2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 597
Benedikta Boleng ◽  
Gregorius We’u ◽  
Aschari Senjahari Rawe

ABSTRAKProgram pengabdian masyarakat  yaitu Misa dan Kotbah Yang diadakan pada Dies Natalis yang ke 41 Universitas Flores. melaksanakan kegiatan-kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan mahasiswa/I ,Pelajar dan  remaja. Maka dari hal kegiatan mahasiswa  lancar terlaksanakan mahasiswa mendapatkan respon yang positif dengan  kehadiran  kegiatan-kegiatan keagamaaan. PKM Dies Natalis Uniflor Ke 41 Penangulangan Kenakalan Remaja (Juvenile Delinquency)  Dengan Bimbingan Agama Di Perguruan Tinggi Universitas Flores Ende NTT. Tujuan dari Pengabdian Masyarakat yaitu Perguruan Tinggi Universitas Flores mensosialisaikan tentang etika/ sopan santun dalam berpakaian dan akhlak atau adab seorang pelajar terhadap guru atau pendidik. Namun, saat ini tak jarang kita menyaksikan dan terus disuguhkan dengan fenomena dan gejala – gejala degradasi moral/akhlak yang begitu dahsyat, baik di lingkungan sekitar, sekolah, perguruaan tinggi yang ditayangkan di berbagi media baik cetak maupun elektronik atau secara nyata yang sangat mengusik hati kita, seperti konflik antar agama, antar pelajar, mahasiswa, perkelahian antar remaja, pelajar,lingkungan, narkoba dan lainnya. Dengan demikian Panitia Dies Natalis Universitas Flores Ke 41.. bersama Dosen Agama dan Dosen Pendidikan Jasmani mengangkat tema “ mengelola pendidikan karakter. Baik dalam hal persepsi, kebijakan dalam revitalisasi pendidikan karakter, mulai dari tingkat dasar hingga universitas/ perguruan tinggi. Pendidikan karakter harus masuk dalam arus utama system pendidikan kita. Terkhusus untuk lembaga pendidikan yang berada dalam naungan Yayasan Perguruan tinggi Flores, yang secara umum memiliki visi dan misi mencetak generasi bangsa yang berakhlak mulia memiliki IPTEK dan IMTAK yang kuat dan dapat bermanfaat bagi agama, bangsa dan Negara.Mitra dari Pengabdian adalah para Mahasiswa dan pelajar yang ada di kabuaten Ende dan Pulau Flores. Metode yang digunakan dalam PKM ini adalah Ceramah dan dialog.mengunakan Zoom Online dan Chanel YoutUbe. Kata Kunci: sosialisasi etika; pendidikan karakter ABSTRACTThe community service program, namely the Mass and Sermon, was held on the 41st Anniversary of the University of Flores. carry out activities related to students, students and youth. So from the case that student activities are carried out smoothly, students get a positive response with the presence of religious activities. PKM 41st Uniflor Dies Natalis Combating Juvenile Delinquency with Religious Guidance at the University of Flores Ende NTT. The purpose of Community Service is the University of Flores to socialize about ethics / manners in dressing and morals or manners of a student towards teachers or educators. However, nowadays it is not uncommon for us to witness and continue to be presented with phenomena and symptoms of moral/moral degradation that are so powerful, both in the surrounding environment, schools, universities that are broadcast in various media, both print and electronic, or are actually very disturbing. us, such as conflicts between religions, between students, students, fights between teenagers, students, the environment, drugs and others. Thus the Committee for the 41st Anniversary of the University of Flores together with Lecturers of Religion and Lecturers of Physical Education raised the theme “managing character education. Both in terms of perception, policies in the revitalization of character education, from elementary to university/college levels. Character education must be included in the mainstream of our education system. Especially for educational institutions that are under the auspices of the Flores Higher Education Foundation, which in general has a vision and mission to create a generation of people with noble character who have strong science and technology and IMTAK and can benefit religion, nation and state. in the districts of Ende and Flores Island. The method used in this PKM is Lecture and dialogue. Using Zoom Online and Youtube Chanel. Keywords: ethics socialization; character education 

