scholarly journals Pertimbangan Hakim Mahkamah Syar’iyah Langsa Terhadap Penggunaan Saksi De Auditu Dalam Perkara Perceraian

Arin Christiana

Witness is a person who gives a statement in the court that qualify the certain conditions about an event or situation that he sees, hears and experiences himself as the evidence has occured  an event or situation. Yet, How if the witnesses collected do not see or experience the incident directly but they only heard from someone else. In The positive legal terms, the witness is called testimonium de auditu, according to Islamic procedural law it is called syahadah al-istifadhah. In the process of how strength the legal evidence of the testimonium de auditu in a divorce case in the Langsa City Syar'iyah Court. Testimonium de auditu in civil procedural law, if it is according to  positive law in article 171 HIR and article 1907 KUH. Civil of testimonium de auditu is not a tool of witness evidence, but it is used as a judge's judgment. But sometimes the exception of testimonium de auditu can be considered from the quality and strength of proof, the application depends on the case. In the perspective of Islamic law, the testimonium de auditu is categorized in the syahadah-istifada as a popular testimony. It means that the testimony delivered has become a public secret, a story in the community, or information in the community about the events that occurred.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Pardan Syafrudin

The Common properties (community property) is an asset that the husband and wife acquired during the household lifes, which both of them is agree that after united through marriage bonds, that the property produced by one or both of them will be common property. It shows, that if there's an agreement between husband and wife before marriage (did not to unify their property), then the property produced both will not become a joint treasure. Thus, if a husband or wife dies, or divorces, then the property owned by both of them can be distributed in accordance with their respective shares, another case when the two couples are not making an agreement, then the property gained during marriage bonds can be divided into types of communal property. In Islamic law, this kind of treasure is not contained in the Qur'an or Sunnah. Nor in Islamic jurisprudence. However, Islamic law legalizes the existence of common property as long as it is applicable in a society and the benefit in the distribution of such property. In contrast to the positive law, this property types have been regulated and described in the Marriage Law, as well as the Islamic Law Compilations, which became the legal restriction in the affairs of marriage in force in Indonesia. In this study, the author tries to compile the existence of common property according to the Islamic law reviews and positive law.

Juriyana Megawati Hasibuan Dan Fatahuddin Aziz Siregar

Marriage is a sacred bond which is ideally only held once in a lifetime. Both Islamic law and positive law require an eternal happy marriage. To support this the Koran proclaims marriage as mitsaqan galiza. The marriage is then registered in the state administration. In line with this, the laws and regulations are formulated in such a way as to make divorce more difficult. However, when there are acceptable reasons and due to coercive conditions, divorce can be done through a judicial process. The divorce must then be registered by taking certain procedures. The court delivered the notice and sent a copy of the decision to the marriage registrar to file the divorce properly. The implementation of this divorce record was not effective. The separation of the Religious Courts Institution from the Ministry of Religion has become a factor that causes the registration task not to be carried out. The loss of the obligation to submit a copy of the decision on the judge's ruling caused the recording to be constrained. The unavailability of shipping costs also contributed to the failure to register divorce. Even though there is a threat to the Registrar who neglects to deliver a copy of the verdict, unclear sanctions make this ineffective. As a result of the lack of recording of divorce, the status of husband and wife becomes unclear and opens opportunities for abuse of that status.

عبد المجيد قاسم عبد المجيد (Qasim Abdulmajid) ◽  
محمد ليبا (Liba)

