scholarly journals Kesepakatan Menunda Kehamilan Bagi Pasangan Muda Perspektif Hukum Islam: Upaya Menekan Pernikahan Dini di Masa Pandemi

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 309-324
Anton Jamal ◽  
M. Ikhwan

This research is an attempt to look deeper into why delaying early marriage is appropriate during the COVID-19 pandemic based on the view of Islamic law and the human rights approach. The phenomenon of early marriage during the pandemic had appeared and even jumped based on the data collected. This phenomenon encourages conditions of vulnerability (fiqh: mudharat) which will have an impact on the emergence of new problems and even conflicts for young people, especially if they already have children, given the pandemic conditions that often threaten the household economy. This study departs from the question of why Islamic law and human rights must play a role in reducing the number of early marriages during the pandemic based on the assumption of household vulnerability? How is the phenomenon of early marriage during the pandemic seen from the point of view of human rights and maqasid? This research is analytical descriptive with qualitative methods, and data collection is carried out by literature study on secondary materials to observe the phenomenon of early post-marriage during the pandemic. The results show that the function of Islamic law and human rights can be an important instrument to suppress the surge in early marriage, which will save young households from the vulnerability of household conflicts based on observations made during the covid pandemic.

Nur'aeni Nasifah ◽  
Siska Lis Sulistiani ◽  
Yayat Rahmat Hidayat

Abstract. Sale and purchase is transaction that often done by individual or group because there is a transfer of ownership between goods and assets. In practice, sale and purchase is not only done by face to face but also can be done online, as in the case of the sale and purchase of suppliers data at Agen Fashion. This study aims to find out how the transaction practice is and how Islamic law and ITE Law point of view are, whether it is accordance to the laws or not. This research uses qualitative method with normative juridical approach and literature study. The main sources in this study are secondary data that support this research, such as Alquran, Hadith, and the ITE Law. The interviews as data collection techniques are conducted as supplementary data. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis. The results of this study are the transaction is not  accordance with the terms of sale and purchase in Islamic law because there is a lack of clarity (gharar) on the quality of the object and is not accordance as well as the clause no. 9 of the ITE Law because the seller did not explain the object completely.Keywords: Sale and Purchase, Islamic Law, ITE Law, GhararAbstrak. Jual beli merupakan bentuk transaksi yang sering dilakukan oleh tiap individu atau kelompok karena dalam jual beli terdapat perpindahan kepemilikan antara barang dan harta untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Pada praktiknya, jual beli tidak hanya dilakukan secara bertatap muka melainkan dapat dilakukan secara online, seperti halnya pada jual beli data supplier di Agen Fashion. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana praktik jual beli data supplier di Agen Fashion serta bagaimana hukum Islam dan Undang-Undang No. 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik memandang praktik jual beli data supplier tersebut, apakah telah sesuai dengan hukum yang menjadi pisau analisis dalam penelitian ini atau belum. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif dan studi kepustakaan. Sumber utama dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang mendukung penelitian ini, yaitu Alquran, Hadis, dan UU ITE. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara dilakukan sebagai data pelengkap. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu descriptive analysis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah transaksi yang terjadi di Agen Fashion tidak sesuai dengan syarat jual beli dalam hukum Islam karena terdapat ketidakjelasan (gharar) pada kualitas objek transaksi, dan tidak sesuai dengan Pasal 9 dalam UU ITE karena pelaku usaha tidak menjelaskan secara lengkap terkait objek yang ditawarkan.Kata Kunci: Jual Beli, Hukum Islam, UU ITE, Gharar

Jurnal CMES ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Hafis Muzakir ◽  
Ahmad Jazuli

