hambatan listrik didapatkan bahwa mahasiswa dengan tingkat pemahaman penuh sebesar 23% dan paham sebagian 14% dengan kategori rendah dan tingkat miskonsepsi mahasiswa menunjukkan persentase paling besar yaitu sebesar 63% dengan kategori tinggi. Pada konsep rangkaian listrik, mahasiswa dengan tingkat pemahaman penuh 29%, paham sebagian 50% dengan kategori sedang serta miskonsepsi mahasiswa menunjukkan persentase paling kecil yaitu 21% dengan kategori rendah. Secara kesuluruhan rata-rata tingkat pemahaman dan miskonsepsi mahasiswa pada materi listrik dinamis masih tergolong rendah dengan persentase sebesar 26% dan paham sebagian tergolong sedang dengan persentase 31% dan miskonsepsi sebesar 43% dengan kategori sedang.Kata kunci: miskonsepsi, tingkat pemahaman, 3-tier diagnostic, listrik dinamis

R S Wijaya ◽  
W D Husniah ◽  
R Taherong ◽  
C Nuryadin ◽  
L Hanifa ◽  

2013 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-114
Nur Hidayanto Pancoro

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan rintisan bank soal Bahasa Inggris SMP kelas VIII pada tingkat provinsi dengan memperhatikan (1) karakteristik soal Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas (UKK); (2) karakteristik butir-butir soal; (3) jumlah butir soal yang memenuhi standar. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengembangan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif. Sam-pel sebanyak 6554 respon siswa (lembar jawab). Perangkat tes dianalisis kesesuaian indikatornya dengan Standar Kompetensi (SK) dan Kompetensi Dasar (KD) yang telah ditentukan, serta ditelaah secara kualitatif oleh ahli berdasarkan kriteria kons-truksi, bahasa dan materi. Respons siswa dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan Iteman 3.00, dan Bilog MG 3.0 3 PL untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang tingkat kesulitan, daya beda, pseudoguessing, serta informasi butir. Bank soal yang dihasilkan masuk kategori baik dilihat dari (1) Hasil analisis kualitatif dari 150 butir soal, sebanyak 105 butir soal (70%) dinyatakan baik. (2) Hasil analisis kuantitatif dengan program Iteman 3.00 diperoleh 115 butir soal tergolong baik. (3) Analisis dengan Bilog MG 3 PL 77 butir soal (66,96%) masuk kategori baik.Kata kunci: bank soal, tingkat kesulitan, daya beda, pseudo guessing, expert judgment, informasi butir dan tes______________________________________________________________ THE ITEM CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FINAL SEMESTER TEST AS A PREPARATION FOR ENGLISH ITEM BANKAbstract This research aims at developing a pilot english test item bank of the 2nd grade junior high school based on: (1) the characterisctics of test items for final semester test; (2) the total number of test items for the 2nd grade junior high school in Yogyakarta Special Province. This descriptive quantitative research used 6554 samples of students’ answer sheets in 2009 and also employs expert judgment to review the construct, language, as well as the materials of the questions. Students’ responses were also analyzed by using Iteman 3.00, Bilog MG 3.0 3 PL. The result of qualitative analysis with expert judgment which shows that 105 out of the 150 test items are categorized as “good”, and the other are “bad”. The quantitative analysis with Iteman 3.00 shows that 115 out of the 150 test items are categorized as “good” and the quantitative analysis with Bilog MG 3.00 3 PL shows that 67% test items are categorized as good. Keywords: item bank, level of difficulty, discrimination index, pseudoguessing, expert judgment, item and test information function

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Sujatmi Sujatmi

This research is motivated by the discovery of teachers who do not compile test instruments according to the indicators and learning objectives, teachers have not been able to arrange instruments according to the level of difficulty, and the use of language according to the level of understanding of students. This study aims to improve the ability of teachers to compile test instruments through integrated self-assessment training activities. This research is in the form of school action research conducted on teachers of SDN 007 Pematang Ibul. The research subjects were 17 teachers. The data collection instrument used an observation sheet. The results showed that in the first cycle the teacher's ability to compile the test instrument was 71.78 which was a good criterion, then increased in the second cycle to 87.14 which reached very good criteria. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that through integrated self-assessment training can improve the ability of SDN 007 Pematang Ibul teachers in preparing test instruments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 174-180
Aura Maulia Mustika ◽  
Dasuki Dasuki ◽  
Nofrida Saswati

