scholarly journals DINAMIKA TEATER TRADISIONAL MENDU DI KALBAR (1712 - 2014)

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Dewi Juliastuty

Abstrak Mendu adalah teater tradisional di Kalimantan Barat. Mendu berasal dari Kabupaten Pontianak, terpusat di Dusun Malakian Desa Sengkubang Kecamatan Mempawah Hilir. Masa jaya teater mendu pada tahun 1876–1942. Tahun 1980 mendu bangkit kemudian menjadi  primadona dan berkembang pesat di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat selama tahun 1980-an. Perlahan mendu meredup dan akhirnya mati suri. Masalah dalam kajian ini adalah bagaimana dinamika mendu di Kalbar. Tujuannya adalah mendeskripsikan dinamika mendu di Kalimantan Barat. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dan didukung oleh pendekatan sosiologi sastra serta menggunakan teori sosiologi teater. Kajian ini merupakan kajian awal sehingga berpeluang dilakukan kajian lanjutan. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah mendu Kalimantan Barat merupakan penggabungan antara wayang Cina dengan syair Melayu. Keberadaan mendu di Kalbar mengalami pasang surut. Semakin derasnya arus globalisasi membuat mendu semakin tersisih pada zaman modern. Jika hal ini dibiarkan, maka kesenian mendu bukan hanya mati suri bahkan punah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan dukungan dan tindakan nyata pemerintah dan masyarakat untuk menghidupkan kembali dan melestarikan mendu. AbstractMendu is a traditional theatre in West Kalimantan.  Mendu Theatre is from Pontianak, in Malakian Sengkubang village, Mempawah Hilir sub district.  The Golden era of Mendu theatre was around 1876-1942.  In 1980, Mendu Theatre raised and became the greatest and drew up in the province of West Kalimantan. As time as goes by, the theatre was abandoned.  The question of the research is about the dynamics of Mendu Theatre in West Kalimantan.  The purpose of the research is to describe of mendu theatre cycle in West Kalimantan.  The techniques of collecting the data are in depth interview and documentation studies.  The method is qualitative method, and also uses the theory of literature and theatre sociology.  This research is only the beginning and it will continue.  The summary of this research mendu theatre in west Kalimantan was the collaboration of Chinese puppet with Malay’s verse.  Globalization impact is one of the biggest factors that affecting mendu theatre’s.  If this problem still appeared, then the result is mendu theatre will vanish.  Government alongside the society should take an action in conserving the Mendu Theatre.

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Auradian Marta ◽  
Khairul Anwar ◽  
Hery Suryadi

This research aims to describe of process or mechanism and formulation model of RencanaPembangunan Jangka Menengah Desa (RPJMDes) Buluh Cina 2011-2015. This research is descriptivetype with used qualitative method. The data on this research obtained are depth interview with informanand documentation study. From this research obtained result that on formulation Rencana PembangunanDesa (RPJMDes) Buluh Cina 2011-2015 pass through Musrenbangdes. Musrenbangdes involved allcomponent participation from institutional and the people. Thus, in formulation RPJMDes used democraticmodel.Keywords: formulation, democratic model, RPJMDes

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 319-341
Ade Salamun ◽  
Maemunah Sa’diyah

This study aims to provide an overview of the process of cultural change through total quality management in Islamic perspective carried out at Daar El Manshur Islamic Boarding School. The method of the study is qualitative method by using in-depth interview techniques with informants. This research was conducted at the Daar El Manshur Islamic Boarding School, Depok City, West Java. Data analysis was carried out using content analysis with the stages of reducing data, triangulating data, presenting data descriptively, and drawing conclusions/verification. The results showed that cultural change through total quality management at Daar El Manshur Islamic Boarding School was seen from 7 focuses. The focus of planning for Islamic boarding schools is still focused on current conditions. The focus of the organization is participatory by involving all individuals to improve the quality of education and to develop Islamic boarding schools. The focus of control is still in the form of monitoring and supervising each section based on the existing SOP. The focus of communication has been two-way communication. The focus of the decision is still reactive and not based on well planning even though decisions are made based on deliberation and consensus. The focus of functional management has not been fully integrated. The focus of quality management is still reactive because it is still in the stage of finding the best and most suitable method to be applied in Islamic boarding schools. Therefore, the process of cultural change at Daar El Manshur Islamic Boarding School has begun to occur.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
Dea Aprilya

