scholarly journals Penerapan Metode Bamboo Dancing Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Pemahaman Teks Materi Qiro’ah Mahasiswa

Muhammad Syaifullah ◽  
Nailul Izzah ◽  
Hernisawati Hernisawati

The purpose of Qiro'ah (reading) lessons is to train students to be able to understand texts individually. The application of an exciting and enjoyable learning strategy by a Lecturer that involves students actively in the process of understanding the reading content, either independently or in groups. Current learning models such as contextual learning and cooperative learning can also be adapted for learning to read. Improving students' Qiro'ah (reading) mastery results is a general objective of this study with a cooperative dancing type approach. The specific objectives of this study are (1) Describe the Qiro'ah learning process (reading) use of the bamboo dancing method of PBA students at IAIM NU Metro, and (2) Describe the results of increasing mastery of Qiro'ah learning (reading) of PBA students ) use of the bamboo dancing method. The design uses PTK with John Elliot Models. PBA third semester students are the subjects in this study. Information about the activities of lecturers and students and the results of the initial and final test scores in each cycle is the data in this study. Test questions, observation sheets, and interview guidelines are the instruments used in this study. Using steps is collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and concluding research results. Whereas Planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting are the stages in this research. The results of the application of Qiro'ah learning using the bamboo dancing method in this study are the increased mastery of understanding in reading texts that is significant from each cycle and the initial tests before the action. The average grade on the initial test before action is 67 increased in cycle 1 79 as well as increasing again in cycle 2 91. So, it can be concluded that there is an increase in the understanding of students' Qiro'ah texts in each cycle.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 250
Wulan Winanda ◽  
Zetra Hainul Putra ◽  
Zufriady Zufriady

The background of this research is less active students in the learning process. This study aims to determine the effect of cooperative learning models with the help of Napier bone media on mathematics learning outcomes in multiplication operations of third grade students at SD IT Diniyah Pekanbaru. The subjects of this study were 21 third grade students. The method in this study was pre-experimental using one group pretest posttest design. In this study data were collected using tests that were the initial test (pretest) and the final test (posttest). Based on the results of the hypothesis test obtained t_count = 15.9609 ≥ t_table = 1.7247. It can be concluded that there is an effect of applying cooperative learning models with the help of Napier bone media on mathematics learning outcomes in multiplication operations of third grade students of SD IT Diniyah Pekanbaru.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 84-92
Dewi Annisa

Students' diverse abilities, both in terms of knowledge, and speed in receiving lessons, can be overcome by applying a cooperative learning model. One of them is the snow balling learning strategy, where in this lesson students can discuss problems and then solve them together with group friends. This study was conducted to determine whether there was an increase in student learning outcomes and activities during the implementation of the snow balling learning strategy in class VIII-B of SMPN 236 Jakarta, especially on the subject of straight line equations. The intended student learning outcomes are viewed in terms of cognitive, while student activities are viewed from the number of activities carried out during material explanation and group discussions. This study used a qualitative approach with the type of classroom research conducted in class VIII-B of SMPN 236 Jakarta. The results showed that the application of the snow balling learning strategy could improve the learning activities and mathematics learning outcomes of students as indicated by the increase in students' test scores from the initial test to the final test of activity III. The mean score of the initial test was 49.2; the final test of activity I was 54.6; the activity test II was 65.7, the activity test III was 73.5. The percentage of the number of students who met the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) also increased, namely 13.04% in activity I, 45.83% in activity II, and 58.33% in activity III. The KKM of mathematics subject at SMPN 236 Jakarta is 75. The results of this study indicate that the application of the snow balling learning strategy is an alternative in selecting cooperative learning strategies that can be applied in the classroom by teachers with the aim of increasing learning outcomes and student activities in the learning process.