<p>This research was conducted to explain the cultural acculturation of the Yemeni and Malay zapin dance as a means of da'wah Islamiyah in Malaysia. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. In this research, literature study was also carried out as a data collection method. There is a theory in this research, namely the theory of cultural diffusion and from the point of view of a historical approach. The aim of this research is to reveal the acculturation elements of the Yemeni and Malay zapin dance. Then describe the Islamic da'wah function and the value between the two parties behind the zapin dance. The results that can be concluded from the acculturation of the Yemeni zapin dances and the Malay dances in Malaysia are producing all kinds of changes including the elements of dancers, musical instruments, movements, and the lyrics or songs used in these dances.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Yulia Emma Sigalingging ◽  
Aris Prio Agus Santoso

Referring to Article 28H paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution, the Government has tried to ensure the health of its citizens through the Covid-19 Vaccination program, but there are still people who refuse to be given the Covid-19 vaccination, and this has become a pro and con in the community. The formulation of the problem in this study is how to set sanctions for refusal of Covid-19 vaccination and how the right to refuse the Covid-19 vaccination is viewed from the point of view of Human Rights. This research method uses a normative juridical approach, with data collection from literature studies. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the sanctions for refusing the Covid-19 vaccine were in the form of imprisonment of 6 months to 1 year in prison or a fine of Rp. 500,000 - Rp. 1,000,000. In addition, there are sanctions in the form of delaying or discontinuing the provision of social security or social assistance, delaying or discontinuing government administrative services, and fines. In fact, refusing to be vaccinated against Covid-19 is a form of individual freedom that cannot be forced with all considerations to express his aspirations regarding the risks and consequences to his body. Where this should be respected by the Government as stated in Article 28J Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Ellen Agustine Saputra

<strong>Abstract</strong><br />Creative Journal Design as the Dream Setting Canvas Supporting Media. Dream Setting Canvas is a dream achievement media for young people’s dream achievement, which has been applied to several empowerment programs in several non-profit organizations such as Wahana Visi Indonesia and East Bali Poverty Project. In its application, Dream Setting Canvas has weaknesses, of which the target audience has difficulty in analyzing dreams, strategies, and time without assistance. Moreover, without understanding the true essence of analyzing dreams, strategies and time, this method is not completely effective in helping young people achieve and realize their dreams. This research used qualitative research methods. Data collection used literature study, exploration, interviews with interviewees as well as distributes surveys both offline and online. The research results showed that the creative journals design could support<br />the target audience to understand the topic and definition of each block in the Dream Setting Canvas.<br /><div> </div><div> </div><div> </div><div> </div><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Perancangan Creative Journal sebagai Media Pendukung Dream Setting Canvas. Dream Setting Canvas merupakan media pencapaian mimpi anak muda yang sudah diterapkan pada beberapa program empowerment di beberapa organisasi non-Profit seperti Wahana Visi Indonesia dan East Bali Poverty Project. Pada penerapannya, Dream Setting Canvas memiliki kelemahan, di mana target audiens kesusahan dalam menganalisis mimpi, strategi, serta waktu tanpa pendampingan. Selain itu, tanpa<br />memahami esensi sebenarnya dalam menganalisis mimpi, strategi serta waktu, metode ini tidak sepenuhnya efektif dalam membantu anak muda mencapai dan merealisasikan mimpinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan studi literatur, eksplorasi, wawancara dengan narasumber serta membagikan survei baik secara offline maupun online. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan<br />bahwa perancangan creative journal dapat mendukung target audiens untuk memahami topik dan definisi setiap blok pada Dream Setting Canvas

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Panji Adam

Istihsan is one of the ijtihad methods disputed by the scholars ushul fiqh, although in reality, all scholars use it practically. The establishment of the law by istihsan method is widely carried out by scholars among the Hanafiyyah and Malikiyyah so that in the history of ushul fiqh, the Hanafiyyah are known as the group that uses istihsan as one of the methods of istinbâth al-ahkâm (determination of the law). Imam Shafi'i is a cleric who rejects istihsan as a method of determining Islamic law. But in practice Imam Shafi'i also uses istihsan as a method of determining Islamic law. The science of ushul fikih has a significant role in contributing to the existence of Islamic law, especially in the field of Sharia economic law. Research method conducted based on normative juridical approach, The specification of research used is analytical descriptive, The type of data used in this research, namely secondary data, data collection method used is literature study and analysis of secondary data that is qualitative. The results showed that istihsan is one of the methods of istinbâth al-ahkâm, which can be used as an argument and a proof of syara' and serves in determining the validity of an agreement / transaction in the field of Sharia economic law.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Muhammad Arif Zuhri

