2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Mamat Salamet Burhanuddin ◽  
Noer Diana Kholida

This study aims to discuss Maqāsidī exegesis in the tafsir of al-Nibrās fī Tafsīr al-Qur’an al-Karīm by Alī Jum’ah. As a figure on fiqh studies, Alī Jum’ah’s exegesis was born from a very strong maqāsid nuance, mainly related to contemporary legal issues. This article discusses how the epistemology of the maqāsidī exegesis used by Alī Jum’ah in interpreting the Qur’an and how the nuances of the maqāsid play a role in responding to contemporary problems. By using thematic writing techniques on legal verses and using descriptive analysis methods, this research results in the conclusion that the epistemology of maqāsidī which is applied in the book al-Nibrās fī Tafsīr al-Qur’ān al-Karīm prioritizes fiqh analysis and fiqh principles rather than discussion of tafsīr as in general. Through the maqāsidi’s approaches which are based on these principles, Ali Jum’ah tends to study us}ūl al-Fiqh and maqāsid rather than the interpretation itself. This research also confirms that a person’s scientific background also gives colors and patterns in interpreting the Qur’an

Erni Saptiowati S.

This research aimed to analyze the effects of knowledge, training, and competency on the performance, which local public agricultural mentors/officers in the Yapen Islands Regency are the unit analysis. Of 100 respondents were used as the saturated sample in this research. The research applied a survey method and used a five-point Likert scale as the instrument and the statistics program SPSS to analyze data. The analysis methods included descriptive analysis, validity and reliability tests, classical assumption test, and regression analysis. The research results show that the variables knowledge, training, and competency had significant positive effects on local public agricultural mentors' performance at the Yapen Islands Regency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 177-194
Try Setyo Budi ◽  
Selamet Rahmadi ◽  
Parmadi Parmadi

The research objective is to see and analyze: 1). The development of regional taxes, local levies, regional spending, and economic growth as seen from the value of PDRB Jambi Province during the period 2002-2018, 2). The effect of local taxes and levies on regional spending in Jambi Province during 2002-2018 and 3). The influence of local taxes and levies on economic growth in Jambi Province during the period 2002-2018. The analysis method in this study uses quantitative and descriptive analysis methods, namely development, semi-log, and double logarithmic multiple regression analysis. The research results during the years 2002-2018, obtained: 1). The average regional tax increased by 17.03 percent, the average provincial levy increased by 16.49 percent, the average regional expenditure increased by 16.04 percent, and economic growth grew by 5.76 percent. 2). Partially (individually) or collectively, local taxes and levies have a positive and significant effect on spending on the Jambi Province at α = 5% during the period 2002-2018 and 3). Partially (individually) or collectively, local taxes and levies have a positive and significant effect on economic growth in Jambi Province at α = 5% during the period 2002-2018.  Keywords: Local taxes, Regional levies, Regional expenditures, Economic growth

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Aditya Subur Purwana ◽  
Wahyu Hidayat ◽  
Mursal Maulana

Submission of Certificate of Origin (e-Form D) is conducted through a three-layer system named ASW Gateway, LNSW, and CEISA has raised issues related to the period/time of receipt of e-Form D given by customs authorities for the purposes of charging preferential tariffs in the ATIGA scheme. This article aims to analyze the legal certainty in submitting e-Form D to the customs authorities in the importing country, in this case, the Directorate General of Customs and Excise for the purpose of charging preferential tariffs, so that it can be in line with the presentation principle based on the ATIGA OCP and Indonesian domestic legal provisions. The research method used is a normative juridical approach with descriptive analysis and normative qualitative to draw conclusions. Based on the research, it was concluded that with regard to the submission of e-Form D, Customs and Excise Officials must have confidence based on factual evidence to determine whether the principle of submission of e-Form D has been accomplished or refused when an interruption in the ASW Gateway, LNSW or CEISA happened so the Customs Officer and Excise can determine tariffs based on OCP as well as domestic law in force in Indonesia.Keywords: ATIGA, Customs Authority, Directorate General of Customs and Excise, e-Form D, Tariffs Preference.ABSTRAK: Penyerahan SKA e-Form D dilakukan melalui tiga layer system yakni ASW Gateway, LNSW, dan CEISA memunculkan permasalahan terkait dengan jangka waktu/saat diterimanya e-Form D oleh otoritas kepabeanan untuk kepentingan pengenaan tarif preferensi dalam skema ATIGA. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis kepastian hukum dalam penyerahan e-Form D ke otoritas kepabeanan di negara importir, dalam hal ini Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai untuk kepentingan pengenaan tarif preferensi, sehingga dapat sejalan dengan prinsip presentasi berdasarkan OCP ATIGA dan ketentuan hukum domestik Indonesia. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif secara deskriptif analisis dan penarikan kesimpulan secara normatif kualitatif. Berdasarkan penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa berkenaan dengan penyerahan e-Form D, Pejabat Bea dan Cukai harus memiliki keyakinan berdasarkan bukti faktual untuk menentukan apakah prinsip penyerahan e-Form D sudah dipenuhi/tidak ketika terjadi gangguan pada ASW Gateway, LNSW atau CEISA sehingga Pejabat Bea dan Cukai dapat menentukan tarif berdasarkan OCP maupun hukum domestik yang berlaku di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: ATIGA, Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai, e-Form D, Otoritas Kepabeanan, Tarif Preferensi. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-94
Wahyunita Sitinjak ◽  
Juwita Asyia Tanjung

