Adeline Grace Marianne Litaay

The study discusses the effects of the abuse experienced by David’s character in David Pelzer’s A Child Called It and The Lost Boy. The theory applied is psychological theory about child abuse and the research method applied is qualitative research by Blaxter. Based on the research, it is found that the effects of the above abuse that David experienced were flashback through nightmares, the feeling of insecure  and frightened, low self esteem and inferior feeling, difficulties to trust others and develop friendliness, and deteriotating school performance. Besides, David had deviant actions (stealing), obstacles to understand and receive love and/or properness, and emotional control disorder.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 95
Buyung Syukron ◽  
R Rusmadi

The presence of big companies holding the certificate of cultivation right on lands or <em>hak guna usaha</em> in Mesuji, Lampung has triggered numerous land conflicts. Various efforts have been made, but in fact, they have not been able to resolve the conflicts. A new approach in resolving the conflicts is, thus, needed. This article, using descriptive-qualitative research method, tries to present a new model of resolution of land conflicts in Mesuji, Lampung Province, based on local wisdom called <em>piil pesenggiri</em>, the philosophical values of Lampung people. Piil pesenggiri itself is a sense of self-esteem; it is principles the Lampung people must follow in order to live in dignity. The article argues that the values contained in piil pesenggiri can be used to resolve the land conflicts in Mesuji since they have been inherent in the life of Lampung society. The values are such as <em>juluk adek</em> (principles of success), <em>nemuin yimah</em> (principles of respect), <em>nengah nyappur</em> (principles of equality), and <em>sakai sambayan</em> (principles of cooperation). All those values are a manifestation of peace culture that can be used as a medium of conflict resolution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Dina Elviani ◽  
Sugiatno Sugiatno ◽  
Silvia Sayu

This study aims to find out how students' mathematical communication skills in solving sets of questions that have high, medium, and low self-esteem, in class VII of SMP Islam Bawari in Pontianak. This study used a descriptive qualitative research method with a survey form. The subjects of this research is 29 students in class VIIB SMP Islam Bawari Pontianak. Test and non-test techniques are used in this study as data collection techniques. Self-esteem questionnaire test, mathematical communication ability test, and interview are the tools used in this research. The results of this study are students with a high level of self-esteem that have fulfilled the category of mathematical communication skills, including that students are relatively able to understand the context of the problem in presenting the information obtained from the problem; Students with moderate levels of self-esteem almost meet the category of mathematical communication skills, This is indicate that students have a difficulty in solving problems, so the answers given are incomplete and inaccurate with the information contained in the questions; Students with low levels of self-esteem barely meet the category of communication skills, This is indicate that students have a difficult in understanding the purpose of the question.Keywords: Material of Set, Mathematical Communication Skills, Self-Esteem

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 415-425
Mary Lourdes Scofield Osório ◽  
Maria Aurea Caldas Souto ◽  
Cynara Maria da Silva Santos

É grande o numero de pessoas da melhor idade que esta aderindo às redes sociais como Eons, Facebook ou Myspace. Cada vez mais pesquisadores se interessam pelo tema, tentando determinar se o uso das referidas redes pode, ou não, oferecer benefícios significativos à socialização daqueles com 60 anos, ou mais. Esta investigação mostra o resultado do uso destas redes por um grupo de idosos que fazem parte do Programa de Extensão de uma Universidade Pública de um Estado da Região Nordeste do Brasil, que atualmente conta com 186 atores sociais. Para o levantamento dos dados que nortearam este trabalho utilizou-se a pesquisa qualitativa, na modalidade de Grupos Focais. Os participantes do referido Programa discutiram, no início de cada formação, os tipos de acessos que conheciam, já vivenciados ou não, como as redes preferidas, os chats e jogos favoritos, objetivando, assim, “enfocar a compreensão de um contexto fundamentada na interpretação subjetiva dos dados coletados, sem medidas numéricas e análises estatísticas, mostrando que a preocupação com o processo é muito maior do que com o produto,” conforme asseveram Souto e Osório (2011, p.21 ). O acesso à tecnologia traz a informação quase instantaneamente e, cibercultura não há limite de idade. Para a terceira idade, benefícios incomensuráveis apresentam-se somados à oportunidade de exercitar a mente, memória, e aumentar a autoestima. Palavras-chave: Redes Sociais. Interatividade. Internet.   ABSTRACT There is great number of old-aged people adhering to social networks like Eons , Facebook or Myspace . Increasingly, researchers are interested in the topic, trying to determine whether the use of such networks may or may not offer significant benefits to the socialization of those aged 60 or more. This investigation shows the result of using these networks for a group of seniors who are part of the Outreach Program at a public university in a state in the Northeast of Brazil , which currently has 186 social actors . To gather data that guided this study, it was used the qualitative research method of focus groups . Participants of this program discussed at the beginning of each training , the types of hits that they knew, that they had already experienced or not, like preferred networks, chats and games, aiming thus “focus on the understanding of a context based on the subjective interpretation of collected data without numerical measures and statistical analysis, showing that the concern with the process is much higher than with the product," according to Souto and Osorio (2011, p.21). Access to technology brings information almost instantly and cyberculture has no age limit. For seniors, immeasurable benefits are presented added to the opportunity to exercise the mind, memory, and increase self-esteem . Keywords: Social Networks. Interactivity. Internet.

