scholarly journals Membangun Keharmonisan Antar Etnis Lokal Gorontalo dengan Etnis Bali dalam Mewujudkan Negara Multikulturalisme di Desa Tri Rukun Kecamatan Wonosari Kabupaten Boalemo Provinsi Gorontalo dan Implikasinya terhadap Ketahanan Wilayah

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 025
Roni Lukum

The research objective is expected to find out how the Tri Rukun village government efforts in building harmony between Gorontalo local ethnicities and Balinese ethnicity in realizing a multiculturalism state and its implications for regional resilience. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the harmonious relationship between the local ethnic Gorontalo and the Balinese is in a very strong qualitative position in realizing a multiculturalism country, because the indicators of competition, acculturation, cooperation, accommodation, assimilation, conflict are not found in Tri Rukun village. Likewise with the indicators of regional resilience, the ideological dimension, the political dimension, the economic dimension, the socio-cultural dimension and the defense and security dimension, there are no threats and obstacles in realizing a multiculturalism state. Thus the results of research in Tri Rukun village show that the condition of regional resilience has a very strong index in building a multiculturalism country where the Tri Rukun village community highly upholds egalitarian attitudes, tolerance, cooperation, autonomy and accommodative attitudes as the principles of a multiculturalism state. Hopefully the achievements of the Boalemo district government will succeed in maintaining the harmonious relationship that has been achieved by the Tri Rukun village government in realizing a multiculturalism country can be maintained.Tujuan penelitian diharapkan dapat mengetahui  bagaimana upaya pemerintah desa Tri Rukun dalam membangun keharmonisan antar etnis lokal Gorontalo dengan etnis Bali dalam mewujudkan negara multikulturalisme dan implikasinya terhadap ketahanan wilayah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan hubungan harmonis antar etnis lokal Gorontalo dengan etnis Bali berada pada posisi kualitatif sangat tangguh didalam mewujudkan negara multikulturalisme, karena indikator kompetisi, akulturasi, kerjasama, akomodasi,  asimilasi, konflik tidak ditemukan di desa Tri Rukun. Demikian halnya dengan indikator ketahanan wilayah dimensi ideologi, dimensi politik,  dimensi ekonomi, dimensi sosial budaya dan dimensi pertahanan dan keamanan tidak ditemukan gangguan ancaman dan hambatan dalam mewujudkan negara multikulturalisme. Dengan demikian hasil penelitian di desa Tri Rukun menunjukan kondisi ketahanan wilayah memiliki indeks sangat tangguh dalam membangun negara multikulturalisme dimana masyarakat desa Tri Rukun sangat menjunjung tinggi sikap egalitarian, sikap toleransi, sikap kerjasama, sikap otonom dan sikap akomodatif sebagai prinsip dari negara multikulturalisme. Semoga prestasi pemerintah kabupaten Boalemo berhasil menjaga hubungan harmonis yang telah dicapai oleh pemerintah desa Tri Rukun dalam mewujudkan negara multikulturalisme dapat dipertahankan.

Urban History ◽  
1995 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 360-379 ◽  
Martin Powell

This paper examines the relatively neglected topic of municipal public health expenditure in the inter-war period, and emphasizes two neglected dimensions: the political and the geographical. After justifying the importance of the topic and the approach and giving some details of municipal public health provision, a quantitative analysis of expenditure in the urban county boroughs is presented. In general, the analysis tends to argue against conventional wisdom in stressing the political dimension instead of the economic dimension in explaining the pattern of expenditure, giving a positive answer to the question posed in the title.