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku responden sebagai konsumen rumah tangga daging sapi di Kota Pematangsiantar, untuk mengetahui perilaku industri daging sapi di Kota Pematangsiantar serta untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor permintaan daging sapi di Kota Pematangsiantar. Tujuan peneliti 1 dan 2 menggunakan metode survey dan metode analisis deskriptif, Tujuan peneliti yang ke 3 menggunakan  Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah model regresi linier berganda yang diolah dengan program SPSS 22 dengan penguji hipotesis yang terdiri dari koefisien (R2 ), uji F dan uji t. Hasil Penelitian menujukkan bahwa Harga daging sapi, harga daging kambing, dan pendapatan konsumen mampu menjelaskan variabel permintaan sebesar 80,2%. Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 19,8% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak disertakan pada persamaan. secara parsial dari ketiga variabel bebas (independent) terdapat dua variabel (harga daging sapi dan harga daging kambing) berpengaruh tidak nyata dan positif terhadap permintaan. Variabel pendapatan konsumen berpengaruh nyata dan positif artinya bahwa setiap penambahan satuan pendapatan konsumen akan menambah permintaan daging sapi.   ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the behavior of respondents as consumers of beef households in Pematangsiantar City, to determine the behavior of the beef industry in Pematangsiantar City and to analyze the factors of beef demand in Pematangsiantar City. Researchers goals 1 and 2 use survey methods and descriptive analysis methods, Researchers aim 3 using data analysis methods used is a multiple linear regression model that is processed with the SPSS 22 program with hypothesis testing consisting of coefficients (R2), F test and t test. The results showed that the price of beef, goat meat prices, and consumer income is able to explain the demand variable of 80.2%. While the remaining 19.8% is explained by other variables not included in the equation. partially from the three independent variables, there are two variables (beef prices and mutton prices) that have no significant and positive effect on demand. The variable of consumer income has a significant and positive effect, meaning that each additional unit of consumer income will increase beef demand.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
Fadhlu Rahman ◽  
Dicky Darmawan

<p class="06IsiAbstrak">The modern western perspective initiated by the renaissance and the enlightenment century successfully couped the reality of God. This was carried out by some western intellectuals and thinkers, which ultimately gave obscurity to the human concept. The obscurity of this concept then has implications for the meaning of the progress of human civilization. This further gives serious problems to almost the entire social order.   Husain's struggle as the eternal history of humanity interpreted through Hermeneutics Scheleiermacher provides another perspective on human concepts and the progress of civilization. The monotheistic values they contain glance at the sides of spirituality as a measure of the progress of civilization. From it the definition of civilization gained new space and paved the way for human potentials that were inherently the cornerstone of the progress of civilization. This paper tries to uncover the values of Imam Husain's struggle in Karbala which is interpreted through Schleiermacher's psychological and grammatical interpretation and contextualizes it with the concept of Coomaraswamy spiritual civilization, as a foundation for the meaning of civilization using historical and descriptive analysis methods. So that the paradigm of the progress of civilization gets an alternative new perspective, and spirituality can be used as a measure of the progress of civilization.</p>

