scholarly journals Pengembangan Media Video Bimbingan Konseling untuk Mengurangi Perilaku Bullying

Agrianur Rahman ◽  
Farida Aryani ◽  
Abdullah Sinring

The research aims to (1) the description of development needs of Guidance and Counseling  Video Media to Reduce Bullying Behavior, (2) the prototype  of Guidance and Counseling  Video Media to Reduce Bullying Behavior which is valid and acceptable, (3) the acceptance of Guidance and Counseling  Video Media to Reduce Bullying Behavior in SMAN 5 Makassar. The research was development  research or research and development which was based on research stages by Borg and Gall. The research employed collecting data technique through interview and scale. The results of research revealed that (1) the description of needs level of Guidance and Counseling  Video Media to Reduce Bullying Behavior showed that the video media very important and needed, (2) the prototype of Guidance and Counseling  Video Media developed was already valid and acceptable to Reduce Bullying Behavior, (3) the acceptance of Guidance and Counseling Media Video which was given to 10 students in small group test showed that there was change of bullying behavior level before and after viewing Guidance and Counseling Video Media. This meant that  guidance and counseling media video could reduce bullying behavior.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-42
Yuli Fitrianingsih

This study aims to develop a culture-based mathematics comic learning media using research and development or R & D methods with the ASSURE model. This development research was conducted in three Junior High Schools (JHS) in one sub-district, Pasar Minggu sub-district, South Jakarta. This research has been tested to various experts, namely: two material experts with very good categories and a percentage of 86%, 72% from one linguist with a good category, 96% from one development expert with a very good category, and get a percentage 3,4 with a good category from one graphic design expert. While the results of one to one test evaluations get an average of 84% which falls into the good category, small group test with a percentage of 85% with a very good category, and a large group test using the t-test results obtained tcount > ttable. Based on the evaluation results from several experts, using learning media in the form of mathematical comics is considered feasible and can increase students' interest and learning outcomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 20

The research is a research and development. The subjects of this research are the professional of education media, the professional of guidance and counseling, the guidance and counseling teacher or practical in the school and student. The technigue of collecting data are used with inquiri and interview the resultang from. This research of this development are (i) the description of result the level necessary guidance and counseling teachers and student about the development further study plan module indicate that the students need very much the module of the development of planning the study of continue. From inquiry result are got precentase level the necessary student in the amount 90,33%. (ii) The further study plan module for SMP/MTs student have passed validation test phase and acceptabilities by professional (the professional education media and guidance and counseling professional), and small group test by guidance and counseling teacher and students. With result for validating test by professional are got 3,19 on the average it is mean that are developed very valid. Meanwhile acceptability test (usability, feasibility, and accuracy) from the professional/expert subjects are got 3,41 on the average it is mean that very acceptable. While acceptability test (usability, feasibility, and accuracy) by the small grouf test (guidance teacher and students) obtained the average each 3,65 and 3,42 it is mean that very acceptable.

Ronaldo kresmito Pitoy ◽  
Herdy Liow ◽  
Jenly Manongo ◽  
Robert Munaisache

DEVELOPMENT OF CLASS XI LATHE E-HANDOUT IN SMK NEGERI 2 BITUNG   By: RONALDO KRESMITO PITOY 14212084   Supervisor : Dr. H. Dj. Liow, ST, M.Eng Ir. D. J. I. Manongko, M.Eng   ABSTRACT This research is motivated by the limited or incomplete handouts in school in terms of material explanation and the number of handouts, the lack of handouts available in schools causes students to be unable to learn independently. The purpose of this research is to produce lathe handout products for class XI. This research is a development research (Research and Development) using the ADDIE (Branch 2009) research model, namely (A) analysis, (D) esign, (D) development, (I) implementation, and (E) valuation. The sample taken was 5 people for the small group test. The data analysis technique was carried out descriptively. Students are given a questionnaire to see student responses to the lathe e-handout, the student responses are more in the 4.5 range and are in very good qualifications. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the e-handout product for class XI has been produced with the appropriate qualifications for use.   Keywords: E-Handout, Research and Development, Lathe.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 86
Zulbahri Zulbahri ◽  
Yuni Astuti ◽  
Erianti . ◽  
Pitnawati . ◽  
Damrah .

