2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 299
Hadibyono Hadibyono

This study aimed to know the effect of cyclical e-evaluation of learning achievement in chemistry at second class even semester in Multimedia of SMK Negeri 12 Surabaya. A set of learning was developed by modification of the development of the 3-P model of learning that adapted from Ibrahim. Planning applied in taking data is modification from design "The Randomized Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design, Using Matched Subjects". Statistical result of calculation using t test  sample correlated, shows there are influence cyclical e-evaluation is having  to achievement of student learning chemistry  at SMK in significance. Cyclical e-evaluation can be used as an alternative of recording of students' cognitive abilities, so that teachers can know the student's cognitive condition easily and quickly. Cyclica l e- evaluation can also encourage students to learn more intense because the students knew directly the score obtained and they will be directed by feedback.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh e-evaluation bersiklus terhadap prestasi belajar kimia pada siswa kelas XI semester II jurusan Multimedia SMK Negeri 12 Surabaya. Perangkat dikembangkan dengan modifikasi pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran model 3-P yang diadapatasi dari Ibrahim. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam mengambil data adalah modifikasi dari rancangan “The Randomized Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design, Using Matched Subjects”. Data statistik hasil perhitungan menggunakan uji t sampel berhubungan, menunjukkan ada pengaruh e-evaluation bersiklus terhadap prestasi belajar kimia siswa SMK secara signifikan. E-evaluation bersiklus dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif perekaman kemampuan kognitif siswa, sehingga guru dapat mengetahui kondisi kognitif siswa dengan mudah dan cepat. E-evaluation bersiklus juga dapat mendorong siswa untuk belajar lebih intens karena siswa langsung tahu perolehan skornya dan mereka akan terarahkan oleh balikan atau feedback yang tersedia

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Widia Qholby ◽  

The application of 2013 curriculum which has not been implemented perfectly become a problem in the learning process. This research aimed at knowing the effect of implementing Project Based Learning model with Google Classroom media toward student learning achievement on Chemistry subject, especially Reaction Rate lesson.  It was an quasi experiment research with posttest only control group design.  The eleventh-grade students of MIA were the population of this research.  Random sampling was used in this research, and it was obtained the eleventh-grade students of MIA 1 (experimental group) and MIA 2 (control group).  Interview, test, observation, and documentation were the techniques of collecting the data.  Analyzing the data was using Independent t-test.  Based on the results of Independent t-test with α=0.05, it was obtained the cognitive score of sig. (2 tailed) 0.046 (H0 was rejected). It showed that Project Based Learning model with Google Classroom media facilitated better learning achievement than the model without the use of Google Classroom media.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 195-202
Ulan Dari ◽  
A Halim ◽  
S. Ilyas

Students' motivation to learn is the main aspect to achieve student success. Based on the results of observation and interview, the learning motivation of students in SMA Negeri 2 Kutacane is still relatively less, so the impact on the low cognitive ability of the students. The purpose of this study is to see the influence of the approach blended learning type station rotation on differences in motivation and cognitive abilities after the study. This research use approach uses quasi-experiments design pretest-posttest control group design. The population of this research is all students of class XI, the sample taken is of class XI IPA 2 as the experimental class and XI IPA 3 as the control class. Using a data collection instrument sheet, questionnaires, and interviews to measure the motivation to learn and use the instrument on a test to measure the cognitive abilities of the students. The results of data analysis using t-test (independent sample t-test) show the differences in motivation and cognitive abilities of students with a significance of 0.000 < 0.05 means there is a significant difference between the motivation and ability of cognitive control and experimental classes. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the use of the approach blended learning type station rotation motivation and cognitive abilities of the students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 158-171
Muhammad Usman