ABSTRAKKekerasan dalam rumah tangga adalah perbuatan yang dilakukan terhadap seseorang dalam bentuk fisik, verbal, seksual, dan psikologis yang menyebabkan penderitaan dan penelantaran rumah tangga. Tujuan: Mengetahui lebih dalam tentang pengalaman perempuan korban Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) pada masa kehamilan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kampung Kawat, Kalimantan Barat. Metode: Desain penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi. Penentuan partisipan menggunakan purposive sampling dan snow ball.  Sebanyak 8 partisipan terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara in-depth interview dengan menggunakan catatan lapangan dan perekam suara.  Data dianalisis dengan metode Colaizzi.  Hasil: Penelitian ini menghasilkan 6 tema yaitu bentuk kekerasan yang diterima oleh responden selama menjadi korban KDRT pada masa kehamilan, Masalah yang timbul pada kehamilan akibat KDRT, Mekanisme koping yang dilakukan korban KDRT, Perasaan yang dirasakan responden sebagai korban KDRT, Penyebab terjadinya KDRT pada masa kehamilan, Hal-hal yang diinginkan responden terhadap pelayanan kesehatan. Diskusi: pengalaman perempuan korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga pada masa kehamilan memberikan dampak buruk terhadap ibu maupun janin. Hal-hal tersebut terlihat pada ungkapan-ungkapan yang diberikan partisipan bahwa perbuatan yang mereka terima masih membekas hingga saat ini, meskipun sudah tidak membekas pada fisik, namun masih membekas pada batin. Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian ini dapat dikembangkan pada penelitian lebih lanjut dan menjadi tambahan informasi dalam dunia pendidikan, serta menambah wawasan dan motivasi perawat maternitas dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan, misalnya pendampingan pada pasangan yang menikah di usia muda dengan memberikan edukasi terkait kesiapan pasangan dalam memasuki kehidupan berumah tangga.Kata Kunci: Kehamilan, kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, perempuan  Experience of Women Suffering from Domestic Violence During PregnancyABSTRACTDomestic violence is a physical, verbal, sexual, and psychological act committed against a person which causes suffering and neglect of the household. Objective: To reveal further the experience of women suffering from Domestic Violence during pregnancy in the working area of the Kampung Kawat Public Health Center, West Kalimantan. Methods: This research employed a phenomenological approach. Participants were taken using purposive sampling and snow ball. 8 participants were involved in this research. Data was collected by means of in-depth interviews using field notes and voice recorders. Data were analyzed by using the Colaizzi method. Results: This research resulted in 6 themes, namely forms of violence received by respondents while being victims of domestic violence during pregnancy, problems arising in pregnancy due to domestic violence, coping mechanisms performed by victims of domestic violence, feelings experienced by respondents as victims of domestic violence, causes of domestic violence during pregnancy, things that respondents wanted from health services. Discussion: The experience of women suffering from domestic violence during pregnancy has a negative impact on the mother and fetus. These can be seen in their expressions that the actions they receive are still imprinted today. Although no longer physically imprinted, but they are still imprinted on the mind. Conclusion: The research results can be developed in further research and serve as additional information in education, as well as add insight and motivation for maternity nurses in providing nursing care, for example mentoring couples who marry at a young age by providing education about the readiness of couples to enter a married life.Keywords: Pregnancy, domestic violence, women

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Maulida Dwi Kartikasari

This research aims to find out the benefits of using the Card Payment Inatrument in Tegal. This research was conducted in the Tegal by taking 100 respondents to visitors shopping center in Tegal. The respondent despite into two groups, 50 male respondents and 50 female respondents this research use qualitative method. Respondents were randomly selected and the data were collected based on in depth interview results. The results of this research show that the Card Payment Method has a huge benefit for its users. Some societies state. able to bring cost-effective behavior because it can control spending. Of money. However, there are also people who give the perception that APMK is a secure payment instrument because mostly card has a Personal Indentification Number in it. Some of respondents sid that Card Payment Method are able to avoid the crime of counterfeit money  Keywords: Card Payment Instrument, Financial Behavior, Perception, Benefit

2020 ◽  
Vol 86 ◽  
pp. 01034
Iriani Ismail

The aim of this study is to explain the role of remuneration in improving the performance of library employees. This study uses the qualitative method which the population is all employees numbering 17 people. Based on interactive analysis methods and ethnographic techniques, its took In-depth interview and observations. Using this analysis, the result showed that the remuneration has an important role in improving employees performance. Some internal and external factors influence it so that optimal performance is obtained. Generally, employees expect that the remuneration has been high to be accepted like as expected. Most employees demands such remuneration to meet their daily needs. External factors also has a strong role so the employees demand high, but not balanced with high performance.

