2017 ◽  
pp. 135-138
Isnaini Rahmawati ◽  
Happy Indri Hapsari

ABSTRAK Proses penuaan merupakan proses alamiah yang ditandai dengan penurunan kondisi biologis, psikologis, maupun sosial. Kondisi biologis yang dapat menimbulkan masalah pada lanjut usia salah satunya adalah nyeri akibat dari kadar asam urat yang tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh terapi nafas dalam untuk menurunkan skala nyeri saat dilakukan Range of Motion (ROM) pada pasien asam urat di Panti Wredha Dharma Bhakti Kasih Surakarta. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain pre experimental dengan pendekatan pretest-posttest without control. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan total sampling sebanyak 12 lansia yang mengalami penyakit asam urat. Intervensi diberikan setiap hari satu kali selama 21 hari. Analisa data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon dan menunjukkan adanya penurunan skala nyeri yang signifikan pada lansia dengan penyakit asam urat (p value 0,002)   Kata Kunci : nafas dalam, nyeri, lansia, asam urat     ABSTRACT The aging process is naturally process that accompanied with the decrease of their bilogical, psycological and social condition. Biological condition that cause healthy condition in elderly is pain that causes by highly uric acid levels. The aim of this study was to analyze the the influence of deep breathing therapy to reduce the pain scale during Range of Motion (ROM) in elderly with gouty arthritis in Panti Wredha Dharma Bhakti Kasih Surakarta. The methode of this study is pre experimental design with pretest- postest without control approach. The sampling techniques was done with total sampling of 12 elderly who suffer from gouty arthritis. This deep breathing therapy performed once in every day for 21 days. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon test, and the result showed that decrased pain scale significantly in elderly with gouty arthritis (p value 0,002)   Keywords : deep breathing, pain, elderly, gouty arthritis

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-47
Maya Cobalt

Background: One of the disorders experienced by gout arthritis sufferers is pain in the joints. Joint pain in patients with gouty arthritis occurs due to deposits of monosodiumuric crystals that accumulate in the joints as a result of high levels of gout arthritis in the blood. One of the interventions that can be given to reduce the pain scale in sufferers of gouty arthritis is the administration of warm cinnamon compresses. The essential oil in cinnamon bark contains eugenol, where eugenol has a very hot and spicy taste so it can open the skin's pores. So that pain can be reduced with the warm cinnamon compress. Purpose: The effect of the warm cinnamon compress aims to determine the benefits of the warm cinnamon compress to reduce the pain scale in sufferers of gout arthritis. Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental method with a pre and post control group approach. The sample in this study amounted to 50 respondents, the sample was taken by stratified random. Results: The results of the Wilcoxon test showed that the p value in the control group was 0.850 and the intervention group obtained a p value of 0.000. The results of the Paired T-test showed that the p value in the control group was 0.594 and the intervention group obtained a p value of 0.000. Independent T-test results obtained p value 0.000 <0.05, meaning that there is an effect of warm cinnamon compresses on reducing pain in patients with gout arthritis before and after giving warm cinnamon compresses between the intervention group and the control group. Conclusion: The warm cinnamon compress has an effect on reducing the pain scale in people with gouty arthritis. Keywords: gout arthritis, pain, cinnamon warm compress

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-60
Fitra Pringgayuda ◽  
I Idayati ◽  
Purwati Indiaresti