Desrina Yusi Irawati ◽  
Yemima Hartono B ◽  
Olivia Marcella

Program pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan di Kalisari Timur I RT 2 RW 6, Surabaya. Mayoritas penduduk laki-laki di kampung ini bermata pencaharian sebagai nelayan, dan ibu-ibu berprofesi sebagai asisten rumah tangga atau penjual makanan. Permasalahan yang terjadi di daerah ini adalah kurang memiliki budaya membuang sampah pada tempatnya sehingga sampah berserakan, tidak menjaga kebersihan dan kerapian  lingkungan sekitar, dan tidak memiliki jadwal kerja bakti secara rutin. Solusi yang ditawarkan dari masalah ini adalah menghidupkan jadwal kerja bakti secara rutin, membiasakan membuang sampah pada tempatnya dengan pengadaan tempat sampah di setiap rumah, melakukan pengecatan lorong serta gapura, penanaman tanaman sebagai wujud memperindah lingkungan sekitar, dan pemasangan slogan kebersihan lingkungan di beberapa titik. Program pengabdian tersebut mendapat respon positif dikalangan warga, terbukti dengan keikutsertaan warga pada setiap program. Hasil program yang sudah terlaksana adalah lingkungan terlihat bersih, rapi, serta cerah, warga mulai membiasakan diri membuang sampah pada tempatnya, mengingatkan warga untuk selalu menjaga kebersihan lingkungan dari slogan yang sudah tertempel, menumbuhkan rasa memiliki dan bertanggungjawab terhadap lingkungan sekitar.[This community service program was conducted at Kalisari Timur I RT 2 RW 6, Surabaya. The majority of the male population in this village earn a living as fishermen, and mothers work as household assistants or food vendors. The problems that occur in this area are those who do not have the culture of disposing of garbage in trash cans scattered about, do not need cleanliness and neatness of the surrounding environment, and do not have regular work schedules. The solution offered from this problem is to open a routine work schedule, familiarize garbage disposal according to the procurement of trash bins in each house, do the casting of aisles and gates, plant plants to beautify the environment, and put slogans on environmental cleanliness at various points. This service program received a positive response among residents, as evidenced by the participation of citizens in each program. The results of the program that have been implemented are that the environment looks clean, neat, bright, residents are getting used to throwing trash in its place, convincing citizens to always maintain the cleanliness of the environment from the slogan that has been attached, foster a sense of belonging and be responsible for the surrounding environment.]

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 239-248
Nur Irawati ◽  
Asriyana Asriyana

Rambu-rambu Village is one of the villages clustered within the Tumbuh Lestari rural area of North Konawe District. The main purpose of this project was to empower the coastal community groups in Rambu-rambu Village through the introduction of in-cage verticulture farming of seaweed. The project was carried out within the scheme of Community Service Program (PKM/Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) funded by the University of Halu Oleo. The project lasted for 30 days from 29 June to 28 July 2019. The activity consisted of three stages, are initial dissemination activity, preparation of the training, and implementation of training of seaweed culture. The project involved 20 students of the University of Halu Oleo and 42 people from fishermen, fisherme wifes, and farmer groups. Before the training was conducted 66.7% of the participants did not have the knowledge and after the training 71.4% of the respondents gained an understanding regarding the seaweed verticulture farming method. The improvement of skill was also evident where before the training, 81% of the participants were not able to do seaweed farming method and after the training, 61.9% of the participants were capable or skilled of repeating the seaweed verticulture method. The increased knowledge of the participants could be described from their ability to clearly explain types of seaweed species used, the benefits of seaweed, and the characteristics of high quality of seaweed seed. The improved skill of the participants were also observed from their skill in constructing the seaweed raft and seaweed net cage, tying up the seaweed seed, and conducting the observation of water quality condition in the location of seaweed farming. The result of this activity showed an increased of knowledge and skill of the trained participants regarding seaweed farming using verticulture method.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 249
Andri Moewashi Idharoelhaq ◽  
Muhammad Thariq Aziz

Campus Islamization has been held at Muhammadiyah University Sukabumi since 2014 but its effectiveness has not been measured especially to revitalize student character education. This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The instruments used included observation sheets for student activities in the classroom and campus environment. The results of the research show that the highest character is discipline (93.3%) and the lowest is the national spirit (60%) and the highest character is hard work (84%) and the lowest is fond of reading (61%). So it can be concluded that the results of the study show character that is expected to become complete information about the implementation of Islamization on campus as a form of efforts to revitalize character education especially at the University of Muhammadiyah Sukabumi.