Ray March Syahadat

As a maritime ethnic, Butonese people migrated to some places. A rather large amount of them are in Province of Maluku, Indonesia. This study aims at investigating Butonese cultural landscape in their new migrant region. Is there any different? If this study also aims to know social interaction among ethnics and how it affects Butonese cultural landscape dynamics. This study took place in Negeri Kawa, western part of Seram Regency, Maluku Province, on November 2015. The method used in the study was a qualitative method with in depth interview by snowball and triangulation technique, observation participation, focus group discussion (FGD), and literature study. The result showed that there is a different between Butonese cultural landscape in Buton and Negeri Kawa. Stereotype, presumption, and prejudice to Butonese people also occur. However, it is not always negative because from those three things, the process of acculturation and adaptation as a form of respect and prevention of Butonese culture can occur in Negeri Kawa.

Kanda Sihombing ◽  
BJ. Istiti Kandarina ◽  
Sumarni Sumarni

<p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p><em><strong>Background</strong>: IHP (Integrated health post) is a form of UKBM (Community Resources Based-Health Effort) that is managed and administered from, by for and together with community in health development IHP administration involved many parties such as cadres, health staff and village head. Rawasari Primary</em><br /><em>Health Care had the lowest coverage level of D/S (33.2%), while Olak Kemang Primary Health Care had the highest D/S coverage (81.98%).</em></p><p><em><strong>Objectives</strong>: To study thoroughly the role of village head, health staff, and cadres in increasing the participation of underfive’s mothers to visit IHP.</em></p><p><em><strong>Methods</strong>: This was descriptive study used qualitative method by phonological approach. Informants were selected by purposive sampling. Data collection was performed by 2 methods, in-depth interview to 16 informants and focus group discussion (FGD) to 28 informants. Data validity was performed by source</em><br /><em>and method of triangulation.</em></p><p><em><strong>Results</strong>: Village head, nutrition staffs, health cadres, PKK woman and community figures from the highest D/S coverage area took a role in increasing participation of the mother of underfive, but they who were from the lowest D/S coverage did not. They contributed in different way in increasing their participation. Head villages gave the motivation and direction, nutrition staffs attended the IHP, cadres took a role by arrange arisan and ballon provision, and PKK’S woman delegated their member to attend IHP monthly (highest D/S) but they whom from the lowest D/S coverage area did not.</em></p><p><em><strong>Conclusion</strong>: Village head, nutrition staffs, health cadres, PKK woman, and community figures in highest D/S coverage area took a role in increasing participation of underfive’s mothers to visit IHP, but they who where from the lowest D/S coverage did not. The Innovation a creativity encourage the mothers to visit IHP.</em></p><p><strong>KEYWORDS</strong><em>: village head, health staff, cadre, PKK woman, community figure, woman who had underfive</em></p><p><strong>A</strong><strong>BSTRAK</strong></p><p><em><strong></strong></em><em><strong>Latar belakang</strong>: Posyandu merupakan bentuk upaya kesehatan bersumber daya masyarakat (UKBM) yang dikelola dan diselenggarakan dari, oleh, untuk dan bersama masyarakat dalam pembangunan kesehatan. Terselenggaranya posyandu melibatkan banyak pihak di antaranya kader, petugas kesehatan dan Lurah. Puskesmas Rawasari dengan tingkat cakupan D/S terendah yaitu 33,2%, dan Puskesmas Olak Kemang dengan cakupan D/S tertinggi yaitu 81,98%.</em></p><p><em><strong>Tujuan</strong>: Mengkaji secara mendalam peran lurah, petugas kesehatan, dan kader dalam meningkatkan partisipasi ibu balita ke posyandu. </em></p><p><em><strong>Metode</strong>: Penelitian deskriptif menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Informan dipilih secara purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan 2 metode, wawancara mendalam terhadap 16 orang informan dan diskusi kelompok terfokus (DKT) terhadap 28 orang informan. Keabsahan data dengan melakukan triangulasi sumber dan metode.</em></p><p><em><strong>Hasil</strong>: Lurah, petugas gizi, kader, ibu PKK, dan tokoh masyarakat dari wilayah cakupan D/S tertinggi berperan dalam meningkatkan partisipasi ibu balita namun di wilayah D/S terendah tidak. Masing-masing berkontiribusi dengan cara yang berbeda misalnya lurah memberikan motivasi dan arahan, petugas gizi datang ke posyandu, kader membuat arisan dan membagikan balon saat posyandu, dan ibu PKK mendelegasikan salah satu anggota untuk datang ke posyandu setiap bulan (D/S tertinggi). Sementara kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut tidak dilakukan di wilayah D/S terendah.</em></p><p><em><strong>Kesimpulan</strong>: Lurah, petugas gizi, kader, ibu PKK dan tokoh masyarakat (D/S terendah) tidak berperan dan lurah, petugas gizi, kader, ibu PKK dan tokoh masyarakat (D/S tertinggi) berperan. Adanya inovasi dan kreativitas dari kader di Puskesmas Olak Kemang (D/S tertinggi) dapat mendorong ibu balita untuk</em><br /><em>hadir ke posyandu.</em></p><p><strong>KATA KUNCI</strong><em>: partisipasi ibu, posyandu, kader, petugas kesehatan, tokoh masyarakat</em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 265
Flavius Floris Andries

