2017 ◽  
Ismail Suardi Wekke ◽  
Nurhayati Nurhayati ◽  
Miftah Farid

Arabic language becomes important and compulsive to understand Quran in schools and madrasah (Islamic school) which have students as learning target. In addition, learning is not only about classroom. The exploration could be extend to environment where the students live around. Therefore, this article would identify the process of Arabic learning and teaching in Islamic boarding school-based strategy. To enhance the process of learning in the madrasah (school), the management provide boarding or domitory facilities for student who can not reach the school every day. This reserach was conducted in West Papua of Indonesia. The research is a series of research to identify the muslim minority Arabic teaching and learning in the island of Papua. Non-participant observation and in-depth interview were employed in collecting data. This article shows that there are four programs were implemented to accelerate students’ competencies in acquitting the target language. Furthermore, this article discusses the issue of strategy was inspired by the development of technology and knowledge as well as the globalization putting the teacher not to be the only one source, likewise the school. On the other hand, print and electronic media, internet and life around the students can be taken as learning sources. Secondly, strategy which is giving chances to the learners to play as dominants in learning management. Finally, this article recommends further research in exploration the topic to extend the potential development of Arabic teaching and learning the region of Muslim minority.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 147
Ismail Suardi Wekke

Abstract Islamic boarding school which well-known as pesantren establishment reflects a process of transformation on religious level of education. Arabic language is the compulsory subject to gain the set of curriculum. Therefore, it is a need to explore the process of Arabic language teaching and learning in the Islamic school. This research was conducted in Sorong greater area of West Papua. In-depth interview and non-participant observation were employed in collecting data. Arabic language is the main subject to support others subject. Each semester, students need to complete a set of subject. Some activities extend the subject in many courses to enrich language skill and capacity. In addition, Muslim minority is the environment to challenge the region. Therefore, the schools constructed the special program in complementing the syllabus.  There is additional program to complete in one year program. The combination between classroom activity and course program is the breakthrough to extend opportunity to learn not only in the classroom but also outside classroom. This article concludes that additional program was created to enhance students’ skill and language development through practices and non-formal courses. Keywords: Islamic Education, Arabic Language, Muslim Minority  Abstrak Pengembangan sekolah Islam yang dikenal dengan pesantren merefleksikan proses tranformasi dalam pelbagai tingkatan pendidikan keagamaan. Bahasa Arab sebagai mata pelajaran wajib menjadi bagian dari pelaksanaan kurikulum. Untuk itu, diperlukan eksplorasi untuk mengidentifikasi proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa Arab di sekolah Islam. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Sorong Raya, Papua Barat. Wawancara mendalam dan pengamatan tidak berpartisipasi digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data. Bahasa Arab merupakan mata pelajaran yang mendukung pelajaran lainnya. Setiap semester, siswa perlu menyelesaikan kumpulan pelajaran. Beberapa kegiatan dilaksanakan untuk memperluas kesempatan belajar dalam beberapa kursus untuk memperkaya keterampilan dan kapasitas berbahasa. Selanjutnya, sekolah juga melaksanakan program-program khusus untuk melengkapi silabus di dalam kelas. Terdapat pula program tambahan yang harus diselesaikan dalam satu tahun pelajaran. Perpaduan antara aktivitas kelas dan program kursus merupakan terobosan untuk memberikan kesempatan belajar yang bukan sebatas di dalam kelas tetapi juga di luar tembk kelas. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa program tambahan yang dilaksanakan untuk memperkaya keterampilan berbahasa dan membangun melalui praktik dan kursus non-formal. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Islam, Bahasa Arab, Minoritas Muslim