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic systemic inflammatory disease of unknown cause with peripheral joint manifestations. The numbers of Genesis Rheumatoid Arthritis in Indonesia is quite high. RA Pain prevalence in Indonesia reached 25.6% to 35.8%. This figure suggests that pain due to RA already bothersome activity of Indonesia society. The aim of this research is conducted to know the effect find of wet cupping therapy in the area of paint in the back joint to changes in outpatient RA patients in clinics of the year 2018. A quasi-experimental design with One Group Pretestpostest Design without control. The population in this research is the sufferer Rheumatoid Arthritis 30-50 years old visiting Clinics Sukoharjo, with a sample of 16 respondents, purposive Sampling techniques. Wilcoxon test result indicates that there is a difference between pain before with after bekam, based on the result of the statistical test p-value obtained value is a ρ=0,001 (less than 0,05), this means there is a significant influence of wet cupping therapy to changes pain in people with Rheumtaoid Arthitis. Thus, wet cupping therapy can be a solution to reduce joint pain for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-123
Rita Sari ◽  
Janu Purwono ◽  
Desi Safitri ◽  
Pira Prahmawati ◽  
Nur Hasanah

Background: Non-communicable diseases keep increase numbers in both developed and developing countries such as gout arthritis. Gouty arthritis is an inflammation of the joints caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia). Most people with gout arthritis complain of pain in the joints.Purpose: To determine the effect of cloves water warm compress  (syzygium aromaticum) on reducing pain among elderly with gouty arthritisMethod: This study used a quasi-experimental pre and post test without control (self-control) with 11 participants. The data analysis used was the Dependent T test. As for preparing the ingredients, using 5 grams of cloves boiled with 300 cc to boil, let stand for about 1-3 minutes until a warm temperature (45 - 50 0C), then observe / measure the patient's pain level.After measuring the pain scale, then apply a compress using a clean cloth on the affected joint for 20 minutes, then measure the pain scale again. This action performs every evening (once) at bedtime repeatedly for 5 consecutive days.Results: Showed that the intensity of pain before intervention was 6.73 and the average pain intensity after intervention was 3.00. The result of the t-test is 14,907 with a p-value of 0,000 <α (0.05).Conclusion: The effect had a significantly greater reduction in pain by clove water warm compresses among elderly with gouty arthritis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-194
Siti Fadlilah ◽  
Nazwar Hamdani Rahil ◽  
Tia Amestiasih

Pain in futsal players experienced the highest incidence of 48.8% in each match. Non-pharmacological techniques are effective ways to relieve pain, including cold compresses and warm compresses. As a community nurse can apply the therapy for pre-hospital treatment. The study aims to determine the differences in the effectiveness of warm compresses and cold compresses against pain in futsal players in the Forza Futsal field in Yogyakarta. This type of research is an experimental research pre-posttest control group design. The sample in this study is a futsal player who experienced pain in the Forza Futsal Field totaling 32 respondents. The sampling technique used was consecutive sampling. The research instrument was the Bourbanais pain scale value. Analysis of research data using the Wilcoxon test and the Mann Withney test. the pre-posttest pain scale on the warm compress group was 4.00 and 2.00. The pre-posttest pain scale score of the cold compress group was 5.00 and 2.50. Bivariate test of pre-posttest pain scale score of warm compresses and cold compresses obtained p values ​​of 0,000 and 0,000. The posttest bivariate test between warm compresses and cold compresses showed a p-value of 0.683. There is the effect of warm compresses and cold compresses on pain in futsal players at Forza Futsal Field. There is no difference in the effectiveness of warm compresses and cold compresses against pain in futsal players at Forza Futsal Field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Amila Amila ◽  
Evarina Sembiring

hemoglobin levels in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. This study aimed to examine the effect of beetroot biscuits consumption on the increase of hemoglobin levels in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis at the Integrated Service Unit of the Pulmonary Central Hospital of North Sumatera. The research design was quasi experimental  and used pre-tests and post-tests without a control approach. This study was conducted with a sample of 100 patients selected using the purposive sampling technique. Firstly, the hemoglobin level of the patients was measured. Then, beetroot biscuits were given to the patients for thirty days as the intervention. A Wilcoxon test was performed to pinpoint the differences between the pre-test and post-test results. It was found that there was a 2.01 gr/dl increase in hemoglobin after beetroot biscuits were given to patients with pulmonary tuberculosis at the Integrated Service Unit of the Pulmonary Central Hospital of North Sumatera. It was also found that the differences were significant when comparing the average level of hemoglobin before and after the intervention with a p value of 0.000. This study suggests that doctors and nurses play important roles in constructing patients’ knowledge and understanding on the importance of anemia prevention in order to improve community knowledge to use local resources to improve health outcomes.Keywords: anemia, biscuit, beetroot, tuberculosis