تناولت هذه الورقة فلسفة العقوبة في الشريعة الإسلامية، وفلسفتها في القانون الوضعي، وتمت الموازنة بين الفلسفتين، وخلص العرض والموازنة إلى نتائج ملخصها أن مسألة عصمة الشريعة وسموها تعد علامة فارقة بين الشريعة الإسلامية والقانون الوضعي، هذه العلامة نتج عنها فروق كثيرة أولها أن العقوبة في التشريع الوضعي تكون تابعةً للهدف، فالهدف يوضع أولاً ثم تصاغ على ضوئه العقوبة، ولذلك كلما ظهرت مدرسةٌ جديدةٌ تؤسس لفكرٍ جديدٍ ظهر اختلافٌ في التشريع العقابي. بينما النظام العقابي الإسلامي ثابتٌ ومعصوم، وقد وُجدت الحاجة إلى معرفة أهدافه وفلسفته ليتسنى السير على مقتضاها فيما يستجد من وقائع، وأن سمو فلسفة العقوبة في الشريعة الإسلامية ينبع من سمو مصدرها، فواضع هذه العقوبات هو خالق البشر. بينما العقوبة في القانون الوضعي تعتمد في فلسفتها على خبرة واضعيها، وهي خبرة محدودة وأحكامها نسبية، لذا كان تطبيق العقوبات الشرعية أجدر حتى وإن لم يُدرَك كنه هذه العقوبات وفلسفتها. الكلمات الرئيسية: فلسفة العقوبة، القانون الإسلامي، القانون الوضعي، التشريع العقابي.******************************In this paper light is shed on the philosophy of punishment in Islamic and positive laws and a comparison between them is accomplished. In brief, the conclusion of the exposition and comparison is that issue of infallibility of SharÊ‘ah and its nobleness are the distinguishing marks between Islamic and positive laws. This led to further differences. The first difference is that the punishment in positive laws is in accordance with the stipulated goal, that is, the goal is set first and then the punishment is formulated in that light. That is why whenever any new school of thought appears based on some ideology, differences emerge in punitive legislation. Islamic penal system is, however, immutable and infallible. There is a need to know its objectives and wisdom so as to in order to tackle new emerging issues. The nobility of the philosophy of punishment in Islamic law stems from the nobility of its source and that is no one but the Creator of human beings. The punishment in the positive law, on the other hand, relies on the philosophy that is based on the experiences of the authors of these laws. And these experiences are limited and their rulings are relativistic. Applying Islamic legal punishments are, therefore, more legitimate, even though their essence and philosophy are not fully grasped.Key words: Philosophy of Punishment, Islamic Law, Positive Law, Punitive Legislation.

Ramizah Wan Muhammad ◽  
Khairunnasriah Abdul Salam ◽  
Afridah Abbas ◽  
Nasimah Hussin

