scholarly journals Inter-Religious Interaction In Central Kalimantan: A Study of Islam, Christianity, and Hindu Kaharingan in Palangka Raya City And Eastern Kotawaringin

Al-Albab ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 151
Desi Erawati

Central Kalimantan is one of the provinces in Indonesia where the population is heterogeneous in terms of religion, culture and ethnicity. In several regencies and cities, there are places of worship located side by side (eg mosques, churches, Balai Basarah, and Vihara). Religious relations in several locations indicate awareness of social relations based on kinship. This work is aimed at exploring the patterns of interaction between the life of religious communities in religious, social activities and cultural life. The study employs a naturalistic qualitative approach where the actual condition in the field is being observed or to be natural with the conditions as they are. The data is based on observation, documents and interviews with selected informants from various religious groups including those practicing Islam, Christianity, and Hindu Kaharingan.  Two important findings of the work include, firstly, that the tolerance attitude among them is created because of the ideological strength of the local culture of ‘Huma Betang’ and the values of kinship. Secondly, the process of interaction occurrence is encouraged by the existed meaning of the 'front stage' (emphazising more on the interests of the group). It is an understanding of the differences among them without having to prioritize them in social life, culture and others as well as in the 'back stage' (personal self-concept) of being alert, prejudiced and more careful in daily communication.

1997 ◽  
pp. 8-12
Valentyna Bodak

Society is a person in its social relations. If the term "society" is used to determine reality as a system of interconnections and relationships between people, then its social system appears as an entity in which human societies are diverse in character and social role. Social life is expressed in the grouping of members of society on the basis of certain objectively predetermined types of relations between them. The integrity and unity of religious communities, their qualitative specificity determines the content of the doctrine and cult, on which they grow.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 277
Abubakar HM ◽  
Mualimin Mualimin ◽  
Nurliana Nurliana

Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the social interaction among the religious elites in Palangka Raya. The focus of this writing was the patterns of interaction among the religious elites, the encouraging factors of interaction, and the implications of interaction among the religious communities towards the social life among the religious communities in Palangka Raya. This research is a field research using a qualitative method. The data was collected through observation and interview. It was concluded that the interaction among the religious elites in Palangka Raya was supported by the integrative strengths which enable the harmonious relationship among the religious elites. These integrative strengths were the cultural values which have rooted and have been inherited to the next generations, especially to Dayak society. The religious difference in Dayak culture is not seen as the opposing form, but as a human right and a personal choice of each person. On this level the patterns of interaction which will be formed is integrative solidarity. The harmonious relationship among the religious elites then has implications towards the social life among the religious communities. These implicationswere the realization of the harmonious and collaborative relationships among the religious communities in Palangka Raya.  Paper ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis interaksi sosial antara elit agama di Palangka Raya. Fokus kajian dalam tulisan ini terkait dengan pola interaksi elit agama, faktor pendorong interaksi, dan implikasi interaksi antara elit agama terhadap kehidupan sosial antar umat beragama di Kota Palangka Raya.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif.Untuk memperoleh data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara.Hasil temuan dapat disimpulkan bahwa interaksi antarelit agama di Kota Palangka Raya ditopang oleh kekuatan integratif yang memungkinkan terjadinya hubungan harmonis antara elit agama.Kekuatan integratif tersebut adalah nilai-nilai budaya yang telah mengakar dan diwariskan secara turun-temurun khususnya pada masyarakat Dayak. Perbedaan agama dalam budaya Dayak tidak dipandang sebagai bentuk pertentangan, tetapi sebagai hak asasi dan pilihan pribadi setiap orang. Pada tataran ini pola interaksi yang akan terbentuk adalah bersifat solidaritas integratif. Hubungan yang harmonis antara elit agama kemudian berimplikasi pada kehidupan sosial antarumat beragama di Palangka Raya. Implikasi tersebut terutawa terwujudnya hubungan yang harmonis dan kolaboratif antarumat beragama di Palangka Raya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 12-18
Viktoriia Bondarenko ◽  
Nataliia Pustova ◽  