Political representation and symbolic violence through discourse Seram as Nusa Ina (Mother Island) are interesting phenomenon to be studied. This research was conducted with a qualitative method by in-depth interview and participation observation which aims to know how does this discourse view. The cultural study was applied in order to comprehend the manners of creating, producing, and disseminating the meanings from the perspective of non-Seram society and what their views on the discourse in understanding Moluccas universal identity. The process of data analysis by using the cultural studies approach generated the findings i.e the Nunusaku myth that legitimizes and strengthens Seram as Nusa Ina in society, and that there was a significant influence of myth and discourse in Moluccas identity formation universally in the form of folk songs or reliefs that always shade of Seram in represents the Moluccans. The discourse of Seram as Nusa Ina for the community of non-Seram, especially for Southeast people, is not substantial because they do not have emotional connection or relationship with the genealogy and cultural discourse. They have the other myth and the other own discourse about the myth itself such as Vernusang Island which was sinking in the formation of people’s live in the Southeast. Therefore, the discourse of Seram as Nusa Ina which is forced to become a part of the discourse of Southeast People is a form of a false consciousness as well as form of political representation and symbolic violence.

Populasi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 13
Ilham Alhaq Hazani ◽  
Ridho Taqwa ◽  
Rosmiyati Abdullah

Selain sebagai ibu rumah tangga, biasanya perempuan memiliki peran sebagai pekerja. Tekanan ekonomi dan pendapatan yang tidak mencukupi merupakan alasan yang membuat perempuan memutuskan bekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran pekerja perempuan dalam meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga migran di Kota Palembang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam (in- depth interview). Sumber data yang digunakan adalah informan yang berjumlah dua belas orang yang dipilih dengan purposive sampling. Peneliti menggunakan tahap credibility, transferability, dependability, dan confirmability untuk menguji keabsahan data, sedangkan analisis data menggunakan tahap reduction, display, dan conclusion. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pekerja perempuan berperan dalam meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga migran, seperti membantu memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari, menambah penghasilan, menambahan modal usaha dan investasi, tabungan serta biaya kesehatan dan biaya pendidikan.Aside from being housewives, women usually have a role as workers. Economic pressure and an inadequate income are the reasons why women decide to work. The present study aims to analyze the role of female workers in increasing the income of migrant families in Palembang City. The research method used in the present study was a qualitative method by collecting data through in-depth interviews. The sources of data were twelve informants selected by using a purposive sampling. To test the validity of data, the researchers used credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability, while data analysis used stages of reduction, display, and conclution. The present study reveals that female workers played an important role in increasing the income of migrant families, such as helping to meet the daily living needs, increasing the income, the business capital and investment, savings, as well as medical expenses and education costs.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
M. Lutfillah Habibi ◽  
Ana Toni Roby Candra Yudha

This study aims to build a model of sharia life insurance in Indonesia. A model that combines the functions of Takaful institutions (Sharia Insurance) with Indonesian Waqf Institutions to generate insurance benefits directly and indirectly to policyholders. The method used in this research using descriptive qualitative method with case study strategy about operational of Takaful which is compared with some literature of Al Qur'an and Hadith. The data were obtained from in-depth interview technique, book and literature as well as Hadith commentary study. The results of this study indicate that with the application of ITW model, the insurance claim of the deceased policyholder will be given to the heirs in the form of death funds, in addition to these benefits, the recipients of the policy are also indirectly get the good deeds of some of the funds invested into the waqf institutions. On the application of such a model, the owner of the life insurance policy gets worldly benefits and ukhrowi, namely the claim of death funds and the good deed of the investment of some premium funds to Waqf Institution.

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