scholarly journals Ecological adaptability of hybrid (F3-5) populations of alfalfa in terms of fodder and seed productivity in conditions of increased soil acidity

V.D. Buhayov ◽  
V.M. Horenskyi

Purpose. Estimation of ecological adaptability of hybrid (F3-5) populations of alfalfa for fodder and seed productivity against the background of increased soil acidity in different years of grass stand by determining its components – regression coefficient and stability variance. Methods. Field (conducting phenological observations and accounting), laboratory (accounting for seed productivity), mathematical and statistical (objective evaluation of the obtained experimental data). Results. The research was conducted in 2013-2020 in the fields of the Institute of Feed Research and Agriculture of Podillya of NAAS. 37 hybrid populations of F3-5 created with participation of alfalfa seed samples (Sinyukha (UJ0700134, Ukraine); Regina (UJ0700031, Ukraine); Yaroslavna (UJ0700225, Ukraine); Vika (Denmark); Mega (UJ0700365, Sweden), Grilys (Sweden) and the variable Gidrune (UJ0700699, Lithuania). Assessment of the ecological adaptability of hybrid (F3-5) populations of alfalfa, created on the basis of collection samples (Medicago sativa L., M. varia L.) of different ecological and geographical origin against the background of the increased soil acidity. The obtained values of stability variance confirm the difficulty of selection of alfalfa to increase the level of seed productivity compared to fodder, which are often positively affected by opposite hydrothermal conditions. Conclusions. Based on the results of the assessment of the ecological adaptability of hybrid (F3- 5) populations of alfalfa in conditions of increased soil acidity, the following combinations with a relatively high response to improved growing conditions, characterized by a potentially high level of fodder (Mega / Regina, Vika / Regina, Zhidrune / Regina, Zhidrune / Sinyukha, Mega / Grilys, Yaroslavna / Vika, Yaroslavna / Zhidrune, Grilys / Zhidrune, Vika / Mega) and seed productivity (Regina / Mega, Regina / Zhidrune, Sinyukha / Mega, Sinyukha / Yaroslavna, Sinyukha / Zhidrune, Grilys Mega, Grilys / Regina, Mega / Yaroslavna, Zhidrune / Vika, Mega / Zhidrune) are identified.

2019 ◽  
pp. 53-58 ◽  
S. A. Ignatiev ◽  
A. A. Regidin

The estimation of the initial material is the most important part of the breeding process. There is a great necessity in additional objectivity of its characteristics, in identification of the parameters of environmental adaptability, stability, resistance to stressful environmental conditions. Within the collection nursery there have been studied adaptability parameters of 16 sainfoin samples (Onobrychis arenaria Kit. DC) of a sandy species. The purpose of research was to identify sainfoin forms with a complex of adaptive traits based on such characteristics as “green mass productivity” and “seed productivity” to use them in future breeding work. There have been used conventional techniques in the study. The estimation of the adaptability parameters was carried out according to Eberhart S.G., Russell W.G. (1966) presented by V.A. Zykina et al. (2005) and by V.Z. Pakudin (1984). The conducted dispersion analysis of the two-factor trial on the productivity of sainfoin samples showed the correlation between the genotype and the environment. The change in green mass and seed productivity was greatly influenced by the factor ‘year’ (‘environment’) (51% and 58%, respectively). The influence of the factor ‘variety’ (‘sample’) was less (40.7% and 35.5%), the correlation of these factors was also reliable, the interaction variance exceeded the error value and was 65% and 79%. The estimation of sainfoin samples for the presence of adaptive properties revealed that almost all the studied samples had at least one adaptive parameter. But, the sainfoin samples that have several or a set of calculated adaptive properties are obviously more valuable for the use in the breeding process. When cultivating for green mass and seeds, the samples ‘S 5/05’ and ‘GIA 4’ had a high level of resistance to stressful growing conditions (Umin-Umax), a high level of environmental adaptability (bi) and stability (Si2 ), and the samples ‘GIA 2’ and ‘GIA 11’ have these parameters only if they are cultivated for green mass. The variety ‘Severokavkazsky Dvuukosny’ is characterized with high resistance to stressful growing conditions (Umin-Umax) and genetic flexibility ((Umin + Umax) / 2), with a high level of ecological adaptability (bi) and homeostatism (HOM).