One of cases in islamic law today is same-sex marriage. The case sparked a controversy in muslim society. On theone hand, the case can be seen as an integral part of a person’s rights to meet the biological needs, but on the otherhand is seen as a violation of religious norms and moral principles. Those who have a sexual orientation towardsthe same gender (homosexual), which was also approved this orientation, continue to get same-sex marriagelegalization because a sense of love towards the same sex due to biological and psychological factors is viewed aspart of human rights. This paper attempts to examine same-sex marriage from the point of view of Islamic studies.[Salah satu kasus dalam hukum Islam saat ini adalah perkawinan sesama jenis. Kasus ini memicukontroversi. Di satu sisi, kasus tersebut dapat dipandang sebagai bagian tidak terpisahkan dari hakhakasasi seseorang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan biologisnya, tetapi di sisi lain dipandang sebagaipelanggaran norma keagamaan dan moral yang prinsip. Mereka yang memiliki orientasi seksualterhadap gender yang sama (homoseksual), juga yang menyetujui orientasi ini, terus berupaya untukmendapatkan pelegalan perkawinan sejenis karena rasa suka terhadap sesama jenis yang disebabkanfaktor biologis dan psikologis dipandang sebagai bagian dari hak-hak asasi manusia (HAM). Tulisanini mencoba untuk menelaah perkawinan sesama jenis dari sudut pandang kajian Islam].

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-15
M Wildan Firdaus ◽  
Neneng Nurhasanah ◽  
Siska Lis Sulistiani

Abstract. Waqf is a legal act of wakif to give up part of his property to be used forever or for a certain period of time. PC Persis Pangalengan District is a religious organization and has an organizational management structure that deals specifically with waqf issues. At PC Persis Pangalengan Subdistrict, the waqf pledge pledged Rp. 65,000,000 in cash waqf funds for the purchase of an ambulance, but because PC Persis Pangalengan received a grant of 1 ambulance from PD Persis Bandung Regency, the allocation of waqf funds was diverted to clinic renovation. The purpose of this study was to determine the transfer of waqf assets in the Pangalengan Islamic Union PC according to Islamic Law and Law no. 41 of 2004 concerning Waqf. This research method uses a qualitative approach. Data collection was done by means of literature study and interviews. It can be concluded that according to Islamic law it states that the majority allow the transfer of waqf assets with a note that it is intended for the general benefit. And according to Law No.41 of 2004 it is permissible because there are more articles that allow the transfer of waqf assets than articles that do not allow the transfer of waqf assets. According to Islamic law, the transfer of waqf assets is permitted with the aim of the usefulness of the object or waqf objects being sustainable even though they are exchanged, sold or converted, as long as they are based on the general benefit. As for according to Law no. 41 of 2004 concerning waqf the transfer of waqf assets is permitted provided that nadzir reports it to BWI. Abstrak. Wakaf adalah perbuatan hukum wakif untuk menyerahkan sebagian harta benda miliknya untuk dimanfaatkan selamanya atau untuk jangka waktu tertentu. PC Persis Kecamatan Pangalengan merupakan sebuah organisasi keagamaan dan memiliki struktur kepengurusan organisasi yang khusus menangani masalah perwakafan. Di PC Persis Kecamatan Pangalengan,pada ikrar wakaf pihak wakif mengikrarkan dana wakaf uang senilai Rp.65.000.000 untuk pembelian mobil ambulance,namun dikarenakan PC Persis Pangalengan mendapatkan hibah 1 buah mobil ambulance dari PD Persis Kabupaten Bandung,maka alokasi dana wakaf tersebut dialihkan untuk renovasi klinik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengalihan aset wakaf di PC Persatuan Islam Pangalengan menurut Hukum Islam dan UU No. 41 Tahun 2004 Tentang Wakaf.Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara Studi Kepustakaan, dan Wawancara. Dapat disimpulkan menurut hukum Islam menyatakan bahwa mayoritas membolehkan pengalihan aset wakaf dengan catatan bertujuan untuk kemaslahatan umum.Dan menurut Undang-Undang No.41 Tahun 2004 itu dibolehkan karena lebih banyak Pasal yang membolehkan pengalihan aset wakaf dari pada Pasal yang tidak memperbolehkan pengalihan aset wakaf. Menurut hukum Islam pengalihan aset wakaf diperbolehkan dengan tujuan nilai kemanfaatan dari objek atau benda wakaf tersebut dapat berkesinambungan meskipun dengan cara ditukar, dijual atau dialih-fungsikan, selama didasarkan pada kemaslahatan umum. Adapun menurut UU No. 41 Tahun 2004 tentang wakaf pengalihan aset wakaf itu diperbolehkan dengan catatan nadzir melaporkan kepada pihak BWI.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Toba Sastrawan Manik ◽  
Dwi Riyanti ◽  
Mukhamad Murdiono ◽  
Danang Prasetyo

