scholarly journals Strategi Pembina Galanggang Lubuk Aro dalam Pembinaan Keagamaan Islam Remaja

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-54
Ilman Suhdi ◽  
Murniyetti Murniyetti

This study aims to determine the Strategy of Guiding Troubled in Islamic Religious Guidance for Teenagers in North Padang Mantinggi Village, Rao District, Pasaman Regency. This research is a type of field research using qualitative methods. Sources of data were taken from three informants consisting of coaches of trouble, five parents of teenagers, and fifteen members of teenagers using purposive sampling technique. Research data were taken through in-depth interviews with all informants. The results showed that the Guidance Strategy for Guidance in Islamic religious development for adolescents in Padang Mantinggi Utara Village, Rao District, Pasaman Regency, was by carrying out positive activities favored by teenagers, such as soccer and pencak silat training for teenage boys, marawis training. or tambourine and rhythm training for teenage girls. So that with positive activities it will be easier to direct teenagers to explore religious issues by participating in regular recitations in the hope that teenagers can have better knowledge of the Islamic religion

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-69
Nenden Susilowati

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi, disiplin dan pengalaman terhadap produktivitas jamu pada masyarakat Argomulyo di tengah pandemi. Penelitian ini berjenis eksplanatif. Populasi dari penelitian adalah masyarakat di Kelurahan Argomulyo. Sampel sejumlah 35 pedagang jamu tradisional dengan pengambilan sampel melalui teknik purposive sampling. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dihasilkan dari penelitian lapangan. Data dikumpulkan lewat angket dan proses pengamatan. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, motivasi memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap produktivitas. Kedua, displin memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap produktivitas. Ketiga, pengalaman memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap produktivitas.  Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of motivation, the discipline and experience on the productivity of herbal medicine in the Argomulyo community during a pandemic. This research is of an explanative type. The population of this research is the people in Argomulyo Village. The sample was 35 traditional herbal medicine traders with a purposive sampling technique. The data used are primary data generated from field research. Data were collected through questionnaires and observation processes. Data analysis using multiple regression analysis. The results of the study are as follows. First, motivation has a significant effect on productivity. Second, the discipline has a significant effect on productivity. The three, experiences have a significant influence on productivity. 

2020 ◽  
pp. 145-156
Yusran Suhan ◽  
Sakaria Sakaria ◽  
Arsyad Genda ◽  
Andi Haris ◽  
Andi Rusdayani Amin ◽  

The research used qualitative methods with a descriptive type to describe a case study that happened in Sailong Village. Data sampling used a purposive sampling technique, while data collection included in-depth interviews, direct observation, and documentation. Based on the results of this study, labeling the status of young widows that occurs is not necessarily interpreted as having a negative (bad) connotation. A bad “label” does not indicate that the woman cannot prove that the label is wrong and is only a stereotype, stigma, and prejudice that does not apply to every individual. Therefore, the way to overcome it is by maintaining attitudes and behavior to always be good in the broader community. Furthermore, sometimes the community defines the status of widows in general based on what they saw or encountered based on experience. When seeing or meeting a widow who is not good, the definition becomes bad.   ABSTRAK Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan tipe deskriptif untuk menggambarkan studi kasus yang terjadi di Desa Sailong tersebut. Adapun teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam, observasi langsung dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini, pelabelan yang terjadi terhadap status janda muda, sebenarnya belum tentu diartikan sebagai perempuan berkonotasi negatif (buruk). Berkaitan mengenai “Label” yang buruk bukan berarti perempuan tersebut tidak mampu membuktikan bahwa label tersebut adalah salah dan hanya sebuah stereotype, stigma dan Prejudice yang tidak berlaku untuk semua orang. Sehingga untuk mengatasinya dengan menjaga sikap dan perilaku untuk senantiasa bersikap baik di masyarakat luas sedangkan masyarakat kadang dalam mendefinisikan status janda secara umum seperti yang pernah mereka lihat atau temui berdasarkan pengalaman. Ketika melihat atau menemui seorang janda yang bersikap tidak baik, maka pendefisiniannya buruk.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-212
Putri Maulina

The discourse of the Sharia implementation in Aceh in the context of media places women as the most reported group. Serambi Indonesia is one of the local print media that has intensively covered the enforcement of Sharia in Aceh. This study aims to look at the discourse of Sharia enforcement in local media and how the female audiences as active audiences interpret the discourse conveyed by the media. The theoretical approach used in this study is Reception Analysis. This study is descriptive qualitative research. Data were collected using Ferdinand de Saussure’s semiotics on six news articles of Serambi Indonesia throughout 2014 and in-depth interviews with eight female informants who were selected by purposive sampling technique. The results of the study illustrated that the dominant discourse in the media was women in Aceh were prone to violate Sharia. Findings also documented the tendency of informants to occupy oppositional reading positions that the way Serambi Indonesia covered Shariain Aceh was more likely to discriminate against women.

