Organizing programming classes in informatics courses and extracurricular activities using the trik studio programming environment

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (8) ◽  
pp. 5-11
S. A. Beshenkov ◽  
M. I. Shutikova ◽  
V. I. Filippov

The article discusses the opportunities provided by the TRIK Studio programming and modeling environment in the process of organizing programming training in informatics course and in extracurricular activities with students of the 7th and 8th grades. The article provides a brief overview of TRIK studio, and suggests thematic planning of the lesson cycle using it. A fragment of a training session is presented, which discusses the basics of controlling a two-dimensional robot model and the implementation of linear algorithms for it. The materials of the article will introduce informatics teachers and teachers of additional education to the main methodological approaches to the use of the TRIK Studio programming environment in the educational process and will contribute to the organization of informatics lessons and extracurricular activities using this software.

2021 ◽  
pp. 78-88
Elena Veniaminovna Evdokimova ◽  
Liliya Nikolaevna Kislaya ◽  

Problem and Aim. The system of Russian higher education provides opportunities for master’s degree studies in one direction for bachelors with different formed professional competencies, therefore, the task of overcoming the competence imbalance, development and alignment of competencies among all undergraduates is urgent for a university teacher. The purpose of the article is to identify the role of project activities in the formation of professional competencies among undergraduate students studying in the direction of “Pedagogical Education (Media Education)”. Methodology. The conducted content analysis of final qualification works revealed the main types of media projects developed and implemented by undergraduates: media projects related to the work of press centers of educational institutions and institutions of additional education; media projects aimed at organizing and conducting creative competitions, media festivals, specialized shifts; Internet projects, the use of multimedia in the educational process; creation of films, videos, media texts. With the help of a questionnaire survey of graduates, a high level of formation among masters of professional competencies in the use of multimedia tools in educational and extracurricular activities was revealed. In conclusion, it is concluded that in the development and implementation of media projects, undergraduates develop the necessary professional competencies both in the field of journalism and in the field of media pedagogy.

Анатолий Александрович Бельчусов

Проблемы разработки информационно-образовательных сред для организации и сопровождения учебного процесса, в том числе и по информатике, вызывают заслуженный интерес у многих исследователей. Тем не менее, вопросы создания информационно-образовательных сред для организации и сопровождения внеурочной деятельности, которая активно развивается как в самих школах, так и в учреждениях дополнительного образования, остаются непроработанными. В данной статье автор рассуждает о принципах построения таких систем, поясняя это на конкретных примерах из своего практического опыта по конструированию информационно-образовательных сред для организации и сопровождения дистанционных олимпиад и конкурсов. В ходе исследования сформулированы принципы создания информационно-образовательной среды: интеллектуализация; мобильность; интеграция с социальными сетями; интеграция с другими образовательными сервисами; мультимедиа и формат; соответствие контента содержательным линиям обучения информатике. Уделено особое внимание принципам, связанным с интеграцией, ввиду того что ресурсы для внеурочной деятельности школьников в последние десятилетия создаются достаточно активно, но обмен данными между ними, а также между ними и системами дистанционного обучения либо сильно затруднен, либо вообще невозможен. Автором показано, что работа в информационно-образовательной среде внеурочной деятельности оказывает положительное влияние на учителей и учеников. В частности, у учеников повышается самооценка, развиваются коммуникативные навыки, формируется интерес к информатике. The development of information and educational environments for the organization and support of the educational process, including Computer Science, draws attention of many researchers. Nevertheless, the issues of creation of information and educational environments to organize and support extracurricular activities, which are actively developing both in schools and in institutions of additional education, remain unsolved. The author discusses the principles of developing such systems, illustrating them with the examples from his practical experience in designing information and educational environments for organizing and supporting distance competitions and contests. The study resulted in developing the principles of creating an information-educational environment: intellectualization; mobility; integration with social networks; integration with other educational services; multimedia and format; compliance of the content with the content lines of teaching Computer Science. The author pays special attention to the principles of integration, in view of the fact that the resources for extracurricular activities for school-children have been actively developed lately; however, the exchange of data between them, as well as between them and distance learning systems, is either rather complicated or impossible at all. The author has shown that extracurricular activities in information and educational environment have a positive effect both on teachers and students. Among other effects, there is a boost in students’ self-esteem, communicative skills, and interest in Computer Science.

