Głos ludu w archaicznej Grecji – pomiędzy Tersytesem a Hezjodem

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-21
Anna Ceglarska

The aim of this paper is to present the role that might have been played by people in archaic Greece, already before the full development of People’s Assemblies. Already at the time of formation of Greek poleis, the voice of this social group had an increasing importance and exerted an influence on the rulers. As an example, two earliest works of Greek culture will be presented: The Iliad of Homer and Works and Days by Hesiod. They will help realize how important for rulers were actions taken by their army, which in The Iliad represents the people, and what effects soldiers’ decisions could have. Contrasting the character of Thersites from The Iliad with the self-portrait of Hesiod in the Works and Days allows noticing how the role of people’s representatives evolved – from those deprived of an opportunity to express their opinions to individuals, who can present their own views and criticize the government. These elements enable us to observe the role of people and their influence on rulers at the first stage of development of polis, as well as how they gradually gained more and more extensive power to influence affairs of the state, which in turn led to a legally sanctioned possibilities to intervene and to the emergence of People’s Assemblies in ancient Greece.

Akil Ibrahim Al-Zuhari

The article defines the features of the process of forming the research tradition of studying the institute of parliamentarism as a mechanism for the formation of democracy. It is established that parliamentarism acts as one of the varieties of the regime of functioning of the state, to which the independence of the representative body from the people is inherent, its actual primacy in the state mechanism, the division of functions between the legislative and executive branches of government, the responsibility and accountability of the government to the parliament. It is justified that, in addition to the regime that fully meets the stated requirements of classical parliamentarism, there are regimes that can be characterized as limited parliamentary regimes. The conclusions point out that parliamentarism does not necessarily lead to a democracy regime. At the first stage of development of statehood, it functions for a long time in the absence of many attributes of democracy, but at the present stage, without parliamentarism, democracy will be substantially limited. Modern researchers of parliamentarism recognize that this institution is undergoing changes with the development of the processes of democracy and democratization. This is what produces different approaches to its definition. However, most scientists under classical parliamentarianism understand such a system, which is based on the balance of power. This approach seeks to justify limiting the rights of parliament and strengthening executive power. Keywords: Parliamentarism, research strategy, theory of parliamentarism, types of parliamentarism

2020 ◽  
pp. 174387212098228
Stephen Riley

Drawing upon Kant’s analysis of the role of intuitions in our orientation towards knowledge, this paper analyses four points of departure in thinking about dignity: self, other, time and space. Each reveals a core area of normative discourse – authenticity in the self, respect for the other, progress through time and authority as the government of space – along with related grounds of resistance to dignity. The paper concludes with a discussion of the methodological challenge presented by our different dignitarian intuitions, in particular the role of universality in testing and cohering our intuitions.

1989 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 363-381
Arthur R. Liebscher

To the dismay of today's social progressives, the Argentine Catholic church addresses the moral situation of its people but also shies away from specific political positions or other hint of secular involvement. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the church set out to secure its place in national leadership by strengthening religious institutions and withdrawing clergy from politics. The church struggled to overcome a heritage of organizational weakness in order to promote evangelization, that is, to extend its spiritual influence within Argentina. The bishop of the central city of Córdoba, Franciscan Friar Zenón Bustos y Ferreyra (1905-1925), reinforced pastoral care, catechesis, and education. After 1912, as politics became more heated, Bustos insisted that priests abstain from partisan activities and dedicate themselves to ministry. The church casts itself in the role of national guardian, not of the government, but of the faith and morals of the people.

Mariya Aleksandrovna Akimenkova

The article shows that in career development, the use of acting techniques opens up new opportunities. The author traces the development of the Russian acting school, created by K.S. Stanislavsky and later revised and supplemented by his students, in the modern socio-economic situation. The article demonstrates that despite the fact that for many years this school was aimed exclusively at educating and training people who want to connect their lives with the theater, it had a significant impact on amateurs as well. Passion for the performing arts was traced among people of a wide variety of professions, which contributed to the creation of numerous amateur theaters. This tendency was especially evident in educational institutions. Pupils and students under the guidance of an experienced director tried to take steps in the stage space, received grateful responses, but continued to be content with the role of an amateur actor, without encroaching on the laurels of a professional. Nevertheless, after that, their main activity, regardless of the direction, moved to a completely different level. Without any psychotherapeutic interventions, the attitude to oneself, to the people around, and to situations changed, the speech apparatus and the timbre of the voice were transformed, phobias and depressive tendencies disappeared. As a result, participants in amateur theaters acquired a new circle of friends and promotions, or they radically changed their field of activity, opening completely new prospects for themselves. The article examines these possibilities in the framework of the modern situation, when the entire range of theater and acting means may be in demand by representatives of other professions.