2017 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 248
Carolus Borromeus Mulyatno

The main tasks of the university are implementing learning, research, and community service. In a multicultural and multireligious Asia, the actualization of these tasks requires a dialogue with cultures, religions, and the poor. Today, the university must consider radical movements and fundamentalism that threaten harmony in the society. This paper is focused on opportunities that can be explored to realise the task of the Catholic universities in Yogyakarta in developing dialogue and harmony in Yogyakarta. This task might need a new and effective model of dialogue for a better living together in harmony. By applying a method of documental study and interviews, this study is focused on the exploration of challenges encountered by the Catholic universities in Yogyakarta in developing a community transformative dialogue. There are three main points. First, a description of the meaning of the community transformative dialogue. Second, an exploration of cultural potentials in Yogyakarta for developing community transformative dialogue. Third, a proposal for developing community transformative dialogue. These are three important results of this study. This transformative dialogue is a contextual and cultural dialogue that could be effective and appropriate for the multicultural and multireligious societies. In Yogyakarta, unity and harmony (<em>keselarasan</em>) are the core of the community that is necessary for the development of dialogue towards the well-being of the society. Catholic universities should encourage student activities in the campus and in the society as a praxis of continuous dialogue for a harmonious living together.

2021 ◽  
pp. 30-35
Herio Rizki Dewinda ◽  
Ummil Khairiyah ◽  
Yusvi Diana

The problems faced by teenagers in recent times have focused more on various delinquency committed by teenagers ranging from drug problems, brawls, bullying cases and other problems. The increasing number of problems faced by adolescents indicates the lack of attention from parents and society to the development of adolescent character. Facing this problem, one solution that can be used is to strengthen the character of youth through character education. Character education is considered the best choice in preparing future generations because it can be both preventive and curative. In this community service program, the training method is used to convey the basics of character education. This Character Personality Training Program aims to invite teenagers to recognize their potential and be able to interact well with their social environment. This training program was given to 30 teenagers who are members of the Padang Japang Mosque Youth Association (IRMPJ). The results of the training show that there is an understanding of adolescents about the importance of understanding themselves and having good character in socializing. Besides that, a continuous program is also needed so that the stages of the material provided can be carried out perfectly.

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 132-141
Su’dadah Su’dadah

National educational orientations that tend to ignore the development of value dimension have inflicted students both individually and collectively. The problem that arises is that the students will know much about anything but they are lack of system of values, attitudes, interests and positive appreciation of what they know. The students will experience an unbalanced intellectual development compared to their maturity of personality, wherein this condition can bring out a figure who is less concerned with the surrounding environment and susceptible to distortion of value. As a result, the students will practice moral offense easily, because the value system that should become a benchmark for standardized everyday behaviors is not so sturdy. By reflecting on the limited efforts of the educational institutions to equip the students with moral values nowadays, a number of people committed to providing character education. Character education as a part of religious education aims to develop values, attitudes and behaviors of students who bring out noble characters. Orientasi pendidikan Nasional yang cenderung melupakan pengembangan dimensi nilai, telah merugikan peserta didik secara individual maupun kolektif. Tendensi yang muncul adalah, peserta didik akan mengetahui banyak tentang sesuatu, namun ia menjadi kurang memiliki sistem nilai, sikap,minat maupun apresiasi secara positif terhadap apa yang diketahui. Anak akan mengalami perkembangan intelektual tidak seimbang dengan kematangan kepribadian sehingga melahirkan sosok spesialis yang kurang peduli dengan lingkungan sekitarnya dan rentan mengalami distorsi nilai, sebagai dampaknya, peserta didik akan mudah tergelincir dalam praktik pelanggaran moral karena sistem nilai yang seharusnya menjadi standar dan patokan berperilaku sehari-hari belum begitu kokoh.Bercermin pada keterbatasan upaya lembaga pendidikan dalam membekali nilai-nilai moral peserta didik selama ini telah mengilhami munculnya komitmen dari sejumlah kalangan untuk memberikan pendidikan budi pekerti. Pendidikan budi pekerti sebagai bagaian yang memperkaya pendidikan agama bertujuan untuk mengembangkan nilai, sikap dan prilaku siswa yang memancarkan akhlak mulia / budi pekerti.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-77
Anna Angela Sitinjak ◽  
Dimas Frananta Simatupang