Ana Luisa Alves Cordeiro ◽  
Maria José De Jesus Alves Cordeiro ◽  
Márcia Maria de Medeiros

Abstract: the impeachment process of the elected President Dilma Rousseff (2011-2016/Interrupted) in Brazil, besides its political and economic dimension, national and international, is characterized by macho, racist and heteronormative delineations, directly affecting identity groups, among them those of women, peasants, ethnic-racial and LGBTs. The aim of this article is to analyze some (ultra)conservative trends in educational policies in the treatment of gender and sexuality issues without disregarding other intersectionalities. The analysis has as theoretical reference referential that interface education, gender and ethnic-racial relations. It is a qualitative approach, constituting two axes: bibliographical and documentary. The expressive advance, especially in the political sphere, of the aforementioned tendencies, works in the dismantling of rights related to gender issues in the sphere of education, articulating the ethnic-racial and sexual orientation issues, thus characterizing the setbacks that operate intersectionally.Os Desafios da Educação nas Questões de Gênero e Sexualidade em Tempos de CriseResumo: o processo de impeachment da presidenta eleita Dilma Rousseff (2011-2016/Interrompido), no Brasil, além de sua dimensão política e econômica, nacional e internacional, se caracteriza com delineamentos machistas, racistas e heteronormativos, afetando diretamente grupos identitários, entre os quais os de mulheres, campesinos, étnico-raciais e LGBTs. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar algumas implicações de tendências (ultra)conservadoras nas políticas educacionais no trato das questões de gênero e sexualidade sem desconsiderar outras interseccionalidades. A análise tem como aporte teórico referenciais que fazem a interface educação, gênero e relações étnico-raciais. É de abordagem qualitativa, constituindo-se de dois eixos: bibliográfico e documental. O avanço expressivo, em especial na esfera política, de tendências supra citadas atua no desmonte de direitos relacionados às questões de gênero na esfera da educação, articulando-se às questões étnico-raciais e de orientação sexual, caracterizando-se assim em retrocessos que operam interseccionalmente.

Christian Fuchs

Co-operation has its specific meanings in physical (dissipative), biological (autopoietic) and social (re-creative) systems. On upper hierarchical systemic levels there are additional, emergent properties of co-operation, co-operation evolves dialectically. The focus of this paper is human cooperation. Social systems permanently reproduce themselves in a loop that mutually connects social structures and actors. Social structures enable and constrain actions, they are medium and outcome of social actions. This reflexive process is termed re-creation and describes the process of social selforganization. Co-operation in a very weak sense means coaction and takes place permanently in re-creative systems: two or more actors act together in a co-ordinated manner so that a new emergent property emerges. Co-action involves the formation of forces, environment and sense (dispositions, decisions, definitions). Mechanistic approaches conceive coaction in terms of rational planning, consciousness, intention, predictability, and necessity. Holistic approaches conceive coaction in terms of spontaneity, unconscious and unintended actions, non-predictability, chance. Dialectic approaches conceive co-action in terms of a unity of rational planning and spontaneous emergence, a unity of conscious and unconscious aspects and consequences, and a unity of necessity and chance. Co-operation in a strong sense that is employed in this paper means that actors work together, create a new emergent reality, have shared goals, all benefit from co-operating, can reach their goals in joint effort more quickly and more efficiently than on an individual basis, make concerted use of existing structures in order to produce new structures, learn from each other mutually, are interconnected in a social network, and are mutually dependent and responsible. There is a lack of cooperation, self-determination, inclusion and direct democracy in modern society due to its antagonistic structures. This today culminates in global problems such as the ecological crisis, high risk technologies, poverty, unemployment, wars, armed conflicts, terrorism, etc. In order to solve these problems our social systems need re-design in terms of ecological sustainability, alliance technology, participatory economy, participatory democracy, and participatory culture. Participation is an integrated notion that is based on co-operation, selfdetermination, and inclusion in multiple dimensions. A system can be considered as participatory if power in the system is distributed in such a way that all members and concerned individuals can own the system co-operatively and can produce, decide and live in the system co-operatively. Participation is frequently understood in the very narrow sense of concerned people taking somehow part in decision processes. Such an understanding is limited to the political dimension and says nothing about the scope and dimension of participation. There are several dimensions of participation in a social system or in society: producing, owning, consuming (economic dimension), deciding, goal-setting, evaluating (political dimension), forming knowledge/norms/values/images/visions, communicating, networking, self-realizing (cultural dimension). Participation in each of these ten dimensions can be low, medium or high/full. The participation matrix describes the degree of participation in an organization/society with the help of the three dimensions of economy, politics and culture and an analysis of the scope of participation (economic, political, cultural).

