scholarly journals Program Terapi Rehabilitasi Kecemasan Pecandu Narkoba dengan Metode Sujok Di Ponpes Salafiyah Sabilul Hikmah Malang

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 9
Mayang Wulandari ◽  
Chantika Mahadini ◽  
Amal Prihatono ◽  
Willie Japaries

Goals of service. The Community Service Program (PKM) on Drug Addicts Anxiety Rehabilitation Therapy Program with the Sujok Method at Ponpes Salafiyah Sabilul Hikmah Malang aims to optimize the role of Islamic boarding school caregivers in an effort to socialize the movement of drug-free street children by providing counseling on tips for eliminating the anxiety of drug addicts who are addicted to drug undergoing therapy at the boarding school to stop drug use. Methods The PKM implementation team conducted counseling on how to overcome anxiety using therapeutic tools, namely massage rings, providing counseling materials, giving questionnaires about massage ring therapy, donating medicine boxes, providing digital weights, providing digital blood pressure checkers used when providing health services to patients. the caregivers of the Salafiyah Sabilul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School in Malang. Results and implications. After being given counseling about the use of ring therapy, they understand how to deal with anxiety by doing self-therapy every day for 5 minutes or 3 times or more and are able to teach other friends who feel anxious.

Rapia Arcanita

AbstractIAIN Curup, as an Islamic higher education institution, demands the students to master al-Qur'an. One of the steps towards the mastery of the Qur’an is through the activities of tahsin (reciting) al-Qur'an implemented by Ma'had al-Jamiah (college dormitory) of IAIN Curup. Therefore, this study aimed to see the role of Ma'had al-Jamiah of IAIN Curup in overcoming the students' low mastery of al-Qur'an, by paying attention to the results of Ma'had al-Jamiah programs consisting of the practicum of tahsin al-Qur'an and students’ worship practicum. These activities already ran for three semesters. However, it was still found the students who could not read al-Qur'an well and could not perform the prayers properly. This study employed a qualitative approach. The data were obtained from interviews, observations, and documentation, which were then analyzed by using a qualitative approach. Thus,  the following conclusion was drawn: First, the Ma'had Al-Jami'ah programs were quite representative in improving students’ mastery of al-Qur’an; Second, ma'had activities applied a semi-Islamic boarding school education model in a classical form; Third, Ma'had al-Jamiah’s policies concerning the subjects of Tahsin Al-Qur’an, Worship Practicum I, and Worship Practicum II as the requirements to take part in KPM (Community Service Program), PPL (pre-service teaching program), Internship, comprehensive exams, and Munaqasyah (thesis exams) really stimulated students to master reciting al-Qur'an.AbstrakIAIN Curup sebagai lembaga pendidikan tinggi Islam, dituntut agar mahasiswanya mengusai al- Qur’an. Salah satu langkah menuju kemampuan penguasaaan al-Qur’an tersebut adalah melalui kegiatan tahsin al-Qur’an sebagai mana yang di laksanakan oleh Ma’had al-Jamiah IAIN Curup. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini berusaha melihat peran ma’had al-Jamiah IAIN Curup dalam mengatasi rendahnya penguasaan al-Qur’an mahasiswa IAIN Curup, dengan memperhatikan hasil kegiatan Ma’had yang mencakup praktikum tahsin al-Qur’an dan praktikum  ibadah kemahasiswaan. Kegiatan tersebut sudah berjalan selama tiga semester. Namun masih ditemukan mahasiswa belum bisa membaca al-Qur’an dengan baik dan belum bisa melaksanakan ibadah shalat dengan baik. Penelitian ini menggukanakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari hari hasil wawancara, pengamatan dan dokumentasi, selanjutnya dianalisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif sehingga diperoleh simpulan: Pertama Program Ma’had Al-Jami’ah cukup representatif dalam meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa di bidang al-Qur’an; Kedua kegiatan ma’had menawarkan menerapkan model pendidikan semi pondok pesantren dalam bentuk klasikal; Ketiga Ma’had al- Jamiah IAIN Curup menjadikan ketiga materi (Tahsin al-Qur’an, Praktek Ibadah I dan II sebagai syarat untuk bisa mengikuti KPM, PPL, Magang, Komprehensif dan sidang Munaqasyah) sangat memacu mahasiswa dalam penguasaan bacaan al-Qur’an.

L.M. Azhar Sa'ban ◽  
Anwar Sadat ◽  
Asrul Nazar

This community service program is carried out in Mulyajaya Village, Lasalimu Selatan District, Buton Regency. Some of the main problems that become a problem in Mulyajaya Village, Lasalimu Selatan District, Buton Regency, are the not yet optimal knowledge of the community regarding Environmental Sanitation and the lack of optimal socialization to the public about how to create and improve a healthy environment. The results of this PKM activity can be described through the role of social capital as a form of local knowledge, it can be used as a means of socializing the importance of environmental awareness. The process of increasing community knowledge about environmental improvement is carried out through three discussions namely socialization, mentoring and planning for making garbage cans and making latrines.

