scholarly journals Correction of the modified symptom list SCL-90-R on a sample of students from the University of Taibah

Haifa Baqaiee - Salwa Hasawi - Maha Jermawi

The present research aims at codifying the modified symptoms list on a sample of students from Taibah University. In order to achieve this goal, the researchers used the survey method. They started by translating the list into Arabic language and modifying its terms according to the rules of the Arabic language without prejudice to the psychological sense of the items. Thus, the psychometric characteristics of the list were verified by studying its validity and stability. Honesty was verified using content validation and constructional honesty through empirical empirical analysis and discrete honesty, while consistency was verified using internal consistency and repeatability. All of which confirmed that the list of symptoms had good indicators of truth and consistency. The results of the study were based on a sample of (625) subjects, of which 283 males and 342 females were used to extract the separate T criteria for males and females, similar to the original study of the list and other studies. The results of the study showed differences between males and females All sub-measures, additional items, general distress index, total positive symptoms, and indicator of suffering of positive symptoms, all were in favor of females. Current research recommends using a list of symptoms in psychiatric centers and clinics for rapid diagnosis, and the regulation of a list of adolescents.

Wafaa Hafize Alowaydhi, Najla Marzuk Almutairi

The study addressed the issue of teaching the science of prosody (Arūḍ) and rhyme in the secondary level with the aim of deciding to include it in the Arabic language courses at the secondary level, and to achieve the goal of the study the researchers used the descriptive survey method and designed an electronic questionnaire for the questionnaire of the study community consisting of all teachers and supervisors of the Arabic language For the secondary level and specialists teaching it in universities in Saudi Arabia and reached the participants in the referendum (430) and then the opinions were treated statistically using percentages and limited the percentage of supporters to teach it and opponents and the reasons of each team, and the result appeared in favor of supporters by 64.4% , and from The most important reasons for support is the role of performances and rhyme in the Arabic language calendar, and being a way to refine the talents of those who have poetic tendencies and open them the doors of interaction with the masterpieces of Arabic poetry and inspiring poetic music, and the percentage of opponents was 36.6% and their reasons were that the prosody (Arūḍ) and rhyme sacrilege is a science to which those who wish to specialize in the literary field in the university field and who have poetic tendencies and should not be circulated to all students.

علاء حسنى المزين (Alaa Hosni)

كان من أهم الآثار الإيجابية للصحوة الإسلامية التى عمت العالم الإسلامى بشكل ملحوظ منذ أوائل السبعينيات فى القرن العشرين زيادة إقبال الشعوب الإسلامية على تعلم اللغة العربية، وبدأ الاهتمام الحقيقى لجامعات العالم الإسلامى بتوفير مساقات متخصصة لهذا الغرض منذ أوائل الثمانينات، وكانت الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا التى أسست سنة 1983 من أنشط الجامعات فى هذا الصدد، وهو نشاط استلفت نظر الباحث إذ وجده يستحق الرصد والتوثيق العلمى، والمراجعة إذا اقتضت الضرورة لا بهدف الإشادة بالتجربة بل رغبة فى الإفادة والاستفادة من قبل المختصين من المهتمين بهذا الميدان الحيوى من ميادين خدمة اللغة العربية بل خدمة الإسلام، وحضارته نظرا للارتباط الوثيق بين اللغة العربية وهذا الدين الحنيف باعتبارها لغة كتابه الخالد، والمعلم الرئيس من معالم الهوية الإسلامية المميزة والصمود الحضارى.*****************************************************One of the most positive effects of the Islamic awakening since the early seventies, in the twentieth century, which spread across the Islamic world in a significant manner, has been the increased Muslims’ interest in learning the Arabic language all over the world. There began a real interest in the universities of the Muslim world for the Arabic language by providing specialized courses for this purpose since the early eighties and  the International Islamic University Malaysia established in 1983 has been the most active university in this regard. And this activity of the university drew the interest of the researcher who found it worthy of investigation and scientific documentation as well as of revision, if necessary, not in order to pay tribute to the experience, but for taking advantage and learning from specialists interested in this vital field of the fields of Arabic language service which is actually service of Islam and its civilization considering the strong connection between Islam and the Arabic language, the language of the Qur’Én , the most distinctive feature of Islamic identity and resilience of Islamic civilization.