An-Nas ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 264-274
Durrotus Shinta

"The Man Who Believes" the book of the novel Najib Kailani. This novel tells about the motives for the conviction of human needs. And about the man who believed in the way of women. The human psychological analysis in literature focuses on the texts of literature in which the image of the hierarchy of human needs, and uses the human psychological theory of Abraham Maslow is the Pyramid of Human Needs. The questions in this research are how the person and personality, and how the pyramid of needs in the main person in the novel "The Man Who Believes" to Najib Kailani. The objectives of research are to know the person and personality and to know the Pyramid of Human Needs in the main person in this novel. This research is qualitative research using the descriptive approach, and the process of analyzing the data is to read this novel and identify the person who relates to this research. The results of the research are led by the person, especially the main person, Erian and the Syams, and the analysis of the pyramid of the five needs. There is the physiological need, the security needs, the needs of love and conviction, the need for self-esteem and the needs of self-realization."

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Ni Nyoman Ayu Suciartini

AbstrakDalam penciptaannya, sebuah lirik lagu berasal atau terbentuk dari bahasa yang dihasilkan sebagai akibat komunikasi antara pencipta lagu dengan masyarakat penikmat lagu. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perspektif antiperundungan atau anti-bullying dalam lirik lagu “Sikap Duniawi” Isyana Sarasvati. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan makna perspektif antiperundungan atau anti-bullying dalam lirik lagu “Sikap Duniawi” Isyana Sarasvati. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deksriptif kualitatif dengan perspektif semiotika model Roland Barthes. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa di setiap lirik, baik pilihan kata maupun pilihan kalimat yang digunakan pengarang dalam lagu “Sikap Duniawi” ini kaya akan motivasi dan inspirasi untuk bangkit dari cemooh, dari hinaan, dan rasa rendah diri akibat perilaku perundungan atau bullying. Kata kunci: antiperundungan, lagu sastra, Sikap Duniawi AbstractIn its creation, a song’s lyrics originate or are formed from the language produced as a result of communication between the songwriter and the song-loving community. The formulation of the problem in this research is how the perspective of anti-harassment or antibullying in the lyrics of the song “Sikap Duniawi” Isyana Sarasvati. The purpose of this study is to describe the meaning of the perspective of anti-harassment or antibullying in the lyrics of the song “Sikap Duniawi” Isyana Sarasvati. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method with the semiotic perspective of the Roland Barthes model. The results of this study reveal that in every lyric, the choice of words and choice of sentences used by the author in the song “Sikap Duniawi” is rich in motivation and inspiration to rise from ridicule, humiliation, and low self-esteem due to harassment or bullying behavior.Keywords: bullying, literary songs, Sikap Duniawi