Wiradhyaksa Mochamad Hariadi Putra ◽  

Money politics is directly related to corruption crime since it has an element of bribery that can harm state finances if the doer occupies his political office. Money politics occurs during political campaigns until general elections day. Indonesian electoral law or regulation have not included money politics in corruption crime. This research examined and deeply discussed how the formulation of money politics crime in current election, what are the legal issues in election crimes, and how the reformulation of money politics in electoral law as a corruption criminal act. This study used a normative-juridicial research method. Based on this research results, it is known that the formulation of money politics crime in current election can only be interpreted implicitly. Legal issues in election crimes are still rampant today as exemplified by the author through political crime cases in regional and legislative elections. The reformulation can be carried out by including a corruption clause as special offense in electoral law.

I Made Agus Oka Wijaya . ◽  
I Ketut Resika Arthana, S.T., M.Kom . ◽  
Gede Aditra Pradnyana, S.Kom., M.Kom .

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat user experience pada web based digital library Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Informatika Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha yang diukur menggunakan metode heuristic evaluation dengan menggunakan 10 Variabel. Tahapan penelitian dimulai dari analisis masalah yaitu penyebaran kuisioner secara online maupun offline. Hasil survey berupa kuisioner yang peneliti sebarkan ke mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Informatika Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa pendidikan teknik informatika angkatan 2013 dan mahasiswa pendidikan teknik informatika angkatan 2014. Sampel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 60 orang mahasiswa, Teknik analisis data yang digunakan analisis deskriptif dengan persentase kemudian dideskripsikan untuk mengukur tingkat usability pada website digilib. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat user experience pada web based digital library pada responden mahasiswa 47% yang masuk dalam kategori sedang. Dari hasil analisa kuisioner didapat hasil bahwa tampilan (layout) dari website digilib PTI sudah mampu memenuhi kriteria usability sebuah website. Sehingga dalam penelitian ini rekomendasi berdasarkan hasil kuisioner yang memiliki persentase rendah. Saran dari hasil kuisioner antara lain, perlu adanya tambahan menu login untuk mahasiswa agar mempermudah mahasiswa dalam mengakses web digilib, informasi pada website sebaiknya disajikan secara lengkap dan terbaru, design pada web digilib PTI sebaiknya ditingkatkan kembali karena masih kurang interaktif dan masih monoton, perlu adanya perbaikan pada halaman detail mahasiswa karena informasi yang disediakan masih terjadi kesalahan, perlu adanya menu bantuan untuk mempermudah pengguna dalam mencari informasi pada web digilib. Kata Kunci : analisa, usability, heuristic evaluation, Web Digilib This study attempts to analyzed levels of user experience in the web based digital library of Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Informatika Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha measured in a heuristic evaluation by using 10 variables .Stage of the research commenced of the problem analysis that is spreading survey online or offline .The survey who researchers spread to students Pendidikan Teknik Informatika Population research this is a student Pendidikan Teknik Informatika 2013 generation and college students Pendidikan Teknik Informatika 2014 generation .Sample in this research are 60 students , technique analysis the data used descriptive analysis with the then described for measuring the degree of usability at the website digilib . The research results show the user experience in the web based digital library among respondents students 47 % in medium category with the design. From the analysis shows that survey obtained display ( layout ) website digilib PTI are able to meet the criteria usability of a website. So in this study recommendations based on the survey that having low percentage. Advice from survey among others, need to the additional menu logins for students to simplify students in access web digilib, information on the website should be presented a complete and latest, design to the web digilib PTI should be increased back as weak and still monotonous interactive, need of an improvement on page detail students because information provided still error occurred, it needs the help menu to ease users in seeking information to the web digilib keyword : analyze, usability, heuristic evaluation, Web Digilib

Japaruddin Japaruddin ◽  
Hamengkubuwono Hamengkubuwono ◽  
Kusen Kusen ◽  
Jumira Warlizasusi ◽  
Murni Yanto ◽  