In language learning it is found that learning to speak is still using the traditional ways. Teachers' attention is still focused on improving two skills, reading and writing. Though learning to speak is very important, because the inability to speak means the decline in spoken language and inability in oral language can affect written language skills. In principle, learning language is learning to communicate. For this reason, a learning model is needed that can develop the potential of elementary school students, namely active student learning models that can improve children's speaking abilities. This study aims to find an Active Student Learning model that can improve students' speaking skills and can describe their implementation, especially in elementary schools. This research method includes a Quasi-Experiment research. The research design used is Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The subjects of the study were the fifth grade students of SDN 16 Elementary Schools in Banda Aceh with a sample of 60 people including 30 students in the experimental class and 30 students in the control class. Research instruments in the form of tests, observations, and interviews. Data analysis of observations and interviews using descriptive analysis techniques, while the analysis of test data using statistical analysis techniques namely t test. The results of this study indicate that an increase in speaking skills through the active student learning model. T-test pre-test sample post-test experimental group showed a significant value smaller than 0.05 at the level of 95%. Abstrak Pada pembelajaran bahasa ditemukan bahwa keterampilan berbicara masih menggunakan cara cara lama. Perhatian guru masih terfokus pada peningkatan dua keterampilan yaitu membaca dan menulis. Padahal keterampilan berbicara sangatlah penting, karena ketidak mampuan berbicara berarti kemunduran berbahasa lisan dan kemunduran dalam berbahasa lisan dapat berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan berbahasa tulis. Pada prinsinya belajar bahasa adalah belajar berkomunikasi. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan model pembelajaran yang dapat mengembangkan potensi siswa sekolah dasar yaitu model pembelajaran siswa aktif yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan model Pembelajaran Siswa Aktif yang dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa dan dapat mendeskripsikan implementasinya khususnya di sekolah dasar  Metode Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian Kuasi-Eksperimen. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas V Sekolah Dasar SDN 16 kota Banda Aceh dengan sampel 60 orang mencakup 30 siswa di kelas eksperimen dan 30 siswa di kelas kontrol. Instrumen penelitian berupa tes, pengamatan, dan wawancara. Analisis data pengamatan dan wawancara menggunakan teknik deskriptif analisis, sedangkan analisis data tes menggunakan teknik analisis statistik yaitu uji t. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan keterampilan berbicara melalui model students active learning. Uji t sampel pra tes pasca tes kelompok eksperimen memperlihatkan nilai significant lebih kecil dari  0,05 pada taraf 95 %. Kata Kunci :  active learning, keterampilan berbucara, sekolah dasar

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-117
Agatha Devian Primamukti ◽  
Muh Farozin

This research aimeds to find out (1) the effect of interactive multimedia on the learning interest, (2) the effect of interactive multimedia on the learning achievement, (3) the different effect of interactive multimedia and image media on the learning interest and learning achievement of grade IV students of elementary schools in Wonosari Gunungkidul. This research was a quasi experimental. The design which was used was pretest-postest control group design with two experimental groups taught by using interactive multimedia and one control group using the image media. The data analysis used the paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test. The result of the research showed that: (1) there was an effect of interactive multimedia on the learning interest at the significance level of 0.000 < 0.05, (2) there was an effect of interactive multimedia on the learning achievement at the significance level of 0.000 < 0.05, and (3) the big different effect of interactive multimedia and image media on the learning interest and learning achievement was the learning interest with the gained score 10.412 for the experimental class 1 and 13.004 the experimental class 2, and the learning achievement with the gained score 8.703 the experimental class 1 and 6.810 the experimental class 2.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nen Nurhemah

