scholarly journals Green Meeting Implementation at The Apurva Kempinski Bali

Ahmad Riri Nurany ◽  
I Ketut Sutama ◽  
I Gede Mudana ◽  
Ni Gusti Nyoman Suci Murni ◽  

This study aims to maximize the implementation of two aspects, namely the Green Meeting Concept with Green MICE Business. The study uses qualitative descriptive analysis techniques by exploring the explanation of the green economy concept, things that affect the green economy, the benefits of green MICE Business and supporting government policies. As to overcome this problem, the event organizers should limit the number of waste used in an event. Therefore, it is important that event handlers practice environmental protection during organizing an event. Evaluating environmental impacts from both positive and negative perspectives provides a better understanding of the proper use of natural resources. Perform calculations for investment planning to support the green MICE movement as part of supporting a green economy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Philip Nababan ◽  
Efendi Napitupulu ◽  
R Mursid

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengetahui tanggapan siswa terhadap kualitas media pembelajaran interaktif pada pembelajaran Teknik Pemesinan Bubut. (2) Mengetahui keefektifan media pembelajaran interaktif pada pembelajaran Teknik Pemesinan Bubut pada siswa program keahlian Teknik Pemesinan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan. Data tentang kualitas produk pengembangan ini dikumpulkan dengan angket dan dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualiatatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; (1) uji ahli materi pelajaran Teknik Pemesinan Bubut berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (88,92%), (2) uji ahli desain pembelajaran berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (85,21%), (3) uji ahli rekayasa perangkat lunak berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (84,03%), (4) uji coba perorangan berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (88,75%), (5) uji coba kelompok kecil berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (91,35%) dan (5) uji coba lapangan berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (88,31%). Hasil pengujian hipotesis membuktikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan media pembelajaran interaktif  dengan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan buku teks. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan hasil pengolahan data diperoleh  thitung sebesar 4,68 dan ttabel sebesar 1,67 pada taraf kepercayaan 95 persen. Maka diperoleh bahwa thitung> ttabel. Disimpulkan bahwa  hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan media pembelajaran interaktif dengan efektifitas sebesar 72,77 %. lebih tinggi dari hasil belajar siswa yang diajar dengan pembelajaran menggunakan buku teks dengan efektifitas sebesar 62,13%. Kata Kunci: media pembelajaran interaktif, teknik pemesinan bubut Abstract: This study aims to: (1) Determine student responses to the quality of interactive learning media on learning Lathe Machining Techniques. (2) Knowing the effectiveness of interactive learning media on learning of Machining Lathe in students of Machining Engineering expertise program. This type of research is development research. Data about the quality of this development product was collected by a questionnaire and analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that; (1) Lathe machining engineering subject matter expert test is in very good qualification (88.92%), (2) learning design expert test is in very good qualification (85.21%), (3) software engineering expert test is in in very good qualifications (84.03%), (4) individual trials were in very good qualifications (88.75%), (5) small group trials were in very good qualifications (91.35%) and (5 ) field trials are in very good qualifications (88.31%). Hypothesis testing results prove that there are differences between student learning outcomes using interactive learning media with student learning outcomes using textbooks. This is indicated by the results of data processing obtained by tcount of 4.68 and ttable of 1.67 at a confidence level of 95 percent. Then it is obtained that tcount> ttable. It was concluded that student learning outcomes using interactive learning media with an effectiveness of 72.77%. higher than student learning outcomes taught by learning to use textbooks with an effectiveness of 62.13%. Keywords: interactive learning media, lathe machining techniques

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 523-542
Sri Ayu Saputri ◽  
Nurzi Sebrina ◽  
Vita Fitria Sari