1970 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 102-106 ◽  
V. D. Buhaiov ◽  
V. M. Horenskyi ◽  
V. S. Mamalyha

Aim. Research and evaluation of hybrid populations of (F3) alfalfa according to main agronomic characteristics for further use in breeding under conditions of high soil acidity. Methods. The field (phenological observations and records, hibryd analysis), laboratory (seed productivity accounting), mathematical-statistical (objective evaluation of obtained experimental data). Results. According to the research results of hybrid populations (F3) selected genotypes are tolerant to soil acidity with a relatively high forage and seed productivity, exceeding the standard sort of cyanosis on these indicators by 5–20 %. Conclusions. The evaluation has been performed and the promising starting material has been selected for four years planting alfalfa breeding (hybrid populations F3), which can provide a relatively high fee of dry matter (1.2–1.37 kg/m2) and seed yield (37.4–46.9) due to high soil acidity (pH 5.2–5.3). Keywords: alfalfa, soil acidity, seed yield, dry matter.


Seed productivity of perennial leguminous grasses is subject to sharp fluctuations due to their biological characteristics, different reactions to changes in growing conditions, and meteorological factors over the growing season. In this case, the productive longevity of herbs is of great importance. The research aims to analyze the seed productivity and the duration of using the grassstand of perennial legume grasses in the meteorological conditions of the Middle Pre-Urals. The analysis of seed yield, energy, and economic efficiency of long-term use of perennial leguminous grasses was carried out based on a result of studies laid down in the Udmurt Research Institute of Agriculture of the UdmFRC of the UB RAS in 1996–2005 with the eastern Galega variety Gale, in 2011–2015 – with varieties of red clover and variegated alfalfa, in 2011–2016 – with birds-foot trefoil variety Solnyshko. The research found that red clover sowing is best used for seeds for one year. In the first year of use, the yield of double-cut clover varieties was 146 kg/ha, of single-cut varieties – 138 kg/ha. In the second year of using the grass stand, the yield significantly decreased to 37 and 39 kg/ha. The yield of 162 kg/ha at the standard level was formed by the twocut clover variety Dymkovsky. Crops of variegated alfalfa can be used for seeds for two years. Seed productivity of variegated alfalfa varieties in the 1st year of use was 204 kg/ha, in the 2nd year of use – 260 kg/ha. Alfalfa of the Guzel variety formed a significantly high seed yield of 251 kg/ha. The recommended duration of the use of the birds-foot trefoil grass-stand is two to three years. In the 1st and 2nd years of use of the grass stand, the yield of the seeds was relatively high, 215–378 and 213–349 kg/ha, respectively. By the 3rd year of use, it decreased to 89–161 kg/ha. The old-age grass stand of the 4th year of use did not form seeds. Sowing the birds-foot trefoil without a cover or under cover of spring wheat by the usual row method with a seeding rate of 8–9 million units/ha showed the highest seed yield of 255–270 kg/ha. The duration of the use of the eastern Galega grass-stand is up to 10 years or more. The highest yield of Galega seeds of 510 kg/ha was obtained during the harvesting of grass in the first year of use for feed, in the second – fifth year of use – for seeds, from the 6th year of use – for feed.

Matiashuk R. ◽  
Tkachenko I.