Lea Christy Restu Kinasih ◽  
Dewi Fatimah ◽  
Veranica Julianti

The selection and determination of appropriate learning strategies can improve the results to be obtained from the application of classroom learning models. This writing aims to discipline students to develop individual abilities of students to be more active in the learning process and improve the quality of learning. The learning process in Indonesia in general only uses conventional learning models that make students passive and undeveloped. In order for the quality of learning to increase, the Team Assisted Individualization learning model is combined with the task learning and forced strategies. The Team Assisted Individualization cooperative learning model is one of the cooperative learning models that combines learning individually and in groups. Meanwhile, task and forced learning strategies are strategies that focus on giving assignments that require students to complete them on time so that the learning process can run effectively. Students are required to do assignments according to the given deadline. This makes students become familiar with the tasks given by the teacher. Combining or modifying the learning model of the assisted individualization team with forced and forced learning strategies is expected to be able to make students more active, disciplined, independent, creative in learning and responsible for the tasks assigned. Therefore this method of incorporation is very necessary in the learning process and can be applied to improve the quality of learning in schools.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Reni Rahayu ◽  
Helendra Helendra ◽  
Ganda Hijrah Selaras ◽  
Ardi Ardi

ABSTRACT The low learning competency of students is caused by several problems encountered during the learning process, including the learning process centered on teacher (teacher centered). This will cause students to play an less active role, causing students learning competencies to be low. One effort was made to improve learning competencies by applying cooperative learning models with talking stick method assisted by problem question. Learning with this model requires students to play more active roles during the learning process. This study aims to reveal the effect of the use of cooperative learning models with talking stick method assisted by problem question on students learning learning competencies. This research was conducted at SMPN 23 Padang on global warming material. This research is an experimental study with the design of the Randomized Control Group Posttest Only Design. The population of this study was all students of class VII of SMPN 23 Padang. Sampling using purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used was a learning outcome test with multiple choice questions, and an attitude and skills assessment in the form of an observation sheet. Knowledge and attitude competency data use t test, while skill competency uses t’ test. The result showed that the science learning competencies of axperimental class students were higher than the control class. It can be concluded that the cooperative learning models with talking stick method assisted by questions card has a positive effect on students’ learning competencies.Keywords: (Cooperative Learning, Talking Stick Method, Learning Competencies)

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 590-609
A. St. Aisyah Nur ◽  
Anwar Ramli ◽  
Mrs. Inanna ◽  
Andi Muhamad Iqbal Akbar Asfar ◽  
A. M. Irfan Taufan Asfar ◽  

Curiosity is an attitude and action that always tries to find out more deeply and broadly from something that is learned. Meanwhile, analogy is a thought process to draw conclusions based on similar processes or data. This is inversely proportional to the reality in the field based on the observations of researchers at University of Muhammadiyah Bone, researchers see that the curiosity and analogy skills of college student in the economic learning process are still classified as very low. Lecturers can strive for learning by using innovative, effective and creative learning, which can provide opportunities and encourage college student to have high curiosity in order to practice their analogical reasoning skills. In connection with this, the efforts made by researchers to build curiosity and analogy skills of college student in economic learning, namely the need for a scientific approach or a scientific process-based approach which is the organization of learning experiences in a logical order including the learning process by observing, questioning, collecting information, reason (associate) and communicate. The type of research used is quantitative research using experimental quantitative methods. The research design used, namely Quasi Experimental Design with the form of Non-equivalent Control Group Design. The results of this study are proven by the results of the analysis of the recapitulation of the student's analogy ability test which can be seen in the average final test in the experimental class, which is 7,621 and the initial test reaches a value of 6,961. While the results of the final test recapitulation of the analogy ability of college student in the control class reached a value of 6,276 while the initial test results reached a value of 7.5. While the results of student responses are in the valid and reliable category.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-34
Purwadhi Purwadhi

