Farida Hanun, M.Pd

 AbstractThis paper aims: (i) to study the quality of the training and education program results (ii) to evaluate input, process, and product, and (iii) to formulate the policy strategy of the training and education program administration. The study used qualitative method through a CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) evaluation approach and was held at the Centre of Training and Education Program (Pusdiklat) and seven training and education halls (balai diklat) in Ministry of Religious Affairs. Data collection was obtained through questionnaire, interview, and literature study. Results showed the quality of the input components and the training and education program administration are categorized as Average (Cukup). Meanwhile, the output component (i.e. participant) is still categorized as Low (Rendah). Therefore, the Ministry of Religious Affairs is recommended: (i) to improve the participant recruitment system, (ii) to improve the trainers’ quality, (iii) to innovate the program curriculum, (iv) to serve the infrastructure for the training program, and (v) to encourage the technical training and education institution in attending the accreditation program held by the State Administration Agency (Lembaga Administrasi Negara, LAN), as an effort to improve the quality.Abstrak Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk  mengevaluasi kualitas hasil diklat aspek input, proses dan produk serta merumuskan strategi kebijakan penyelengraan diklat. Studi ini menggunakan metode kualitataif dengan pendekatan evaluasi Contex, Input, Procces, Product (CIPP) dan dilaksanakan di Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan (Pusdiklat) dan 7 Balai diklat di lingkungan Kementerian Agama. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara dan Studi Kepustakaan. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa  kualitas komponen input dan proses penyelenggaraan diklat dikatagorikan cukup. Sedangkan komponen output (peserta diklat)  masih berkualitas rendah. Oleh karena itu direkomendasikan agar Kementerian agama memperbaiki sistem rekruitmen peserta diklat, meningkatkan kualitas widyaiswara, melakukan inovasi kurikulum diklat, melengkapi sarana prasaana kediklatan dan mendorong lembaga diklat teknis mengikuti akreditasiyang diselenggarakan oleh  Lembaga Administrasi Negara (LAN) dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas.

2018 ◽  
lia nurhayati

This study is an evaluative studies that measurable the quality of community development trainingprogram in Indonesian Bank. Based on the result of observations show that the Indonesian Bank wasinstrumental in the karawo development. Which is a commodity in Gorontalo. Training conducted by IndonesianBanks are very diverse ranging from slicing and embroider karawo, business management through the creationof websites. Role in the development of Indonesian Banks karawo embroidered Festival Karawo shown in 2011and 2012. This study uses the evaluation approach, the method CIPP (Context, Input, Process and Product).Context of this research is the Indonesian Bank policy as outlined in the vision and mission of the UMKMdevelopment. Program planning, program goals and objectieves which listed in the Indonesian Bank regulationNo.14/22/PBI/2012. Input evaluations include : instructors, trainess, materials, facilities and infrastructure,financial resources. Process evaluation include implementation program and product evaluation provides for anincreased production and marketing. Based on these evaluation measurable success of the training program.Expected result of the research can be useful for the writer himself and the Indonesian Bank as organizingtraining course.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Erwin Erwin ◽  
I Permana ◽  
Muhammad Syaipul Hayat

Lab work is one of the ways taken not only to clarify the subject that have been taught but also to coached students to apply scientific methods in solving problems. In order to ensure the quality of practical implementation requires accurate data-based information support, a gradual evaluation system is needed to help make the right decisions in every action throughout the program. The evaluation approach used is the CIPP (context, input, process, and product). Data collection is through interviews, questionnaires and direct observation, The data collected at each stage of the evaluation were analyzed qualitatively with the descriptions

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 44
Sapira Sapira ◽  
Haratua Tiur Maria Silitonga ◽  
Syukran Mursyid

This research aims to present the evaluation result of a remedial program using the Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) model based on Technical Guidance by High School Directorate year 2010 in Physics Study in SMAN 1 Sekadau Hulu. This study is evaluative research with a descriptive quantitative approach. The data collection techniques used are by employing a questionnaire to the students of the MIA (Mathematics and Natural Sciences) Program, interviews with the school principal, deputy head of curriculum, and one teacher of Physics, as well as documentation. The research data analysis is through steps such as data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The data validation techniques used are the source and technique triangulation. The findings showed that (1) context evaluation carried out results in a percentage of 74.73%, categorized as sufficient. (2) Input evaluation carried out results in a rate of 56.88%, classified as low. (3) Process evaluation conducted results in a value of 74.07%, categorized as sufficient. (4) Product evaluation administered results in a percentage of 78.70%, categorized as high. The overall score of assessment on the remedial program in Physic instructions using CIPP evaluation is 71,09% with a category corresponding to the technical guidelines for the remedial program by the directorate of high school development year 2010. Therefore, this research is expected to contribute to improvements in remedial programs as a continuous effort in improving the quality of education programs.Keywords: CIPP Model, Evaluation, Remedial Program