AbstractGay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) in Indonesia from the perspective of human rights, Islam, and Pancasila. Research is qualitative using the method of literature study (library research). LGBT based on a religious point of view, especially Islam and Pancasila are declared forbidden and contrary culture. But, the state is in ambiguity in determining policy. The State of Indonesia faces a dilemma between Pancasila and Islam with the consistency and spirit of human rights enforcement in Indonesia since the Reformation Era. This manifestation of ambiguity appears to be the lack of clear regulation of LGBT. This gives rise to discriminatory attitudes towards LGBT people both psychologically, physically socially, culturally, and economically. This study recommends that the state should take a bold stance in determining the point of view of LGBT. LGBT citizens should still be treated equally. The absence of regulation against LGBT is a manifestation of discrimination by the state. The state should give its perspective on LGBT in Indonesia. -------------AbstrakTujuan dari artikel ini ialah untuk mengkaji tentang eksistensi Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, dan Transgender (LGBT) di Indonesia dari perspektif  hak asasi manusia, Islam, dan Pancasila. Penelitian bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode kajian literatur (library research). LGBT jika dipandang dari sudut agama khususnya Islam dan Pancasila jelas dinyatakan terlarang dan bertentangan dengan budaya Indonesia. Tapi, negara dalam keambiguan dalam menentukan kebijakan. Negara Indonesia menghadapi dilema antara Pancasila dan Islam dengan konsistensi dan semangat penegakan HAM di Indonesia sejak Era Reformasi. Manifestasi keambiguan ini tampak pada ketiadaan regulasi yang jelas terhadap LGBT. Hal ini menimbulkan sikap diskrimnasi terhadap kalangan LGBT baik secara psikis, fisik secara sosial, budaya, dan ekonomi. Rekomendasi dari kajian ini ialah negara harus berani mengambil sikap dalam menentukan sudut pandang terhadap LGBT. LGBT sebagai warga negara harus tetap diperlakukan sama. Ketiadaan regulasi terhadap kalangan LGBT merupakan manifestasi diskriminasi oleh negara. Negara harus memberikan sudut pandangnya sendiri terhadap LGBT di Indonesia

2018 ◽  
Vol 74 (4) ◽  
Nicolaas A. Broer ◽  
A. De Muynck ◽  
Ferdinand J. Potgieter ◽  
Johann L. Van der Walt ◽  
Charl C.W. Wolhuter

