scholarly journals Keberlangsungan Interaksi Komunitas Keturunan Arab di Palembang dengan Sungai Musi. Kajian Sosiologi pada Masyarakat Pendukung Situs

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-118
Aryandini Novita

This paper is an archaeology study that uses sociology approach to determine the continuity of interaction of Arab descend against the river. The research analyze how Arab descend in Palembang who have lived in Palembang long ago use the river in daily life and analyze their perception about river. The research method used in this research is qualitative method with data collection techniques through observation and interviews. In an effort to find out the perception of Arab descendants community in Palembang about the river, the researchers applied the pattern of thought in accordance with the mindset of the research’s object. The results of this study indicate that the development of Palembang has caused environmental changes but it does not make the Arab descendant community, except the community in Sungailumpur, to no longer interact with the river but its intensity has decreased. The description of the life of this community is the identity of the Arab descendant community living in Palembang, that is their ancestor inherited the tradition of riverine culture like the Palembang people in general due to the mother of their ancestor who is a native of Palembang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Rizky Agassy Sihombing ◽  
Jennie Febrina Hutagalung ◽  
Pristi Suhendro Lukitoyo

AbstractThe purpose of this study was to determine the understanding and guidance that is suitable to be implemented in the norms of courtesy through Civics learning in Sunday school children at GBI Sukma Medan. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method, data collection techniques using observation, interview and documentation techniques. The object of this research is the activity of fostering norms of courtesy in Civics learning through storytelling techniques. The study population was all children of the Sunday school at GBI Sukma Medan, which consisted of class III-VI. The data collection instrument is the researcher himself with the help of observation guidelines and interview guidelines. The results obtained from the data analysis found that Sunday school children at GBI Sukma Medan did not understand the concept of the norms of courtesy and the application of the norm values of courtesy in daily life through Civics learning that they had previously learned. ------------- AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemahaman dan pembinaan yang cocok dilaksanakan dalam norma sopan santun melalui pembelajaran PPKn pada setiap anak sekolah minggu GBI Sukma Medan. Metode penelitian yang akan digunakan adalah dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan datanya dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi secara menyeluruh. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah kegiatan pembinaan terhadap norma sopan santun dalam pembelajaran PPKn dengan teknik bercerita. Adapun populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh anak-anak sekolah minggu GBI Sukma Medan yang dimana terdiri dari kelas III-VI. Instrumen dalam pengumpulan data dengan cara peneliti sendiri dengan bantuan pedoman observasi serta pedoman wawancara. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh dari analisis data yang ditemukan, menyatakan bahwa anak-anak sekolah minggu GBI Sukma Medan kurang memahami mengenai konsep norma sopan santun serta dalam penerapan nilai norma sopan santun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari melalui pembelajaran PPKn yang telah mereka pelajari sebelumnya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Osvaldo Victor Alfonso ◽  
Agung Yudhistira Nugroho

AbstrakPenelitian ini menggambarkan tentang berbagai latar belakang pengambilan keputusan Putin atas isu Krimea yang melihat dasar-dasar pengambilan keputusan seperti intuisi, pengalaman, fakta, wewenang, dan rasionalitas yang memengaruhi Putin dalam melakukan aksi aneksasi Krimea tersebut. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini, sang penulis menggunakan kerangka teori Pengambilan Keputusan (Decision Making) yang merupakan topik utama sekaligus pisau analisa dalam penelitian ini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh sang penulis dalam penyusunan skripsi ini adalah metode kualitatif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan oleh sang penulis dalam memperoleh data adalah melalui wawancara dan studi pustaka yang menelaah sejumlah buku, jurnal, artikel ilmiah, dan media elektronik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa latar belakang pengambilan keputusan Vladimir Putin adalah berdasarkan pilihan rasional dengan melihat pertimbangan materil seperti memberi keuntungan di sektor keamanan, ekonomi, politik, memberikan peluang Rusia menjadi negara adidaya, dan pengamanan jalur pipa gas Rusia di Ukraina dan Krimea. Yang menarik dari tindakan yang diinisiasi oleh Putin itu adalah aksi tersebut dalam merebut suatu wilayah tanpa pencurahan darah. Ini adalah hal yang menarik bagi sang penulis karena bagaimana mungkin suatu intervensi militer di suatu wilayah tidak terjadi penyerangan dari pihak luar ke dalam suatu wilayah, dalam hal ini adalah aksi Rusia kepada Krimea. Politik keamanan, politik identitas, dan politik ekonomi mewarnai Putin dalam pengambilan keputusannya atas isu Krimea tersebut.Kata Kunci: Vladimir Putin, Pengambilan Keputusan, Pilihan                          Rasional, Rusia, Krimea, Ukraina.Abstract This research describes the various backgrounds of Putin's decision making on the Crimean issue which looks at the basics of decision making such as intuition, experience, facts, authority and rationality that influenced Putin in carrying out the Crimean annexation. In writing this thesis, the writer uses the theoretical framework of Decision Making which is the main topic as well as the analysis knife in this research. The research method used by the author in the preparation of this thesis is a qualitative method. The data collection techniques used by the author in obtaining data are through interviews and literature studies that examine a number of books, journals, scientific articles, and electronic media. The results show that the background of Vladimir Putin's decision making is based on rational choices by looking at material considerations such as providing benefits in the security, economic, political sectors, giving Russia the opportunity to become a superpower, and securing Russian gas pipelines in Ukraine and Crimea. What's interesting about the action initiated by Putin is that it seizes an area without shedding blood. This is an interesting matter for the author because how could a military intervention in a region not occur from outside attacks into an area, in this case Russia's action against Crimea. Security politics, identity politics and economic politics colored Putin in his decision making on the Crimean issue. Keywords:  Vladimir Putin, Decision Making, Rational Choice,                          Rusia, Crimea, Ukraine.