The sensitivity of the reproductive structures of Forsythiasuspensato the complex influence of undifferentiated environmental factors has been studied.The monitoring sites are located in 15 different park ecosystems in 6 administrative districts of Kyiv. Data from the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory (air pollution index (API) and meteorological conditions for 2018-2020) were used to assess the conditions of the growthenvironment. The influence of a complex of ecologically important factors during the flowering offorsythia on the quality of the formedpollen is noted. Thus, growing plantsfor a long time in conditions with a low level of air pollution (APIup to 5.0) in abnormal weather conditions in 2020,40-50% less fertile grainswere formed. And forplants, which grow in areas with increasedlevel (API5.0-7.0) and high level (API7.0-14.0) of air pollution, the share of fertile grains in the pollen population decreased by 60-80%. In the closed bud,the pollen has higher resistance to a complex of exogenous growth factors. Forsythia plants, which are located in large parklands, lose less pollen quality in adverse weather conditions and affected byurbotechnogenic factors. F. suspensa is an acceptable indicator of the level of environmental pollution by the deviation of pollen fertility from the control value. In areas with high aerogenic load, for example, areas with large highways (Bus Station «Darnytsia»), as well as with a significant recreational load (HolosiivskyiPark, Recreation Park on the Olena Teliha Street) much smaller pollen is formed. Itis noted that the conditions of forsythia growth affect the quantitative indicators of the formed pollen not only in the flower but also in the closed bud, which confirms the chronic effect of the complex of ingredients of aerotechnogenic emissions on plants of this species. The coefficient of sterility of pollen (CS) was used to objectively compare the data of 2019 and 2020 on the condition of the generative organs of F. suspensa in the studied areas. The calculation of the CS confirmed that in the closedbud pollen has a higher resistance to exogenous factors. In areas with high and increased levels of air pollution,during budding and flowering of plants (March-May,) there is a much higher CS of pollen of F. suspensа. Significant parkland territoriesof the city (for example, HolosiivskyiPark, Botanical Garden named after O. V. Fomin) provide less stressful conditions for growth and development of plants, even with the "very high" level of air pollution (ISA above 14.0) observed in April 2020 on this territory.The study of the susceptibility of F. suspensаpollen to growing conditions will be continued, as the prospects of using this species for bioindication of ecological status and zoning of park ecosystems of Kyiv according to the gradient of anthropogenic impact have been revealed.Key words:forsythia, fertility, coefficient of sterility of pollen, bioindication. Проведене дослідження чутливості репродуктивних структур Forsythiasuspensaдо комплексного впливу недиференційованих факторів навколишнього середовища. Моніторингові ділянки розташовані в 15 різних паркових екосистемах 6 адміністративних районівКиєва. Для оцінки умов середовища вирощування рослин використані дані Центральної геофізичної обсерваторії імені Бориса Срезневського (індекс забруднення атмосферного повітря (ІЗА) та метеорологічні умови за 2018-2020 рр.). Відмічено вплив комплексу екологічно важливих факторів (за показниками відхилення від норми середньої місячної температури повітря та місячної кількості опадів у Києві) уперіод квітування форзиції на якість сформованого пилку. Так, за тривалої експозиції рослин в умовах з низьким рівнем забруднення повітря (ІЗА до 5,0) в аномальних погодних умовах 2020 р. сформувалось на 40-50% менше фертильних зерен. А у форзиції, яка росте на територіях з підвищеним (ІЗА 5,0-7,0) та високим (ІЗА 7,0-14,0) рівнями забруднення частка фертильних зерен в популяції пилку зменшилась на 60-80%. У закритому бутоні пилок має вищу стійкість до комплексу екзогенних факторів середовища зростання. Рослини форзиції, які розташовані у значних за площею паркових насадженнях, менше втрачають якість пилку за несприятливих погодних умов та дії урботехногенних чинників. За відхиленням показника фертильності пилку від контрольного значення F. suspensaє допустимим індикатором рівня забруднення середовища. На територіях з підвищеним аерогенним навантаженням, наприклад, ділянки з автотранспортними магістралями (Автостанція «Дарниця»), а також зі значним рекреаційним навантаженням (Голосіївський парк імені М. Рильського, Парк відпочинку по вул. Олени Теліги)формується значно дрібніший пилок. Відмічено, що умови росту позначаються на кількісних показниках сформованого пилку не лише в квітці, але й в закритому бутоні, що підтверджує хронічний вплив комплексу інгредієнтів аеротехногенних викидів нарослини цього виду. Для об’єктивного співставлення даних 2019 і 2020 рр. щодо стану генеративних органів F. suspensaна досліджених ділянках був використаний коефіцієнт стерильності (КС) пилку. Розрахунок КС підтвердив, що в закритому бутоні пилок має вищу стійкість до впливу екзогенних чинників. Вищий КС був у F. suspense, з ділянок, на яких в період бутонізації і квітування рослин (березень-травень) відмічений високий і підвищений рівень забруднення атмосфери. Значні за площею паркові насадження міста (наприклад, Голосіївський парк, Ботанічний сад ім.акад. О.В. Фоміна) забезпечують менш напружені умови росту і розвитку рослин навіть при відміченому в квітні 2020 р. «дуже високому» рівні забруднення повітря (ІЗА вище 14,0) на цих територіях. Дослідження чутливості пилку F. suspenseдо умов вирощування буде продовжене,оскільки виявлена перспективність використання цього виду для біоіндикації екологічного стану та зонування паркових екосистем Києва за градієнтом антропогенного впливу.Ключові слова: форзиція, фертильність, індекс стерильності, біоіндикація.