Aceh is a special province in Indonesia and different from other Indonesian provinces especially in the context of Shari'ah related laws. Aceh was granted special autonomy and legal right by the Indonesian central government in 2001 to fully apply Islamic law in the province. Generally, Islamic law which is applicable to Muslims in Indonesia is limited to personal laws just as in Malaysia. However, with the passage of time, Islamic law has expanded to include Islamic banking and finance. Besides that, Islamic law in Aceh is also extended to govern criminal matters which are in line with the motto of Aceh Islamic government to apply Islamic law in total or kaffah. Since 1999, the legal administration of Aceh has begun to gradually put in place the institutional framework to ensure that Islamic law is properly administered and implemented. Equally important, such framework is also aimed to ensure that punishments are fairly executed. This paper attempts to analyse the extent of the applicability of Islamic criminal law in Aceh. It is divided into three major parts. The first part discusses the phases in making Aceh an Islamic province and the roles played by Dinas Syariat Islam Aceh as the policy maker in implementing Islamic law as well as educating and training the public about the religion of Islam. The second part gives an overview on the Islamic criminal law and punishment provided in Qanun Aceh No.6/2014 on Hukum Jinayat (hereinafter Qanun Hukum Jinayat or “QHJ”) as well as the criminal procedural law concerning the methods of proof codified in Qanun Aceh No.7/2013 on Hukum Acara Jinayat (hereinafter “QAJ”). The third part of this paper highlights the challenges in the application and implementation of Islamic criminal law in Aceh, and accordingly provides recommendations for the improvement of the provisions in the QHJ and QAJ. Inputs from the interviews with the drafters of QHJ, namely Prof. Dr. Hamid Sarong and Prof. Dr Al Yasa are utilized in preparing this paper. In addition, inputs gathered from nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), namely Indonesian Syarie Lawyers Association (APSI) and Jaringan Masyarakat Sipil Peduli Syariah (JMSPS) are employed. The findings of this research are important in providing an in-depth understanding on the framework of Islamic criminal law in Aceh as well as in recognizing the flaws in its application or practical aspects of the law in Aceh. Keywords: Islamic law, Aceh, Administration, Punishment. Abstrak Aceh merupakan sebuah Wilayah Istimewa di Indonesia dibandingkan dengan wilayah-wilayah lain dari segi pelaksanaan undang-undang Islam. Aceh diberi status Wilayah Istimewa yang berautonomi oleh Pemerintah Pusat Indonesia pada tahun 2001 untuk melaksanakan undang-undang Islam secara menyeluruh. Pemakaian dan pelaksanaan undang-undang Islam di Aceh tidak terhad pada Undang-undang jenayah tetapi telah meliputi bidang perbankan dan kewangan Islam. Sejak tahun 1999, Pentadbiran Undang-undang Aceh telah merangka undang-undang bagi memastikan undang-undang Islam dapat ditadbir dan dilaksanakan dengan baik. Selain itu juga, undang-undang yang dirangka juga turut bertujuan untuk memastikan hukuman yang berasaskan undang-undang Islam dapat dilaksanakan secara adil. Oleh itu, kajian dalam kertas kerja ini dibuat uuntuk menganalisa sejauh mana undang-undang jenayah Islam dilaksanakan di Aceh. Kertas ini terbahagi kepada tiga bahagan utama, yang mana bahagian pertama membincangkan latas belakang awal kewujudan wilayah Islam Aceh dan peranan yang dimainkan oleh Dinas Syariat Islam Aceh sebagai mpembuat dasar dalam pelaksanaan undang-undang Islam, mendidik serta menyediakan latihan kepada masyarakat umum di Aceh mengenai Islam. Bahagian kedua menyediakan gambaran umum tentang undang-undang jenayah dan hukuman dalam Islam sebagaimana termaktub dalam Qanun Aceh No.6/2014 berkenaan Hukum Jinayat (“Qanun Hukum Jinayat” atau “QHJ”) serta undang-undang prosedur jenayah berkenaan cara pembuktiaan jenayah sebagaimana yag termaktub dalam Qanun Aceh No.7/2013 berkenaan Hukum Acara Jinayat (“QAJ”). Bahagian ketiga kertas ini menekankan masalah atau cabaran yang dihadapi daam pelaksanaan undang-undang jenayah Islam di Aceh, serta menyediakan cadangan-cadangan bagi penambahbaikan peruntukan-peruntukan yang ada dalam QHJ dan QAJ. Maklumat hasil dari temuramah dengan Prof. Dr. Hamid Sarong dan Prof. Dr Al Yasa telah digunakan bagi menyiapkan makalah ini. Selain itu, maklumat yang diperolehi daripada organisasi bukan kerajaan iaitu Indonesian Syarie Lawyers Association (APSI) dan Jaringan Masyarakat Sipil Peduli Syariah (JMSPS) turut dimanfaatkan. Dapatan dari kajian ini penting bagi menyediakan kefahaman terhadap kerangka undang-undang jenayah Islam di Aceh serta mengenal pasti masalah dalam aspek peruntukan undang-undang tersebut atau pelaksanaannya di Aceh. Kata Kunci: Undang-undang Islam, Aceh, Pentadbiran, Hukuman.