The South African-Dutch research group responsible for this article started its activities in 2012 by looking at religious tolerance (in education) as a means of addressing the tendency for religious intolerance, extremism and fundamentalism. While (teaching in) tolerance seemed to be a promising way to counter religious intolerable behaviour, some shortcomings also became apparent. For example, the concept of tolerance includes an aspect of passivity towards others who adhere to another religion. The concept also does not appear to be able to respond to attitudes and values such as respect, human rights and diversity. Accurate investigation of this problem, both conceptually and empirically, led to the understanding that hospitality is a concept that embodies more active adaptation to those who are different (including religious). Hospitality, therefore, seems to be a more promising concept than tolerance for reducing religious tension between individuals and groups. The inner contradiction discovered by Derrida in the notion of hospitality does not detract from the concept of being defined from a Biblical point of view. Hospitality can also be taught to young people. Although there are no formal provisions for hospitality in the national curricula, an analysis of the Dutch and South African national curricula shows that there is room for hospitality education.

2019 ◽  
pp. 96-112
Khairuddin Hamsen ◽  
Sirajuddin Sirajuddin

the obligation to apply Islamic law is an inseparable part of the obligation to carry out other Islamic Sharia, such as prayer, fasting, zakat and hajj, as has been applied by the Prophet, khulafaurrasyidin, Islamic daulah afterwards and in some Islamic countries nowadays. Aceh is one of the province that attempts to implement Islamic law after obtaining district autonomy, the Aceh governor has approved several Sharia laws, including Qonun jinayat of Aceh No. 6 of 2014 which regulates ten jarimah, including Jarimah liwath and musahaqoh which are both categorized as jarimah ta'ziriyah. This thesis aims to analyze the Qonun specifically about the essence and punishment for the perpetrators of jarimah liwath and musahaqoh and then compare it with Islamic fiqhi point of view. This type of research is literature study using a qualitative approach. Analytic method that is used here is deductive method, inductive and comparative descriptive. The results of the study, the author found a similarity between Aceh qonun jinayat regarding jarimah liwath and musahaqoh as jarimah ta’ziriyah and the punishment are 100 whips at most, or being jailed for 100 months at most, or 1000 gold bar as amercement at most. There are many similarity between Aceh qonun jinayat on jarimah liwath and musahaqoh with the Islamic fiqhi point of view in terms of the essence of liwaht and musahaqoh. Both of them define liwath as, “An act of a man by inserting his testicle into the anal of another man voluntarily by both parties” and also define musahaqoh as, “An act of two or more women by rubbing each other's limbs or vaginal to get sexual pleasure voluntarily by both parties” and  the punishment for perpetrators of musahaqoh, even though there are differences between types of punishment established for perpetrators of jarimah liwath in Aceh of qonun jinayat compared with opinion of jumhur ulama (Islamic scholars).Abstrak: Kewajiban menerapkan hukum Islam adalah bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari kewajiban menjalankan syariat Islam yang lain,  seperti sholat, puasa, zakat dan haji, sebagaimana yang telah diterapkan pada zaman Rasulullah, khulafaurrasyidin, daulah Islamiyah setelahnya dan di beberapa negara Islam saat ini. Aceh adalah salah satu daerah yang berusaha mejalankan hukum Islam setelah mendapatkan otonomi daerah, gubernur Aceh telah mengesahkan beberapa undang undang syariat, diantaranya adalah Qonun jinayat Aceh No 6 tahun 2014 yang mengatur sepuluh jarimah, diantaranya adalah Jarimah liwath dan musahaqoh yang keduanya dikategorikan sebagai jarimah ta’ziriyah. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa Qonun tersebut khususnya tentang hakekat dan hukuman bagi pelaku jarimah liwath dan musahaqoh lalu membandingkannya dengan pandangan fiqhi Islam. Jenis penelitian ini adalah  penelitian kepustakaan  dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, adapun metode analisis data penulis menggunakan metode deduktif, Induktif dan Deskripsi Komparatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah:  Qonun  jinayat Aceh menetapkan jarimah liwath dan musahaqoh sebagai jarimah ta’ziriyah dan menentukan kadar hukumannya maksimal cambuk 100  (seratus) kali atau penjara paling lama 100 (seratus) bulan atau denda maksimal 1000 (seribu) gram emas murni,  penulis menemukan adanya kesamaan antara qonun jinayat Aceh tentang jarimah liwath dan musahaqoh dengan pandangan fiqhi Islam dalam hal hakikat liwaht  dan musahaqoh yang keduanya mendefenisikan liwath yaitu “perbuatan seorang laki laki dengan cara memasukkan zakarnya kedalam dubur laki-laki lain dengan kerelaan kedua belah pihak”  dan mendefenisikan musahaqoh “ perbuatan dua orang wanita atau lebih dengan cara saling menggosok-gosokkan anggota tubuh atau faraj untuk mendapatkan kenikmatan seksual dengan kerelaan kedua belah pihak” serta jenis  jarimah musahaqoh yaitu jarimah ta’ziriyah, meskipun terdapat berbedaan antara jenis hukuman yang ditetapkan dalam qonun jinayat Aceh untuk pelaku jarimah liwath dengan pendapat jumhur ulama yang menetapkan liwath sebagai jarimah hudud.   الملخص: إن تطبيق وإقامة حدود الله في الدول الإسلامية قضية مهمة لا يتفرع عن سائر الواجبات كالصلاة والصيام والزكاة والحج، كما طبقه الرسول والخلفاء الراشدين والدول الإسلامية بعده. وكانت أتشيه هي إحدى الأقاليم التي حاولت في تطبيق الشريعة الإسلامية وإقامة حدود الله، فبعد حصولها على استقلال داخلي (OTONOMI DAERAH  ) ولها حرية في تطبيق شريعة الإسلام أصدر محافظ أتشيه جملة من قانون المدَني، ومن قوانين التي وضعها هي قانون جنائي رقم 6 سنة 2014م  ويشمل على عشرة جرائم، ومنها جريمة اللواط وجريمة المساحقة وجعل عقوبتهما عقوبة التعزيرية. تهدف هذه الرسالة لبحث حقيقة جريمة اللواط والمساحقة وعقوبتيها في القانون المذكورة  ومن ثم مقارنتها بالفقه الإسلامي. هذا البحث تعتبر البحث المكتبي وأما من حيث فراديقما (طريقة التفكير) فإنه البحث الكيفي  واستخدمها الباحث طريقة الاستقرائية والاستدلالية والمقارنة في تحليل المعلومات. ومن خلال البحث، توصّل الباحث إلى أن قانون الجنائي أتشيه رقم 6 سنة 2014م  كتب الجريمة اللواط والمساحقة من جريمة التعزيرية، وقدّر عقوبتها الجلد على الحد الأقصى 100(مائة) جلدة أو غرامة على الحد الأقصى 1000 (ألف) جراما ذهبا، أو اليسجن على الحد الأقصى100 (مائة) شهر. كما وجد الباحث وجه الاتفاق بين قانون جنائي أتشيه رقم 6 سنة 2014م والفقه الإسلامي، وذلك في حقيقة اللواط والمساحقة فاللواط هو "إيلاج رجل ذكره في دبر رجل آخر برضى طرفين" وأما المساحقة هو فعل اثنين أو أكثر من النساء عن طريق فرك الجسم الآخر أو الفرج للحصول على التحفيز الجنسي (المتعة) برضى كلا الطرفين.  وفي نوع جريمة المساحقة فهي جريمة التعزيرية، وإن حصل اختلاف بين قانون جنائي أتشيه وجمهور العلماء في نوع جريمة اللواط فالجمهور يرونه أنها من جريمة الحدود.

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