2021 ◽  
pp. 219-225
Галина Табаленкова

The results of studies of the qualitative composition and quantitative content of amino acids (AAs) in the leaves of three plant species of the genus Artemisia, widespread in the Elton region, were presented. Protein AAs were determined on an AAA T-339 amino acid analyzer (Czech Republic) after hydrolysis of a sample in 6N HCl at 105 °C for 24 h, free AAs – on an AAA-400 amino acid analyzer (Czech Republic) in a lithium buffer system. The protein AAs amount varied from 66 mg / g in A. lerchiana to 113 mg / g dry weight in A. santonica. 17 AAs were found in composition of these species, aspartic and glutamic acids were dominant. The content of free AAs varied from 4.4 mg / g in A. santonica to 8.3 mg / g dry weight in A. pauciflora. 14 AAs have been identified, among them proline was the predominant free AA. The share of proline was 75-81% of the total free AAs. Among the minor components, 3-4 compounds with a content above 2% dominated. The free AAs contain 3 non-proteinogenic ones (ornithine, citruline, and γ-aminobutyric acid). A. lerchiana and A. pauciflora species were similar in protein and free amino acids, probably due to the same growing conditions. A high level of free proline, together with a complex of biologically active substances in Artemisia species, which grow abundantly in the Elton region, allow to consider the possibility of their use as a medicinal raw material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 191-198
Juliana Schuch PITIRINI ◽  
Rosana Ingrid Ribeiro dos SANTOS ◽  
Francy Manoely da Silva LIMA ◽  
Ilano Silva Braga do NASCIMENTO ◽  
Jehmison de Oliveira BARRADAS ◽  

ABSTRACT The use of cassava root silage for animal feeding is a suitable option for farmers who grow cassava as an alternative product and for cattle ranchers who have to deal with high prices of corn. Our objective was to determine the effects of cassava genotypes and the correction of soil acidity on the microbial population, fermentation characteristics, chemical composition, aerobic stability and losses of cassava root silage. We used a 2 × 3 factorial design in completely randomized blocks, with four replications. We evaluated two cassava genotypes (Caeté and Manteiguinha) and three methods of soil acidity correction (lime, gypsum, and lime+gypsum). The roots were harvested 11 months after planting, ensiled in PVC silos, and stored for 45 days. No interaction was observed between genotypes and soil acidity correction for any of the evaluated parameters. The silage of Caeté genotype showed the highest concentration of dry matter (421 g kg-1 fresh matter) and non-fibrous carbohydrates (893 g kg-1 dry matter), and the lowest concentrations of neutral detergent fiber (37.1 g kg-1 dry matter) . No significant differences were observed among treatments for lactic acid bacteria, yeast and mold counts in silages. Both genotypes resulted in silages with an adequate fermentation profile and considerably high aerobic stability, but with high effluent loss. The Caeté genotype showed to be potentially better for silage production due to its higher dry matter recovery. Due to the high level of effluent loss, it is recommended to test the effect of a moisture-absorbing additive during the ensiling process of these cassava roots.