ABSTRACT : OVERVIEW OF DIET AND STRESS IN GASTRITIS PATIENTS AT SIMPANG IV SIPIN HEALTH CENTER, JAMBI CITY Introduction : Gastritis, known as ulcer disease, is a disease of the upper digestive tract that many people complain about. The number of cases of gastritis in various countries is quite high. Gastritis is one of the top ten diseases among hospitalized clients in Indonesia with a total of 30,154 cases. One of the factors that cause gastritis is diet and stress. Purpose : This study aims to determine the description of diet and stress with gastritis at Simpang IV Sipin Public Health Center Jambi City in 2020.Method : This research is a quantitative research with descriptive research methods. The population in this study were all gastritis clients who visited the Simpang IV Sipin Public Health Center in Jambi City in September 2020, amounting to 45 clients and sampling was carried out using total sampling techniques, amounting to 45 clients. The data was collected using a questionnaire sheet and the results of this study were analyzed univariately.Result : The results of the univariate research showed that there were 24 (53.3%) respondents who had an irregular diet, 30 (66.7%) of respondents experienced stress in patients with gastritis at the Simpang IV Sipin Public Health Center Jambi City in 2020.Conclusion: From the research results, it can be concluded that diet and stress can cause gastritis. Keyword : stress, diet, gastritis INTISARI : Gambaran Pola Makan dan Stres pada Penderita Gastritis di Puskesmas Simpang IV Sipin Kota Jambi Latar Belakang : Penyakit gastritis yang dikenal dengan penyakit maag merupakan penyakit saluran pencernaan bagian atas yang banyak dikeluhkan di masyarakat. Pada kasus penyakit gastritis di berbagai negara memiliki angka yang cukup tinggi. Gastritis termasuk ke dalam sepuluh penyakit terbanyak pada klien rawat inap rumah sakit di Indonesia dengan jumlah 30.154 kasus. Salah satu faktor penyebab gastritis yaitu pola makan dan stress.Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pola makan dan stres dengan gastritis di Puskesmas Simpang IV Sipin Kota Jambi Tahun 2020.Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode penelitian Deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh klien Gastritis yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas Simpang IV Sipin Kota Jambi pada bulan September Tahun 2020 yang berjumlah 45 klien dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling  yaitu berjumlah 45 klien. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan lembar kuesioner dan hasil penelitian ini dianalisis secara univariat.Hasil : Hasil penelitian univariat menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 24 (53,3%) responden memiliki pola makan yang tidak teratur, terdapat 30 (66,7%) responden mengalami stress pada penderita gastritis  di Puskesmas Simpang IV Sipin Kota Jambi Tahun 2020.Kesimpulan : berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pola makan dan stress dapat mengakibatkan kejadian gastritis. Kata Kunci       :  Stress, Pola Makan, Gastritis

Tri Yudha Ardiyanto ◽  
Tajuddin Pogo

This research examines and analyzes motivation, work discipline and organizational culture on the performance of employees at PT Sharp Electronics Indonesia (division Customer Satisfaction) that have not been maximized, due to the achievement of the results of performance appraisal in the 2017L and 2018F periods there was a decrease in each assessment indicator which greatly impacted employee performance. The method used is quantitative research. With a population of 110 employees, PT Sharp Electronics Indonesia (Division Customer Satisfaction), with sampling techniques using Slovin formula with a total of 86 employees. The analytical method used in this study is multiple linear regression. The results of the study show that Motivation, Work Discipline and Organizational Culture together (Simultaneous) significantly influence the Performance of Employees of PT Sharp Electronics Indonesia (Division Customer Satisfaction).

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Elizabeth Rahayu

Abstract The purpose of this research is to understand the influence of price and product quality of T-Mart Express Indonesia’s customer satisfaction. This research is a quantitative research by using the SPSS Statistic 22 with 112 respondent of the sample which is T-Mart Express Indonesia consumers in North  Jakarta who have bought the product three times or more by using non-probability sampling method and purposive sampling techniques. The measurement used was a questionnaire that was distributed through Google Form to the respondent. The result of hypothesis analysis shows that price and product quality significantly affect customer satisfaction. Implications and suggestions are explained in the article. Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami pengaruh harga dan kualitas produk terhadap kepuasan pelanggan T-Mart Express Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan SPSS Statistic 22 dengan sampel sebanyak 112 responden yaitu konsumen T-Mart Express Indonesia di Jakarta Utara yang telah membeli produk tiga kali atau lebih dengan menggunakan metode non probability sampling dan teknik purposive sampling. Pengukuran yang digunakan adalah kuesioner yang dibagikan melalui Google Form kepada responden. Hasil analisis hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa harga dan kualitas produk berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Implikasi dan saran dijelaskan pada artikel    

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 1104-1113 ◽  
Tamara Floričić

This interdisciplinary paper researches the importance of sustainable hotel engineering and organisation of facilities for the purposes of realisation of a sustainable and responsible hospitality facility business. Considered through the interdisciplinary aspect, at the same time, it represents a research goal with the focus on the segment of youth tourists, who, as existing consumers of low-budget expenditure, are turning into DINKY, as well as the segment of conscious adult consumers in the future. The paper, through a questionnaire, researches the perception of the importance of resource management, with the implementation of innovative technologies by youth tourists’ related attitudes and experiences. The methodology is based predominantly on qualitative research methods and includes analysis and conceptual methodology and survey research methods of youth tourists’ attitudes. The quantitative research was processed by using the statistical methodology combined with techniques of creative thinking formation. The results point to the predominance of importance in which over 90% of respondents confirm the importance of sustainable initiatives and resource management with the following rank: food, water, energy, and waste management. Further analysis implies an opposite attitude where only 52.9% of participants would be willing to pay higher prices for sustainable solutions in hotels. The results and recommendations contribute to knowledge and ideas by recognizing competitiveness of hotels, which design and engineer the business system and operations with support of sustainable technologies in an interdisciplinary way. The paper also contributes to the comprehension of combined and successfully communicated economic and marketing values of sustainable innovations supported by digital technologies.

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