This study aims to determine how the efforts of the head of madrasah to improve the existence of Private Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MIS) 01 Kepahiang. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis methods, data collection through techniques, interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that the efforts made by the head of madrasah were through improving madrasah management so that managing madrasahs went better. To carry out this effort involves all components in the madrasah so that the efforts of the head of the madrasah can be carried out properly. The head of madrasah receives positive support from teachers and the community so that they can develop the existence of the madrasah. The internal supporting factor for the condition of the madrasah is comfort to work so that activities can run well. Then externally the community supports the learning activities. The obstacle is the lack of optimal madrasah activity time, making it difficult to implement management to improve the existence of an effective and efficient madrasah. Keywords: Efforts of the Head of Madrasah, Increasing the Existence of Madrasas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 155-164
Tarmizi Tarmizi ◽  
Siti Hodijah ◽  
Rosmeli Rosmeli

This study aims to analyze the development of GRDP, domestic investment, foreign investment, and exports in Jambi Province for the period 2000-2016, as well as to study the effect of domestic investment, foreign investment, and exports on the growth of GRDP of Jambi Province in the period 2000-2016. 2016. This research uses descriptive and quantitative analysis methods. The descriptive analysis method is used to analyze the development of each research variable, namely domestic investment, foreign investment, and exports. Quantitative analysis methods are used to analyze the effect of domestic investment, foreign investment, and exports on the growth of GRDP in Jambi province for the period 2000-2016. Based on the study results, the Jambi Province GRDP growth for the 2000-2016 period was 7.21 percent, domestic investment growth was 11.64 percent, foreign investment was 18.69 percent, and export development was 17.83 percent. And during the period 2000-2016, domestic investment, foreign investment, and exports had a significant effect on GRDP growth in Jambi Province. Keywords: Domestic investment, Foreign investment, Exports, PDRB Growth

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 373
Octa Rianto ◽  
Widodo Kushartomo ◽  
Hokbyan Angkat

The population in Jakarta continues to increase and the Covid-19 Virus had a huge impact when using Transjakarta buses, The government and the community participate in solving it. Solution is to increase self-awareness The Transjakarta busway corridor 1 is one of the most crowded corridors because there are several transit stops and routes are in urban areas, it’s estimated that corridor serves 500,000 - 600,000 people or more/day, after policies on Covid-19 implemented by the Government such as restrictions the number of passengers on the busway and enforcement of the Health protocol for passengers and officers. The existence of these restrictions causes the effect of transportation travel. This research was conducted to determine the level of awareness of Transjakarta Bus passengers' behavior towards the Health protocol that is applied when carrying out activities outside the home and its effect on travel patterns, the policies realized by Transjakarta busway operator officers. The research data were obtained through questionnaire, then processed by normative and descriptive analysis methods. From the results of the analysis, it was found that passengers and officers were considered to be quite aware and good at implementing existing policies and passengers revealed that this policy affected their travel patterns. ABSTRAKPenduduk di Jakarta terus meningkat dan Virus Covid-19 pun berdampak sekali pada saat menggunakan bus transjakarta, ada kalamya pemerintah dan masyarakat berpartisipasi dalam menyelesaikannya.Salah satu solusinya adalah meningkatkan kesadaran diri-sendiri terhadap hal tersebut.Pada Halte busway tranjakarta koridor 1 ( Blok M – Kota ) merupakan salah satu koridor yang paling ramai karena ada beberpa halte yang transit dan rutenya pun di perkotaan, perkiraan koridor 1 yang melayani 500.000 – 600.000 orang bahkan lebih per hari, Setelah kebijakan-kebijakan tentang Covid-19 yang diterapkan oleh Pemerintah seperti pembatasan jumlah penumpang pada busway dan pemberlakuan protokol kesehatan untuk penumpang maupun petugas. Adanya Batasan-batasan ini menyebabkan pengaruh perjalanan transportasi. Penelitian ini dilakkan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesadaran perilaku penumpang Bus Transjakarta terhadap protokol kesehatan yang diterapkan ketika melakukan kegiatan di luar rumah dan pengaruhnya terhadap pola perjalanannya, juga untuk mengetauhi kebijakan yang direalisasikan oleh petugas operator busway Transjakarta. Data penelitian didapatkan melalui kuesioner, lalu diolah dengan metode analisis normative dan deskriptif. Dari hasil analisis, didapatkan bahwa baik penumpang maupun petugas dinilai sudah cukup sadar dan baik dalam menerapkan kebijakan yang ada dan penumpang mengungkapkan dengan adanya kebijakan ini memperngaruhi pola perjalanannya.

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