2017 ◽  
Ismail Suardi Wekke

Muslim minority exists in many part of Indonesia. Some areas that present muslim minority such as Menado in North Sulawesi, great area in Bali, Papua and West Papua at large. Those regions reflect that muslim live which is not similar with other muslim majority. Therefore, this research will explore madrasah in engaging empowering individual capacity in muslim minority. In short, this study will focus on madrasa role in enhancing muslim capacity in West Papua. This study conducted in West Papua Province. There are one city and twelve counties through the territory. Qualitative approach was utilized in multisite case study type. In-depth interview and non-participant observation were employed in collecting data. Field research was carried out on March to June 2013. Interview was performed with teacher, administrator, and educational bureaucracy. Furthermore, observation was presented in many activities, teaching and learning processes, and community development programs. Complementing data collection, focus group discussions were held in universities for series meeting. Another step to comply with triangulation is scholars consultation and peer-reviewed to ensure the research validity. This research shows that there are differentiation between muslim majority and minority in Indonesian society. Started from curriculum enhancement to program development formulate multicultural society. Self empowerment, entrepreneurship and skill improvement of movement were taken to ensure that madrasah establishments contribute to the society. Despite a controversial portrayal that media endorsed, madrasah and pesantren already demonstrate a great contribution during foundation of Indonesia in a nation. Madrasah also engage in civil society discourse, educational progress, promoting cultural awareness, and raising tolerance on religious variety. Through those activities, one of the major concerns is community development. This program was targeted to community educational awareness in madrasah surrounding area. They are running actions in term of basic need of those communities such as fishing, and farm treatment. In line up with those programs, it is to target the workforce problem. Muslim communities face high unskilled workers. Therefore, this program that ruined is one of the problem solving. On the other hand, religious understanding is also another concern. Students still need to attend classes in the morning to afternoon. They participate on those programs on evening and holidays. This progress is only to complement students‟ skill. However, tradition and culture are among problem in implementing those objectives. Communication and discussion effort were constructed to considerate appreciation. Observing the progress of madrasah in muslim minority is appropriate. It shows that there is a significant contribution to enhance muslim current modernity in the region. Moreover, there is respond towards ideas of change in dealing with environment and progress. Finally, madrasah take a part not only in education activities but also society empowerment; culturally based activities are keys in empowering and development.

2017 ◽  
Ismail Suardi Wekke ◽  
Suhendar Suhendar

Arabic is compulsory subject listed on Islamic studies issue. Over the years, students learn Arabic as the main subject. In addition, Arabic subject integrates through many subject. Therefore, it is a need to discover the standing of attitude and motivation on Arabic learning. The two factors among the pillar in maintaining teaching and learning of Arabic. On the other hand, Muslim minority environment is a unique condition to maintain the Arabic teaching and learning training. The research was conducted in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The picture of muslim minority indicates a dynamic situation. Different existence from other muslim part of Indonesia shows the opportunity to rely on co-exist to multicultural. This research is initial study to explore the relationship between attitudes in learning language. The age of learner influences their struggle and spirit in learning the resources language. Motivation provides the main driving for student during the process of learning. Even-tough they are part from family and stay in the boarding school for over the academic term. Moreover, this article discuses that attitude and motivation are among the main factor learning Arabic language. High motivation deliver considerable environment during school time. Student attitude and motivation is not a single form. There are many factors and conditions represent to the complexity of the situation. The findings implicate many aspect of teaching and learning. Indeed, motivation for learning target language is the source to sustain the process on the different aspects of teaching. Finally, there are many suggestions and recommendations for further study on the end part of article.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 187
Ismail Suardi Wekke

Arabic is the compulsory subject of elementary school in Ministry of Religious Affair, Indonesia. Therefore, it is a need to identify the Arabic teaching and learning in extending the new curriculum. This article discusses the development of Arabic teaching and learning in Muslim minority of West Papua. Qualitative approach was applied during research. It was started from focus group discussion to identify research problem among elementary school teacher. Observation and in-depth-interview were conducted to collect data. Three months serial observation and interview to students, teacher, and school management were employed in ensuring data collection was stimulated. This article shows that Arabic language teaching and learning in Muslim minority of West Papua was developed to articulate environmental need. In addition, there are circumstances during program acceleration. Therefore, there are programs to develop and extend classroom achievement. Finally, this article discusses initiatives from teachers and school management in expanding and enlarging learning opportunities not only in school area and time, but also outside school hours. 

2018 ◽  
pp. 32
Ismail Suardi Wekke

This present study explores the practices of teaching and learning Arabic among Muslim minorities by using the approach of modernity principles. A qualitative descriptive approach was designed in this research. It was conducted in West Papua, which covered five regencies and one city. The findings demonstrate that the instruction served in a number of pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) in Mayamuk, Aimas, Waisai, Teminabuan, Kaimana, Waigom, and Misol was carried out in a structured manner. In these seven locations, Islamic education that adopted a language skill-based instructional framework was presented by applying a communicative approach among santri (pesantren students). The language component fostered among santri was Arabic expressions without any special emphasis on the mastery of grammar. The pesantren atmosphere equipped with a boarding school for santri as a place to stay facilitated interactions among them as well as the instructors to practice their language skills. The skills were situated in the learning context and the accompanying environment. The existing social aspects were then used to mediate the teaching and learning process. The study also reveals that the variety of learning objectives determining the aspects of the approach and methodology affects Arabic instruction in the pesantren settings. It implies that not only does pesantren internalize a religious spirit, but it also promotes Indonesia based on the spirit of nationalism.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 128
Dicky Rachmat Pauji