Wina Lova Riza

 This study aims to determine the psychological dynamics of former drug addicts, starting from drug abuse until they become addicted, deciding to stop using them. This study uses a qualitative approach, the subject or informant is determined using a non-probability sampling technique with a purposive sampling type based on predetermined criteria, which involves one informant, namely a male (F) aged 42 years. Data collection methods used in this study are in-depth interviews (in depth interviews), where researchers will interview informants with semi-structured interviews. In addition, researchers also used observation and psychological tests, which are graphic tests in the form of DAM (Draw a Man) and BAUM (tree drawing) tests, and intelligence tests using WAIS. The data analysis technique used is case study analysis of case / incident patterns. Based on the results of research F became a drug addict because of the learning process, where the enjoyment and lack of parental supervision is a reinforcement to continue using drugs. Generalization of people, places, pleasure makes it difficult for F to stop using drugs.   Keywords: Psychological Dynamics, Drug Addicts. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dinamika psikologis mantan pecandu napza, dimulai dari awal menyalahgunan napza hingga menjadi kecanduan, memutuskan untuk berhenti memakai. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, Subjek atau informan ditentukan dengan menggunakan tehnik sampling non-probability sampling dengan tipe purposive sampling berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditentukan, yaitu melibatkan satu informan, yaitu laki-laki (F) yang berusia 42 tahun. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan wawancara secara mendalam (in depth interview), dimana peneliti akan menwawancarai informan dengan wawancara semi terstruktur. Selain itu peneliti juga menggunakan observasi serta menggunakan tes-tes psikologi, yaitu tes grafis berupa tes DAM (Draw a Man) dan BAUM (tes menggambar pohon), serta tes inteligensi dengan menggunakan WAIS. Tehnik analisis data yang digunakan adalah menggunakan analisis studi kasus pola kasus/kejadian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian F menjadi pecandu narkoba karena adanya proses belajar, dimana kenikmatan dan kurangnya pengawasan orang tua merupakan reinforcement untuk terus menggunakan napza. Adanya generalisasi terhadap people, place, pleasure menyebabkan F sulit untuk berhenti menggunakan napza. Kata Kunci: Dinamika Psikologis, Mantan Pengguna Napza

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 467
Diah Merdekawati ◽  
Dasuki Dasuki

<p><em>Pre-school age is particularly vulnerable to the effects of stress and fear during hospitalization. Children under the age of 6 are less able to think about an event as a whole, have not been able to determine behavior that can overcome the fear based on experience ever experienced and coping strategies ever done. The aims of this research to know correlation family support with child anxious response during infusion. This study was a quantitative with correlation study using cross sectional method. There were 51 respondents participated in this research. Data were collected through observation with purposive sampling technique. Then, data were analysed through univariate and bivariate. The result of univariate statistic test revealed that as much as 64.7% had good family support and 56.9% experienced an anxious response during infusion. The result of  bivariate statistic test showed that there was a positive correlation with moderate strength between family support and child's anxious response during infusion. This riset showed that families should provide support when children experience fear, anxiety and pain during infusion.</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p>Usia pra sekolah sangat rentan terhadap efek stress dan ketakutan selama rawat inap. Anak- anak dibawah usia 6 tahun kurang mampu berpikir tentang suatu peristiwa secara keseluruhan, belum bisa menentukan perilaku yang dapat mengatasi ketakutan berdasarkan pengalaman yang pernah dialami dan strategi koping yang pernah dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui korelasi dukungan keluarga dengan respon cemas anak saat pemasangan infus. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif studi korelatif dengan metode <em>cross secsional</em>. Sebanyak 51 responden terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Pengumpulan data melalui observasi. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara <em>purposive sampling. </em>Analisis data dilakukan secara <em>univariat </em>dan<em> bivariat. </em>Dari hasil uji statistik univariat diketahui sebanyak 64,7% memiliki dukungan keluarga baik dan 56,9% mengalami respon cemas saat pemasangan infus. Hasil uji statistik bivariat menunjukkan ada korelasi positif dengan kekuatan sedang antara dukungan keluarga dengan respon cemas anak saat pemasangan infus. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keluarga sebaiknya memberikan dukungannya pada saat anak mengalami ketakutan, kecemasan dan rasa nyeri pada saat pemasangan infus.</p><p><em><br /></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Teuku Amnar Saputra

