Kristina Megi Limba

Management of pharmaceutical supplies is one of the pharmaceutical services in Hospital Pharmacy Installations. In the management process, the procurement stage greatly affects the availability of drugs and the hospital economy. Guaranteed product and sufficient amount of medicine is one of the most important aspects of a hospital to be able to provide the best service. This study aims to discuss the legal basics regarding the main duties and functions of pharmacists in drug management, particularly the procurement of pharmaceutical supplies in hospitals. This research uses descriptive analysis method. Literature used in the form of scientific journals and regulations related to the management of pharmaceutical supplies at the procurement. The legal basis that regulates the procurement of pharmaceutical supplies is Permenkes RI No.72 Tahun 2016 Tentang Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit and several other supporting regulations. The results of the literature study were the management of pharmaceutical activities in the hospital at the stage of procurement of pharmaceutical supplies carried out by IFRS led by pharmacists. Management of pharmaceutical supplies in hospitals is carried out with a one-door system because it can simplify the process of supervising and controlling pharmaceutical supplies, according to the procurement objectives stated in the Permenkes RI No. 72 Tahun 2016.

Kristina Megi Limba

One of the pharmaceutical services in the Hospital Pharmacy Installation is the management of pharmaceutical supplies. At the management stage, the procurement of pharmaceutical supplies greatly affects the availability of drugs in hospitals. Procurement is an activity to realize the planning needs for pharmaceutical supplies. The process of procuring pharmaceutical supplies must ensure availability, quantity, correct time at affordable prices according to quality standards. A pharmacist is in charge of every pharmaceutical supplies activity in the hospital. Therefore an understanding is needed for pharmacists regarding the main duties and functions of pharmacists in the procurement system. This study aims to discuss the main duties and functions of pharmacists in drug management, particularly the procurement of pharmaceutical supplies in hospitals. The research method used is literature study related to the procurement of pharmaceutical supplies in hospitals. The main duties and functions of pharmacists in the pharmaceutical supplies process include selecting the required pharmaceutical supplies, determining suppliers, determining the procurement method to evaluating the procurement process in hospitals.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-136
Ismail Ismail

Abstract: The law of inheritance has been determined very clearly in the Qur’an and this provision has also been established as a qathi' or final legal basis by jumhur or majority ulama. However, in reality, there are still criticisms of the inheritance law provisions. This article aims to further examine the issue of qat'hi and zhanni (the final one and the need intrepretation) related to inheritance and how the philosophical values ​​of inheritance law in Islam. The philosophical study referred to in this article is related to the purpose of syara’ to determine the distribution of inheritance in such a way and what philosophical basis and values ​​are used. This article also describes the share of men and women with one to two balances. This article is based on literature study by using textual sources, namely the text of the Qur’an (especially verses on the law of inheritance) as the main reference in the reconstruction of philosophical thinking in Islamic inheritance law. The analysis technique in this research is descriptive analysis. So, the philosophical basis and the purpose of inheritance law in Islam is an effort to realize justice in order to achieve mutual benefit for the heirs. However, if a change is needed regarding inheritance law that is relevant to the conditions and situation at the time of the inheritance law decision, there is no harm in providing additional law. Keywords: Philosophical values, inheritance law, Islam.   Abstrak: Hukum waris telah ditentukan dengan sangat jelas dalam Alquran serta ketentuan tersebut juga telah ditetapkan sebagai dasar hukum yang qathi’ oleh jumhur ulama. Akan tetapi realita yang terjadi masih ada kritik terhadap ketentuan hukum waris tersebut. Artikel ini bertujuan mengkaji lebih jauh masalah qat’hi dan zhanni-nya terkait waris dan bagaimana nilai-nilai filosofis hukum kewarisan dalam Islam. Kajian filosofis yang dimaksud dalam artikel ini terkait tentang tujuan syara' menetapkan pembagian warisan sedemikian rupa dan apa dasar dan nilai filosofis yang digunakan. Artikel ini juga menjelaskan tentang bagian laki-laki dan perempuan dengan perimbangan satu banding dua. Artikel ini berbasis penelitian pustaka dengan menjadikan sumber-sumber tekstual yakni teks Alquran (khusus ayat-ayat tentang hukum kewarisan) sebagai acuan utama dalam rekonstruksi pemikiran filosofis dalam hukum waris Islam. Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Teknik analisis deskriptif. Jadi, dasar filosofis dan tujuan hukum waris dalam Islam merupakan suatu upaya untuk mewujudkan keadilan agar tercapai kemashlahatan bersama bagi ahli waris. Namun jika diperlukan sebuah perubahan terkait hukum kewarisan yang relevan dengan kondisi dan situasi pada saat keputusan hukum kewarisan tersebut maka tidak ada salahnya memberikan hukum tambahan. Kata-kata kunci: Nilai-nilai filosofis, hukum kewarisan, Islam.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-36
Amelia Larasita Negarawati

