2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 548
Baiq Leny Nopitasari ◽  
Alvi Kusuma Wardani ◽  
Nurul Qiyaam ◽  
Anna Pradiningsih ◽  
Mahacita Andanalusia ◽  

ABSTRAKBantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD) adalah serangkaian usaha awal untuk mengembalikan fungsi pernafasan atau sirkulasi pada seseorang yang mengalami henti nafas dan atau henti jantung (cardiac arrest). Pengetahuan dan keterampilan BHD penting diajarkan terutama tentang teknik dasar penyelamatan korban yang mengalami henti jantung dan henti nafas. Kesiapsiagaan yang tepat berupa pelatihan kepada mahasiswa dalam pemberian BHD sebagai upaya penanggulangan yang cepat dan tepat sehingga dapat meminimalisir kematian akibat henti jantung yang terjadi di lingkungan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram. Saat ini belum ada mahasiswa yang mendapatkan pelatihan mengenai kemampuan melakukan bantuan hidup dasar, maka kegiatan pengabdian ini sangat penting untuk dilakukan untuk mengantisipasi adanya kasus henti jantung dan henti napas. Lokasi pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah di Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, dengan waktu pelaksanaan selama 1 hari. Target dalam pengabdian ini yaitu adanya pemahaman mahasiswa akan perbedaan henti jantung dan serangan jantung dan cara melakukan pertolongan pertama. Luaran dari pengabdian ini adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman mahasiswa dalam memberikan pertolongan pada korban henti nafas dan henti jantung jika ada kejadian henti jantung dan henti nafas yang terjadi di lingkungan Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram. Kata kunci: bantuan hidup dasar; mahasiswa; fakultas ilmu kesehatan; universitas muhammadiyah mataram.  ABSTRACTBasic Life Support (BLS) is a series of initial efforts to restore respiratory or circulatory function in someone who has stopped breathing and/or cardiac arrest. Knowledge and skills of BLS are important to be taught, especially about the basic techniques of saving victims who experience cardiac and respiratory arrest. Appropriate preparedness such as training for students in giving BLS as a quick and appropriate response to minimize deaths from cardiac arrest that occur in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram. Currently, there are no students who have received training on the ability to perform basic life support, so this training is very important to do to anticipate cases of cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest. The location of the implementation of community service activities at the Faculty of Health Sciences, with an implementation time of 1 day. The target in this service is the students' understanding of the difference between cardiac arrest and heart attack and how to perform first aid. The output of training is an increase in students' knowledge and understanding in providing assistance to victims of respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest if cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest occur within the Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram. Keywords: basic life support; student; faculty of health sciences; universitas muhammadiyah mataram.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-154
Sunarto Sunarto ◽  
Addi Mardi Harnanto

Background: Recent developments both in terms of science, population density, modern lifestyle, increased activity, congestion in terms of transportation and so on have a real impact on life in society. One impact that is not recognized is less concerned about the risks of these developments. Where this makes individuals vulnerable to a disease and other threats. One of them is a heart attack, the number of accidents has increased, so there is a risk of trauma, even resulting in cardiac arrest and stopping breathing. In line with this, first aid in emergency conditions really needs to be known by all people. So we need a guide for the flow of help, which is currently with algoritma basic life support AHA 2017. Community service goals: The community understands the flow or algorithm of first aid for people with cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest. Methods: In the implementation using question and answer lecture and demonstration models, with the module learning media. Pre-test and post-test is done by asking questions. Results: There is a difference in the results of the correct answer before and after the socialization of the AHA 2017 basic life support algorithm. The increase is between 3 and 6. Conclusion: After socialization of basic life support algorithm AHA 2017 knowledge  increased.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-18
Putra Agina Widyaswara Suwaryo ◽  
Zulfa Nur Ganda Sari ◽  
Barkah Waladani