Lusiana Rahmatiani

ABSTRACT Character education is one of the focus of educational goals in Indonesia. The importance of character education because of the declining ethics, morale of learners and the increasing popularity of student delinquency, such as brawl and drug addicts. Implementation of character education is very important to evaluate how the process and results. The research was conducted at SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. The purpose of this study describes the implementation of lisa program, libra, patujar applied in SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. Knowing the value of characters generated in the program lisa, libra, patujar applied in SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. The research method used is qualitative method with data collection technique, observation, interview and documentation. Suggestion of research result that is importance of socialization about character education to learners, teachers and society to support the embodiment of school program libra libra patujar. Schools should involve parents and community as partners in the coaching and habituation of student characters. Keywords: Character Education, Character Value, Lisa, Libra Patujar ABSTRAK Pendidikan karakter merupakan salah satu fokus tujuan pendidikan di Indonesia. Pentingnya pendidikan karakter karena semakin menurunnya etika, moral peserta didik dan semakin maraknya kenakalan pelajar, seperti tawuran dan pecandu narkoba. Implementasi pendidikan karakter sangat penting untuk dievaluasi bagaimana proses dan hasilnya. Penelitian dilakukan di SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan implementasi program lisa, libra, patujar yang diterapkan di SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. Mengetahui nilai karakter yang dihasilkan dalam program lisa, libra, patujar yang diterapkan di SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data, observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Saran hasil penelitian yaitu pentingnya sosialisasi mengenai pendidikan karakter kepada peserta didik, guru dan masyarakat untuk menunjang keterwujudan program sekolah lisa libra patujar. Sekolah harus melibatkan orang tua dan masyarakat sebagai partner dalam pembinaan dan pembiasaan karakter siswa. Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Karakter, Nilai Karakter, Lisa, Libra Patujar

Lalu Ratmaja ◽  
Anas Pattaray

Kembang Kuning tourism village is a tourism village in East Lombok Regency with an advantage at the foot of Mount Rinjani in the south and has local potential that can be an attraction for tourists. The existence of this tourist village is an opportunity for residents to provide homestay for tourists. In addition to being an accommodation offered, homestay is also a business opportunity for residents. The homestay business for the community is used as additional livelihood after agriculture, for that it needs in-depth research to find out more about the condition of the homestay in the Kembang Kuning Tourism Village. Therefore, this study aims to analyze homestay businesses in the Kembang Kuning Tourism Village seen from 3 (three main components of this business program, namely institutions, actors and products. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method with data collection methods in the form of interviews The results of this study illustrate the homestay business program seen from the local institutions shown by the existence of a local organization that regulates tourism activities, Pokdarwis Lingko` Cave, which supervises homestay business actors who are self-supporting communities in the Kembang Kuning Tourism Village. This homestay produces products offered as attractions that are the reason for tourists to come in the form of homestays and activities that become tourist attractions.The results of this analysis form the basis for preparing recommendations for homestay businesses viewed from the three components.Keywords: Tourism, Kembang Kuning Tourism Village, Homestay Business