ABSTRAKSI: Pembelajaran inovatif di sekolah merupakan strategi pembelajaran yang menekankan kepada penyampaian materi pembelajaran kepada siswa, yang berupa ekspositori, inkuiri, pembelajaran berbasis masalah, peningkatan kemampuan berpikir, pembelajaran koperatif, pembelajaran kontekstual, pembelajaran afektif, dan pendekatan ilmiah. Pembentukan karakter siswa yang perlu dikembangkan dalam pilar pendidikan nasional adalah merujuk pada pengolahan nilai dalam kawasan pikiran, perasaan, fisik atau raga, dan pengolahan hati yang menjadi spirit dalam menggerakan pikiran, perasaan, dan kemauan; atau dikenal dengan istilah olah-pikir, olah-rasa, olah-hati, dan olah-raga. Pembentukan karakter siswa juga harus dikembangkan, antara lain, karakter toleransi dan cinta damai untuk lebih ditonjolkan, karena kemajemukan bangsa dan negara Indonesia. Nilai kejujuran dan tanggung jawab juga sangat urgen di saat bangsa Indonesia kini tengah menghadapi berbagai kasus korupsi. Dengan menggunakan metode dan pendekatan kualitatif, serta studi literatur atau kepustakaan, artikel ini mencoba mengelaborasi tentang pembelajaran inovatif dan kaitannya dengan pembentukan karakter siswa. Didalamnya dikaji dan dianalisis tentang Pembelajaran Inovatif; Pembentukan Karakter Siswa; serta Gerakan Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter di Indonesia.KATA KUNCI: Pembelajaran Inovatif; Pembentukan Karakter Siswa; Gerakan Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter di Indonesia. ABSTRACT: “Innovative Learning in Forming the Student Characters”. Innovative learning in the schools is a learning strategy that emphasizes the delivery of learning material to students, in the form of expository, inquiry, problem-based learning, increased thinking ability, cooperative learning, contextual learning, affective learning, and scientific approaches. The formation of student character that needs to be developed in the pillar of national education is referring to the processing of values in the domains of mind, feeling, physical, and processing of the heart, which becomes the spirit of moving thoughts, feelings, and will; or known as thought, taste, care, and exercise. The formation of student character must also be developed, among others, the character of tolerance and peace of mind to be more highlighted, because of the diversity of the nation and state of Indonesia. The value of honesty and responsibility is also very urgent, when the Indonesian nation currently is facing various the corruption cases. By using qualitative methods and approaches, as well as literature studies or reviews, this article tries to elaborate on innovative learning and its relation to student character formation. Inside it is reviewed and analyzed about Innovative Learning; Formation of Student Characters; and the Character Education Strengthening Movement in Indonesia.KEY WORD: Innovative Learning; Formation of Student Characters; Character Education Strengthening Movement in Indonesia.About the Author: Dr. Purwadhi adalah Dosen Senior dan sekarang menjabat sebagai Rektor Universitas BSI (Bina Sarana Informatika), Jalan Terusan Sekolah No.1-2 Antapani, Cicaheum, Kiaracondong, Bandung 40282, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Untuk kepentingan akademik, penulis bisa dihubungi dengan alamat emel: [email protected] Citation: Purwadhi. (2019). “Pembelajaran Inovatif dalam Pembentukan Karakter Siswa” in MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN: Jurnal Indonesia untuk Kajian Pendidikan, Volume 4(1), Maret, pp.21-34. Bandung, Indonesia: UPI [Indonesia University of Education] Press, ISSN 2527-3868 (print) and 2503-457X (online). Article Timeline: Accepted (December 27, 2018); Revised (February 15, 2019); and Published (March 30, 2019).