Korban henti jantung bisa dialami oleh siapapun dan kapanpun tanpa mengenal tempat kejadian. Salah satu faktor penyebab tingginnya kematian akibat henti jantung adalah terlambatnya pertolongan yang diberikan kepada korban segera setelah henti jantung. Mayoritas kasus henti jantung terjadi di pra-Rumah Sakit, mencapai 72%. Pengetahuan dan ketrampilan orang awam yang baik, meningkatkan angka kelangsungan hidup korban henti jantung sebelum mendapatkan penanganan lanjutan di Rumah Sakit. Relawan adalah orang atau tim yang paling sering menjumpai kejadian henti jantung dan korban tidak sadar ketika melakukan pencarian dan evakuasi korban. Tujuan dilakukan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan relawan bencana. Proses pengabdian masyarakat ini terdiri dari edukasi dan praktik dengan materi bantuan hidup dasar. Perubahan kognitif sebelum dan sesudah edukasi dievaluasi menggunakan pertanyaan, dengan nilai rata-rata 35 menjadi 85. Peserta sangat antusias dalam mengikuti program edukasi bantuan hidup dasar. Pengabdian masyarakat dengan memberikan pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan relawan dalam memberikan pertolongan kepada korban tidak sadar. Tindak lanjut dari pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu membuat tim relawan kolaborasi dengan medis untuk menangani kasus medis diluar Rumah Sakit Kata kunci: bantuan hidup dasar; ketrampilan; pengetahuan; relawan bencana IMPROVEMENT OF KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS BASIC LIFE ASSISTANCE IN DISASTER VOLUNTEERS ABSTRACT Victims of cardiac arrest can be experienced by anyone and at any time without knowing the scene. One of the factors causing the high death due to cardiac arrest is the late help given to victims immediately after cardiac arrest. The majority of cases of cardiac arrest occur in pre-hospital, reaching 72%. Good knowledge and skills of lay people, increase the survival rate of victims of cardiac arrest before getting further treatment at the Hospital. Volunteers are the people or teams that most often encounter cardiac arrest and the victim is unconscious when searching and evacuating victims. The purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge and skills of disaster volunteers. This community service process consists of education and practice with basic life support materials. Cognitive changes before and after education were evaluated using questions, with an average score of 35 to 85. Participants were very enthusiastic in participating in the basic life support education program. Community service by providing knowledge to improve volunteer skills in providing assistance to unconscious victims. Follow-up from this community service is to create a team of volunteers collaborating with the medical to handle medical cases outside the hospital. Keywords: basic life support; disaster volunteer; knowledge; skills

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (Suppl. 1) ◽  
pp. S44-S48

Background: Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is an important cause that leads to hospital admission and death. Improving lay people’s knowledge and skills in basic life support (BLS) may lead to reduced death associated with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. “BLS NU KKU” is a BLS training program developed from up-to-date literature as a smartphone application used to train lay people in the community. Objective: To evaluate BLS-related knowledge and skills of participants before and after BLS training. Materials and Methods: A one group pretest-posttest design was used to implement the present study in Khon Kaen, Thailand. Participants were 350 individuals age 18 and older. An 8-hour BLS training session was offered to 10 groups of 35 participants over the period of 10 months between November 2018 and August 2019. Self-administered questionnaires were used to assess BLS knowledge and Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills. Results: The mean score for BLS-related knowledge significantly increased after the BLS training (mean = 15.05, SD = 2.51) compared to the scores before the training (mean = 10.47, SD = 3.43) (p<0.05). BLS skills improved from 0% to 100% (p<0.001) will all skills rated with mostly “excellent” and “good”. Satisfaction with the training program was also rated mostly with “excellent” and “good”. Conclusion: The BLS training program effectively improved participants’ knowledge and skills for basic life support. This program should be disseminated to train lay people in other settings. Keywords: Basic life support, Cardiac arrest, Mobile application

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-61
I Kadek Artawan ◽  
Yupin Aungsuroch ◽  
I Gede Juanamasta ◽  
I Made Sukma Wijaya ◽  
Komang Agus Jerry Widyanata