Bambang Prayitno

AbstractThe credit union (CU) movement is very developed currently, including CU Sawiran, a credit unionthat exists to serve all members of society openly without exception. Problems that often occur arethat CU Sawiran as a creditor do not get clear information/data regarding the object of materialguarantee, among others, the certainty of the completion time of conversion processing if the letter C/ clerk D is submitted so that it is difficult to execute. So far, the solution used is through mediationamong the parties. This community service program aims to provide information to CU Sawiranranks, administrators, supervisors and staff regarding the right to information dealing with theobject of material security, the development of material security regulations, the role of theFinancial Services Authority as the supervisor of financial services institutions (LJK) with regard tomaterial security, and the method of drafting a good agreement. Assistances are conducted byanalyzing credit agreements and formulating agreements that are more informative and do not havemultiple interpretations. It was agreed that similar activities would be carried out periodically notonly for the management but also for the other parties in order to improve education in the field oflaw. AbstrakGerakan Credit Union saat ini sangat berkembang, gerakan ini merupakan suatu model yangsangat sesuai bagi kondisi masyarakat. CU Sawiran, hadir untuk melayani semua anggotamasyarakat secara terbuka, tanpa kecuali. Semua orang bisa menjadi anggota tanpa memandangtingkat ekonomi, pendidikan, agama, suku dan budaya. Saat ini CU Sawiran ada di 13 tempatpelayanan di beberapa kota di Jawa Timur. Permasalahan yang sering terjadi CU Sawiran selakukreditur tidak memperoleh informasi/data mengenai objek jaminan kebendaan secara jelas antara lainmengenai kepastian waktu selesainya pengurusan konversi jika yang diserahkan letter C/petok Dsehingga kesulitan melakukan eksekusi karena masa pengurusan belum selesai. Saat akan eksekusibenda diperalihkan kepada pihak ketiga tanpa sepengetahuan kreditur. Penyelesaian yang digunakanselama ini untuk menangani masalah di atas yakni melakukan mediasi mencari solusi yang terbaikbagi kepentingan para pihak.Dari hal di atas, program pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan memberikan informasi kepadaJajaran CU Sawiran, pengurus, pengawas dan staf (1) mengenai hak atas informasi mengenai objekjaminan kebendaan; (2) perkembangan aturan jaminan kebendaan; (3) peran lembaga Otoritas JasaKeuangan sebagai pengawas lembaga jasa keuangan (LJK) berkaitan dengan jaminan kebendaan; (4)memberikan cara penyusunan perjanjian yang baik kepada Jajaran CU Sawiran, pengurus, pengawasdan staf sesuai syarat sahnya perjanjian khusunya hutang piutang, tanpa adanya klausula perbuatanmelawan hukum (PMH). Hasil kegiatan sangat bermanfaat, peserta antusias mengikuti dan aktifdalam sesi tanya jawab seiring sejalan dengan dinamika hukum serta hak atas informasi mengenaiobjek jaminan kebendaan. Pendampingan dengan melakukan analisis perjanjian kredit di CU Jurnal Asawika Volume Volume 06 No.01 37Sawiran serta memformulasi perjanjian yang lebih informatif serta tidak multi tafsir. Kegiatan serupadisepakati akan dilakukan secara periodik tidak hanya diikuti pengurus saja namun juga pihak lainguna meningkatkan edukasi di bidang hukum.

2013 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 664-689 ◽  
Rebecca L. Gullan ◽  
Thomas J. Power ◽  
Stephen S. Leff

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-83
Mar’atus Sholikah ◽  
Idam Mustofa ◽  
Abd Hafidz Miftahudin

Community participation in an effective development framework can be developed by empowering the potential and assets of the local community. Community service in Jati Sawahan Lengkong Nganjuk succeeded in involving the role of micro businesses to carry out knowledge sharing techniques for making dyed batik for mothers of members of the yasinan group. The success of the service program is supported by mapping the potential and adequacy of social analysis so that it can map partner and target assets at the planning stage with sufficient data support. The success of the activity is supported by simultaneous coordination between stakeholders and the support of assets and potential of religious and community leaders and openness in accepting evaluations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-122
Nujumuddin Nujumuddin

[Bahasa]: Pendidikan adalah jembatan dalam pengembangan retorika dan konstruksi sosial. Pendidikan mempengaruhi perkembangan dan pertumbuhan manusia dan perkembangan peradaban ke arah yang lebih baik. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan peran semua pihak termasuk institusi pendidikan perguruan tinggi dalam mengembangkan pendidikan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan, meningkatkan pengalaman dan penguasaan teknologi informasi kepada sumber daya manusia di MTs Nurul Muhsinin. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan melalui tahapan observasi, sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa program pelatihan dan pendampingan yang dilakukan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman guru dalam merancang dan mendesain website sebagai bagian dari sistem informasi yang bermanfaat bagi pengembangan sekolah. Kata kunci: perancangan, sistem informasi, website [English]: Education is a bridge in the development of rhetoric and social construction. Education influences human development and growth and the development of civilization in a better direction. Therefore, the role of all parties, including tertiary educational institutions, is needed in developing education. The purpose of this community service program is to provide knowledge, enhance the experience and mastery of information technology to human resources at MTs Nurul Muhsinin. This program is carried out through stages of observation, socialization, training, and mentoring. The results show that training and mentoring programs carried out can increase the knowledge and experience of teachers in designing and designing websites as part of an information system that is beneficial for school development. Keywords: design, system of information, website