The article deals with the views of scholars on legal influence in the system of social influence. Using a systematic methodology for the study of legal phenomena, the social system is revealed in its relationship with law and legal influence from the standpoint of modern theory of law. Social norms in the system of social influence are characterized. It is noted that the main purpose of social norms is to ensure the system nature of social relations, orderliness, organization, and focus on socially useful results. In the context of the modern understanding of these legal institutions, such types of regulators of social relations as custom, tradition, moral, religious, political, corporate and legal norms are distinguished. A feature of legal influence is a specific toolkit, which consists in a unique set of legal means, methods and techniques of influence, through which law affects people and society. Psychological, economic, organizational and managerial, political, cultural and religious direction of influence cannot be effective without the influence of the legal, because law regulates in detail the important aspects of public life and consolidates the interests of society. Issues of economic organization, the functioning of the political system, and some issues of organization of cultural life of society are reflected in law. Other areas affect certain aspects of human life. These areas actively interact, having a comprehensive impact on society. Each type of social norms has shortcomings, but, acting in the system, they affect various aspects of the human psyche, ensuring the fullness of social influence, contributing to the common goal – the desired state of social life. Legal influence has a special place in the system of social influence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 150
Angel Christy Latuheru ◽  
Izak Y. M. Lattu ◽  
Tony Robert Tampake

This article addresses Pancasila as a text of interfaith dialogue in Indonesian context. The plurality of Indonesian society bears religious uniqueness in social life together, while conflicts may take place between religious groups. Religious conflicts are caused by attitude of exclusivism, radicalism, fundamentalism of religions and political identity. Pancasila can hold the sense collectivity among Indonesian society to be united. This article employs Gadamer hermeneutic theory in viewing historical texts. History is not something that only happened in the past and is interrupted with the present contexts. The theory of global ethics-Hans Kung, also helps the importance of dialogue with the religious communities to create religious peace. The article concludes that plural and multicultural society must live together in a dialogue circle. Pancasila as the text of interfaith dialogue is always understood as dynamic, open and relevant in the development of religious society in Indonesia. As the national identity, Pancasila has more than one conception as the lighters and guide toward each dialogue strategy that has been undertaken. The values of Pancasilamaintain inclusive religious attitude, respect to human values, and become a solid foundation in maintaining the unity of religious people.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 126
M Thoriqul Huda ◽  
Bisma Dwi Anggana

The relation between Islam and Christianity is indeed endless to study, perhaps these two religions often occur in the dynamics of inter-religious conflict. The Bethel Indonesia Rock Church and the Baitul Falah Mosque have succeeded in establishing harmonious relations which can be as an example of a form of harmony in the equality of states. The wealth of pluralism possessed in this country in fact shows that it has played a major role in building relationships that can build relationships and cooperation between religions. The Muslim-Christian network that took place by the Baitul Falah Mosque and Bethel Rock Church in Surabaya has succeeded in proving the importance of relations between religions such as Muslims and Christians. Social activities carried out together can be used as a benchmark in maintaining harmony between religious groups. Various forms of social activities can be said to be the beginning of an effort to not divide the problems that occur in the problem of religious people. In their efforts to shape these social activities, these two places of worship have indirectly established good relations with the scope of dialogue. This might happen because between GBI Rock and Baitul Falah Mosque, they participate in all activities in which they take care of each other's houses of worship without any disturbance. The two places of worship have carried out a form of life dialogue that reconciles Muslims and Christians through experiences of living together in close proximity to places. In this case, it can be understood that it is important to develop cooperation in maintaining harmony through establishing good social relations between religious communities, hence the creation of a peaceful and happy world even lives in the reality of a multi-religious society.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Idrus Ruslan

The pattern of public relations is a social process, which refers to a pattern of dynamic social relations. Sindang Sari Village is one of the villages in Tanjung Bintang District, South Lampung Regency, which has Islamic, Christian, Catholic and Buddhist religious communities, while the people are Javanese, Sundanese, Palembang and Batak. However, the life and association of the religious community is harmonious and there has never been a conflict or dispute with religious and cultural backgrounds. The results of this study indicate how the pattern of community relations in Sindang Sari village is associative, namely the form of relationships that lead to cooperation in various forms of social life, community, and inter-religious relations, all of which are related, or without coercion from any party. While the factors that support the good interfaith relationship are the existence of community habits and awareness to carry the burden borne by other members or citizens by arranging night patrols, mutual cooperation, social gathering or squatting. In addition, the supporters of the relationship between religious communities in the village of Sindang Sari are the existence of support from religious leaders and village officials both formally and informally.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-55
Anang ◽  
Kalimatul Zuhroh