1986 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-122 ◽  
Nancy C. Andreasen ◽  
William M. Grove

SummaryMost investigators concur that schizophrenia is probably a heterogeneous group of disorders that share the common features of psychotic symptoms, partial response to neuroleptics, and a relatively poor outcome. The subdivision of schizophrenia into two subtypes, positive versus negative, has achieved wide acceptance throughout the world during recent years. This distinction has heuristic and theoretical appeal because it unites phenomenology, pathophysiology, and etiology into a single comprehensive hypothesis.In spite of its wide appeal, the distinction has a number of problems. These include the failure to distinguish between symptom syndromes and diseases; failure to deal with the mixed patient; failure to take longitudinal course into account; and failure to address conceptually and methodologically the distinction between positive and negative symptoms.This paper focuses primarily on the conceptual basis for two instruments designed to measure positive and negative symptoms, the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) and the Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS), originally described in 1982. Since their description, these scales have been used in a variety of other centers. These scales are based on the hypothesis that negative symptoms represent a deficit or diminution in normal psychological functions wliile positive symptoms represent an excess or distortion of normal functions. Reliability data are now available from Italy, Spain, and Japan which suggest that these scales can be used reliably in cultural settings outside the United States. The results of these studies are summarized in this paper. In addition, a replication study involving a new sample of 117 schizophrenics collected at the University of Iowa is described. In this second study of the SANS and SAPS, internal consistency is found to be quite high in the SANS. Thus negative symptoms appear to be more internally correlated with one another than are positive symptoms. The implications of this result are discussed. A principal components analysis is used to explore the relationship between positive and negative symptoms. While the study reported in 1982 suggested that positive and negative symptoms are negatively correlated, in the present study they appear to be uncorrelated. Overall, the results suggest that the SANS and SAPS are useful comprehensive instruments for the evaluation of positive and negative symptoms. The relationship between these symptoms and external validators such as cognitive functioning or CT scan abnormalities will be reported in a subsequent investigation.

2012 ◽  
Vol 21 (spe) ◽  
pp. 68-73 ◽  
Carole Mitchell ◽  
Laura Simich ◽  
Carol Strike ◽  
Bruna Brands ◽  
Norman Giesbrecht ◽  

Simultaneous polydrug use in undergraduate students was studied in one university in Kingston, Jamaica. The study was a cross-sectional, and used a survey method of data collection. We examined protective and risk factors associated with simultaneous polydrug use in a sample of 295 undergraduate students from the health and medical science departments in the university. Our results suggest that continued residence with family, family support, and students' emotional well-being are protective factors. On the other hand, ease of access of substance and limited emotional support may be considered risk factors. Our findings may inform preventive programs, though further research is required.

Media Wisata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Fian Damasdino

This research is a quantitative research using the survey method. The locations of the research area in the three tourist objects including Goa Cemara Beach, Kuwaru Beach, and Pandansimo Baru Beach. This study aims to analyze the tourist characteristics in the three research locations and to learn how to formulate a plan for the most appropriate tourism products at three locations sights. The approach used to analyze the tourist characteristics is the four elements of market segmentation: geographic, socio-demographic, psychographic, and behavioural.The samples of the research are 156 respondents with a margin of error of 8% done using purposive sampling technique during March to April 2015 in the three research locations. The data collection was taken by questionnaires, observation, and documentation. Once the data is collected and processed with quantitative analysis using statistical tools, frequency distribution, and cross table (crosstabs).The result shows that the geographic characteristics of tourists in the three locations are balanced between tourists from outside and inside Bantul Regency. Then, the socio-demographic characteristics of tourists in Goa Cemara Beach and Pandansimo Baru Beach are dominated by private employees/BUMN(state-owned corporation), aged 22-60 years old, married and repeater tourist, while tourists in Kuwaru Beach are dominated by students, under 22 years old, single status and first comer tourists.Furthermore, in terms of psychographics, tourists in the three locations who have psychometric characteristics prefer to get something plural, popular, and like to do common activities with the frequency of short stay visits. Lastly, the behaviour of tourists in the three research locations is dominated by doing recreation or having leisure time to enjoy the main attractions of the coastal landscape. The results of tourist characteristics of these three locations are used as the basis for planning of thematic tourism products in accordance with the character of the three research objects

Zhakiah Ahmed Amer

The objective of the current study was to detect the relationship between the qualitative differences between the creativity and the age of the student and the age of the parents at birth، family size، birth order، economic and cultural level، loss of parents and their habitat (environment) using the descriptive approach. A total of 953 students، from the first level (males and females) and from the scientific and literary colleges in Khartoum University، Sudan. The results showed no significant differences in creativity، no correlative between the age of the parents and the students' ages in creativity، but there are: - a negative correlative relationship with maternal age at level (0. 01) and a positive correlative relationship with the age of the students at the level (0. 01)، but in both flexibility and fluency، there is a negative correlation relationship statistically significant with the age of students at the level of (0. 01). There is no correlation between the creativity and birth order of the student، creativity and family size، negative correlative relation with family size at (0. 01). The differences in creativity could be attributed to the place of residence at a significant level (0. 01).  