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 314-327
Ribka Aprilia Murtikasari ◽  
Tukiman Tukiman

Kayutangan Heritage Village is a tourism village that presents the authenticity of the village with all the historical relics in the form of buildings with Dutch colonial pattern, culinary, and socio-cultural people in it that become an attraction to be visited and enjoyed so as to bring up memories of the past. Kayutangan Heritage Village is managed and developed independently by The Tourism Conscious Group (Pokdarwis). This study aims to know, describe and analyze the Development of Tourism Villages through a Community Based Tourism (CBT) Approach in Kayutangan Heritage Village, Malang. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. Sampling techniques used are purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The results of this study show that Kayutangan Heritage Village has fulfilled all dimensions of CBT development, namely economic dimension, social dimension, cultural dimension, environmental dimension and political dimension as has been conveyed through the theory of CBT development dimension by Suansri quoted by Sunaryo (2013:142). However, the implementation of the development of Kayutangan Heritage Village through CBT has not been optimal, because there are some things that are still not considered in the economic and environmental dimensions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 39 (9) ◽  
pp. 1323-1343 ◽  
Luc K. Audebrand ◽  
Marcos Barros

This paper examines how alternative economic organizations can fight inequality without help from traditional partners such as social movement organizations. We focus on co-operatives’ successful battle against corporate dominance in the Québec funeral industry. We analyse their actions through the lens of Nancy Fraser’s tridimensional theory of justice, which utilizes the cultural dimension of recognition, political dimension of representation, and economic dimension of distribution. We demonstrate how funeral co-ops empowered their federation to influence institutional inequality while maintaining a co-op identity by embodying the potentially contradictory flexibility of social movements along with co-op principles. This paper contributes to scholarship on collective social action by exploring the dual role of model and movement played by secondary co-ops such as the federation of Québec funeral co-ops, which draws on local institutional and organizational resources to disrupt unfair structures. We also extend Fraser’s theory, using it as a framework for understanding the dynamic relationships between inequality and its potential remedies at different levels of analysis.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Indah Megawati ◽  
Hermanus Febry

The purpose of this study was to find out how community participation in planning and utilization of village fund allocations in Tanjung Jorong Village, Tualan Hulu District, East Kotawaringin Regency. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach, which is the source of data in this study, namely the Chief of Bangkuang Village, Village Staff and several people in Tanjung Jorong Village, Tualan Hulu Sub-District, East Kotawaringin Regency. Data collection techniques carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the level of participation of the Tanjung Jorong Village community can be seen in the stages of planning, utilization, and supervision classified as low. As expressed by Pusic (2006) that planning without taking into account community participation will make planning only on paper. And supporting and inhibiting factors are a) Cooperative and communicative support from the district government and village government in regulating ADD in Tanjung Jorong Village area so that accountability reporting can be reported with a predetermined time b) Village government attitudes that are transparent, accountable in utilizing ADD and c) Limitations on ADD funds that are still minimalist.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (02) ◽  
pp. 126-144
Isabela Veloso Lopes Versiani ◽  
Anete Marilia Pereira

