2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 322-331
Dibrina Raseuki Ginting ◽  
Syafira Aini Beru Ginting ◽  
Zikraul Husna ◽  
Veni Veronica Siregar ◽  

The concept of learning that is arranged in the world of education is very influential in order to arrive at the goals that have been determined. The application of learning must be structured in such a way that the expected learning process runs. The Learning Process Design (RPP) is a benchmark for an educator when carrying out learning, the RPP that is formed must have conformity to the learning content carried out by the educator and here the author designs a lesson plan for class IV Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. The writing method uses a literature review of several trusted sources of scientific articles. The results obtained in this paper are the implementation of the basic concepts of Islam in Science subjects (Physics and Biology) which in the lesson plans are developed materials that combine Science subjects with religious science and combine the two, so that students are not only required in the cognitive domain but students also know Science from spiritual aspect and being able to be grateful for what they have and can apply the meaning of the verse that has been written in the Qur'an Surah Al-An'am: 99 teaches humans about the natural resources that God has given to humans and how to manage them. Keywords: Basic Concepts of Education, Science Learning, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-241
Rohmat Rohmat

Abstract This research is intended to see students’ creativity level on microteaching subject of Islamic Education Major Program Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training of IAIN Surakarta in 2015. This research was descriptive. The 6th semester students of Islamic Education Major Program were the participants of this research in micro teaching class. Interview and document were used as the instruments with the microteaching lecturer as the informant. Interactive analysis was applied for data analysis. The results show that the quality of students’ creativity in developing lesson plan as follows: (1)The lesson plan (RPP) developed before teaching improves learning quality (2)the interactive activities mentioned in the lesson plan (RPP) contain the learning strategies and facilities encouraging teaching and learning process (3)learning goals were achieved during the teaching and learning process. (4)the learning techniques is associated with the component of instructional system (5)teaching media was used to conduct conducive learning situation (6)some contents emphasized in the lesson plan (RPP) were suitable with the instructions existed in course book and curriculum (7)some specific activities done by the students in the learning process are their ways to master the materials they taught (8)The learning focus is emphasized on PAIKEM (Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective, and Fun Learning) and on evaluation to check the result, process, and comprehensible instruction. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kreatifitas siswa pada pembelajaran micro teaching pada jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan IAIN Surakarta tahun 2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa mata kuliah micro teaching semester VI. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan dokumen yang mana dosen mata kuliah tersebut menjadi informan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kreatifitas para siswa pada matakuliah micro teaching sebagai berikut: 1)Pembuatan RPP dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. 2)kegiatan interaktif yang tertera dalam RPP berisi langkah-langkah strategi pembelajaran interaktif dan fasilitas yang mendukung proses belajar mengajar; 3)tujuan didapatkan dalam proses belajar mengajar. 4)teknik pembelajaran dilakukan dan disesuaikan dengan kandungan dari sistem instruksional. 5)penggunaan media ajar kondusif. 6)penekanan yang dipaparkan dalam RPP disesuaikan dnegan instruksi yang ada dalam buku dan kurikulum. 7)hal-hal spesifik yang dilakukan para mahasiswa dalam proses pembelajaran merupakan strategi untuk menguasai materi yang akan diajarkan. 8)fokus dalam pembelajaran ditekankan pada PAIKEM (Pembelajaran Aktif, Inovatif, Kreatif, Efektif, dan Menyenangkan) dan evaluasi untuk mengetahui hasil, proses, dan instruksi yang komprehensif. How to Cite : Rohmat. (2016) Connecting the World: The Quality of Teachihg and Learning Process Reflected from Students’ Creativity on Micro Teaching Subject. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 3(2), 227-241. doi:10.15408/tjems.v3i2.4062. Permalink/DOI:

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-219
Sartawi Sartawi

One way to increase students' learning interest is by using learning strategies. An interesting strategy will certainly influence learning process in order to produce quality learning, especially in science learning. Of the various types of strategies, researcher employs the Inquiry Mind Want to Know strategy in class IV B science learning at MI, Ma’arif Bego Yogyakarta. The study aims to determine the implementation, both the advantages and disadvantages factors, of the Inquiry Mind Want to Know Strategy in class IV B science learning at MI Ma’arif Bego Yogyakarta.The study uses a descriptive qualitative approach using the case study method. The data are collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The analysis techniques applied are data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. Finally, the data are validated using the triangulation technique.The results of the study show that there are several ways of implementing the Inquiry Mind Want to Know Strategy in science learning i.e. implementation based on the steps of the Inquiry Mind Want to Know strategy, combining the Mind Want to Know strategy with contextual teaching and learning (CTL), and using practicing learning. The disadvantage in the strategy is inadequate time for students. Whereas the advantages of the strategy are that the students can be active and have enjoyable learning. The impacts of the Inquiry Mind Want to Know strategy on science learning are the students become more active and full of curiosity in the learning process and they can develop their skills and attitudes. Furthermore, using the strategy, the teachers have more understanding on their students.

Vidya Karya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 78
Muhdi Harto ◽  
Misbah Misbah

The world of education is again disturbed by the massive spread of the COVID-19 virus or coronavirus disease. The use of technology is considered to facilitate and be a solution and innovation in the learning process that can be a way out so that the teaching and learning process during the COVID-19 period becomes more effective. One of the innovations that teachers can do as educators in delivering learning materials is using models in collaboration with technological advances in the learning process, especially in science learning. This research is descriptive in the form of a literature study. Data sources come from 15 scientific articles from national journals and accredited national journals. Based on the literature review that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the use of online learning models in collaboration with technology such as the Zoom platform, google classroom, WhatsApp, and others can be used in the science learning process at all levels of education during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is because this learning model is centred on students so that they are not dependent on the teacher, which is in line with the basis of online learning, which requires students to think critically, be active in exploring or understanding the subject matter presented. Students are required to establish communication between fellow students and the teacher who acts as a moderator.Keywords: Covid-19; Inovations; Online Learning; Science Dunia pendidikan kembali terusik dengan adanya penyebaran virus COVID-19 atau coronavirus disease secara masif. Penggunaan teknologi dianggap bisa mempermudah dan menjadi solusi serta inovasi dalam proses pembelajaran yang bisa menjadi jalan keluar sehingga proses belajar mengajar di masa COVID-19 menjadi lebih efektif. Salah satu inovasi yang bisa dilakukan guru sebagai tenaga pendidik dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran yaitu penggunaan model yang dikolaborasikan dengan kemajuan teknologi dalam proses pembelajaran khususnya pada pembelajaran sains. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif berupa studi kepustakaan. Sumber data berasal dari 15 artikel ilmiah dari jurnal nasional maupun jurnal nasional terakreditasi. Berdasarkan kajian literatur yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran online leaning yang dikolaborasikan dengan teknologi seperti platform Zoom, google classroom, whatsapp, dan lainnya dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran sains pada semua jenjang pendidikan di masa pandemi COVID-19. Hal ini karena model pembelajaran ini berpusat kepada peserta didik sehingga mereka tidak ketergatungan kepada guru, yang sejalan dengan dasar dari pembelajaran secara daring yaitu menuntut peserta didik untuk berpikir kritis, aktif dalam menjelajahi atau memahami materi pelajaran yang disampaikan serta peserta didik dituntut agar dapat menjalin komunikasi yang baik antara sesama peserta didik dan juga guru yang berperan sebagai moderator.Kata kunci: Covid-19; Inovasi; Online Learning; Sains

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1386
Netty M Arumisore ◽  
Sifak Indana ◽  
Soetjipto Soetjipto