This research is motivated by the limited development of learning media for the subjects of Physical Education, Sports and Health on floor exercise (artistic) material, especially for schools in the regions. This study aims to produce a learning media product for students and students in learning gymnastics. The subjects or samples of this research were FIK UNP students who attended basic and advanced / learning gymnastics courses with a total of 12 people for small group subject trials and 15 people for field trials. The data used in this research are qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data in this study is data obtained through validation from material experts, media experts, while quantitative data in this study were obtained through assessment questionnaires which were analyzed with descriptive statistics.This research was conducted using "Research and Development" (Research and Development), namely the research method used to produce certain products. The model used as a reference is the Borg & Gall development research model with 10 developments, in this study the researcher adopted the following stages: 1) Preliminary Study (research and data collection). 2) Prepare a plan and analyze the media to be made. 3) Initial product development by producing learning media with validation by media experts and material experts. 4) Conduct small group trials. 5) Product Revisions. 6) Conduct field trials. 7) Revise the final product. For this early stage research, it has only arrived at the fourth stage (4), namely the initial stage validation by media experts and material experts. Research results in the form of learning media products for practical material with a score of 3.67 with good criteria and for media with a score of 3.3 with a fairly good category.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Titon Agung Saputro ◽  
Kriswandani Kriswandani ◽  
Novisita Ratu

Abstrak: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development) dengan tujuan mengembangkan media pembelajaran game edukasi berbasis platform game untuk siswa kelas VII SMP. Penelitan ini menggunakan desain penelitian Borg & Gall yang terdiri dari sepuluh langkah. Teknik pengumpulan data terdiri dari observasi, kuesioner dan tes. Hasil dari penelitian pengembangan ini adalah aplikasi game platform dengan materi aljabar. Dampak dari media pembelajaran game edukasi platform game  adalah media pembelajaran berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Hal ini berdasarkan pada uji Mann-Whitney dengan nilai signifikan 0,000<0,05 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan rerata sebelum dan sesudah pemberian media pembelajaran game edukasi berbasis platform game atau terdapat pengaruh game edukasi platform game pada materi aljabar terhadap hasil belajar siswa.  Selain itu, nilai N-Gain yang diperoleh adalah 0,49 yang berarti terjadi peningkatan sedang terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Abstract: The type of this research is research and development with the aim of developing game-based learning media game of platform game for VII class student of SMP using application of Construt 2. This research use Borg & Gall research design which consist of ten stages. Data collection techniques consist of observations, questionnaires and tests. The results of this development research is a platform game application with algebraic material. The impact of instructional media game game education game is the media influence on student learning outcomes. This is based on the Mann-Whitney test with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05 which means there is an average difference before and after the delivery of learning media game-based platform learning or the influence of algebraic game education game. material in algebra on student learning outcomes. In addition, the N-Gain value obtained is 0.49 which means a moderate increase in student learning outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 256-267
Randy Febri Tauba ◽  
Bafirman HB

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat prototipe instrumen tes dribbling futsal menggunakan teknologi mikrokontroler arduino yang terhubung dengan aplikasi android. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development). Subjek penelitian adalah Pemain Futsal SMA N 1, 2 dan 9 Sijunjung, Kecamatan Sijunjung, Kabupaten Sijunjung, Sumatera Barat. Untuk Validasi alat oleh tiga orang ahli yaitu ahli Evaluasi dan Tes Pengukuran, Ahli Futsal, dan Ahli IT. Pengembangan instrumen tes dribbling futsal ini dilakukan dengan uji kelompok kecil dengan sampel 15 orang putra dan uji kelompok besar dengan sampel 45 orang putra. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode validitas ahli dengan penilaian menggunakan instrumen angket dan metode test dan retest untuk uji reliabilitas alat yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus r korelasional. Hasil dari penelitian ini Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan nilai validitas sebesar 91,33%, kategori “Sangat Baik/layak” dan uji reliabilitas kelompok kecil sebesar 0.986, dengan kategori “Tinggi” dan kelompok besar sebesar 0.947, dengan kategori “Tinggi”. Kemudian didapatkan nilai praktisitas sebesar 94% dan nilai efektivitas sebesar 90%, maka disimpulkan bahwa instrumen tes dribbling futsal menggunakan teknologi mikrokontroler arduino efektif  digunakan sebagai alat ukur untuk mengukur kecepatan dribbling futsal. Development of dribbling test instruments in futsal games using arduino microcontroller technology AbstractThis study aims to make a prototype of the futsal dribbling test instrument using Arduino microcontroller technology that is connected to an Android application. This research is a research and development (Research and Development). The research subjects were Futsal Players SMA N 1, 2 and 9 Sijunjung, Sijunjung District, Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra. For tool validation by three experts, namely Evaluation and Measurement Tests, Futsal Experts, and IT Experts. The development of the futsal dribbling test instrument was carried out with a small group test with a sample of 15 men and a large group test with a sample of 45 men. The method used is the expert validity method with an assessment using a questionnaire instrument and the test and retest method to test the reliability of the tools analyzed using the correlation r formula. The results of this study obtained a validity value of 91.33%, the category "Very Good / feasible" and the small group reliability test was 0.986, with the "High" category and the large group was 0.947, with the "High" category. Then obtained a practical value of 94% and an effectiveness value of 90%. Thus, it can be concluded that the futsal dribbling test instrument using arduino microcontroller technology is good for use as a measuring tool to measure the speed of futsal dribbling.