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Fitra M. P. Bonde ◽  
Maya Moningka

Abstract: Painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea in addition to a problem most also be a reason for the decreased activity of women during menstruation , for example, no school . Handling this problem by means of nonpharmacologic need to be developed , for example with a hot compress . The purpose of the study to determine the effect of a hot compress to decrease the degree of menstrual pain in high school and vocational Yadika Kopandakan II . This type of research is experimental design One group pre and post test . Samples were obtained based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria were 30 . The data obtained through observation sheet Bourbonais a pain scale . Data were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution Program ) and the Wilcoxon test . The p-value indicates that there is a significant association between hot compress with a decrease in the degree of menstrual pain ( p = 0.00 ) . Based on these results it can be concluded that a hot compress effect on the degree of reduction in menstrual pain in high school and vocational Yadika Kopandakan II . Keywords : Compress Heat , menstrual pain.    Abstrak: Nyeri haid atau Dismenore selain merupakan masalah terbanyak  juga menjadi alasan terjadinya penurunan aktivitas wanita saat menstruasi, misalnya tidak masuk sekolah. Penanganan masalah ini dengan cara nonfarmakologis perlu di kembangkan misalnya dengan kompres panas. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui  pengaruh  kompres  panas  terhadap penurunan  derajat  nyeri  haid  pada siswi  SMA dan SMK  Yadika Kopandakan II. Jenis  penelitian  yang  digunakan  yaitu  eksperimental dengan  desain  One group pre  &  post  test. Sampel  didapatkan  berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang berjumlah 30 orang. Data diperoleh melalui lembar observasi berupa skala nyeri Bourbonais.Data dianalisis menggunakan SPSS (Statistical Program Product and Service Solution) dan Uji Wilcoxon. Nilai p menunjukkan  bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kompres panas dengan penurunan derajat nyeri haid (p=0,00). Berdasarkan  hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kompres panas berpengaruh terhadap penurunan derajat nyeri haid pada siswi SMA dan SMK Yadika Kopandakan II. Kata kunci:Kompres Panas ,Nyeri haid.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Maruli Taufandas ◽  
Elsye Maria Rosa ◽  
Moh Afandi

Salah satu penyakit degeneratif pada lansia yang sering dialami yaitu osteoartritis, yang ditandai dengan adanya nyeri pada ekstremitas bawah dan prevalensinya semakin meningkat dengan bertambahnya usia. Penatalaksanaan non farmakologi merupakan komponen yang sangat penting dalam mengatasi nyeri, salah satu bentuknya adalah latihan Range of Motion. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Range of Motion untuk menurunkan nyeri sendi pada lansia dengan osteoartritis di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Godean I Sleman Yogyakarta. Metode :Penelitian ini adalah study intervensi berupa penelitian kuantitatifdengan rancangan Quasi Eksperiment Design: Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Penelitian dilakukan di dua dusun di Kabupaten Sleman yaitu di dusun Mertosutan dan dusun Ngabangan.Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 36 orang lansia dengan masing-masing 18 lansia sebagai kelompok intervensi dan 18 lansia sebagai kelompok kontrol.Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling.Analisis data yang digunakan adalah Wilcoxon Test dan Mann Whitney Test. Hasil : Setelah melakukan latihan Range of Motionselama 4 minggu, didapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat pengaruh Range of Motion terhadap skala nyeri sendi pada lansia dengan osteoartritis dengan p value 0,000 (α < 0,05). Kesimpulan :Range of Motion berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap penurunan tingkat skala nyeri sendi pada lansia dengan osteoartritis