This study aims to determine how Administration, Reporting and Accountability of Dana Nagari in Batang Anai District, Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra Province. There are three (3) aspects in village funds, administration, reporting and accountability. To achieve these objectives, descriptive qualitative research methods are used. Data sources are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the study show: (1) Administration carried out by the treasurer in the form of receipts and expenditures which are recorded in the general cash book, bank book, income details book, and financing details book which is equipped with receipts. (2) Reporting that the delay in disbursing village funds was due to the late regulation of the Regulations of the Regent of Padang Pariaman which caused the disbursement of stage I and phase II village funds to be delayed too late. (3) Accountability Submission of accountability reports to the public through various media, such as websites and billboards. Submission through this media can make it easier for the public to obtain information about the performance of the village government.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-61
Zainudin Zainudin ◽  
Rica Widjayanti

The purpose of this study is to produce a science module based on disaster mitigation using eruption software. This research is a research and development following the steps of developing the ADDIE model including analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Data collection techniques using the validation sheet of science modules and data analysis techniques using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the science content validation module based on disaster mitigation using eruption software have a very valid and reliable category and can be used with minor revisions or without revisions in science learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Nanik Indrayani

As good citizens, when we gather among fellow language users who have different regional languages, we must always use Indonesian as a language of unity. This study aims to describe how the language behavior between the employees of the Buton tribe and the Buru tribe at the Buru Jazirah Namlea Multipurpose Cooperative and how the language behavior barriers between Buton and Buru tribe employees at the Buru Jazirah Namlea Multipurpose Cooperative in Namlea Buru Maluku Regency. This qualitative descriptive study examines linguistic phenomena. The data source in this study is the utterances used between the employees of the Buton tribe and the Buru tribe in the Buru Jazirah Namlea Multipurpose Cooperative which contains the regional languages of the two tribes. The method of data collection is done through non-participant observation. While the technique of data collection is done through the technique of referring to skillful engagements, recording techniques, and note-taking techniques. The data that has been classified is then analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of this study revealed that the language behavior between the employees of the Buton tribe and the Buru tribe at the Buru Jazirah Namlea Multipurpose Cooperative was initially not very good considering they communicated with each other in their respective languages but over time this could be overcome so that between the Buton tribes and the Buru tribe cooperated well. Subsequent findings of language barriers between Buton and Buru tribes employees at the Buru Jazirah Namlea Multipurpose Cooperative influenced their respective regional languages, between the two tribes unable to understand each other because the two tribes used their respective regional languages. when interacting.  Sebagai warga negara yang baik, ketika kita berkumpul antara sesama pengguna bahasa yang saling berbeda bahasa daerah, kita harus selalu menggunakan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa persatuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bagaimana perilaku berbahasa antara karyawan suku Buton dan suku Buru di Koperasi Serba Usaha Buru Jazirah Namlea dan bagaimana hambatan-hambatan perilaku berbahasa antara karyawan suku Buton dan suku Buru di Koperasi Serba Usaha Buru Jazirah Namlea di Namlea Kabupaten Buru, Maluku. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini mengkaji tentang fenomena kebahasaan. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah tuturan-tuturan yang digunakan antara karyawan suku Buton dan suku Buru di Koperasi Serba Usaha Buru Jazirah Namlea yang mengandung bahasa daerah kedua suku tersebut. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi nonpartisipasi. Sementara teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik simak bebas libat cakap, teknik rekam, dan teknik catat. Data yang sudah diklasifikasi kemudian dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif.            Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa perilaku berbahasa antara karyawan suku Buton dan suku Buru di Koperasi Serba Usaha Buru Jazirah Namlea pada awalnya kurang begitu baik mengingat mereka saling berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan bahasa daerah masing-masing, namun seiring dengan berjalannya waktu hal tersebut bisa teratasi sehingga antara suku Buton dan suku Buru terjalin kerja sama dengan baik. Temuan berikutnya hambatan-hambatan  yang terjadi dalam perilaku berbahasa antara karyawan suku Buton dan suku Buru di Koperasi Serba Usaha Buru Jazirah Namlea yaitu pengaruh bahasa daerah masing-masing antara kedua suku tersebut tidak bisa saling memahami karena kedua suku tersebut menggunakan bahasa daerah mereka masing-masing ketika berinteraksi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-75
Aprilia Dame Christanty Sihombing