The objective of this research is produce science learning tools that eligible for  the completeness of learning outcome student’s  at subject human motion system  on the junior high school. The development of this learning tools is based on 3-D model  by using test based on One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The test is conducted on eighth grade student of SMP Negeri Rasiei Teluk Wondama district-Papua Barat. The research consisted of two stages which is: 1) Developing the learning tools consisted of lesson plan, student’s book, and student’s worksheet, learning achievement test validated by experts. 2) the lesson learning tools which has been  validated by expert is a tested. The instrumental used including observational sheet of student’s activity, and student’s response questionnaire. He result of the research shows that: 1) the learning tools is valid; 2) the lesson plan accoplishment is categorized as good; 3) the student’s activities indicate tha they learn to actively build their own knowledge through a scientific approach; 4) the student’s responded positively to the learning process; 5) the student’s learning outcomes of attitude, knowledge, and skill aspects is accomplished. Based on the following results can be concluded that the science learning tools based scientific approach on human motion system is a valid, practical, and effective. Thus the science learning tools can be used on the learning process and proofed to be effective for the completeness of student’s learning outcome

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-82
Mira Melinda ◽  
M. Fahmi Nugraha ◽  
Budi Hendrawan

Science learning is the science of natural phenomena in the form of facts generated based on field observations including science. In natural science learning there are several obstacles, namely the low learning achievement of students, in the learning process in the classroom still using conventional learning models only with lectures and centered on textbooks only, there is no group discussion students tend to be passive and the teacher becomes the center of the learning process, so that students in science learning in the classroom feels boring and less challenging so students are less active in class. Based on the problem of difficulties in the learning process, the application of the make a match learning model is expected to be able to improve student achievement in the material benefits of style in everyday life of class IV SDN Puspajaya. The study uses quantitative research methods with experimental research methods using quasi-external design with nonequivalent control group design. The study was conducted at SDN Puspajaya with a population of twenty students by using a saturated sample that divides students into two classes, namely the control class of ten students and the experimental class of ten students. Data collection techniques were performed using pretest and posttest tests and the data were analyzed using SPSS version 23.

2020 ◽  
Qatrin Nada Sanya Rossevin

Education is a learning process that is arranged systematically in order to develop all the potential possessed by individuals including skills, interests, talents, expertise, attitudes so that they can have spiritual, strength, intelligence, personality and self-development in making useful people. This article aims to explain how the basic concepts, processes, and scope of education administration can take place properly. This article was prepared using the systematice literature review (SLR) method. By gathering material from various sources such as books, journals, articles and other sources. So that later writers can deduce new knowledge from the results of the analysis of research materials. and can be used in the world of education in accordance with educational policies that have been set for more efficient and effective education. In the world of education, if there is no education administration, the learning process in schools will not run well. Which is the educational administration process that includes planning, organizing, activating and controlling. By encompassing a variety of spheres of interconnectedness in order to achieve educational goals, namely human welfare.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Muhammad Amran ◽  
Adnan, K Adnan,k ◽  
St. Asmah St. Asmah

This study aims to improve the ability of PGSD UPP Bone students in the basic science basic 2 course using process skill approach. The benefits of the research are: (1) Expected Lecturer has knowledge of the theory of process skill approach which is one of the forms of learning innovation in elementary school. (2) it is expected that the lecturer in the course has a learning theory that can be used as a reference to improve the science learning outcomes. The population of the study was UPP PGSD Bone class 25.C was 19 students. Technique of collecting data of this research is by test, direct interview, observation and field note. Data analysis using descriptive statistical techniques to describe student learning outcomes. The results of the study are as follows; (2) Lecturer still have to maximize in designing lesson plan by using process skill approach, (3) Lecturer must improve competence in using a process skill approach. the improvement of students ability by using approach of process skill because student at the time learn more active in implementation of learning process. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-97 ◽  
Baharuddin Baharuddin ◽  
Sifak Indana ◽  
Toeti Koestiari