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 1033
Bilge Aslan Altan

This study concerns the importance of preventive implementations for physical, psychological, and sexual child abuse through curriculum. Therefore, the study has examined the interpretations of primary education teachers on one of the attainments of Safe Life unit in Life Sciences course that has been recently revised and put into force for 2017-2018 academic year. 12 volunteer primary education teachers participated in the study. The study was conducted with phenomenology design of qualitative research method. Semi-structured interview forms were developed and applied by the researcher as the data collection. The data were transcribed first and then analyzed through descriptive and content analysis. The findings have highlighted that most of the teachers have not associated the objective with child abuse issue, on the contrary, they have interpreted it as a precaution for physical harms and damages (accidents, injuries, wounds, etc.) and communication in respect (asking for permission before speaking, behave respectfully to elders, etc.). Additionally, teachers have mentioned that they have not been in any training either in pre-service or in-service education related to child abuse. It has been noticed that child abuse issue has not been properly touched upon in educational field. It is hoped to draw attention to the topic in education with this study. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.  ÖzetBu çalışmada çocukların fiziksel, psikolojik ve cinsel istismarına yönelik önleyici uygulamaların öğretim programlarında yer almasının önemi araştırılmıştır. Bu kapsamda 2017-2018 eğitim-öğretim yılı itibari ile yürürlüğe giren revize edilmiş hayat bilgisi öğretim programı içerisinde yer alan “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesinin bir kazanımının sınıf öğretmenleri tarafından nasıl yorumlandığı araştırılmıştır. Çalışma 12 sınıf öğretmeni ile nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden olgubilim (fenomenoloji) deseni ile yürütülmüştür. Çalışma sırasında “yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu” kullanılmıştır Görüşme sonunda yazıya aktarılan veriler betimsel ve içerik analizi yöntemi ile incelenmiş ve bulgular değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre öğretmenlerin büyük bir çoğunluğu kazanımı fiziksel güvenlik (kaza, yaralanma, güvenli oyun alanları vb.) ve saygılı iletişim (söz alma, büyüklere saygılı olma vb.) çerçevesinde yorumlamış ve çocuk istismarı ile ilişkilendirmemiştir. Öğretmenler ilgili konuda hiç eğitim almadıklarını da belirtmişlerdir. Bu çalışma sonucunda eğitim alanında çocuk istismarı konusunda yeterli bir farkındalık olmadığı fark edilmiş ve eğitim alanında önleyici uygulamalara yönelik farkındalık oluşturulması için önerilerde bulunulmuştur.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Emalia Amna ◽  
Anni Holila Pulungan ◽  
Rahmad Husein

This study focuses specifically on investigating the maintenance of Bahasa Aceh by Acehnese teenagers in keude kupi in Medan. It employs qualitative research method and applies a case study design. The subjects were ten Acehnese Teenagers in keude kupi in Medan. The instruments used for this study were observation, interview and document gathering. The observation was applied to get the data about the language they used in the keude kupi. The interview was applied to get the data for answering the three questions of this study; factors affecting Bahasa Aceh maintenance, the manners done by the teenagers and the reasons for maintaining the language in keude kupi. While the documentation needed to give a visual data about the subjects and site of the study. The data were analysed by using Ethnography Method, proposed by Spradley. It has been found that there were some factors lead to the maintenance of Bahasa Aceh, they are: language attitude, parents’ role, environment, visiting homeland continuously and intra-marriage. The maintenance of Bahasa Aceh was done by keep using it to other Acehnese, read the Acehnese online or printed media, and watch or listen to the Acehnese entertainment. In maintaining their mother language, the teenagers’ reasons were not only about showing their identity, help their community to progress and achieving self-esteem and/or self-pride, but also to create the feel-like-home situation, since using the language with the same Acehnese peers makes them feel closer and bound.Keywords: Language Maintenance, Bahasa Aceh, Teenagers, Keude Kupi

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-31
Amatullah Asma Ashilah ◽  
Maisaroh Maisaroh ◽  
Fahrul Fauzi

The purpose of this study is to offer solutions related to the prevention of domestic violence, especially those related to children, through improving the quality of children's relationships with their parents. This research departs from the increasing number of violence occurring in the household realm, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, which causes individuals to remain at home. The research method used is qualitative research supported by a literature review. The study results suggest two activities that parents and children can do to make their relationship closer, particularly within this pandemic situation. The quality of a good relationship between them will minimize the potential for disharmony and even violence. The two activities are; 1) Indoor Outbound, this activity helps both children and parents feel cooperative and trusting each other through the house’s outbound activity. Direct parental involvement in children will help improve this relationship. This involvement is divided into two, namely partial and whole. 2) Parenting Day, an effort that parents can increase to their children. In children who are still not yet adolescents, the effort is to overcome tantrums and in adolescents is to create effective communication between the two. The author concludes that the main key to preventing child abuse is the quality of the child's relationship with his/ her parents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Tira Nalvianti Rahmi ◽  
Siti Raudhoh ◽  
Amelia Dwi Fitri