This endeed of  research is to describe the place of the kolintang music ensemble to accompany the singin of the flag ceremony at SMP Sw. St. Paulus Sidikalang. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The subject of this research is flag ceremony. The research focussed on the role of Kolintang music ensemble as song chanting. The data of the final research was obtained from the observations of the flag-raising activities, interview with teachers, student adan kolintang’s players in junior high school and take a documentation. Data were analyzed with qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Data validity is obtained through data triangulation, observer triangulation, theory triangulation and method triangulation. The purpose of this research is to know and descriebing  kolintang music. Example, in this research is by using numbered data such as document, archieves, interview results, observation result or also by interviewing more thn one subject that is consideret to have a different point of view.The result showed that : (1) In accompaniying singing at the flag-ceremony, students used the basic notes G, C and F. (2) the tecnic to performed kolintang    were not wheeled with a kolintang played general. (3). After carrying out their duties as chanting accompaniment in the ceremony, students who performed kolintang first practice on kolintang extracurricular activities. (4) in the process of playing kolintang, each player must have a strong feeling so that the technic kolintang is harmonious. Keywords : Descriptive Study, Ensemble, Kolintang music

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Bayu Dwitya Sukmana ◽  
Ida Bagus Suryawan

ABSTRACT The development of tourism in essence to develop and utilize the destination and tourist attraction in the form of a beautiful natural resources, the diversity of flora and fauna, cultural, historical, archaeological objects and cultural diversity. In order to achieve the objectives of tourism development of the Development of tourism should be directed to the use of natural resources, the greater the resources you have, the greater the hope for achieving development goals and the development of tourism. Based on studies that revealed the problems, how the carrying capacity of the physical environment on the feasibility of tourism attraction tirta gangga, Karangasem regency Ababi village? To unravel this issue, this study uses primary and secondary data sources, whereas the type of data used is also quantitative and qualitative data. Methods of collecting data through observation, interviews, and literary study. Analysis of the data used is a qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that, tourism development in the tourist destination, has an influence on the physical environment. In terms of its physical environment, support the building in a popular tourist destination such as supporting the existence of a tourist destination has been organized than previous years.

Jurnal Niara ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-108
Wasiah Sufi ◽  
Dwi Herlinda

This research was conducted at the office of the Badan Kepegawaian Daerah of Pekanbaru. Based on their initial observations of problems in implementing Employment Service Application System (SAPK Online) at the Badan Kepegawaian Daerah of terms of human resources mampun Technology. This study focuses on the Implementation of E-Government through Employment Service Application System (SAPK Online): (1). To Knowing how the implementation of E-Government by using the Employment Service Application System (SAPK Online) at the Badan Kepegawaian Daerah of Pekanbaru.. (2). For Knowing the factors inhibiting the implementation of E-Government by using the Employment Service Application System (SAPK Online) at the Badan Kepegawaian Daerah of Pekanbaru.. This study is a qualitative study with the primary objective to describe and depict in detail and depth about how the implementation of E-Government in personnel administration through the Employment Service Application System (SAPK Online). Then the data analysis techniques used in this research was qualitative descriptive analysis, which is a technique that tries to describe things that are special to the data obtained through observation, interviews and documentation so that a qualitative data, to be analyzed further to become a conclusions according to the indicators that have been determined by the authors.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 413
Desy Yuli Aryani ◽  
Mardwi - Rahdriawan