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Neneng Siti Maryam

Abstract - Early March 2020, the corona virus began to spread in Indonesia. To suppress the wider spread of the virus, the government made policies regarding social restrictions. This has resulted in many schools and colleges, offices and companies, and other public places, deciding whether employees or their students should work or study from home. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of online learning during the Corona virus pandemic in Bandung Kridatama Polytechnic students. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method, and data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. While the analysis of data acquisition was carried out by collecting data, reducing data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study revealed that online learning carried out during the Corona virus pandemic was ineffective because obstacles were still found that interfered with the learning process, including the absence of two-way communication between students and lecturers, Besides other obstacles, namely students who do not have enough quotas to take part in online learning, or lecturers who do not understand technology so that learning is not carried out using online learning applications but through Whatsapp groups. Keywords: learning, online learning, pandemic, Corona virus Abstrak – Awal bulan Maret tahun 2020, virus corona mulai menyebar di Indonesia. Untuk menekan penyebaran virus yang lebih luas lagi, pemerintah membuat kebijakan mengenai pembatasan sosial.  Hal tersebut mengakibatkan banyak sekolah dan kampus, kantor dan perusahaan,  serta tempat-tempat publik lainnya, memutuskan  para karyawan atau anak didiknya untuk bekerja atau belajar dari rumah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efektivitas pembelajaran online di masa pandemi virus Corona pada mahasiswa Politeknik Kridatama Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, dan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan analisis perolehan data dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa pembelajaran online yang dilaksanakan selama masa pandemi virus Corona kurang efektif karena masih ditemukan hambatan yang mengganggu proses pembelajaran diantara-Nya tidak terjalinnya komunikasi dua arah antara mahasiswa dan dosen, disamping hambatan-hambatan lainnya yaitu mahasiswa yang tidak memiliki cukup kuota untuk mengikuti pembelajaran online, atau dosen yang kurang memahami teknologi sehingga pembelajaran tidak dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi pembelajaran online tetapi melalui grup Whatsapp. Kata Kunci: pembelajaran, pembelajaran online, pandemik, virus Corona

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-170
Arihun Rahmatin

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze the Discipline of Civil Servants policy in improving performance at the Utan Sub-District Office, Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province. The research method used is a qualitative method, with a qualitative approach. Data obtained through data collection techniques: interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the disciplinary policy of Civil Servants in the Utan Sub-District Office, Sumbawa Regency basically has not run effectively. This is due to a lack of awareness to be able to work with discipline. Keywords: implementation, civil discipline policy, employee performance

Hasta Wiyata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-130
Widya Ayu ◽  
Anisa Nur Aziza ◽  
Amalia Kusuma ◽  
Ika Nurul

Social media becomes a space to express feelings and opinions freely. However, freedom of speech is now abused by internet citizens to freely express words that mean rude, blasphemous, insulting, or in language science called disfemism. This research aims to describe the form and function of disfemism in the comment column of kekeyi public figure's Instagram @rahmawatikekeyiputricantikka23. The research method uses a descriptive qualitative method. The research data are words, phrases, and sentences containing disfemism in the comments column of the Instagram @rahmawatikekeyiputricantikka23 in July 2020. The data collection method uses the simak method with a recording technique—data collection techniques with documentation techniques. Data analysis uses the agih method with basic natural elements, substitution or substitution techniques, and removal techniques. Based on the results of this study found 279 data on disfemism. The found forms of disfemism are words, phrases, and phrases. The word disfemism form amounts to 90 data, the form of phrase disfemism amounts to 100 data, and the expression disfemism form amounts to 89 data. There are seven functions of disfemism found in this study, among them: (a) as an intermediary to express taboo or indecent things, (b) as a sign of dislike, hate, and disrespect, (c) as an intermediary to express anger or aggravation, (d) as a negative depiction of something, (e) as a means of insulting and mocking, (f) as a means of criticizing, and (g) as a means to exaggerate something and scold.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 206-224
Agus Saepulloh ◽  
Tjetjep Fachruddin ◽  
Yuliani Yuliani