ABSTRACTIntroduction: Ex-drug addicts might potentially experience a relapse. Previous research hadfound that one of the factors that could affect ex-drug addicts to survive from a relapse was selfesteem.Self-esteem is essential for every human being, especially for the ones who are in theirrecovery, such as addiction recovery. This research aimed to describe the self-esteem of ex-drugaddicts working at a rehabilitation center.Method: The participants of this research were three men working at a rehabilitation center andhad stopped using drugs minimum in a year. This research was conducted in Jambi in 2018, useda qualitative research method with a phenomenology approach. The data collection techniqueused an in-depth interview.Result: All of the participants still disregarded some values yet had some appropriateexperiences in other aspects of self-esteem. The main factors that significantly contributed totheir self-esteem were relatively different. Conclusions and recommendation: It appears that the self-esteem of all the participants tendsto lead to the mediumcategory Keywords: addiction recovery, ex-drug addict, rehabilitation, self-esteem   ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Mantan pecandu narkoba yang berhasil lepas dari ketergantungan narkobaberpotensi untuk mengalami kekambuhan. Penelitian sebelumnya menemukan salah satu faktoryang dapat mempengaruhi mantan pecandu narkoba mampu bertahan untuk tidak kembalimenggunakan narkoba adalah harga diri. Harga diri penting dalam kehidupan seseorang, terutamabagi seseorang yang sedang dalam masa pemulihan, seperti pemulihan adiksi. Penelitian inimendeskripsikan mengenai harga diri pada mantan pecandu narkoba yang bekerja di pusatrehabilitasi “X” Jambi.Metode: Partisipan penelitian ialah tiga orang laki-laki dewasa yang berusia antara 25-45 tahun,sedang bekerja sebagai staf di pusat rehabilitasi “X” Jambi, dan telah berhenti menggunakannarkoba minimal satu tahun. Penelitian dilakukan di Kota Jambi pada tahun 2018, menggunakanmetode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi, serta metode pengumpulan datamelalui teknik wawancara mendalam.Hasil: Ketiga partisipan masih belum memenuhi beberapa nilai-nilai kebajikan, namun partisipantelah berhasil memenuhi sebagian besar nilai yang terkandung dalam aspek harga diri. Faktoryang paling berperan dalam pembentukan harga diri masing-masing partisipan secara khususmemiliki perbedaan yang mendasar. Kesimpulan dan Saran: Harga diri ketiga partisipan cenderung mengarah ke dalamkategori harga dirisedang berdasarkan keseluruhan aspek yang hampir terpenuhi dan beberapayang tidak terpenuhi.Kata kunci: harga diri, mantan pecandu narkoba, pemulihan adiksi, rehabilitasi

Nurul Nadjmi

Kepulauan Riau merupakan provinsi yang terdiri dari beberapa pulau diantaranya Pulau Batam, Pulau Bintan dan Pulau Karimun. Modal sosial merupakan serangkaian nilai dan norma informal yang dimiliki oleh kelompok masyarat dalam membagun kerjasamanya. Lingkup penelitian pada pembahasan ini adalah terfokus pada pengaruh modal sosial terhadap perkembangan pariwisata di Kepulauan Riau dalam hal ini Pulau Batam, Pulau Bintan, dan Pulau Karimun. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dikondisikan sebagai penelitian kualitatif melalui strategi studi kasus. Sistem pendekatan yang digunakan juga merupakan pendekatan deskriptif analitik. Melakukan pengamatan langsung, mengumpulkan data-data kemudian menghubungkannya dengan kajian teori yang digunakan. Lokus penelitian ini terdapat di Kepulauan Riau dengan melihat pengaruh modal sosial pada perkembangan pariwisata di ketiga pulau yaitu Pulau Batam, Pulau Bintan dan Pulau Karimun. Berdasarkan hasil survey yang saya lakukan di Kepulauan Riau, terutama pada ketiga pulau yaitu Pulau Batam, Pulau Bintan, dan Pulau Karimun, dari ketiga pulau tersebut ternyata pada Pulau Karimun perkembangan pariwisatanya tidak terlalu berkembang karena masyarakat yang tidak menerima adanya wisatawan terutama wisatawan mancanegara. Riau Islands is a province consisting of several islands including Batam Island, Bintan Island and Karimun Island. Social capital is a set of informal values ​​and norms that are owned by community groups in building cooperation. The scope of research in this discussion is focused on the influence of social capital on the development of tourism in the Riau Islands, in this case Batam Island, Bintan Island, and Karimun Island. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. This research is conditioned as qualitative research through a case study strategy. The system approach used is also a descriptive analytic approach. Make direct observations, collect data and then relate it to the study of the theories used. The locus of this research is in the Riau Islands by looking at the influence of social capital on the development of tourism in the three islands, namely Batam Island, Bintan Island and Karimun Island. Based on the results of a survey I conducted in the Riau Islands, especially on the three islands, namely Batam Island, Bintan Island, and Karimun Island, of the three islands, it turns out that on Karimun Island the development of tourism is not very developed because people do not accept tourists, especially foreign tourists.

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