Abstrak Penelitian ini meneliti tentang bentuk pengurangan ekranisasi dari teori Eneste pada plot dari cerita adaptasi anime Assassination Classroom ke live action Assassination Classroom. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan struktural dan metode deskriptif analisis. Teknik validitas data menggunakan teknik triangulasi dengan teori. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik simak, teknik mencatat, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa adanya bentuk pengurangan ekranisasi, yaitu terdapat 16 plot yang mengalami pengurangan. Teknik yang digunakan untuk menghilangkan 16 plot adalah teknik eliminasi. Plot-plot yang berkurang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan plausibilitas atau kelogisan fabula di dalam live action. Selain itu, hal itu dilakukan karena durasi dari masing-masing dua live action, yaitu 1 jam 49 menit dan 1 jam 50 menit   Kata Kunci : Ekranisasi, Pengurangan, Plot, Anime, Live Action   Abstract This research discusses the form of ecranization from Eneste's theory to the plot of the anime adaptation story Assassination Classroom to live action Assassination Classroom. This research uses a structural approach and descriptive analysis method. The data validity technique uses triangulation techniques with theory. Data collection is carried out through listening techniques, collection techniques, and literature study. The results of the study showed that there were forms of ecranization, which were 16 approved plots. The technique used to eliminate 16 plots is the elimination technique. Plots that reduce priority to increase great plausibility or logic in direct action. In addition, this was done because the duration of each of the two live actions, namely 1 hour 49 minutes and 1 hour 50 minutes   Keywords : Ecranization, Reduction, Plot, Anime, Live Action  

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-91
Tatang Hidayat ◽  
Toto Suryana

The aim of this present study is to initiate Islamic education in order to rectify the educational paradigm in Indonesia. With respect to the research methodology, this study employed a qualitative approach and literature study method. In its implementation, the collected data was then analyzed using a descriptive analysis method. Based on the results of the discussion, in order to rectify the educational paradigm in Indonesia, it should initially change the secularism paradigm that has been fossilized in the world of education into the paradigm of Islam, al-Qur`an, and Tauhid. As a consequence, this paradigm will have implications for the establishment of the conceptualized education system that inevitably also affects the to-be-achieved educational objectives. In order to realize a good education system, there should be integration between the elements of education practitioners which consist of family, mosques/schools/campuses, and society. As a result, those aforementioned objectives will be successfully achieved in the moment when Islamic rules are fully implemented in all aspects of life. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously educate the public regarding the importance of implementing Islamic rules in all aspects of life, including in the aspect of education.

Yosica Mariana

In flat environments, housewives are most found staying throughout the day. They use existing open spaces in housing project to interact with other residents. To find out, discover and analyze the correlation between the pattern of open space utilization and the pattern of activity of housewives at flats, this research was conducted using descriptive analysis method bases on case studies on some flats in urban areas, namely Kebon Kacang Flat (KK), Kemayoran Flat (K), Taman Surya Flat (TS) and Pasar Jumat Flat (PJ). Subjects were housewives (residents of the flats); sampling is taken by stratified random sampling. The survey was conducted by interview to obtain data on activity patterns of the mother. Subsequently, observation was conducted to get an overview of the activity patterns of mothers and use of open space including non-physical and physical data of these open spaces. The implementation was done in three stages: preparation (literature study and data collection by remote sensing), interpretation, field test and re-interpretation (width, location, quality of open spaces and activities, professions of women at these locations), and result presentation. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 25
Riri Fadri Azhari ◽  
Afifah Asriati

This study aims to describe the meaning of Alang Suntiang Pangulu dance in Padang Laweh village, Sungai Pua district, Agam regency. This is a qualitative research with a descriptive analysis method. The object of this research was Alang Suntiang Pangulu dance in Padang Laweh village, Sungai Pua district, Agam regency. The main instrument used was the researcher itself and was assisted by tools such as stationery and cameras to collect data in the field. The data were collected through literature study, observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis was conducted by reducing the data, describing the data, and making conclusion.The results show that Alang Suntiang Pangulu dance describes lessons about things a Pangulu (a leader) uses to maintain his crown or honor. These are found in Alang Suntiang Pangulu dance which gives textual meanings elaborated through motion, floor patterns, music, dancers, make-up, performance, and venues. Key words: Alang Suntiang Pangulu Dance, Meaning

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 17
Willy Tri Rama Putra ◽  
Yuliasma Yuliasma