Community service activities (CSA) have been carried out using lecture methods, discussions, and practices regarding innovations in making healthy noodles without preservatives to provide information, knowledge, and skills regarding innovations in making healthy food and encourage and increase entrepreneurship homemakers. The innovation of making healthy noodles with ingredients without preservatives is considered vital because it is beneficial for health and as a step to utilize natural ingredients obtained in the surrounding environment. This activity was attended by 20 housewives in Sidomulyo Village, Medan Tuntungan District, Medan City, North Sumatra Province with different knowledge backgrounds. The CSA training that has been carried out provides understanding and skills to homemakers in processing natural ingredients into healthy food and can increase the economy because it can be commercialized. This CSA training also received a positive response from participants because it could practice directly, and the team provided the freedom to express opinions and develop ideas during the activity. This service activity was considered very useful as much as 65% and use as much as 35% of the questionnaire results distributed during the implementation of the activity. Through this CSA activity, it is hoped that the active role of participants in distributing knowledge and skills to the community in the surrounding environment is expected.

Jurnal Ecogen ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 596
Tri Kurniawati ◽  
Menik Kurnia Siwi

 Through community service program we do the training, workshop and assistance for economics teachers as the member of MGMP (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) in Bukittinggi City, West Sumatera. The aims of this program are (1) to improve the ability of teachers in the writing of scientific articles, (2) the teachers are able to publish their articles in online journals (3) to motivate the teachers who do not yet have the article to conduct the classroom action research. The participants of this training are 26 economics teachers from high school in Bukittinggi. This activity get positive response from the participants but only two participant can finish the article during the training. Therefore, continues improvement is still need to improve teacher abiliy ini writing scientific article. Keyword: teacher competency, article, publication.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-122
Nujumuddin Nujumuddin

[Bahasa]: Pendidikan adalah jembatan dalam pengembangan retorika dan konstruksi sosial. Pendidikan mempengaruhi perkembangan dan pertumbuhan manusia dan perkembangan peradaban ke arah yang lebih baik. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan peran semua pihak termasuk institusi pendidikan perguruan tinggi dalam mengembangkan pendidikan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan, meningkatkan pengalaman dan penguasaan teknologi informasi kepada sumber daya manusia di MTs Nurul Muhsinin. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan melalui tahapan observasi, sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa program pelatihan dan pendampingan yang dilakukan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman guru dalam merancang dan mendesain website sebagai bagian dari sistem informasi yang bermanfaat bagi pengembangan sekolah. Kata kunci: perancangan, sistem informasi, website [English]: Education is a bridge in the development of rhetoric and social construction. Education influences human development and growth and the development of civilization in a better direction. Therefore, the role of all parties, including tertiary educational institutions, is needed in developing education. The purpose of this community service program is to provide knowledge, enhance the experience and mastery of information technology to human resources at MTs Nurul Muhsinin. This program is carried out through stages of observation, socialization, training, and mentoring. The results show that training and mentoring programs carried out can increase the knowledge and experience of teachers in designing and designing websites as part of an information system that is beneficial for school development. Keywords: design, system of information, website

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 889-896
Fajar Utama Ritonga ◽  
Matias Siagian ◽  
Indra Masmur

The Collaborative Work Lecture with BKS West PTN is one of the community service programs conducted by 20 state universities where the University of North Sumatra is the host of the program. In the KKN program, we realize one of the tri dharma of higher education namely community empowerment. The aim of this program is that students are expected to gain learning experience through involvement in the community who directly find, formulate, solve and overcome problems that are in the field. The Community Service Program that we carry out is devoted to the community in Haranggaol Village, Haraggaol Horison District, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province with the program "Community Empowerment of the Haranggaol Village, Haranggaol Horison District, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province in an Effort to Improve Local Wisdom and Ecotourism in the Region of North Sumatra. This program is expected to be able to contribute to the community in the form of helping improve basic facilities and infrastructure as well as increasing the human resources available in the Haranggaol Basin so that local wisdom and ecotourism are of higher quality and help local communities maintain natural resources so that they are sustainable

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