Introduction: Cardiac arrest is the most pre-hospital emergency cases. Approximately 30.000 people have cardiac arrest in pre-hospital and about 33% have treated with bystander. Basic life support (BLS) with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a first aid procedure that needs to be performed in this case. Death could occur within minutes if the first aid does not adequately performed. The study aimed to know the effect of BLS courses on the community knowledge level in the North Denpasar District. Methods: The study was a pre-experimental study with a pre-posttest design. Study participant selected by cluster random sampling technique  and 199 participants chosen as study participants. To collect the community knowledge data, a questionnaire employed in this study. American Heart Association (AHA) guideline for the public published in 2015 enrolled as a reference in organizing ten questions in the questionnaire with Guttman Scale. Results: The characteristics of respondents were 27% participants were aged between 30-39 years, 56% graduated from senior high school, 55% work as employees and 90% never attended BLS training program. There was a significant mean difference from the pre-test and post-test data. The mean difference before and after the BLS course were 8.38 and 9.74, respectively. There was a significant correlation between the BLS course and the level of knowledge (p = 0.000). Conclusion: The level of knowledge about BLS before the course was 63%. It classified into a good knowledge level. The level of knowledge about BLS after the course was significantly improved. It increased to 97.5%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Anna Abelsson ◽  
Per Odestrand ◽  
Annette Nygårdh

Abstract Background A rapid emergency care intervention can prevent the cardiac arrest from resulting in death. In order for Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) to have any real significance for the survival of the patient, it requires an educational effort educating the large masses of people of whom the youth is an important part. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a two-hour education intervention for youth regarding their self-confidence in performing Adult Basic Life Support (BLS). Methods A quantitative approach where data consist of a pre- and post-rating of seven statements by 50 participants during an intervention by means of BLS theoretical and practical education. Results The two-hour training resulted in a significant improvement in the participants’ self-confidence in identifying a cardiac arrest (pre 51, post 90), to perform compressions (pre 65, post 91) and ventilations (pre 64, post 86) and use a defibrillator (pre 61, post 81). In addition, to have the self-confidence to be able to perform, and to actually perform, first aid to a person suffering from a traumatic event was significantly improved (pre 54, post 89). Conclusion By providing youth with short education sessions in CPR, their self-confidence can be improved. This can lead to an increased will and ability to identify a cardiac arrest and to begin compressions and ventilations. This also includes having the confidence using a defibrillator. Short education sessions in first aid can also lead to increased self-confidence, resulting in young people considering themselves able to perform first aid to a person suffering from a traumatic event. This, in turn, results in young people perceiveing themselves as willing to commence an intervention during a traumatic event. In summary, when the youth believe in their own knowledge, they will dare to intervene.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-54
Suci Fitri Rahayu ◽  
Esme Anggeriyane

ABSTRAKTersedak merupakan suatu kondisi terjadinya sumbatan atau hambatan respirasi oleh benda  asing yang menyempit pada saluran napas internal, termasuk faring,  hipofaring,  dan trakea. Penyempitan  jalan  napas bisa berakibat fatal jika itu mengarah pada gangguan serius oksigenasi dan ventilasi. Kondisi tersedak pada anak dapat menimbulkan situasi kegawatdaruratan respirasi yang jika tidak ditangani dengan segera dapat mengancam jiwa ataupun kecacatan anak. Penanganan yang dilakukan biasanya berhasil dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup sebesar 95%. Untuk melakukan pertolongan terhadap kejadian ini diperlukan teknik Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD) penanganan tersedak. Teknik ini, selain harus dikuasai oleh petugas medis, juga penting diketahui oleh orang tua dan guru sebagai pertolongan pertama jika menemukan anak tersedak sebelum mendapatkan penanganan medis selanjutnya. Oleh karena itu orang tua perlu memiliki wawasan yang didapatkan dari pelatihan yang diberikan oleh tim tentang penatalaksanaan tersedak pada anak untuk mengurangi angka kejadian dan kemungkinan perburukan kondisi pada anak. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk mengetahui dan mengaplikasikan prosedur pertolongan pertama pada anak tersedak (choking). Metode pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan ceramah, demonstrasi dengan alat peraga dan tanya jawab. Kesimpulan didapatkan orangtua dan guru mampu mengetahui  dan mengaplikasikan pertolongan pertama pada anak tersedak (choking) sesudah diberikan pelatihan. Kata Kunci: Pelatihan, Tersedak, Anak ABSTRACTChoking is a condition of obstruction or obstruction of respiration by a narrowed foreign body in the internal airways, including the pharynx, hypopharynx, and trachea. The narrowing of the airway can be fatal if it leads to serious impairment of oxygenation and ventilation. Choking conditions in children can lead to respiratory emergencies which if not treated immediately can be life-threatening or disabled. Treatment is usually successful and the survival rate is 95%. To help with this incident, a Basic Life Support (BHD) technique is needed to deal with choking. This technique, besides having to be mastered by medical personnel, is also important for parents and teachers to know as first aid if they find a child choking before getting further medical treatment. Therefore, parents need to have the insight gained from the training provided by the team on the management of choking in children to reduce the incidence and possible worsening of the condition in children. The purpose of this community service is to find out and apply first aid procedures to choking children. This community service method is carried out with lectures, demonstrations with props, and questions and answers. The conclusion is that parents and teachers are able to know and apply first aid to choking children after being given training. Keywords: Training, Choking, Children