Irina A. Bukina ◽  
Tat'yana V. Gudina ◽  
Denis A. Bukin

The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of moral ideas of disabled teenage children in school socio-cultural space during extra-curricular activities and electives. Thus, the level of formation of moral ideas of disabled teenage children, revealed during research work, led to the conclusion that insufficient use of the potential of additional education and possible integration with general education on the basis of common thematic lines (elective classes, excursions, circle activities, etc.) when working with this category of children. The proposed guidelines in the form of an experimental programme for the formation of moral representations of disabled teenage children in school socio-cultural space during extracurricular activities and electives will allow to solve educational and upbringing tasks aimed at involving children in the basic spiritual and moral values of society, to build a holistic educational process on the basis of a common goal.

Saule Ibragimova

The article deals with theoretical insights into the meaningful use of extracurricular leisure time by high school students in secondary educational institutions. The article also describes the main goals and objectives of additional education for school pupils. The article discusses how students can spend their free time through physical education and sports, maintaining and improving their health, as well as meaningful extracurricular activities. KEY WORDS: additional education, leisure, physical education, culture, pedagogy, initiative.

Е.И. Чучкалова ◽  
О.Г. Маскина

Статья посвящена организации учебного процесса в высшей школе. Авторы, в частности, считают, что лекционные и практические занятия должны начинаться и заканчиваться разминкой, подразумевающей выполнение коротких упражнений. С помощью специально проведенного исследования в работе анализируются структурные особенности учебных разминок, уточняются их отличия от бизнес-разминок, применяемых в ходе тренингов, а также рассматривается с содержательной и организационной точек зрения специфика применения разминок в высшей школе. Выводы сделаны с учетом мнения преподавателей и студентов, уже имеющих опыт участия в разминках. Научная новизна публикации заключается в расширении представлений о возможностях, которые открываются при использовании разминок в учебном процессе. В статье проведена их классификация по различным критериям: виду активности, массовости, желаемому результату, формату проведения. Кроме того, автор обобщил собственный практический опыт использования инструментов бизнес-тренингов, накопленный в ходе подготовки бакалавров и магистрантов, привел примеры наиболее популярных упражнений в каждой группе матрицы разминок. Особое внимание уделено разминкам, сопровождающим вебинары, что продолжает оставаться чрезвычайно актуальным в свете современного перехода на смешанный формат обучения в профессиональном образовании. Статья предназначена для преподавателей и студентов высших и средних профессиональных образовательных организаций. The article focuses on the organization of the educational process in higher education. The author, in particular, believes that lectures and practical classes should begin and end with a warm-up, which implies doing short exercises. With the help of specially conducted research, the paper analyzes the structural features of training warm-ups, clarifies their differences from business warm-ups used during training, and also considers the specifics of using warm-ups in higher education from a substantive and organizational point of view. The conclusions are made considering the opinions of teachers and students who already have experience of doing warm-ups. The scientific novelty of the publication lies in bringing better understanding of the opportunities that open up with using warm-ups in the educational process. The article classifies them according to various criteria: the type of activity, mass character, the desired result, the format of the event. In addition, the author summarized his own practical experience of using business training tools during the preparation of bachelors and undergraduates gave examples of the most popular exercises in each group of the warm-up matrix. Special attention is paid to the warm-ups accompanying webinars, which continues to be extremely relevant in the light of the modern transition to a mixed format of training in vocational education. The article is intended for teachers and students of higher and secondary professional educational organizations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
L. L. Bosova ◽  
A. Yu. Bosova ◽  
V. I. Filippov

The article substantiates the relevance of early teaching in programming and describes a possible variant of such work with students in grades 3–6 as part of the course of extracurricular activities of general intellectual orientation. The potential of the course in achieving personal, metasubject and subject results by students is revealed. Thematic planning and content of teaching younger schoolchildren in the Scratch programming environment are presented. The main idea of the methodology for conducting extracurricular activities with junior schoolchildren is stated: working with ready-made examples according to the "use - change - addition - creation" scheme, which allows students to create digital products (multimedia postcards, interactive posters, games, simulators and quizzes).