Pandemi Covid-19 telah mewabah di hampir seluruh Dunia tidak terkecuali Indonesia. Kondisi ini membuat sebagian orang cemas dan bahkan panik. Potensi panik ini dapat menyerang siapapun tidak terkecuali mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kepanikan dan resiliensi mahasiswa pascasarjana Aceh-Yogyakarta dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (Field Research) dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi partisipan dan wawancara dengan menggunakan Whatsapp. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Purposive sampling yaitu pengambilan sampel berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditentukan oleh peneliti. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara reduksi, penyajian dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa pasca sarjana tidak menunjukkan gejala kepanikan melainkan rasa kekhawatiran terhadap pandemi Covid-19. Mahasiswa pascasarjana Aceh-Yogyakarta juga memiliki resiliensi dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19. Hal ini terlihat dari kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menghadapi situasi dengan tenang dan menentukan langkah yang rasional dalam berbagai tindakan serta memiliki pandangan positif dalam menghadapi tantangan yang sedang dihadapi. Adapun bentuk-bentuk resiliensinya meliputi mengikuti instruksi dari pemerintah, meningkatkan daya tahan atau imun, mengurangi akses terhadap informasi Covid-19, mengambil hikmah dari Covid-19, menyerahkan segalanya kepada Allah SWT.__________________________________________________________Covid-19 pandemic has plague almost all of the World including Indonesia. This condition makes some people anxious and even panic. This potential panic can strike anyone, including students. This study aims to see the panic and resilience of Aceh-Yogyakarta postgraduate students in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a field research (Field Research) using a qualitative approach. The research method uses descriptive analytical method. Data collection is done by participant observation and interviews using Whatsapp. The sampling technique in this study uses purposive sampling that is sampling based on criteria determined by the researcher. Data analysis was carried out by means of reduction, presentation and conclusion. The results showed that post graduate students did not show symptoms of panic but rather a sense of concern for the Covid-19 pandemic. Aceh-Yogyakarta postgraduate students also have resilience in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. This can be seen from the ability of students to deal with situations calmly and determine rational steps in various actions and have a positive outlook in facing the challenges being faced. The forms of resilience include following instructions from the government, increasing endurance or immunity, reducing access to Covid-19 information, taking wisdom from Covid-19, giving everything to Allah SWT.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
I Nyoman Putra Yasa ◽  
Ni Made Ayu Sri Putri Artini ◽  
Luh Melly Astari ◽  
Ni Putu Purnama Sari

<div class="WordSection1"><p><strong><em>ABSTRACT:</em></strong><em> The purpose of this research to explore the perceptions of taxpayers on the satisfaction of assistance performed by tax volunteers at the Tax Volunteer placement location. There are 4 (four) locations for the placement of Tax Volunteers, namely KPP Pratama Singaraja, KP2KP Negara, KP2KP Amlapura and Tax Center Undiksha. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. The sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling with interview techniques in collecting research data. The population in this research are taxpayers who carry out the duty to annual tax return through e-Filing. Meanwhile, the sample in this research were taxpayers whose reporting the annual tax return were assisted by Tax Volunteers in the 4 (four) placements. The results of this research indicate that taxpayer assistance activities by tax volunteers in helping to fill individual annual tax returns are very effective. This can be seen from the satisfaction of taxpayers after receiving assistance by Tax Volunteers. Taxpayers are satisfied with the assistance of tax volunteers because the annual tax return reporting process is easier, faster and Tax Volunteers are able to guide Taxpayers in filling out their own. This assistance helps reduce the difficulties experienced by Taxpayers in understanding SPT filling independently. Taxpayer satisfaction is expected to increase compliance in reporting the Annual Tax Return. The sustainability of the Tax Volunteer program is also highly expected because it is considered very effective for taxpayers who do not understand the procedures for submitting annual tax return, especially those who are not yet competent with technological advances.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Perception, Assistance, e-Filing, Tax Volunteers</em></p><p> </p><p><strong>ABSTRAK:</strong> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali persepsi wajib pajak atas kepuasan pendampingan yang dilakukan oleh Relawan Pajak di lokasi penempatan relawan pajak. Adapun 4 (empat) lokasi penempatan Relawan Pajak yaitu KPP Pratama Singaraja, KP2KP Negara, KP2KP Amlapura dan <em>Tax Center</em> Undiksha. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik penentuan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah <em>purposive sampling</em> dengan teknik wawancara dalam pengumpulan data penelitian. Yang menjadi populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Wajib Pajak yang melaksanakan kewajiban dalam melaporkan SPT Tahunan melalui <em>E-Filing</em>. Sedangkan, sampel dalam penelitian ini yakni Wajib Pajak yang kegiatan pelaporan SPT Tahunannya didampingi oleh Relawan Pajak di 4 (empat) penempatan tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kegiatan pendampingan wajib pajak oleh relawan pajak dalam membantu pengisian SPT tahunan orang pribadi sangat efektif. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kepuasan wajib pajak setelah mendapatkan pendampingan oleh relawan pajak. Wajib Pajak puas atas pendampingan relawan pajak dikarenakan proses pelaporan SPT Tahunan menjadi lebih mudah, cepat dan para relawan pajak mampu menuntun wajib pajak dalam pengisian SPT-nya. Pendampingan ini membantu mengurangi kesulitan yang dialami Wajib Pajak dalam memahami pengisian SPT secara mandiri. Kepuasan Wajib Pajak diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kepatuhan dalam pelaporan SPT Tahunan. Keberlanjutan program relawan pajak juga sangat diharapkan karena dinilai sangat efektif bagi wajib pajak yang belum mengerti tata cara penyampaian SPT khususnya yang belum cakap akan kemajuan teknologi.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: Persepsi, Pendampingan, <em>E-Filing</em>, Relawan Pajak</p><p><em> </em></p></div><strong><br clear="all" /> </strong>