This is a qualitative research with a descriptive analysis method. The main instrument in this study was the researcher itself and was assisted by supporting instruments such as writing instruments and cameras. The data used were primary and secondary data. The data was collected through literature study, observation, documentation, and interview. The data analysis was conducted by reducing the data, modeling the data (data display), and taking / verifying conclusions. The results show that 1) extracurricular dance planning can be conducted well as expected, the material selection is in accordance with students’ needs and abilities, and the schedule selection has been determined by the principal and is always consistent in its implementation, 2) the implementation techniques taught to students give optimal quality such as doing varied warm-ups, teaching difficult to easy movements, and emphasizing parts of the motion by using words such as 1-2-Hentak-Turak, 5-6-Sorong-Turak, 3) students' abilities which looks very good consist of several parts, namely motion, rhythm, and expression. In terms of doing movements, the students are always consistent (there is no change). In terms of rhythm, the students are always good at doing movements because the trainer always provides varied counts and consistently provides rhythms with sound or music during warming up. In terms of expression, students are also spontaneous in doing movements and giving off a beautiful smile. This is due to the fact that the trainer always explains the meaning of motion in every movement the students do.Keywords: Tanun dance Training

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 245
Aynun Nurmayanti ◽  
Widayati Widayati

This study aims to determine and analyze licensing arrangements that seek to be integrated electronically (Online Single Submission-OSS) in legislation, the application of OSS in Pekalongan City, and to know and analyze the constraints of OSS implementation in Pekalongan City and its solutions. This study uses a sociological juridical approach with descriptive analysis research specifications. The data used are primary data and secondary data obtained through interviews and literature study. Data analysis method used is qualitative analysis. Furthermore, based on the results of the study it can be concluded: that 1) Government Regulation Number 24 of 2018 On Electronically Integrated Business Licensing seeks to regulate all licenses in Indonesia, but in practice the implementation can only reach a portion of licensing in Indonesia; 2) The issuance of PP 24/2018 does not regulate the transition period of its enactment, the OSS system is not ready, the NSPK has passed the stipulation 15 (fifteen) days since the issuance of the PP, the OSS system has not used Digital Signature, and the weak aspects of supervision, and inefficiency in obtaining permits.Keywords: OSS; Integrated Business Licensing; PP; NSPK.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Iwan Hermawan

The high demand for various plantation commodities in the world market, especially sugar, encourages the construction and operation of railroad lines in the Cirebon region. The construction and operation of railroad lines in Cirebon are directed to facilitate commodity traffic to be sent through the Port of Cirebon. The problem raised in this paper is related to what archeological remains are markers of the existence of the Cirebon-Cirebon Port Railway. The method used to answer these problems is the descriptive analysis method. Data collection was carried out through literature study and field observations. Dutch colonial railroad relics on the track in the form of the railbed, signal pole structure, boundary stakes, bridge structure, level crossing pole structure, and rail rods that are still installed. The existence of the railroad remains is a proof of the activities of the train transportation mode to the Port of Cirebon. Tingginya permintaan berbagai komoditas perkebunan di pasaran dunia, terutama gula mendorong dibangun dan dioperasikannya jalur kereta api di wilayah Cirebon. Pembangunan dan pengoperasian jalur kereta api di Cirebon diarahkan untuk memperlancar lalu lintas komoditas yang akan dikirim melalui Pelabuhan Cirebon. Salah satu bagian dari jalur kereta api yang dibangun, adalah jalur Stasiun cirebon - Pelabuhan Cirebon. Permasalahan yang diangkat pada tulisan ini, adalah berkenaan dengan tinggalan arkeologi apa saja yang menjadi penanda keberadaan Jalur kereta api Cirebon - Pelabuhan Cirebon. Metode yang dipergunakan untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut, adalah Metode deskriptif analisis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi Pustaka, dan pengamatan lapangan. Saat ini, Jalur kereta Cirebon - Pelabuhan merupakan jalur tidak aktif di wilayah Cirebon. Tinggalan perkeretaapian masa Kolonial belanda di jalur tersebut berupa railbed, struktur tiang sinyal, patok batas, patok KM, struktur jembatan, struktur tiang perlintasan sebidang, dan batang rel yang masih terpasang. Keberadaan tinggalan perkeretaapian tersebut merupakan bukti aktifitas moda angkutan kereta api menuju Pelabuhan Cirebon.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Gendis Wedar Nugraheni ◽  
Ida Bagus Suryawan

Tambakrejo Beach is located in Tambakrejo Village, Wonotirto district, South of Blitar City. Communities around the Tambakrejo Beach initially work as fishermen, traders, farmers, and to meet the daily needs in getting from fishing. However today many people are turning their professions into traders. The tourism development of Tambakrejo beach resulted in changes of community activities. The method used to collect the data in this study are observation, interview, questionnaires, and literature study and the methods used to analyze the data is comparative descriptive analysis method. The results of this study related to the tourism development that tourists visits increases every year. The interaction of tourists with the community is also high, the number of tourist facilities increased, the attractions are two activities such as boating and riding ATV and watching Islamic local culture Larung Sesaji in the beach, and promotion is done with social media and cooperation between magazine and television to review Tambakrejo in their program . The results of the tourism development toward communities economy is community income increased and employment opportunities associated with the movement of livelihoods as a trader.   Keywords : The Impact, Tourism Development, Community Economy, Tambakrejo  

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