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 292-297
Viktoria Vladimirovna Sagaydachnaya ◽  
Vadim Aleksandrovich Sagaydachny

The paper is devoted to the urgent problem of schoolchildrens meta-subject competences development, which requires optimal methodological approaches identification and specific teaching tasks development. The authors, on the basis of a categorical-conceptual apparatus analysis of a competence-based approach to learning, identify and analyze characteristic features of didactic means used for these competences development. The paper discusses a possibility of integral cognitive tasks use as a means of schoolchildrens meta-subject competences development for teaching natural science subjects, in particular, Chemistry. The paper also presents principles for integrated cognitive tasks development, contains their characteristics as well as examples of such tasks. An important condition for meta-subject competences evaluation is the choice of tools that allow them to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis. The authors have shown that it is possible to use integral cognitive tasks for assessing the level of schoolchildrens meta-subject competences development. They also provide diagnostic tools and present an example of task assessment. The paper discusses meta-subject results; their achievement is possible when teaching Chemistry at a secondary school, an attempt is made to correlate them with meta-subject competences. The results of an experimental test allow us to speak about the effectiveness of the developed system application at a secondary school if integral cognitive tasks are used as a complex in the educational process.

The article attempts to comprehend the essence and possibility of forming discourse competence among foreign and Russian students with simultaneous immersion in patriotic discourse. It is highlighted that the addition of the humanitarian series of “History of Civilizations” and “Features of Russian Civilization” to the educational process at the university creates the necessary pedagogical conditions for organizing a special linguo-ethno-cultural environment that forms active social interaction of authors within the framework of the medical and patriotic linguistic scenario. The authors of the article conducted a semantic and historical analysis of interpretations of the concept of “patriotism” that were studied from the point of view of traditional and liberal culture. The article presents the results of a socio-pedagogical study of students' perceptions of this concept. The article describes various theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of the concepts of “discourse” and “discursive picture of the world” as well as psycholinguistic features of the method of semantic differential. Special attention in the article is paid to the typologies of discourse presented in the scientific literature. The authors of the article present the principle of genre and the principle of thematic correlation as the basis for distinguishing between types of discourse and highlight differences in language and discursive pictures of the world. The tasks of educators is to form not only purely medical discursive competence, but also to immerse the listener in “correctly” interpreted picture, saturated with verbal patterns that allow to create statements of patriotic content.

Ю.В. Варданян ◽  
К.А. Кукса

Актуальность статьи обусловлена необходимостью усиления развивающих возможностей и творческой направленности деятельности в системе дополнительного образования детей. Цель статьи заключается в апробации идей, относящихся к обоснованию и реализации психолого-педагогических условий, способствующих приобщению обучающихся к продуктивно-созидательной деятельности и развитию их художественной продуктивно-созидательной компетенции в образовательном процессе детской школы искусств. Авторами приведена характеристика уровня компонентов исследуемой компетенции, обоснована программа ее развития. Для доказательства эффективности реализации программы и созданных условий сравнивались изменения исследуемой компетенции. В экспериментальной группе доказана значимость сдвига количественных данных уровня компонентов исследуемой компетенции с помощью критерия знаков G по всем оцениваемым параметрам: Gэмп. < Gкр. при p < 0,01. В контрольной группе значимых изменений не обнаружено. В статье обобщены общие и дифференцированные психолого-педагогические условия приобщения обучающихся экспериментальной группы к продуктивно-созидательной деятельности, подходы к созданию которых могут быть использованы в прикладных исследованиях и в образовательном процессе учреждений дополнительного образования детей. The relevance of the article is determined by the need to strengthen the developing capabilities and creative orientation of activity in the system of additional education of children. The purpose of the article is to test the ideas related to the justification and implementation of psycho-pedagogical conditions that contribute to involving students in productive and creative activity and developing their artistic productive and creative competence in the educational process of children’s art school. The authors characterize the level of components of the competence and substantiate the program of its development. To prove the effectiveness of the program implementation and the created conditions, changes in the competence of students were compared. In the experimental group, the significance of the shift in the quantitative data of the level of the competence components was proved using the criterion of signs G for all the estimated parameters: Gemf. < p < 0,01. No significant changes were found in the control group. The article summarizes the general and differentiated psycho-pedagogical conditions for involving students of the experimental group in productive and creative activity, approaches to the creation of which can be used in applied research and in the educational process.

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