Belleten ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 82 (295) ◽  
pp. 1013-1046
Ekrem Buğra Eki̇nci̇

This paper considers fratricide in the Ottoman Empire from the Islamic/ Ottoman Law viewpoint. The established Turkish political tradition, which is based on the fact that the ruling power is a common patrimony of the members of the dynasty, gave rise to disastrous results in the early period of the Ottoman Empire. Since a strict succession system was not imposed during that early period of the Ottoman State, it would be the destiny of a shāhzādah (prince) which would determine his fate in becoming the next sultan. This resulted in infighting amongst the shāhzādahs. Revolting against the sultan or even planning to revolt are crimes according to Islamic/Ottoman law. The execution of those members of the dynasty who had not taken part in a revolt was legislated by the "Code of Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror," which was based on the sovereign right of the sultan accorded by Islamic Law (Orfi Hukuk). Relying on the principle of maslaha (common benefit) in Islamic law, some of the Ottoman scholars permitted fratricide as well. According to this principle, when facing two potential outcomes, the lesser of two evils is preferred. Some of the modern researchers consider this justification invalid. According to them, the execution of shāhzādahs who have not taken part in a revolt is politically correct, but contrary to Islamic law. The main contribution of this paper is to deal with the fratricide from the point of view of Islamic law by utilizing traditional legal texts and to addess to underlying Islamic legal principles behind fratricide application and what legal evidence the 'ulemā (Ottoman scholars) based their judgment on.

Yasir Nasution ◽  
Alyasa’ Abubakar ◽  

The development of waqf assets in the form of adding the function of waqf is a new phenomenon in the problems of Islamic law jurisprudence even in positive law in Indonesia. In national law (positive), Indonesia has regulated this issue with the existence of laws and government regulations regarding waqf both movable and immovable waqf assets, even in its development every property in waqf must have an Deed and / or certificate. Whereas in Islamic jurisprudence, the development of waqf assets in the form of additional functions is one of the problems that can be said to be new, it needs legal conclusions and even has to be seen from various theoretical concepts such as maqashidu sharia. Therefore this research will examine the issue of developing waqf assets based on the Waqf Law and maqashid syari'ah. This research is an empirical legal research using a sociological legal approach, with data collection through documentation and interviews. The results of the research show that the development of waqf assets is permitted according to the law, but with the stipulated conditions, besides that the development of waqf assets is also permissible in Islamic jurisprudence as long as it is solely for reasons in accordance with the concept of maqasidu syari'ah and the point is to seek maslahat.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 496-517
Abdullah Taufik ◽  
Ilham Tohari

The practice of polygamy in Indonesia until now has drawn criticism from some feminists who did not agree. But on the one hand, both Islamic law and positive law permit various conditions. In this case, the Religious Court (PA) becomes the last fence which becomes the determining point for a man to be able to polygamy. For this reason, researchers conducted a study of PA decisions on polygamy, namely Jombang PA Decision No. No. 0899 / Pdt.G / 2018 / PA.Jbg . The focus of the problem is (1) the value of gender justice in the decision and (2) reasoning rechtvinding(legal discovery) judge. The method used in this study is a normative-qualitative legal research method with content analysis techniques from Charles Purse. The results showed that the practice of polygamy licensing in the Religious Courts had actually gone through processes that reflected gender justice. This is reflected in the obligation of the Religious Court to summon the longest wife of the applicant for polygamy to be asked for willingness and information. The results of subsequent studies show that PA Jombang judges used hermeneutic techniques in making legal discovery efforts. Because, they not only focus on aspects of legality, but also consider the contextualization.

Riadhus Sholihin ◽  
Oktavi Maulizar

This article will explain how the authority of village officials in resolving disputes over ownership of aid houses is mediated? To answer the problem above, the writer uses the descriptive analysis research method, where the data obtained is sourced from observations, interviews, photoshoots, document analysis, and field notes compiled by the writer at the research location which is not set forth in the form of figures. From the results of the study it can be seen that based on Aceh Qanun Number 9 of 2008 concerning the Development of Customary Life and Customs where village officials have the authority to reconcile disputes that occur within the community by deliberation / mediation and one of the village apparatuses that mediates the parties who disputes to end their disputes peacefully. The consequence of the mediation decision is the termination of the dispute that occurred and the parties agreed to make peace by making a peace agreement and carrying out the agreement accordingly. The concept of mediation in positive law is no different from the concept of iṣlāḥ in Islamic law which involves a third party to reconcile the disputing parties. The content of the agreement of the mediation that has been carried out by the parties, is allowed in Islamic law because the purpose of iṣlāḥ or mediation is to end the dispute.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Danu Aris Setiyanto