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Mariza Elsi Elsi

<p>The main problem head injury patients are pain, when someone is experiencing pain are non-pharmacological strategies are as good as pharmacological strategies that can be offered to clients, some non-pharmacological interventions do not require instruction but an initiative of the nurses. Terapy Slow deep breathing is breathing with a frequency of less than 10 beats per minute and long inhalation phase can increase oxygen supply to the brain and decrease the metabolism of the brain so that the brain needs oxygen decreases. Guided imagery is an attempt to create the impression in the mind and then concentrate on the impression that gradually lowers the client's perception of pain. The purpose of this study was to compare the terapy slow deep breathing and guided imagery to decrease the patient's pain scale of mild head injury.</p><p>This research method was Quasi-Experimental use a pretest-posttest. slow deep breathing (intervention 1) of the 17 respondents and guided imageri (intervention 2) 17 response, the assessment carried out six hours after patients received pharmacological treatment, size scale use numeric rating scale (NRS) The result of slow deep breathing therapy is more effective to reduce the pain scale in patients with mild head injury in Emergency Room Hospital Ulin Banjarmasin with p = 0.001, be compared terapy guided imagery relaxation with p = 0.264</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Henik Istikhomah ◽  
Murwati Murwati

Abstract: Deep Relaxation Therapy, Level Anxiety And Prolong Duration Labor Stage. Patients who will give birth had experienced psychological problems that cause form the emotional reaction as the manifestation of psychological symptoms, the actions to be carried out either surgery or childbirth aid measures constitute a potential or actual threat to the integrity of someone who can evoke physiological and psychological stress. This emotional reaction usually is generally a negative reaction, such as refuse, fear, anger, sadness, and anxiety. Giving deep breathing relaxation techniques in patients will be a decrease in tension, feeling amazingly beautiful in controlling body functions so that labor becomes smooth. Purpose of this study was to determine the effect of therapy on the breath in anxiety level and duration of labor. The design of this study using the pre and post-test only one group. analysis techniques with Wilcoxon test. using purposive sampling technique with 25 respondents. Univariate analysis results mean pre-test anxiety at 43.16 and the average post-test by 31. The mean duration of the first labor stage of the intervention group is 504 minutes and 564 minutes at control group. The Mean duration of second labor stage of the intervention group is 140 minutes and the control group was 57 minutes. Bivariate test results there is the influence between deep breathing relaxation therapy interventions with anxiety with a p value= 0.001, there is the influence of deep breathing relaxation techniques with the duration of first labor stage with p-value = 0.001, no effect of deep breathing relaxation with the duration of second labor stage with p = 0:59. In conclusion, there is the influence of deep breathing relaxation therapy to anxiety and the duration of the first stage of labor time, there is no influence therapy relaxation with the duration of the second labor stage.

Mulia Mayangsari

The research design used was Experimental with Kunsekutive Sampling technique. The population in this study were patients who had migraine in Noreh village. The working area of Puskesmas Sreseh was 18 respondents and the result was analyzed using Shapiro Wilk and Wilcoxon test. The results of the study in migraine patients can be seen that the mean pretest scale of migraine pain scale is 4.67 whereas, for the mean posttest of migraine pain scale is 2.22. In the pretest of migraine pain scale the minimum value found is 4 whereas, the maximum value is 6. While in posttest skalanyeri migraine the minimum value found is 1 whereas, the maximum value is 3. In the Shapiro Wilk analysis showed that there were differences in the scale of migraine pain before and after wet bruise therapy. In the Wilcoxon analysis comparing migraine patients, a p-value of 0,000 indicated that there was an effect of wet-brushing therapy on changes in the pain scale. To health workers and educational institutions are expected to use wet brewing therapy as a complementary alternative and as a non-pharmacological treatment that can reduce the scale of pain.

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