O presente artigo, de escopo teórico a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica, tem como objetivo problematizar o lazer no cotidiano urbano a partir da compreensão e da existência de territórios para sua vivência. A categoria território tem ganhado cada vez mais destaque nos estudos que discutem o espaço e as relações de poder que nele evidenciam os agentes de sua produção e condicionam a sua apropriação. Nesse sentido, pensar os espaços de lazer como territórios nos leva a refletir sobre a própria configuração do lazer nas cidades, suas contradições e disputas. Como resultados, foram identificadas duas tendências retratadas a partir de dois espaços emblemáticos nas cidades contemporâneas: a emergência do lazer em territórios do consumo – marcada por relações capitalistas de mercado e pela dimensão econômica, como nos shoppings centers; que tem se sobreposto ao lazer em territórios da cidadania – marcado pela busca de sua efetivação como um direito social e pela dimensão política, como nos espaços públicos de praças e parques. Compreende-se, assim, que as relações entre o lazer e seus espaços urbanos como territórios são permeadas por tensões e interesses divergentes que se refletem em sua apropriação cotidiana, contribuindo para ampliar as possíveis análises entre esses dois campos.   SPACES AND LEISURE EXPERIENCES IN THE CITY: building territories ABSTRACT  This article, with a theoretical scope based on bibliographical research, aims to problematize leisure in urban everyday life through the understanding and existence of territories for its experience. The territory category has gained more and more prominence in the studies that discuss the space and the relations of power that evidence the agents of its production and influence its appropriation. In this sense, thinking about leisure spaces and experiences in urban daily life leads us to reflect on the very configuration of leisure in cities, its contradictions and disputes. As results, two tendencies portrayed from two emblematic spaces in contemporary cities were identified: the emergence of leisure in territories of consumption – marked by capitalist relations of the market and by the economic dimension, like in shopping malls; which has overlapped leisure in territories of citizenship – marked by the search of its effectiveness as a social right and by the political dimension, like in public spaces such as squares and parks. It is realized, therefore, that the relations between leisure and its urban spaces as territories are permeated by divergent tensions and interests that are reflected in its daily appropriation, contributing to expand the possible analyzes between these two fields. Keywords: Space. Territory. Leisure.Consumption.Citizenship.   ESPACIOS Y VIVENCIAS DEL OCIO EN LA CIUDAD: construyendo territorios RESUMEN El presente artículo, de alcance teórico a partir de investigación bibliográfica, tiene como objetivo problematizar el ocio en el cotidiano urbano a partir de la comprensión y de la existencia de territorios para su vivencia. La categoría territorio ha ganado cada vez más destaque en los estudios que discuten el espacio y las relaciones de poder que en él evidencian los agentes de su producción y condicionan su apropiación. En ese sentido, pensar los espacios de ocio como territorios nos lleva a reflexionar sobre la propia configuración del ocio en las ciudades, sus contradicciones y disputas. Como resultados, se identificaron dos tendencias retratadas a partir de dos espacios emblemáticos en las ciudades contemporáneas: la emergencia del ocio en territorios del consumo - marcada por relaciones capitalistas de mercado y por la dimensión económica, como en los centros comerciales; que se ha superpuesto al ocio en territorios de la ciudadanía, marcado por la búsqueda de su efectividad como un derecho social y por la dimensión política, como en los espacios públicos de plazas y parques. Se comprende, así, que las relaciones entre el ocio y sus espacios urbanos como territorios están impregnadas por tensiones e intereses divergentes que se reflejan en su apropiación cotidiana, contribuyendo a ampliar las posibles análisis entre esos dos campos. Palabras clave: Espacio. Territorio. Ocio. Consumo. Ciudadanía.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Putu Surya Adi Tama ◽  
Dewa Gede Wirama

This study aims to identify, analyze, and describe the accountability of village governments in the management of village fund allocation in 2018 budget year which includes the planning, implementation and accountability phases in Tumbu Village, Karangasem, so that it can be used by the government so that government organizations can run well, and efficiently. In this study, qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method was used. The results of the research indicate that administratively the Tumbu Village Government has been transparent and accountable in every stage of planning, implementation, and accountability of village fund allocation. However, the village government still finds it difficult to prepare the Budget Realization Report for the Implementation of the Budget Year 2018, so that the sub-district government needs to provide assistance and guidance Keywords: accountability, village government, management, village fund allocation, planning, implementation.

2020 ◽  
pp. 133-149
Luciana Silva DIAS ◽  
José Leonardo Rolim de Lima SEVERO

This article aims to discuss the meanings attributed by the pedagogues from the Service of Coexistence and Strengthening of Bonds, in the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba, about the didactic planning process that they develop in their socio-educational routine. The article is based on research that had a qualitative approach inspired by the focus on symbolic interactionism. For data collection, structured questionnaires were answered by 15 educators who are part of the service in João Pessoa. To analyze the data, content analysis was used. It was possible to realize that planning is part of the daily life of the professionals surveyed, with an emphasis on the technical-operational framework of the Service of Coexistence and Strengthening of Bonds and on interests highlighted by the students. The political dimension related to the social meaning of the action they plan is not very evident, which can lead to the loss of transformative power of Social Education practices in the Service of Coexistence and Strengthening of Bonds.

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