2019 ◽  

Research on the development of learning to write short stories with models mind mapping in students of class XI Multimedia, SMK Wira Buana 1 Bogor needs to be done. This, due to the lack of understanding of students' writing short stories. The method used is research and development(research and development)with a model Borg and Gall. Based on the data analysis, the results of the development study of learning to write short stories using the model mind mapping in students of class XI Multimedia 1 Wira Buana 1 Bogor, (1) stated the validity of the two validators, namely the assessment of the literature expert validator 94% with very good criteria and assessment Indonesian Language and Literature learning validators get a score of 96% with very good criteria (2) stated to have practicality based on the judgment of practitioners (peers) by getting a score of 96% with excellent criteria (3) stated to have effectiveness seen from a small group test at pretest with an average of 67.16% and posttest with an average of 87.16% and standard deviation of 8.51, as well as a large group test at pretest with an average of 67.7% and posttest with an average of 89% and standard deviation of 18.42.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-61
Ferisa Maharani ◽  
Rahmawati Rahmawati ◽  
Arga Satrio Prabowo

This research was conducted using R D (Research and Development) approach or development research that produces a product. This study aims to know the quality and describe the procedure of developing implementation manuals, to address the behavior of students victims of cyber abuse. The resulting development product is an implementation manual. In the initial development process, the developer consults with media experts, material experts, as well as practitioners (guidance and counseling teachers) to get input and advice on the products developed. This research instrument is a questionnaire of asertive behavior. The results of the assessment are analyzed using descriptive percentage analysis techniques. The results of the research obtained from the validation of expert tests and practitioner tests (guidance and counseling teachers) showed that the implementation manual is classified as a good category and scored 4.1. Thus the product is declared worthy to be used as a medium in information services to improve the behavior of students victims of cyber abuse.Keywords: research and development, guidebooks, assertive training, victims of cyber bullying 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 493
Budi Kurniawan ◽  
Nuriyah Nuriyah

This research including development research (Research and Development) aims to Communication, Collaborative, Critical Thinking, and Creativity (4C)-based Ice Breaking Learning Media Developed on Integrative Thematic Learning. The subjects in this study were students and fifth grade teachers of MIS Nurul Huda, Kupang. The development model used in this study is the Four D development model which consists of 4 stages: (1) define, (2) design, (3) develop, and (4) disseminate. This 4C-based Ice Breaking learning media developed media has carried out a trial process consisting of one-on-one trials of 10 people, small group trials of 12 people and class trials of 34 students. The 4C-based Ice Breaking learning media developed have been validated by the Validator and has undergone revisions so that it gets very feasible and practical results to be used in learning because based on the research results of the Guidelines for Making 4C Ice Breaking Media and 4C Ice Breaking LKPD, and all the media in the latest book, including: puzzles, flipcharts, leaflets, sketches, and learning videos meet very valid criteria so they are very feasible and very practical to be used in the learning process. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 202-212
Rabiatul Adawiyah ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati ◽  
Lenny Anwar S

This research aims to develop an interactive e-module on redox concept. Research and Development (R&D) method was used in this study with a Plomp model. This model included three phases: preliminary, prototype or development, and assessment. Validation sheets and response questionnaires were used as research instruments. Six expert lecturers, consisting of three media and materials experts each, assessed the validity sheets. A small-scale test was carried out utilizing two approaches; a one-to-one test and a small group test. A one-to-one test was given to three students who had high, medium, and low abilities; while the small group test was conducted on three teachers and 30 students from three different schools, which are MAN 2 Pekanbaru, MAN 1 Pekanbaru, and SMA IT Al-fitiyah. The results showed that the interactive e-module was very valid and could be used in learning activities. This is indicated by the percentage of validation from material experts 89.27% and media experts 88.76%. In a small-scale trial for a one-on-one test, the teacher's response 95.83% with very practical criteria; and student response test 87.73% with interesting criteria.

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