2015 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Dwi Nur Rachmah

This study aimed at identifying and understanding more deeply the self-regulated learning of students with high GPA, who had multiple roles (as housewife and worker also). The approach employed in this study was qualitative-phenomenological approach. The subjects of the study were selected by purposive sampling technique and the data were collected using techniques of observations and in-depth interviews. The results indicated that the four subjects conducted self-regulation in learning through regulating the cognition, motivation, behavior and emotion. Moreover, the subjects performed context regulation in order to achieve certain learning objectives. Self-regulated learning performed by the subjects was influenced by specific precipitating situations and the characteristics of each related individual. It was also strengthened by social support given to them. Keywords: self-regulated learning, student, many roles Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami lebih mendalam bagaimana regulasi diri dalam belajar (self regulated learning) mahasiswa yang memiliki banyak peran (sebagai ibu rumah tangga dan bekerja) dengan indeks prestasi tinggi. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah dengan pendekatan kualitatif-fenomenologi. Subjek penelitian dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling dan teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah meng¬gunakan observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa empat orang subjek menggunakan regulasi diri dalam belajar berupa regulasi kognitif, regulasi motivasi, regulasi perilaku dan regulasi emosi. Selain itu subjek juga melakukan regulasi konteks agar tujuan pembelajaran dapat dicapai. Regulasi diri dalam belajar yang dilakukan oleh para subjek dipengaruhi oleh situasi pencetus dan karakteristik tiap individu bersangkutan. Regulasi diri dalam belajar yang dilakukan juga tidak terlepas dari dukungan sosial yang diberikan kepada mereka. Kata kunci: regulasi diri dalam belajar, mahasiswa, peran banyak

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-116
Rinda Sandayani Karhab

The study aims to prove the influence of local wisdom, learning, attitudes on the intentions and behavior of indigenous peoples in behaving sustainably or preserving forest resources in East Kalimantan Province. The population in this study is customary law communities, namely groups of people who have local wisdom in protecting and managing the environment sustainably in the province of East Kalimantan. The purposive sampling method was used to select districts and villages as sample areas, namely the districts of Berau, East Kutai, and West Kutai with a total population of 12,483. The sample of customary law communities was taken using the nonprobability sampling technique, which includes incidental sampling and purposive sampling of 387 indigenous respondents. Subsequently, in-depth interviews were conducted with 11 customary law community leaders as informants to produce more facts, complete the study description of the phenomenon being studied, and strengthen the research analysis. As a result, local wisdom has influenced the intentions and behavior of indigenous and tribal peoples to conserve forest resources. Learning can increase intention and influence community behavior to conserve forest resources. The attitude of the customary law community in supporting the preservation of forest resources has no effect on the intention to conserve forest resources and the stronger the intention to conserve forest resources, the more it will affect the behavior of the customary law community in conserving forest resources. Furthermore, the perception of indigenous and tribal peoples is that they are very supportive of the preservation of forest resources, forests are seen as an inseparable part of life due to their very high dependence on the economy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 947-958
Agus Budiman ◽  
Heny Rohayani ◽  
Trianti Nugraheni

The purpose of this study was to determine the results of online learning training for art teachers in Pandeglang-Banten through Edmodo Mobile-Application to be applied in art learning in schools. This qualitative study used a research sample of 40 training participants with a purposive sampling technique. The research data were obtained from the results of questionnaires and observations. The results showed that the mobile-application edomodo is one of the applications that can be accessed via smartphones or other technological devices such as laptops and computers, which can be used as a forum or means of art learning by both teachers and students through several features that can be used as access to learning media taught by students and teachers. The results of this training are able to improve the pedagogical ability and professionalism of teachers in implementing technology-based art learning. The conclusion of this study is that the skills of teachers in using technology in art learning in the industrial era 4.0 need to be improved as an effort to adapt to various technological and information developments that must be utilized in art education.

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