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis  isi pesan dakwah pada buku Gapleh “Gaul Tapi Soleh”. Secara rinci tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pesan dakwah dari segi akidah, akhlak, dan syariah yang terkandung dalam buku Gapleh karya Ustad Evie Effendie. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif, didasarkan pada asumsi teori analisis isi yang dikembangkan oleh Harold D. Lasswell, untuk memperoleh keterangan dari komunikasi yang disampaikan dalam buku, dan teknik pengumpulan data mengguanakan studi dokumentasi, wawancara  dan pengamatan pada buku Gapleh karya Ustad Evie Effendie. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pesan dakwah pada buku Gapleh karya Ustad Evie Effendie, terdapat kategori pesan dakwah seperti yang telah dipilah yaitu menjadi tiga bagian pesan, diantaranya (a) akidah meliputi nilai-nilai keimanan seseorang muslim. (b) syariah meliputi ibadah yang harus dilaksanakan oleh seorang muslim, dan (c) akhlak meliputi nilai-nilai mengenai pembahasan tentang cara perilaku seseorang terhadap Allah, manusia dan lingkungannya. This study tried to study and analyze the contents of the da'wah message in the book "Gapul But Soleh". In detail the purpose of this study is to find out the message of preaching in terms of aqeedah, morals, and sharia contained in the book Gapleh by Ustadh Evie Effendie. The research method used is a qualitative method, based on the assumption of content analysis theory developed by Harold D. Lasswell, to obtain information from the communication conveyed in the book, and data collection techniques using documentation studies, interviews and briefings on the book Gapleh by Ustad Evie Effendie. The results of this study show da'wah messages on Gapleh's book by Ustadh Evie Effendie, including the category of da'wah messages as they have been divided into three parts of the message, so that (a) the aqid Share the values ​​of one's Muslim faith. (b) shari'a about worship that must be carried out by a Muslim, and (c) adding values ​​about the discussion of how to make one's relationship with God, humans and their environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-23
Aliefaryudha Aliefaryudha ◽  
Tajudin Noor ◽  
Sayan Suryana

Abstract This study aims to describe the implementation of learning supervision by the headmaster in Madrasah Aliyah Ghoyatul Jihad Karawang Regency viewed from aspects: 1. Planning learning supervision, 2. Implementation of learning supervision, 3. The relationship between planning and implementing learning supervision. Supervision of Madrasah Principal Learning is basically a servant activity for teachers conducted by madrasah principals for coaching teachers especially to improve the quality of learning. As an impact of increasing the quality of learning can certainly also increase student learning achievement and that means increasing the quality of madrasah graduates themselves. So that supervision of learning of teachers is expected to be carried out on an ongoing basis so that the teacher's pedagogical competence can increase. The research method used by researchers in conducting this research is descriptive qualitative method, in which the researcher describes and analyzes the data obtained in the field. Data collection techniques are done through observation, interviews and documentation. The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the implementation of learning supervision conducted by the headmaster in Madrasah Aliyah Ghoyatul Jihad. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the implementation of learning supervision has been effective because the headmaster of madrasas when supervising learning refers to the planning program that has been created to improve teacher pedagogical competence. Key words: Learning Supervision, Madrasah Head Learning Supervision, Teacher's Pedagogical Competencies   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan supervisi pembelajaran oleh kepala madrasah di Madrasah Aliyah Ghoyatul Jihad Kabupaten Karawang dilihat dari aspek: 1. Perencanaan supervisi pembelajaran, 2. Pelaksanaan supervisi pembelajaran, 3. Hubungan antara perencanaan dan pelaksanaan supervisi pembelajaran. Supervisi Pembelajaran Kepala Madrasah pada dasarnya suatu kegiatan pelayan untuk guru yang dilakukan kepala madrasah untuk pembinaan kepada guru khususnya agar kualitas pembelajarannya meningkat. Sebagai dampak meningkatnya kualitas pembelajaran tentu dapat meningkat pula prestasi belajar siswa dan itu berarti meningkatlah kualitas lulusan madrasah itu sendiri. Sehingga supervisi pembelajaran terhadap guru diharapkan dapat terlaksana secara berkelanjutan agar kompetensi pedagogik guru dapat meningkat. Metode penelitian yang peneliti gunakan dalam melakukan penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif deskriptif, dimana peneliti mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis data-data yang diperoleh di lapangan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa implementasi supervisi pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh kepala madrasah di Madrasah Aliyah Ghoyatul Jihad. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan supervisi pembelajaran sudah efektif karena kepala madrasah ketika melakukan supervisi pembelajaran mengacu pada program perencanaan yang sudah di buat untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik guru. Kata Kunci: Supervisi Pembelajaran, Supervisi Pembelajaran Kepala Madrasah, Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 390-322
Iwan Ramadhan

Every development activity always leads to better things. If development is not achieved, it will impact the society negatively. Through each of existing social changes, the existing community is expected to work together in carrying out any existing development activities, one of which is in the tourism sector, namely the construction of the Equator Park. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method, and the techniques used in data collection are observation and interviews. The purpose of this study is to see and find out the changes that have occurred in economic and socio-cultural fields that have existed in the community, especially in Jeruju Besar Village since the existence of the Equator Park tourist destination. The results indicated the occurrence of socio-cultural and economic changes leading to positive things for the people in Jeruju Besar village since the existence of the Equator Park tourist destination, and the community is required to be more creative and innovative in creating Equator Park tourist attractions and utilizing technology in introducing the tourist attractions.

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