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-39
Ni Made Aryawati

This class action research aimed at finding out whether cooperative learning models Think-Pair-Share assisted with the assignment and recitation methods with news clippings is successful to improve the students achievement in writing skills. This research took a subject in class VII-6 SMP N 4 Denpasar at semester 2 academic year 2017/2018. The researcher has strived diligently so that the learning process can be carried out accordance with expectations, using the right strategies and adequate learning techniques.The result of the study were collected by learning achievement tests while the analysis used descriptive analysis. After all data is analyzed, it obtained an increase in learning outcomes from the beginning 67,11 with mastery learning 36,11%, increase in the first cycle to be 71,97 with mastery learning 72,22%. The result of the second cycle is 80,58 with the percentage of mastery learning has reached 100% and it has exceeded the criteria set for the research indicators. Based on the data obtained, the researcher concluded that cooperative leaning Think- Pair-Share through assignment and recitation methods with news clipping can improve the students writing skills in this school.

Krispita Evalia

<p><em>Science learning outcomes for grade V SD Negeri 02 Kebagusan are still low. This is due to the less interesting teaching and learning process. So that the students do not understand the material in science material about the life cycle of animals. Efforts that can be made by the teacher so that the teaching and learning process is fun is that the teacher must use various learning models that attract students.These low learning outcomes cause problems that must be solved by using cooperative learning models to improve student learning outcomes. To improve student learning outcomes it is used to improve the learning process through research using planning, implementation, observation, and reflection steps. From that reflection, the repair process was carried out. From the results of the improvement of the learning process for 2 cycles, it turns out that the use of the cooperative learning model can improve the learning outcomes of class V SD Negeri 02 Kebagusan. It can be seen that the learning outcomes in cycle 1 increased 71% and cycle II increased to 83%.To improve teacher learning outcomes can use cooperative learning models in science learning in class V</em></p>

Danang Fafiliyanto

The low learning outcomes of students, it is due to the learning process that is dominated by traditional learning. At this learning atmosphere tends to teacher-centered classroom so that students become passive, therefore it is necessary to implement a learning strategy that can help students to understand the teaching material and its application in everyday life. Based on this, in this study it will be discussed whether there are differences in mathematics achievement subject matter sub gradient between students who are taught by STAD cooperative learning model and the conventional model of learning in class XI SMA Kartika IV-3 Surabaya. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in mathematics achievement between students who are taught by STAD cooperative learning model and conventional learning models. This study uses quantitative research. As the population is students in class XI MIA Kartika IV-3 Surabaya The sample consisted of students of class XI MIA 1, amounting to 25 students as the experimental class and the students of class XI MIA 2, amounting to 25 students as the control class.  Data collection method used is to use the test method. Data in the form of student test results done once the post-test is to determine the value of learning mathematics achievement of students in each sample after treatments or treatments performed. From the analysis we found differences in mathematics achievement between students who are taught by STAD cooperative learning model and conventional learning models, in this case increased learning achievement in cooperative learning model STAD. With the calculation of the t-test is greater than the table or 4.98> 1.98 then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. The conclusion from this study is that there are differences in mathematics achievement subject matter sub gradient between students who are taught by STAD cooperative learning model and conventional learning models, characterized by differences in mathematics achievement. Keywords: Type STAD Cooperative Learning Model, Model Conventional Learning, Math Learning Achievement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-67
M Agus Salim

This study is intended to examine efforts to improve student learning outcomes using the STAD type cooperative strategy given the low absorption of students in learning as well as one method for teachers to improve student learning outcomes in schools. Cooperative learning strategies are one way to strive for student activities in learning so that they are involved cognitively and psychomotor in them. But the extent to which this cooperative learning strategy contributes to student learning success compared to the expository strategy needs to be empirically proven. The research method that will be used is Classroom Action Research (CAR)which aims to improve the learning process. The results of this study indicate that learning using cooperative strategies gradually increases from cycle I, II and III with the final percentage score of 88.39. While the implementation of PAI learning using cooperative strategy media also went well, in this case there was an increase in teacher activity during the learning process from cycle I to cycle II, and cycle III. The acquisition of PAI learning achievement increases along with the improvement of learning planning, implementation of learning, and the implementation of evaluation of learning using cooperative strategies.  

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