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-34
Hilda Prajayanti ◽  
Maslikhah Maslikhah

Community service program with the topic "Counseling about the Dangers of Using Narcotics, Psychotropics and Addictive Drugs in MAS Yapensa, Jenggot-Pekalongan City" is intended to provide knowledge about the dangers of Narcotics in madrasa aliyah. The importance of providing education about the dangers of drug abuse early on is one of preventive steps. Drugs abuse now do not only attack the age of 20 years and over. Because starting from elementary students also must be aware of the dangers of drug trafficking. Its circulation is not only from a closed place but it can be from relationships, internet cafes and so on. Therefore, it can be said that in order to fortify himself from drugs abuse, the role of parents' attention is very important. It is completed by good religious knowledge and the role and education of schools. Moreover, environmental factors will greatly affect children. It is hoped that in the future this activity can be sustainable and encourage adolescents to be free from drugs. In addition, a pre-test and post-test were conducted to determine the level of knowledge before and after counseling. The results obtained are that there is a significant increase in students of MAS Yapensa, Jenggot-City Pekalongan after counseling about the Dangers of Drugs abuse.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Ida Ayu Kade Rachmawati Kusasih ◽  
Budi Istiyanto

The role of a wife has begun to shift into an entrepreneur now. This starts with a home-based business that was initially done to fill the spare time after the housekeeping duty were completed. But in managing the business they are still simple oriented just to fill the time, so that this business is not able to develop properly. This dedication seeks to empower the home-based business to be able to have added value that previously only runs with many limitations. Implementation of community service program on partner 1 (Arum Snack) by giving peanut slicer to save time to make sliced peanut so that productivity will increase. Likewise with the financial management that has been separating business finances with the family though still manually using a cash book.For partner 2 (Yasmin Collection) already has blogs and facebook to expand its online marketing range. An online address created by the name Yasmin Online Shop that shifts from fashion sales goes to typical Klaten snacks produced by home-based production around partners. The products is Marketed to outside Java, especially Kalimantan although that is still limited.Monitoring and evaluation on activities and mentoring program are still done. The addition of brand on partner products is also done so that the products can be more marketable. Simple financial management assistance is done so that partners can access loans from financial institutions to increase their working capital.Increased revenue in this program is achieved on all of the partners. Suggestion that can be given is  more attention from the governments in the development of home-based businesses involving academics.  Keyword : revenue increase, home business

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-104
Suwandi Sumartias

  Abstract Since the 1998 reformation, the freedom of expression and political participation of citizens has been real and dynamic. Understanding and awareness of the importance of democracy as political education, especially in the Virtual Age, is increasingly becoming a challenge. The Santri, as the next generation, have a strategic role in the continuation of democratization in Indonesia. The method of activities on Virtual Era Democracy Literacy is carried out through the Online method with Problem Based Learning and Brainstorming techniques, through assistance of Community Service Program. The results of the activity show that the Literacy of Virtual Era Democracy provides benefits in increasing insight and understanding of democracy, especially in the virtual era. The Santri felt happy and enthusiastic about this activity, because online experiences provided a new atmosphere in the digital era. Changing the attitudes and new behavior in the digital domain regarding democracy need to be discussed continuously as an adaptation to new habits.   Key Word: Literation, democracy, virtual , santri

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-39
Jaka Berlin Sinuraya ◽  
Risky Ramadani ◽  
Dameria Dameria

The elderly Posyandu is a community service program intended for the elderly population that focuses on health services but also includes other services according to the needs of the age range aimed at developing the potential and ensuring the welfare of the elderly. There are three aspects that influence the low level of lansian visits to the posyandu for the elderly, namely knowledge, attitudes, and the role of health workers. This research is an analytic survey with cross sectional research design to find out factors related to the low elderly visits to the elderly posyandu program at the Puskesmas Padang Bulan 2018. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire, data analysis was carried out by univariate and bivariate tests. Based on the results of this study, that there is a relationship between the knowledge of the elderly, attitudes and the role of health workers with the low visits to the elderly posyandu program where the results of the calculation of elderly knowledge are X�count 13.292> X�table 5.99 and p value = 0.001, the results of the calculation of elderly attitudes namely X�count 36,458> X�table 5,99 and the value of p value = 0,000, and the results of the calculation of the role of health workers that is X�test63,343> X�table3,841 and p value = 0,000. The conclusion of this study is, there is a relationship between elderly knowledge, attitudes, the role of health workers with low visits to the elderly Posyandu program. Researchers expect the role of health workers to provide education to the elderly so that the elderly like to attend the Posyandu for the elderly.

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