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-16
Muhammad Fandizal

Basic life support is a basic action to help someone's life in a state of cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest. Death due to cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest can be overcome if the victim gets help. Basic life support can be done by anyone and anywhere immediately when the onset of cardiac arrest or stopping breathing. The purpose of this activity is to provide education and training to the community so that they can know and demonstrate the provision of basic life support in cases of cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest, choking, burns, poisoning and drowning. The implementation of education and training was given to the people in RT 09 RW 04, Pondok Ranggon, Cipayung, East Jakarta as many as 15 people, giving material and training with discussion lecture methods accompanied by demonstrations with power point media and CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) mannequins for 30 minutes, in addition to the community given education and training for victims of choking, poisoning, burns and drowning. The results of the evaluation in the pre-test showed a moderate level of knowledge of 46.7% and a low of 53.3%, whereas in the post-test obtained a high level of knowledge of 20% and a moderate of 80%. The basic life support education and training program that has been carried out is very useful for increasing public knowledge so it is also expected to be able to practice first aid in cases of cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest.

2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 441-451
Myeong Sook Ahn ◽  
Hyun Sook Jo ◽  
Dong Choon Uhm ◽  
Hyun Hee Ji

Purpose: This study was done to identify the retention effects of a basic life support training program for nursing students on their attitude, knowledge, and skillfulness. Methods: A one-group repeated posttest design was employed for this study. The subjects included 44 junior nursing students from Gachon University in Incheon. Data were collected by a structured questionnaire test immediately after, 3 months after, 6 months after, and 9 months after the training respectively from May 2014 through March 2015. Results: The respective attitude, knowledge and skillfulness score on BLS of the nursing students had reduced significantly at 3 months after (p<.001), 6 months after (p<.001), and 9 months after (p<.001, p=.011 for Attitudes) the training compared to immediately after the training. Conclusion: Re-training on basic life support for nursing students should be implemented within 3 months for retention of educational effects. Thus, it is recommended that basic life support training programs, including a curriculum for nursing students, is developed to support re-training. And it is expected that the improved skills of nursing students on basic life support would contribute to the successive first aid nursing for patients at risk of cardiac arrest.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Vina Nirmalasari ◽  
Wiwin Winarti