Wafaa Hafize Alowaydhi, Afrah Salem Bagies

The study dealt with the issue of teaching Arabic calligraphy skills using technology with the aim of making a decision towards including them in the Arabic language courses, and to achieve the goal of the study, the two researchers used the descriptive survey method and an electronic questionnaire was designed to refer to the study population consisting of all teachers, teachers, supervisors and Arabic language supervisors who specialize in teaching them in the universities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Participants in the referendum (400) individuals, then the opinions were treated statistically using percentages, and the percentage of supporters and opponents limited its teaching and the reasons for each team. The result appeared in favor of the opponents by 85.4%, and among the most important reasons for the opposition is that the teaching of calligraphy is a basic written skill that must be studied and practiced in a real, tangible, real way that must be taught by hand and the student’s training in it in order to acquire the skill and develop away from technology, and the percentage of supporters was 14.6% and one of the most important reasons for their support The student’s use of the computer is a modern skill that the student needs a lot. So I think the time has come to take advantage of the long training time on the skills of beauty and speed in training the student to use the keyboard quickly, and teach him from the location of choosing fonts, and perhaps it will evolve to his teaching using Arabic script in the letter And other skills.

Wafaa Hafize Alowaydhi, Faziah Ali Salem al-Sayari

The study aimed to know the percentage of supporters for the issue of teaching scientific and applied materials in the Arabic language and to reveal the reasons for support for this issue from the viewpoint of supporters, and to know the percentage of opponents and reveal the causes of opposition from the viewpoint of opponents, and the study sample consisted of (1223) individuals that included students from both phases Secondary and university students, science teachers, supervisors, science university professors The researchers followed the descriptive survey method using a questionnaire tool to survey the opinions of the sample on the issue, and the most prominent results are that 81.3% agree to teach natural and applied sciences subjects in the Arabic language instead of teaching them in other languages, and 18.7% see that they do not agree to teach science in the Arabic language, and that 91.1% Among the sample members who believe that understanding the science needs the student to be familiar with the language in which he is studying, if the mother tongue would be easier for him to understand the scientific subjects, while 8.9% do not agree to this, The results showed that 17.9% of respondents believed that teaching natural sciences in the Arabic language would be a reason for isolation from the world, while 82.1% saw the opposite. The study recommended a review of the teaching of natural and applied sciences in the Arabic language and a decision to use them in teaching natural and applied sciences because it is the mother tongue and to strengthen pride in them in the hearts of future generations.

Mohammed Nasser Said Al-Sawafi

    This study aimed to find out the level of Psychological Security of Nizwa University students and to find out the differences in level of Psychological Security according to gender (males/ females), the sample included (238) males and females. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive approach was used. The researcher used the Maslow scale for the sense of Psychological Security and interpolation by Dawani and Dirani (1983) in the Abdullah’s study (1996) after verifying its validity and stability. The study sample (238) students from Nizwa University in the Sultanate of Oman were randomly chosen. The findings of the study could be summarized as the following: there is a high level of Psychological Security with Nizwa University students according to the comprehensive Psychological Security scale with a median (2.24) feeling with Psychological Security compares to threat with average (2.29) and feeling love to hatred with average (2.25) feeling with loyalty to loneliness with average (2.19), there is a significant difference at the level of α=0.05 between males and females in favour of the males. In light of the results, a number of recommendations and proposals were submitted to enhance the level of psychological security among students of the University of Nizwa, and the general Omani and Arab universities.    

Ahmed Ali Al- Maamari ,  Fathi Mohammed Mahmoud

The topic of metamemory had attracted the attention of many researchers and scholars in the field of educational and cognitive psychology, especially how individuals become aware of and control their memory functions. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to build a psychometric scale/questionnaire for measuring metamemory. The study was conducted among a sample of 200 students joining Sharia/Islamic Law, Arabic Language, Education, English Language, Science, Economics and Management at Al Qassim University. For the purpose of the content validity of the scale, it was verified by the raters’ agreement and the internal consistency of the items of the scale. Pearson correlation coefficient was also used to calculate correlation coefficients between the scores of each item and its dimension to ensure consistency and homogeneity of the items and dimensions of the scale. The correlation coefficients of the items of the scale and the total score of the dimension to which the items belong were all positive correlation coefficients and statistically significant at the level of 0.01, which confirms the consistency and homogeneity of the items of each dimension. The homogeneity of the dimensions of the scale was also verified by calculating Pearson correlation coefficients between the score of each dimension and the overall score of the scale. The reliability of the scale and its sub- dimensions was verified using the α- Cronbach Alpha coefficient. The results showed that the scale and its sub- dimensions had high and statistically acceptable validity and reliability coefficients. Such result indicates that the scale is statistically valid and reliable.    

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