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 69-80
Heri Wahyudi ◽  
Hari Setijono ◽  
Edy Mintarto

This research is aimed to evaluate the quality of the International Sportsman School in East Kalimantan. The evaluations are context, input, process, and product. The CIPP model developed by Sufflebeam is used as a method. The results revealed that the context reviewed from the background and purpose of the establishment has been following the need for coaching the young athletes. Input selection shows that the athlete distribution in 10 districts has not spread equally, yet. Moreover, the infrastructures need more intensive improvement and treatment. Process evaluation shows that the implementation of the academic process and achievement coaching has been following the existing criteria. Then, the product evaluation shows that the academic report is good enough. But, for certain sports, it needs additional improvement in the achievement of all aspects. Hence, it can be concluded that the success of nursery, coaching, training, and management of the International Sports School cannot be separated from the human resources and other supporting systems such as funding and infrastructure.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 179
Subar Junanto ◽  
Nur Arini Asmaul Kusna

The Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) evaluation model is commonly used to evaluate a program, including a learning program. This study aimed at assessing the implementation of the learning program in Inclusive Early Childhood Education (PAUD) using the CIPP model. This is a qualitative study at the Lazuardi Kamila GIS Surakarta Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten. Data are collected through observation and interviews. The finding of the context evaluation showed that in the planning, the therapist and the teacher coordinated to determine the material. The input evaluation showed the availability of necessary facilities provided by the school. In the process evaluation showed that children with disabilities were educated in the same class and curriculum with other students and curriculum; only their assessment was made different as reflected in the IEP (Individualized Education Program). Product evaluation showed that Pra TK-TK Lazuardi Kamila GIS Surakarta has provided an inclusive education.[Evaluasi dengan model Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) digunakan untuk menilai sebuah program, termasuk program pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pembelajaran di sebuah Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) inklusif dengan menggunakan model evaluasi CIPP. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus di Pra TK dan TK Lazuardi Kamila Global Islamic School Surakarta. Metode pengambilan data meliputi observasi dan wawancara terhadap guru pendamping Khusus (GPK), guru kelas, dan kepala sekolah. Hasil evaluasi context menunjukkan bahwa pada aspek perencanaan pembelajaran, terapis dan guru berkoordinasi untuk menentukan materi yang akan diberikan ke siswa. Evaluasi input menunjukkan  ketersediaan sarana prasarana yang didukung oleh alat-alat dari Pelangi. Evaluasi proses menunjukkan pembelajaran antara peserta didik reguler dengan anak difabel disamakan dan hanya ketika evaluasi untuk anak difabel sesuai dengan IEP (Individualized Education Program) yang telah ditentukan terapis dan guru sentra. Evaluasi produk menunjukkan bahwa layanan inkusi telah dilakukan oleh  lembaga ini.]

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 416-426
Hartini Hartini ◽  
Rugaiyah Rugaiyah ◽  
Abdul Kahar

The purpose of this study was to comprehensively identify and describe the implementation and achievement of the educational objectives of the specialization development education program for the 2018 fiscal year at the National Police's First Level Leadership School. This research was conducted on the results of specialization Education and Development students (which we hereinafter called Dikbangspes) who are located at Jl. Ciputat Raya no.40 Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta. Starting from January to July 2018. The methodology used is the evaluation approach, with the CIPP model (Context, Input, Process, and Product) developed by Daniel Leroy Stufflebeam. The findings of the research are that the program priorities and objectives have been matched with the human resource needs of the National Police, and the education program is expected to be sufficiently responsive to the assessed needs plan, namely quantity (number of Polri personnel) and quality (demand for professionalism) as challenges for human resources. Police. The process of implementing the Dikbangspes at the Sespimma Polri from stage I to stage III is in accordance with the predetermined activity and implementation plans. The results of the assessment on the academic aspect of all subjects carried out by the National Police Sespimma to their students, all of whom get a score above the minimum pass threshold so that they are declared to pass. Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan secara komprehensif pelaksanaan dan capaian tujuan pendidikan program pendidikan pengembangan spesialisasi tahun anggaran 2018 di Sekolah Pimpinan Tingkat Pertama Polri. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada hasil peserta didik Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Spesialisasi (yang selanjutnya kita sebut Dikbangspes) yang beralamat di Jl. Ciputat Raya no.40 Kebayoran Lama Jakarta Selatan. Dimulai pada bulan Januari sampai Juli 2018. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah pendekatan  yang digunakan  adalah evaluasi, dengan model CIPP (Context,  Input,  Process,  dan Product)  yang dikembangkan  oleh  Daniel  Leroy Stufflebeam. Temuan penelitin adalah prioritas dan tujuan program yang ditetapkan telah dimbangi dengan kebutuhan sumber daya manusia Polri, dan program pendidikan yang diharapkan cukup responsif terhadap rencana kebutuhan yang telah dinilai yaitu kuantitas (jumlah personel Polri) dan kualitas (tuntutan profesionalisme) sebagai tantangan bagi sumber daya manusia Polri. Proses pelaksanaan dikbangspes di Sespimma Polri dari tahap I hingga tahap III sesuai dengan rencana kegiatan dan pelaksanaan yang telah ditetapkan. Hasil penilaian pada aspek akademik terhadap semua mata pelajaran yang dilakukan oleh Sespimma Polri kepada peserta didiknya, semuanya mendapatkan nilai diatas batas minimal lulus sehingga dinyatakan lulus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 377
Anggarda Paramita Muji ◽  
Nurhizrah Gistituati ◽  
Alwen Bentri ◽  
Fris Okta Falma