Hadriana Marhaeni Munthe ◽  
Lina Sudarwati

The term, 'inang-inang pasar' is referred to Bataknese market female vendors who sell basic commodities in the traditional urban markets. They have the image of hard working and tough vendors who fight against poverty in towns. Their activities as vendors in traditional markets indicate their strategic role of women as the agents of economic resilience and the agents of health security in their families. Here, their toughness in supporting their families by being vendors at Sembada traditional market, Medan. However, their toughness becomes a dilemma caused by Covid-19 pandemic. In this case, the government implement prokes (health protocol) from 3Ms to 5 Ms (wearing masks, washing hands, doing social distancing, avoiding crowd, and staying home), including in the area of the traditional markets where they sell their merchandise. The Prokes of Covid-19 in traditional markets have caused various responses from them. The reality is that they have not been ready to practice the policy on this 5 M Prokes since most of them lack of awareness of adhering to it due to the vulnerable of their health habitus. It seems that they can become the carriers and local transmitters of Covid-19. This situation worsens their condition and the people surrounding them such as their own family members. Keywords: Habitus, Covid-19, Inang-Inang, Traditional Market

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-151
Risma Widiawati

Bone Regency as part of South Sulawesi is a very interesting area to discuss. This area is not only part of the history of South Sulawesi, but also a historical flow of South Sulawesi. the existence of nobles who are so attached to the joints of the lives of the people of Bone is still interesting to be examined to this day. Based on this, the article aims to reveal the role of Bone nobility in the swapraja government system to the regency (1950 - 1960). The political development of the government during this period was seen as sufficiently influencing the political dynamics of the government in Bone Regency which continued even today. The method used is the method of historical research with four stages, namely, heuristics, criticism (history), interpretation, and presentation (historiography). The results of the study show that after the transition from swapraja to regency, the role of nobility is still very calculated. But it is no longer like in the period before the transition, where the government was ruled by the king / aristocracy. At this time the level of intelligence is also taken into account. Apart from the fact that the structure of the government is indeed different because the process of appointing head of government is also different. But in general the role of nobility after the transition was not much different, where there were still many nobles holding power. ABSTRAK Kabupaten Bone sebagai bahagian dari Sulawesi Selatan merupakan suatu daerah yang sangat menarik untuk dibicarakan. Daerah ini bukan saja merupakan bagian dari sejarah Sulawesi Selatan, tetapi juga merupakan arus sejarah Sulawesi Selatan. keberadaan bangsawan yang begitu melekat di dalam sendi kehidupan masyarakat Bone masih menarik untuk ditelisik sampai hari ini. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan tentang peranan bangsawan Bone dalam sistem pemerintahan swapraja ke kabupaten (1950 – 1960). Perkembangan politik dari pemerintahan selama periode ini dipandang cukup mempengaruhi dinamika politik dari pemerintahan di Kabupaten Bone yang berlangsung bahkan sampai sekarang. Metode yang digunakan adalah adalah metode penelitian sejarah dengan empat tahapan yaitu, heuristik, kritik (sejarah), intrepretasi, dan penyajian (historiografi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah peralihan dari swapraja ke kabupaten, peranan bangsawan masih sangat diperhitungkan. Namun tidak lagi seperti pada masa sebelum peralihan, di mana pemerintahan dikuasai oleh raja/aristokrasi. Pada masa ini tingkat kecerdasan juga diperhitungkan. Selain karena struktur pemerintahannya memang berbeda juga karena proses pengangkatan kepala pemerintahan juga berbeda. Namun secara umum peran bangsawan setelah masa peralihan tidak jauh berbeda, di mana masih banyak bangsawan yang memegang kekuasaan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Rasji Rasji

Village government is the lowest level of government in the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Its existence is very strategic for the implementation of programs of the central government, local government, and the wishes of the village community, so that the village government can help create a balance between the goals desired by the state and those desired by the people, namely the welfare of the people. For this reason, the role of village government officials is important to achieve the success of implementing village government tasks. In fact, there are still many village government officials who have not been able to carry out their duties and authorities properly and correctly. How are efforts to strengthen the role of village government officials so that they are able to carry out their duties and authority properly and correctly? One effort that can be done is to provide technical guidance to village government officials regarding village governance, the duties and authorities of village government officials, as well as the preparation of village regulations. Through this activity, it is hoped that the role of the village government apparatus in carrying out their duties and authorities will be strong, so that their duties and authorities can be carried out properly and correctlyABSTRAK;Pemerintahan desa adalah tingkat pemerintahan terendah di dalam Pemerintahan Negara Republik Indonesia. Keberadaannya sangat strategis bagi penerapan program pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah, dan keinginan masyarakat desa, sehingga pemerintah desa dapat membantu terciptanya keseimbangan tujuan yang diinginkan oleh negara dan yang diinginkan oleh rakyat yaitu kesejahteraan rakyat. Untuk itu peran aparatur pemerintahan desa menjadi penting untuk mencapai keberhasilan pelaksanaan tugas pemerintahan desa. Pada kenyataannya masih banyak aparatur pemerintahan desa yang belum dapat melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya dengan baik dan benar. Bagaimana upaya menguatkan peran aparatur pemerintahan desa, agar mampu menjalankan tugas dan wewenangnya secara baik dan benar? Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah memberikan bimbingan teknis kepada aparatur pemerintahan desa mengenai pemerintahan desa, tugas dan wewenang aparatur pemerintah desa, maupun penyusunan peraturan desa. Melalui kegiatan ini diharapkan peran aparatur pemerintahan desa dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya menjadi kuat, sehingga tugas dan wewenangnya dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan benar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-213
Roshaya Rodness