Abstrak  Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) merupakan keadaan hilangnya fungsi jantung secara tiba-tiba yang terjadi di luar rumah sakit dan membutuhkan pertolongan cepat. Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD) merupakan pertolongan pertama kepada korban OHCA yang dapat meningkatkan angka keberlangsungan hidup pasien henti jantung. Setiap lapisan masyarakat khususnya mahasiswa kesehatan harus memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan BHD. Pelatihan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mahasiswa jurusan kesehatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan bantuan hidup dasar terhadap pengetahuan dan keterampilan pada Himpunan Mahasiswa Kesehatan Masyarakat (HMKM) di UPN “Veteran” Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Quasi Experiment Design (Eksperimental Semu) dengan Pre-Post Without Control Group. Teknik Consecutive sampling digunakan untuk merekrut 23 mahasiswa sebagai responden penelitian. Hasil analisis menggunakan Paired t-test menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara pelatihan BHD  dengan pengetahuan (p=0,000) dan keterampilan (p=0,000). Hal tersebut menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara pelatihan BHD dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan HMKM UPN “Veteran” Jakarta. Kata Kunci : BHD; Keterampilan; Pelatihan; Pengetahuan ABSTRACT Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) is a state of a sudden loss of heart function that occurs outside the hospital and requires rapid relief. Basic Life Support (BLS) is the first aid that can increase the survival rate of patients with cardiac arrest of OHCA victims. Every level of society, especially healthcare students, is mandatory to have BLS knowledge and skills. Training can improve healthcare students' knowledge and skills. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of basic life support training on the knowledge and skills of the members of the Public Health Student Association at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. This study used a Quasi Experiment with Pre-Post Without Control Group design. The consecutive sampling method was used to recruit 23 students as respondents. The results of a Paired t-test showed that there was a significant effect of BLS training on the knowledge (p = 0,000) and skills (p = 0,000). This study showed that there is a significant effect of BLS training on the knowledge and skills of the members of the Public Health Student Association at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. Keywords: BLS; Knowledge; Skill; Training

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 329-333
Ida Zuhroidah ◽  
Mukhammad Toha ◽  
Mokh Sujarwadi ◽  
Nurul Huda

ABSTRAK Angka kejadian henti jantung atau cardiac arrest ini berkisar 10 dari 100.000 orang normal yang berusia dibawah 35 tahun dan per tahunnya mencapai sekitar 300.000-350.000 kejadian. Pertolongan pertama yang tepat pada kasus henti jantung adalah bantuan hidup dasar (BHD). Tindakan yang bisa dilakukan adalah  resusitasi jantung paru (RJP). Tujuan dari resusitasi jantung paru adalah mengembalikan sirkulasi spontan serta mempertahankan fungsi organ vital pada henti jantung dan henti nafas dengan melakukan kompresi dada dan bantuan nafas. Tujuan setelah dilakukan pelatihan ini diharapkan santri dapat berperan aktif dan dapat memberikan pertolongan pertama henti jantung dan henti nafas secara tepat serta mampu melakukan RJP. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan metode pemaparan teori tentang anatomi fisiologi sistem respirasi dan sistem sirkulasi, dampak dari henti nafas dan henti jantung, bantuan hidup dasar dan pada hari kedua dilanjutkan dengan praktik RJP melalui manekin. Hasil yang didapatkan sebagian besar santri (80%) memahami dan mengerti tentang bantuan hidup dasar dan mampu mempraktekkan RJP kepada manekin meskipun masih butuh pendampingan. Kata Kunci : bantuan hidup dasar, santri, pondok pesantren  ABSTRACT The incidence of cardiac arrest or cardiac arrest ranges from 10 out of 100,000 ordinary people aged under 35 years and annually reaches around 300,000-350,000 events. Appropriate first aid in cases of cardiac arrest is basic life support (BLS). Action that can be done is cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Cardiopulmonary resuscitation aims to restore spontaneous circulation and maintain vital organ function in cardiac arrest and stop breathing by performing chest compressions and breath support. After this training, the goal is that students will be able to play an active role and be able to provide first aid for cardiac arrest and stopping breathing appropriately and be able to perform CPR. This activity was carried out using the method of presenting theories on the respiratory system's physiological anatomy and the circulatory system, the impact of respiratory and cardiac arrest, basic life support, and on the second day, continued with the practice of CPR through mannequins. The results obtained were most of the students (80%) understood and understood basic life support and were able to practice CPR to the mannequins even though they still needed assistance. Keyword: basic life support, student, Islamic boarding school

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