2000 ◽  
Vol 88 (9-11) ◽  
S.L. Matzen ◽  
J.M. Beiriger ◽  
P.C. Torretto ◽  
P. Zhao ◽  
B.E. Viani

In a high level waste repository in which temperatures are elevated due to waste decay, concrete structures will be subjected to hydrothermal conditions that will alter their physical and chemical properties. Virtually no studies have examined the interaction of hydrothermally altered concrete with radionuclides. We present the results of experiments in which soluble and colloid-associated U and Np, were eluted into a fractured, hydrothermally altered concrete core. Although the fluid residence time in the fracture was estimated to be on the order of 1 minute, U and Np in the effluent from the core were below detection (10

2021 ◽  
pp. 28-33
S. А. Ignatiev ◽  
А. А. Regidin ◽  
S S. Kravchenko

The general climate change in the south of Russia makes the development of new varieties of grain crops, including forage grasses, with high resistance and adaptability to climatic stress factors extremely necessary. The breeding process of forage plant adapted to changing environmental conditions is seen as an effective way to allow crop production to cope with unexpected possible climate changes with the least possible losses. The specific reaction of plants to environmental conditions is of particular interest when studying collection plant samples of different gen[1]otypes, as well as when choosing varieties for cultivation in specific conditions. Studying the stability and adaptability of collection samples of forage grasses can also make it possible to use them in different regions. The purpose of the current study was to estimate alfalfa samples by the parameters of ecological adaptability and stability according to the trait ‘seed productivity’. The objects of study were 30 samples of the VIR collection from the USA, Canada, France and Peru. There has been identified a large group of samples with bi < 1. These samples were important as genotypes with a weak responsiveness of seed productivity to worse conditions. They are to be used in hybrids to obtain an initial material that is adaptive according to the trait ‘seed productivity’ in stressful conditions. The smallest bi coefficient was found in the samples ‘K-42694’ (0.20), ‘K-32783’ (0.22) and ‘K-47804’ (0.29). The stability coefficient σd 2 , which reflects the correlation between the growing conditions and seed productivity of the samples through the years of study and was calculated on the basis of the theoretical productivity and the deviation of the theoretical value from the actual one, varied from 0.01 to 74.70. This range of variation indicates that the set of samples contains such samples whose stability of productivity is genetically determined and significantly exceeds the variability of the average productivity of the entire set. Estimation of differences according to stability of seed productivity, in comparison with the standard variety ‘Rostovskaya 90’, revealed a significant difference in this trait in the samples ‘K-43272’, ‘K-50545’, ‘K-50561’.

L.H. Marinich

The effects of GCA samples according to the results of dialysis analysis are given. Genetic control systems of traits of each variety are reflected, in particular the relative contribution of dominant and recessive alleles. According to the analysis of the effects of general combinatorial ability, samples with high indicators were selected for most of the studied features: the number of vegetatively elongated shoots - Poltava 52; foliage - Anto; dry matter yield - Poltava 52; protein content in dry matter - Poltava 52; the number of generative shoots - Anto and Poltava 52; panicle length - Anto and Radio-mutant k-7; seed productivity - Anto. A high level of the coefficients of heredity of the studied signs in a broad sense (H2 = 0,93 – 0,99) have been established. The coefficients of heredity in the narrow sense (h2) in terms of genetic variability due to additive effects of genes were different. The highest rate was in seed productivity (0,91), the number of vegetatively elongated shoots (0,78), dry matter yield (0,70); the lowest - in the length of the panicle (0,35) and the height of the plant - (0,43). The protein content was average (0,58). Key words: unbearded hundred-spike, diallel crosses, general combination ability, heredity.

1996 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 41-44
R.G. Thomas

The causes of low seed set per floret in white clover (Trifolium repens L.) are reviewed. Three stages of flower head development are distinguished as important for a high level of seed set: a pre-fertilisation stage, a stage of anthesis leading to pollination, and a postfertilisation stage in which seed provisioning occurs. In sunny conditions the percentage seed set is limited at the pre-fertilisation stage by up to 20-30% ovule sterility. Relatively low light intensities during the postfertilisation stage can lead to abortion of a high proportion of fertilised ovules and developing seeds. Experimental results suggest that seed yields under optimal growing conditions can be limited solely by the level of pre-fertilisation ovule sterility and probably cannot be bettered, but further understanding of the seed-provisioning requirements for photosynthate could lead to improved management practices for seed production under conditions of lower light intensities. Keywords: abortion, light intensity, ovule, seed provisioning, sterility, white clover

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