ABSTRACT Port infrastructure in the transport system is a valuable asset for the national economy in order to face the globalization of free trade. Problems of provision of port infrastructure constraints in general is a factor financing. One of the government's efforts to overcome the problems in the provision of infrastructure financing is through the Public Private Partnership (PPP). This research was conducted in order to determine the opportunities and constraints of PPP implementation in the provision of port infrastructure by Master Plan Tanjung Emas Semarang. This study used a qualitative approach with a qualitative descriptive analysis techniques conducted on the characteristics of the PPP, the perception of government and stakeholders, as well as regulatory and institutional policies related to the implementation of the PPP. From this research it is known that in the construction and development of the port of Tanjung Emas does not currently use the PPP scheme because of the ownership status of Tanjung Emas port assets that are still in data collection, and a lack of understanding of the parties implementing the PPP. But the chances of implementing a PPP scheme is still possible in the area of ownership of assets remain below the government. Keyword: opportunities, constrains, PPP, infrastructure, port ABSTRAK Infrastruktur pelabuhan dalam sistem transportasi merupakan aset berharga bagi perekonomian nasional dalam rangka menghadapi globalisasi perdagangan bebas. Kendala permasalahan penyediaan infrastruktur pelabuhan pada umumnya adalah faktor pembiayaan. Salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk mengatasi permasalahan pembiayaan dalam penyediaan infrastruktur adalah melalui program Kerjasama Pemerintah Swasta (KPS). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui peluang dan kendala pelaksanaan KPS dalam penyediaan infrastruktur pelabuhan berdasarkan Rencana Induk Pelabuhan Tanjung Emas Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif yang dilakukan terhadap karakteristik KPS, persepsi pemerintah dan stakeholder, serta peraturan dan kebijakan kelembagaan terkait pelaksanaan KPS. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut diketahui bahwa dalam pembangunan dan pengembangan pelabuhan Tanjung Emas pada saat ini tidak menggunakan skema KPS dikarenakan status kepemilikan aset pelabuhan Tanjung Emas yang masih dalam pendataan, dan kurangnya pemahaman pihak-pihak pelaksana KPS. Namun peluang penerapan skema KPS masih mungkin dilakukan pada kawasan yang status kepemilikan asetnya masih berada dibawah pemerintah.

Moh Anwar Yasfin ◽  
Ahmad Nilnal Munachifdlil Ula

<p class="06IsiAbstrak"><strong>Implementation of Class Repetition Guidance in Developing Academic Ability of New Students at Madrasah Qudsiyyah Kudus</strong><strong>. </strong>This study aims to describe the implementation of repeating class tutoring in growing the academic abilities of new students at Madrasah Qudsiyyah Kudus. This study uses Field Research Methods (field research) with qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The research data collected was then analyzed using a deductive approach and an inductive approach. The results showed that first, the guidance process in repeating classes for new students entering the Madrasah Qudsiyyah Kudus was that when they wanted to enter the Madrasah Tsanawiyah level, they had to repeat the first class in MI class voluntarily, even though they had graduated from SD or MI. Second, the tutoring for repeating the classes carried out at Madrasah Qudsiyyah is by grouping according to their abilities. Fourth, the tutoring model for repeating classes at Madrasah Qudsiyyah is carried out in groups by forming a separate curriculum which can focus on the basic salafiyah curriculum as a provision of salafiyah material at an advanced level. Fifth, this basic salafiyah guidance material is carried out by all teachers, not only burdened by counselors.<strong></strong></p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Guidance, Repeating Class, Madrasah Qudsiyyah

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Budhi Suparningsih ◽  
Ella Siti Chaeriah

<em>This study examines comparative analysis to predict bankruptcy using the modified Altman, Springate, Zmijewski and Grover models at PT. Ratu Prabu Energi, Tbk. which is engaged in the mining sector. This study aims to predict bankruptcy at PT. Ratu Prabu Energi, Tbk. and to evaluate whether the predictions match the actual conditions of the company. The type of research applied is a case study at PT. Ratu Prabu Energi, Tbk. during 2009 until 2018. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the analysis of the four bankruptcy models have different results, although there are some in the position of the Safe Zone but the value is very small and almost close to the Distress Zone, so the company seems to have unfavorable financial conditions as indicated by the low weighting value of the four bankruptcy models . From the beginning this condition has been seen from the ratios represented in each bankruptcy model. Of the four bankruptcy models, this gives a fairly high value deviation in the Altman Z-Score Modification model rather than using the Springate, Zmijewski and Grofer bankruptcy models.</em>

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