Jacques Derrida’s early critique of Husserlian phenomenology discusses the production of the ‘phenomenological voice’ as the consummate model of human consciousness. Challenging Husserl’s conviction that consciousness is produced from the self-enclosed act of ‘hearing-oneself-speak’, Derrida points to vocality as the complex site of the self’s relationship to presence and exteriority. The internal division between hearing and speaking, he argues, introduces difference into the generation of conscious life. The use of delayed auditory feedback (DAF) as a prosthetic for stuttering provides an opportunity to engage Derrida’s insights on the connection between consciousness and voice with an ear to the speech of people who stutter. DAF, which may reduce or increase dysfluency depending on the speech of the user, introduces a series of delays, alterations and supplements to speech that underwrite the heterogeneous experience of conscious life. What can the philosophy of deconstruction add to conversations about the function of DAF, and what can theory about and experiences with DAF teach us about the self’s presence to itself and the role of alterity in shaping speech? What does stuttering teach us about the necessity of dysfluency for all speech? This article examines the relation between the voice and the phenomenological voice, and between stuttering and prosthetics. Concluding with an analysis of Richard Serra’s experimental recording, Boomerang (1974), it argues that voice is always already prostheticized with alterity, and that in hearing-oneself-speak we exist with voice in an expansive and unfinished conversation with our own mystery.

2016 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 43 ◽  
NFN Syahyuti

<p><strong>English</strong><br />Involvement of farmers as actors to support extension activities have been underway for a long time with various approaches. In Indonesia, it started from the involvement of Kontak Tani (Advanced Farmers) in Supra Insus era, then farmer to farmer extension at P4S, as well as Penyuluh Swakarsa (Independent Extension Workers)” (in 2004), and the latest is Penyuluh Swadaya (Self-Help Agricultural Extension Workers) since 2008. The existence of self-help farmer extension workers are recognized since the enactment of Law No. 16/2006 on Extension System of Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries. However, even though it runs nearly 10 years, the development of the role of self-help farmer extension workers is not optimal. This paper is a review of various posts including the recent research on self-help farmer extension workers and it aims to study the potential and problems of self-help farmer extension workers. It shows that the self-help farmer extension workers have a self-help capabilities and distinctive social position and they have to get right role. Appropriate support should be given to self-help farmer extension workers as the agricultural extension worker in the future and it must be distinguished between the government and private extension workers. </p><p> </p><p><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Pelibatan petani sebagai pendukung dan pelaku langsung dalam kegiatan penyuluhan telah berlangsung cukup lama dengan berbagai pendekatan. Di Indonesia, hal ini dimulai dari pelibatan kontak tani pada era Bimas sampai Supra Insus, lalu pendekatan “penyuluhan dari petani ke petani” (farmer to farmer extension) di P4S, serta pengangkatan penyuluh swakarsa (tahun 2004), dan terakhir penyuluh swadaya (sejak tahun 2008). Keberadaan penyuluh swadaya diakui secara resmi semenjak diundangkannya UU No. 16 tahun 2006 tentang Sistem Penyuluhan Pertanian, Kehutanan dan Perikanan. Namun, meskipun sudah berjalan hampir 10 tahun, perkembangan peran penyuluh swadaya belum optimal. Tulisan ini merupakan review dari berbagai tulisan termasuk penelitian tentang penyuluh swadaya terakhir, untuk mempelajari potensi dan permasalahan penyuluh pertanian swadaya saat ini. Ditemukan bahwa penyuluh swadaya memiliki kapabilitas dan posisi sosial yang khas, sehingga batasan perannya mestilah diberikan secara tepat. Dukungan yang tepat harus diberikan kepada penyuluh swadaya sebagai sosok penyuluh pertanian yang strategis di masa mendatang, yang mesti dibedakan dengan penyuluh pemerintah dan penyuluh swasta.</p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 279-292
Sonam Tshering ◽  
Nima Dorji

This chapter reflects on Bhutan’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The people’s trust and confidence in the leadership of His Majesty the King, their government, strong Buddhist values to help each other, and the conscience of unity and solidarity proved their foremost strength in containing this pandemic as a nation. The king’s personal involvement helped guide, motivate, and encourage compliance with and support for the government’s response. However, Bhutan faced several challenges during the pandemic. Though most of the people are united, there are outliers who took advantage of the situation; there are reported cases of drug smuggling and one case of a person who escaped from quarantine. The government responded by increasing border patrols. In the long run, other solutions could be considered: installing a smart wall—using drones, sensors, and artificial intelligence patrols—would give Bhutan more control over its borders in the context of another epidemic while also enabling the government to better control smuggling.

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