 Penelitian dilatar belakangi belum terlaksananya pembelajaran dengan maksimal. Belum maksimalnya pembelajaran tersebut karena masih terbatasnya kemampuan pendidik mengelola waktu dan sumber belajar yang hanya tarbatas dari buku pelajaran, terbatasnya media ataupun sumber belajar untuk peserta didik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu memberikan media alternatif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman pengetahuan konseptual dan kemandirian Belajar siswa. Penelitian menggunakan Bentuk desain yang dipilih adalah Quasi Experimental Design. Bentuk design Quasi Experimental yang digunakan adalah Nonequivalent Control Group Design dimana setiap perlakuan yang diberikan berbeda untuk mengetahui seberapa besar manfaat dalam penggunaan smartphone dialam pembelajaran. Tahapan pelaksanaannya meliputi 1) melakukan pendahuluan yang dituangkan dalam proposal yang terdiri dari menentukan latar belakang sebagai masalah dari penelitian kemudian merumuskan masalah, menentukan hipotesis, dan mengumpulkan literatur yang relevan 2) menyusun perangkat pembelajaran, membuat kisi-kisi instrumen, dan instrumen penelitian berupa soal pengetahuan konseptual dan instrumen berupa angket Kemandirian Belajar siswa. Faktor yang diteliti yaitu perbedaan yang mendasar tentang penggunaan media smartphone dan prbedaan gender terhadap pengetahuan konseptual dan kemandirian belajar siswa. melihat hasil pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji t (independent-Samples T Test) menggunakan SPSS Windows 24 dengan hasil thitung4,832 dan Ftabel2,120 signifikan pada α 0,05, nilai rata – rata model pembelajaran yang menggunakan media smartphone sebesar 60,56 dan model pembelajaran Ekspositori sebesar 46,39 dan uji t (independent-Samples T Test) menggunakan SPSS Windows 24 dengan hasil thitung3,297 dan Ftabel2,120 signifikan pada α 0,05, nilai rata – rata kemandirian belajar yang menggunakan media smartphone sebesar 65,28 dan model pembelajaran Ekspositori sebesar 54,94 Hal ini berarti terdapat perbedaan terhadap penggunaan media smartphone dan kelas virtual terhadap pengetahuan konseptual dan kemandirian belajar di SMA Negeri 2 Kota Tangerang Selatan. Background research has not implemented maximal learning. The lack of learning is due to the limited ability of educators to manage time and learning resources that are only tarbatas from textbooks, limited media or learning resources for learners. The purpose of this study is to provide alternative media in improving the understanding of conceptual knowledge and independence of student learning. The research using the selected design form is Quasi Experimental Design. Quasi Experimental design form used is Nonequivalent Control Group Design where each given treatment is different to know how much benefit in the use of smartphones in the learning. Implementation stages include 1) preliminary as outlined in the proposal which consists of determining the background as the problem of the research then formulating the problem, determining the hypothesis, and collecting relevant literature 2) composing learning tools, making the instrument gratings, and research instruments in the form of questions conceptual knowledge and instruments in the form of questionnaire Student Learning Independence. Factors studied are the fundamental differences regarding the use of smartphone media and gender differences to the conceptual knowledge and student learning independence. see the results of hypothesis testing using t-test (independent-Samples T Test) using SPSS Windows 24 with thitung4,832 and Ftabel2,120 significant at α 0.05, the average value of learning models using smartphone media of 60.56 and Expository learning model of 46.39 and t-test (independent-Samples T Test) using SPSS Windows 24 with thitung3.297 and Ftable2,120 significant at α 0.05, the average value of learning independence using smartphone media of 65, 28 and Expository learning model of 54.94 This means that there is a difference to the use of smartphone media and virtual classroom to the conceptual knowledge and learning independence in SMA Negeri 2 Kota Tangerang Selatan

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-126
Leony Sanga Lamsari Purba ◽  
Sali Afridika ◽  
Yohana Junita

This study aims to determine the increase in learning outcomes using thequizizz-assisted zoom application in chemistry learning during the Covid-19pandemic. This research is quantitative research with a population of allstudents of SMA Pelita Kasih and the sample using the True Experimentalmethod takes the Pretest - Posttest Control Group Design. The analysis testwas carried out using paired t-test and n-gain score. The results showed anincrease in learning outcomes using the quizizz-assisted zoom application inchemistry learning during the Covid-19 pandemic with ttable (1.69) tcount (10.12)and sig 0.05 (df = 31). Gain test results were obtained by 54.68% in themedium category, so it can be concluded that learning with the Quizizzapplication is effective in improving cognitive abilities and encouragingstudents to interact and compete towards better competencies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 199
Novrian Satria Perdana

Abstract.This study aims to determine the most effective type of learning tool to improve stu-dents’ achievemen . This study uses quasi-experimental method, which connects the causality be-tween variables which are deliberately determined with another variable, with pretest - posttest control group design. The sample of this study is 376 students majoring in accounting at a state vocational school in Jakarta. The results showed: ( 1 ) The use of learning multimedia in the learning process of accounting subject was more effective to improve students’ cognitive abilities in accounting than the use textbooks; ( 2 ) Accounting learning with multimedia was better than learning with text books.Keywords : Learning Media , Multimedia , Learning Achievement .Abstrak.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis sarana pembelajaran apakah yang paling efektif untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen, yang menghubungkan sebab akibat antara variabel y ang sengaja ditentukan dengan variabel lain, dengan desain pretest-posttest control group design. Sampel dalam penelitian sebanyak 376 siswa SMK Negeri jurusan akuntansi di DKI Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Penggunaan media pembelajaran multimedia dalam proses pembelajaran akuntansi lebih effektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif akuntansi yang dimiliki siswa daripada penggunaan media buku teks. (2) Pembelajaran akuntansi dengan multimedia lebih baik dibandingkan dengan buku teks.Kata Kunci : Media Pembelajaran, Multimedia, Prestasi Belajar.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 226-236
Rifda Alfiyana ◽  
Sri Sukaesih ◽  
Ning Setiati

Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh model pembelajaran ARCS metode Talking stick pada materi Sistem Pencernaan Makanan terhadap motivasi, dan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di MTs Negeri 1 Bobotsari pada semester gasal tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah nonequivalent control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII yang terbagi dalam 7 kelas, sedangkan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas VIII D dan VIII E yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data penelitian berupa data hasil belajar, motivasi belajar siswa, tanggapan siswa, dan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Data hasil belajar siswa dianalisis menggunakan uji-t dan N-gain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan ARCS dengan metode Talking stick pada kelas eksperimen berbeda terhadap kelas kontrol dengan analisis hasil posttest, uji t menunjukkan thitung 8,29 > ttabel 1,67 dengan taraf signifikan 0,05. Analisis motivasi siswa kelas eksperimen dengan kriteria sangat tinggi sebesar 89,47% sedangkan pada kelas kontrol dengan kriteria  tinggi sebesar 47,22 %. Siswa memberikan tanggapan baik terhadap pembelajaran ARCS dengan metode Talking stick karena membantu siswa memahami materi sistem pencernaan makanan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran ARCS dengan metode Talking stick berpengaruh positif terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa materi sistem pencernaan makanan. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of learning model ARCS Talking stick method on Food Digestion System material to motivation, and student learning outcomes. This research was conducted in MTs Negeri 1 Bobotsari in the academic year of 2017/2018. The design used in this study is nonequivalent control group design. The population in this research is all students of class VIII which is divided into 7 classes, while the sample in this research is class VIII D and VIII E taken with purposive sampling technique. Research data in the form of data learning outcomes, student learning motivation, student responses, and the implementation of learning. Data on student learning outcomes were analyzed using t-test and N-gain. The results showed that learning with ARCS by Talking stick method in different experimental class to control class with posttest result analysis, t test showed tcalct 8,29> ttable 1,67 with significant level 0,05. Motivation analysis of experimental class students with very high criteria of 89.47% while in the control class with high criterion of 47.22%. Students respond well to ARCS learning with Talking stick method because it helps students understand the material of digestion system of food. Based on the results of research can be concluded that learning ARCS with Talking stick method positively affect the motivation and student learning outcomes material digestion system food.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Retno Issroviatiningrum ◽  
Shanti Wardaningsih ◽  
Novita Kurnia Sari

ABSTRAK Upaya untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan keperawatan khususnya untuk mendukung peserta didik menjadi perawat profesional memerlukan proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan fasilitas keterampilan klinis. Practice based simulation model didasarkan pada teori belajar konstruktif yang menegaskan bahwa pengetahuan tidak pasif ditransfer dari pendidik kepada peserta didik, tetapi dibangun oleh peserta didik melalui pengolahan pengalaman dan interaksi dengan lingkungan mereka. Dengan metode simulasi di laboratorium dapat mendorong mahasiswa untuk menggunakan critical thinking dalam mengambil keputusan dalam mengatasi masalah tanpa merugikan pasien yang sebenarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh practice based simulation model terhadap critical thinking pada mahasiswa semester VI di FIK Unissula Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Quasy – Experiment dengan pendekatan pretest-posttest with control group design. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik  simple random sampling dengan jumlah 21 responden baik kelompok intervensi maupun kelompok kontrol. Analisis data menggunakan uji Paired T-Test dan Independent Samples T-Test. Hasil penelitian selisih peningkatan critical thinking pada kelompok intervensi sebanyak 11.95 poin dan pada kelompok kontrol 2.05. Practice based simulation model berpengaruh terhadap critical thinking dengan nilai p=0.00<0.05. Disimpulkan bahwa practice based simulation model mempengaruhi critical thinking pada mahasiswa semester VI FIK Unissula Semarang. Kata kunci: Practice based simulation model, critical thinking

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Sinta Maria Dewi

Abstract: This research aims to know the Influence of Media Image on the ability of Writing Poetry students. The method used in this study is a random method that does not use posttes control group design method. The findings of this study show the average way of writing poetry on students by using the image media (experimental class) higher average poetry writing skills on students who were taught with conventional learning (control class). The average of pretest experiments obtained by experiment class is 63,75. The average pretest class of control class is 61,05. After the second class action, the average posttest of the experimental class is 79.45 and the control class is 74.95. Hypothesis calculation using t paired t test test and significance of 0.05 significant level indicates probability (significance) is 0,033. Because of the significance of 0.033

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