Learning evaluation is to find out how far the progress, development, and success of students after carrying out the learning process within the specified time period is, including the evaluation of the innovative learning curriculum, namely the <em>sekolah penggerak</em> curriculum. The purpose of this study is to describe the evaluation of the school curriculum using the Context, Input, Process and Product (CIPP) evaluation model. Qualitative research designed in the form of case study research. The research subjects were the principal, curriculum representative, and school supervisor. Determination of research subjects was carried out purposively. Data collection techniques using observation sheets and data analysis techniques used are descriptive statistics. Research findings using the Context, Input, Process and Product (CIPP) is seen from the Context, Input, Process and Product aspects that the implementation of the <em>sekolah penggerak</em> curriculum is in accordance with the learning objectives. The implementation of this curriculum innovation is expected to have an impact on the quality of learning outcomes, the quality of the main competencies, the quality of teachers, the acceleration of school digitization and the profile of Pancasila students.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Fajriyah Fajriyah

Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan dan memahami: Kurikulum kulliyatul mu’allimin al-islamiyah; Implementasi kurikulum kulliyatul mu’allimin al-islamiyah; Faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat kurikulum kulliyatul mu’allimin al-islamiyah; dan Strategi mengatasi faktor penghambat kurikulum kulliyatul mu’allimin al-islamiyah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan penelitian studi multi situs. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu: kurikulum KMI di TMI dan MMI perumusan kurikulum KMI didasarkan filosofi yang tercermin dari visi dan misi yang diturunkan dalam tujuan dan disusun dalam langkah yang opersional. Faktor pendukung: terdapat kedisiplinan yang ditanamkan kepada guru dan santri; SDM yang berkompeten; kepedulian orang tua dan masyarakat; dan  strategi mengatasi faktor penghambat kurikulum KMI di TMI dan MMI, memaksimalkan penggunaan teknologi informasi (IT) dalam proses pembelajaran, peningkatan kualitas SDM dengan mengikutsertakan guru dalam pelatihan dan pendidikan di pesantren maupun di luar pesantren. guru berperan aktif. Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Kurikuilum, KMI.   Abstract:   While the purpose of this research are to describe: The curriculum of  kulliyatul mu’allimin al-islamiyah; Implementation of  curriculum of kulliyatul mu’allimin al-islamiyah; Factor of support and factor pursuer of curriculum of kulliyatul mu’allimin al-islamiyah; and Strategy to overcome factor of pursuer of curriculum of kulliyatul mu’allimin al-islamiyah. Results of this research are: curriculum KMI in TMI and MMI: the first, curriculum formulating of KMI based philosophy that taken by vision and mission applied the aim and arranged  in step operational, the curriculum implementation KMI and MMI boarding house as formal education institution and non formal to do learning process for 24 hour, support factor and pursuer factor of curriculum KMI in TMI and MMI,pursuer factor are: minimize boarding house facility; limited financial ; the civil participation is low because the perception’s parent and society delegated fully to the boarding house leader, support factor: get discipline  given to the student and teacher; labor force competitive; parent and society care; the strategy to overcome pursuer factor of curriculum KMI in TMI and MMI maximal  using of information technology  (IT) in learning processes, improving quality of  labor force by teacher participate in training and education at boarding house and out boarding house. the teacher roles actively

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-229
Egidius Virgo ◽  
Slameto Slameto

The aim of this study is to evaluate the context, input, process, and product of the Principal Managerial Program in a Salatiga Private Elementary School. This study is evaluative research using CIPP models. The data collection includes interviews, documentation studies, and observations. The data validation was technique and resource triangulation. The study results: a) the context evaluation showed the managerial program of principals in private elementary schools is indeed very much needed by school stakeholders; b) the input evaluation showed the principal managerial program has been prepared to meet stakeholder needs, but has not been supported by human resources, funding, and adequate infrastructure; c) the process evaluation showed the principal’s managerial program carried out based on management functions namely: planning, organizing, supervision, and assessment. Even though it is constrained in terms of human resources, funding, and infrastructure, but the principal still can carry out a minimum managerial program, d) the product evaluation showed the Private Elementary School achieves more in the non-academic field than in the academic field, although from year to year there is a slight increase in the quality of student learning outcomes.

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