This study aims to find out about (1) tolerance values, (2) the view of KH. Sholeh Bahruddin about the values ​​of tolerance between one another and between religious groups. (3) Reasons for KH. Sholeh Bahruddin has an important view on tolerance between people and between religious communities.            The results of the study show that: Tolerance between people includes tolerance of fellow humans and tolerance of other God beings such as animals and plants. Whereas inter-religious tolerance is based on: each religion is the responsibility of followers of the religion itself and has a form of worship (ritual) with its own system and method which is interpreted (charged) and becomes the responsibility of the person who embraces it on that basis, tolerance in social life between religious communities is not tolerance in religious matters, but rather the manifestation of the religious attitude of followers of a religion in the association of life between people who are not religious, in social issues or general welfare

Aji Sulistyo

Television advertisement is an effective medium that aims to market a product or service, because it combines audio and visuals. therefore television advertisement can effectively influence the audience to buy the product or service. Advertisement nowadays does not only convey promotional messages, but can also be a medium for delivering social messages. That is one form of the function of the media, which is to educate the public. The research entitled Representation of Morality in the Teh Botol Sosro Advertisement "Semeja Bersaudara" version analyzed the morality value in a television advertisement from ready-to-drink tea producers, Teh Botol Sosro entitled "Semeja Bersaudara" which began airing in early 2019. In this study researchers used Charles Sanders Peirce's Semiotics theory with triangular meaning analysis tools in the form of Signs, Objects and Interpretations. In addition, researchers also use representation theory from Stuart Hall in interpreting messages in advertisements. The results of this study found that the "Semeja Bersaudara" version of Teh Botol Sosro advertisement represented a message in the form of morality. There are nine values of morality that can be taken in this advertisement including, friendly attitude, sharing, empathy, help, not prejudice, no discrimination, harmony, tolerance between religious communities and cross-cultural tolerance. The message conveyed in this advertisement is how the general public can understand how every human action in social life has moral values, so that the public can understand and apply moral values in order to live a better life.

Panggung ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  

ABSTRACT This article aims to explain the existence of Tari Piring dance as a culture identity of Minang- kabau people, both the people who live in the origin area and outside the area. Tari Piring dance is a traditional cultural heritage of Minangkabau people which is used and preserved by Minangkabau people in their life so that it becomes culture identity of Minangkabau people. As the identity of Minangkabau people, Piring dance is able to express attitudes and behaviors as well as the charac- teristics of Minangkabau people. The dance can serve as a reflection of social and cultural life style of Minangkabau society. Through Tari Piring performance, the outsider can understand Minangkabau people and their culture. Tari Piring, therefore, is getting more adhere to the social life of Minang- kabau people in West Sumatra and in the regions overseas. In the spirit of togetherness, Minang- kabau society preserves the existence of Piring dance as the identity and cultural heritage up to the present time. Keywords: Piring Dance, Minangkabau culture  ABSTRAK Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan keberadaan Tari Piring sebagai identitas bu- daya masyarakat Minangkabau, baik yang berada di daerah asal maupun di daerah peran- tauan. Tari Piring merupakan warisan budaya tradisional masyarakat Minangkabau yang digunakan dan dilestarikan oleh masyarakat Minangkabau dalam kehidupannya sehingga menjadi identitas budaya Minangkabau. Sebagai jati diri masyarakat Minangkabau, Tari Piring mampu mengungkapkan sikap dan prilaku serta karakteristik orang Minangkabau. Tari Piring dapat berperan sebagai cerminan dari corak kehidupan sosial budaya masyara- kat Minangkabau. Melalui pertunjukan Tari Piring, masyarakat luar dapat memahami orang Minangkabau dan budayanya. Oleh karena itu, sampai saat ini Tari Piring semakin melekat dengan kehidupan sosial masyarakat Minangkabau di Sumatera Barat maupun di daerah perantauan. Dengan semangat kebersamaan, masyarakat Minangkabau mampu mempertahankan keberadaan Tari Piring sebagai identitas dan warisan budayanya hingga masa kini. Kata kunci : Tari Piring, budaya Minangkabau

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 567
Feng Qu

The case study in this paper is on the Daur (as well as the Evenki, Buriat, and Bargu Mongols) in Hulun Buir, Northeast China. The aim of this research is to examine how shamanic rituals function as a conduit to actualize communications between the clan members and their shaman ancestors. Through examinations and observations of Daur and other Indigenous shamanic rituals in Northeast China, this paper argues that the human construction of the shamanic landscape brings humans, other-than-humans, and things together into social relations in shamanic ontologies. Inter-human metamorphosis is crucial to Indigenous self-conceptualization and identity. Through rituals, ancestor spirits are active actors involved in almost every aspect of modern human social life among these Indigenous peoples.

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