Amâlî (Imla) is a methodology used in studying Arabic language and literature that has a very wide scope. Amâlî (Imla) itself can be translated as: to dictate, to add, to fill in and etc. Amâlî (Imla) may also be interpreted further by the following narration: A teacher (ustadz) comes to a place like a mosque, an Islamic school or any learning space in general. In the process of teaching and learning, all that are spoken by the teacher is written down by the students on pieces of paper they had prepared earlier then be compiled into a book which will be preserved. This paper presents a brief summary of Amâlî (Imla) as a methodology which is discussed in many Amâlî (Imla) related literature works written from the beginning of 7th century until the 14th century. The subject Amâlî (Imla) is written in exceedingly diverse manner, unique to each of numerous known authors. This paper also discusses about various meaning of the word Amâlî (Imla) that has been interpreted differently among authors. In addition, the method of separating chapters and other minor distinct writing style that each of various groups of Amâlî (Imla) authors had developed was presented in this work. And lastly, this paper discusses the fact that Amâlî (Imla) related textbook authors were not only originated from the Middle East, but also from regions such as Iran (Huzistan) and Andalusia

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Olatunde Yaqub

The teaching and learning of Arabic language especially in the non-native environment require a simplified method to make the job a more fruitful enterprise. This paper explores the application of a contrastive analysis of both the target language and the native language in encouraging, motivating and simplifying the teaching and learning of oral Arabic communication skill among the native Yoruba speakers. The work identifies the major areas of difficulties facing the students from this region. This includes phonetics, phonology and agreement relation (otherwise known as concord in grammar). The agreement consists of gender, person, terms and numbers which form a major component of grammatical Arabic sentence. It is observed that understanding these major areas will enhance the performance of the students in achieving the required standard in Arabic oral communication. The paper concludes that Arabic phonetics, phonology and grammar are more elaborate than those of Yoruba. Hence, the instructors need to focus more attention on these difficult areas; especially those areas that do not exist in the native language (Yoruba).

Ismail Hasanein Ahmed Mohammad

ملخص البحث: يعتبر الاتصال الشفوي (الكلام) الوسيلة الفاعلة في بلورة الفكرة الكامنة لدى الفرد، وإخراجها بصورة صوتية تمثل تلك الفكرة تمثيلاً واضحاً، وإيصالها إلى الطرف الآخر –المستمع-دون لبس أو غموض، ويرى الباحث أن الطلبة غير العرب عند التّحدث باللغة العربية يتعثرون على الرغم من تخصصهم في تعلُّمِها بوصفها لغة ثانية. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة أسباب إحجام الطلبة عن التحدث باللغة العربية، ومن ثَمَّ إبراز بعض الاستراتيجيات التي استخدمها الباحث في تعليم مهارة الاتصال الشفوي لطلبة بكالوريوس التربية، تخصص تعليم لغة عربية بوصفها لغة ثانية على مدى الخمس السنوات الماضية بالجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا. توصلت الدراسة إلى أن تعليم وتعلم اللغة العربية خارج موطنها يعتريه كثير من العقبات تتمثل في البيئة المحيطة بالدارس، والمناهج والمقررات، والوسائل المعينة اللازمة، وينبغي أن يخصص وقت لممارسة الكلام باللغة العربية داخل الصفوف الدراسية، وإتاحة الفرصة لكل طالب أو طالبة في التعبير الشفوي، مع التشجيع الكامل من المعلم، ويتم تصحيح الخطأ بطريقة محفزة، وترصد لهم مكافآت ولو رمزية، تعزيزاً لدفعهم للكلام، وكسر حاجز الخوف والخجل، وإكسابهم الجسارة والجرأة والثقة. على أن يكون الوقت المخصص للكلام إلزاميا لجميع الطلبة دارسي اللغة العربية، ولكل المقررات المتعلقة باللغة. الكلمات المفتاحية: إحجام الطلبة - التخصص – اللغة الثانية- الاتصال الشفوي - الاستراتيجيات. Abstract: The oral communication (speech) is the effective method in developing the idea of the individual and to present it in clear representation and delivery to the other party — the listener-unambiguously. Since the oral communication is one of major concern of the target language, the teaching and learning requires using a variety of strategies to achieve the goal of language learning. The focus of this paper is the oral communication difficulties faced by non-Arab speaking students despite their specialization in learning Arabic as a second language. Therefore this paper aims to find out reasons why students con not communicate well in Arabic Language, and highlight some of the strategies used by the researcher in the teaching of oral communication skills for the Bachelor of education students, specializing in teaching Arabic as a second Language over the past five years in the International Islamic University-Malaysia, where the strategies used  had great impact in breaking the barrier of shyness of speaking in Arabic, and improved their performance in oral expression in multiple areas. From these strategies; the use of multimedia presentation, questions and answers, the excitement by viewing the strange or fantastic scenes that evoke the students to express them orally, and movements, representation, simulation and other strategies that draw the attention of students and encourages them to speak. As well as the cooperation and interaction between teacher and students and among the students themselves. The descriptive methodology will be applied in this paper to explore the teaching strategies implemented by the researcher in teaching oral communication skill, which shown great impact on students achievements.    Key Words: Motivating student – Major – Second language – Oral communication – strategies.   Abstrak: Pertuturan lisan ialah satu cara berkesan dalam mengembang idea seseorang itu untuk menjelaskan maksud kepada pihak kedua tanpa kesamaran. Memandangkan pertuturan lisan adalah satu aspek fokus bahasa yang dipelajari, pembeljaran dan pengajarannya memerlukan beberapa strategi untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran bahasa. Tumpuan kertas ini ialah terhadap permasalahan komunikasi yang dialami oleh pelajar bukan Arab walaupun mereka adalah pelajar pengkhususan Bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa kedua. Perbincangan tertumpuuntuk mencari sebab kelemahan pertuturan komunikasi lisan para pelajar dalam bahasa Arab dan beberapa strategi yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam mengajar kemahiran pertuturan lisan bahasa Arab untuk pelajar Sarjana Muda Bahasa Arab Pendidikan daripada lebih lima tahun pengalaman beliau di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia. Startegi tersebut dilihat dapat memberi kesan dalam memecah kebuntuan sikap malu para pelajar bertutur dalam bahasa Arab dan meningkatkan penguasaan mereka dalam pelbagai bidang. Di antara strategi ini ialah: penggunaan multi-media, soal jawab, rasa kagum apabila diperlihatkan gambar yang pelik dan menarik menjadikanpelajar ingin menyatakan pendapat mereka secara lisan. Strategi lain juga termasuk: pergerakan, penampilan, simulasi dan pelbagai strategi yang menggalakkan pelajar bertutur serta sikap saling membantu dan interaksi di antara pensyarah dan pelajar. Kertas ini menggunakan metod deskriptif.   Kata kunci: Menggalakkan pelajar – pengkhususan – bahasa kedua – petuturan lisan – strategi.