This paper will focus on polygamy with a philosophical approach to Islamic law and directly associated with the marriage law in Indonesia. Polygamy is an issue in family law of Islam in the discussion of fiqih both classic and contemporary. Even polygamy is a discussion that is always debated theologically and anthropocentrically. In the positive law in Indonesia, polygamy is allowed with certain conditions which are strict and in it famous with the principle of monogamy. The main requirement of polygamy both in fiqih and in Act No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage is fair, both physically and spiritually. Polygamy is a right that can only be owned by the husband and not owned by the wife. In the philosophy of Islamic law, polygamy is certainly not due only to the satisfaction of mere biological. But more than that, polygamy is interpreted as a solution to resolve a number of social issues such as the poor orphans, protection of the poor widow, and others. Polygamy in philosophy also has the meaning of protection, to avoid lewdness, and justice for feminists. However, in practice in Indonesia, philosophy of polygamy in the Marriage Law considered  by some of parties, can not be realized effectively. This is due to the absence of strict sanctions, weak administration, and the lack of public awareness in obeying the rules of religion and the Marriage Law in Indonesia. [Tulisan ini akan difokuskan tentang poligami dengan pendekatan filosofis hukum Islam dan dikaitkan langsung dengan hukum perkawinan di Indonesia. Poligami merupakan isu dalam hukum keluarga Islam baik dalam pembahasan fikih klasik maupun fikih kontemporer. Bahkan poligami adalah pembahasan yang selalu diperdebatkan secara teologis maupun antroposentris. Dalam hukum positif di Indonesia, poligami diperbolehkan dengan syarat-syarat tertentu yang ketat dan di dalamnya terkenal dengan asas monogami. Syarat utama poligami baik dalam  fikih maupun dalam Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan adalah adil, baik secara lahir maupun secara batin. Poligami merupakan hak yang hanya dimiliki oleh suami dan tidak dimiliki oleh istri. Secara filosofi hukum Islam, poligami tentu saja bukan karena hanya untuk kepuasan biologis semata. Namun lebih dari itu, poligami dimaknai sebagai solusi untuk menyelesaikan sejumlah persoalan sosial seperti adanya anak yatim yang kurang mampu, perlindungan janda yang lemah dan lain-lain. Poligami secara filosofi juga memiliki makna perlindungan, menghindari perbuatan keji, dan keadilan bagi kaum feminis. Namun dalam praktinya di Indonesia, makna filosofi poligami dalam UU Perkawinan dianggap sejumlah pihak tidak dapat diwujudkan efektif. Hal ini disebabkan karena tidak adanya sanksi yang tegas, lemahnya administrasi, dan lemahnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam menaati aturan agama dan UU Perkawinan di Indonesia.]

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 169-193
Salman Alfarisi

This article is a study of the commercialization practice of secret marriage in Pekoren Village, Rembang Subdistrict, Pasuruan Regency, East Java Province. Secret marriage is carried out by the community using a broker service. In carrying out its duties, the broker asks for payment in the form of dowry money for operational costs and paying for the services of the Kyai who marry off. This case was analyzed using the eyes of Islamic law and juridical law. While the method used is a descriptive qualitative research method by collecting data through reading or reviewing the expressions and behaviors observed from the speakers in the field. From the field it is described, that the commercialization of secret marriage in Pekoren Village is a fixation of the price of dowry as an operational cost that uses the services of kyai and brokers to find the type of women wanted by interested person. In Islamic law, secret marriage is a legal marriage with the fulfillment of requirements and pillars of marriage. Brokers in this case can be categorized as buying and selling because of doing business, but it is still not suggested in Islam. In Positive Law, unregistered marriage is not valid because one element is not fulfilled, namely marriage recording. In line with these conclusions, the holders of the marriage registration policy must emphasize the regulation of marriage registration. For religious leaders, should not facilitate the  secret marriage ceremonies which are patterned as pleasure.

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