Abstract. This research purposed to produce science learning materials that eligible to complete student learning achievement at junior high school of the System of Excretion materials. The development of this learning tool based on Dick and Carey model and the using test based One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The test conducted in eighth grade student of SMP Negeri 16 Poleang Tengah. This research consisted of two stages: 1) Developing the learning materials consisted of lesson plan, student’s book, and student’s worksheet, and learning achievement test validated by experts. 2) Implementation of the validated learning materials which instrument that used in this research are validation sheet, observational sheet of learning accomplishment, the learning constraints, observational sheet of student’s activity, and Student’s response questionnaire. The result showed that: 1) The learning materials were valid; 2) the lesson plan accomplishment was categorized as good; 3) The student activities indicated that they learn to actively build their own knowledge through a process of inquiry; 4) The students responded positively to the learning process; 5) The student’s learning achievements of attitude, knowledge, and skill aspects were accomplished. Based on the following results can be concluded that the science learning materials based on guided inquiry with a project task on Excretion of System were valid, practical, and effective. Thus the science learning materials can be used on the learning process and proofed to be effective to complete student’s learning achievement.Keywords: Guided inquiry, project task, completeness of student’s, excretion system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-37
Diah Aprilia ◽  
Wahyu Hari Kristiyanto ◽  
Debora Natalia Sudjito

TSTS (Two Stay Two Stray) is one of the learning models often used by educators to make students were doing active learning activities. Still, the educators usually did not pay attention to the lack of that learning model. Some cases found that learning objectives that should have been stressed on the cognitive activities were not achieved because the physical activities are more dominant than cognitive activities during the learning process. This study aimed to investigate whether lesson plans and video of TSTS cooperative learning more emphasized cognitive or physical activities by examining the compatibility between investigated cognitive and physical activities toward the learning objectives of science. There is qualitative research that is analyzed descriptively using the lesson plan sample and video of physics learning applying TSTS. The data analysis of this study was performed by examining a table that contains the possibility of the students’ activities for the lesson plan and students’ activities. That was observed using video during the learning process than were grouped in the physical or cognitive activities based on the operational verb of Bloom Taxonomy. The result of the study is both the lesson plan and video show that cognitive operations are more dominant than physical activities. It means that those activities are following the purpose of science learning. The average of cognitive activities is 77,4%, and physical activities are 22,6%. The educators are suggested to attend the proportion of physical and cognitive activities so that the purpose of science learning can be achieved optimally.

2018 ◽  

To help Elementary School students in mastering Natural Science learning materialsI and to increase their achievement in Final Examination, conventional approach is stillI '"requently used. Consequently, students-oriented learning strategies that could reflect the1 students' daily experiences are less prioritized. Nowadays, violence perpetrated by students rom �lementary School to university levels either. published _or_ unp�blished k�eps ncreasmg, Some of them are the brawl, peers defamation, and sadistic actions committedi 'Jy several students in an Elementary School in Bukittinggi. This research seeks to reveali • he effectiveness of role playing approach in Natural Science learning process in controllingI he Elementary School students' aggressiveness.This quasi experimental research applied quantitative approach. The population of he research was Elementary School students in Simpang Haru Kota Padang. By using:luster Random Sampling, the students in class IV B were chosen as the experimental' group and those in class IV A were taken as the control one. The data were obtained:hrough interview and observation. The data collected then were analyzed by usingWilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and Kolmogorov Smirnov 2 Independent Samples.Based on the results of the research, it is figured out that: (1) the aggressiveness of.he students in the experimental class taught by using Role Playing approach in pretest fiffers from that in posttest, (2) the aggressiveness of the students in the control class taught by using conventional approach in pretest does not differ from that in posttest, and'.3) the aggressiveness of the students in the experimental class taught by using RolePlaying approach differs from that of students in the control class taught by using:onventional approach. In general, it is revealed that the aggressiveness of the students rior to the implementation of Role Playing approach was negative, but it becomes positive fter that approach is applied. Hence, the use of Role Playing approach is effective to ontrol the aggressiveness of the Elementary School studen

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