Nurdiyani Nurdiyani ◽  
Buhori Muslim

In the second language, speaking is a basic skill in learning language, because language it selft is speech, a person not considered of mastering the language except by mastering the speaking. The students of Babun Najah not only found difficult in speaking Arabic language but got borred as well. Thus, student had a very low ability. It was caused by the disagreement between method used by teacher and do not use the interesting media according to students’ condition, it makes the students felt bored, lack of attention to the subject; even some of them spoke during the teaching and learning process. So the learning process runs ineffectively. This resulted in the limit ability of students to speak Arabic. Based on this problem that has been studied by the researchers, so we need for solution to overcome these problems, including: applying the Retelling Story method with the serial images in teaching Arabic language to reach the purposes of teaching speaking skills, in hopes of increasing student ability in speaking skills by combining these two variables. The purposed of this research is to know students’ responses to speaking skills and students’ abilities in speaking Arabic language using the retelling method and serial pictures in Babun Najah Banda Aceh boarding school. Quantitative supported by qualitative approach along with experimental method was used by the researcher. Purposive sampling was used to find the second graders of II-C as a control class and II-D as an experimental class that was consisted of 23 students. The results are that students’ response toward Retelling story Method with the pictures series is well, and the use of Retelling story Method with the pictures series was effective and it gave a good impact on students of  Babun Najah Banda Aceh boarding school, which the result from the t-test relate calculation is greater than t-table result, that is 1,69 < 1,93.

Majok Mabor Matoc Apadier

In line with South Sudan’s vision of a self- governing community, much hope was invested in the English speaking world thereby making a shift from Arabisation from the North. As a result, the English language was adopted a marker of identity and opposition to Arabic, language of government, education as well as international communication. As part of South Sudan’s look south policy, English was made to be a second language as opposed to a foreign language. In tandem with this country’s vision the University of Juba is not spared from the adoption of English as the language of instruction and a learning subject.  Due to the democratisation of schooling and education for all, enrolment in the learning of English is increasing and resultantly large classes are emerging.  In view of this, the paper therefore examines and provides preliminary results on the nature and feasibility of some teaching and learning of English in large classes at the University of Juba. This was done in light of the principles and concepts of Richards and Rodgers’ (2001) Communicative Language Teaching approach. It emerges from the findings that in the absence of a teaching framework there is no uniformity on the strategies that being adopted by both learners and teachers in the learning and teaching of English as a second language.

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