Mardan Umar

The focus issue in this discussion is how the urgency of fostering religious values in public life heterogeneous in Indonesia and how to provide guidance in religious values in public life heterogeneous in Indonesia ?. The purpose of this study was to describe the urgency of fostering religious values in public life heterogeneous in Indonesia and to provide guidance in religious values in the life of a heterogeneous society in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that the Indonesian people have an emphasis in terms of harmony in the lives of its people. This can be seen in the first principle of Pancasila that Almighty God. Therefore, development of religious values in public life Indonesia is considered very important. Formation of religious values can be reached through religious education to reinforce faith in the truth of religion and its values. In addition, the formation of religious values do habituation through worship that is manifested in the behavior of everyday life. Fostering religious values also need to be supported by the appreciation of the values of religion since from the family, school and community.Keywords: building, value, religious, heterogeneous.

Edupedia ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-76
Ubabuddin Ubabuddin

The first and the most important children education in Islam is the family education with Islamic perspective.Family Education with Islamic perspective is education based on the guidance of Islam which is applied in the family intended to forming children to be a peoples who faithful and cautious to God Almighty, and has noble character that includes ethics, moral, character, spiritual or understanding and experience in religious values in everyday life. This is one form of amar makruf nahi munkar in family life by providing education to children based on the teachings of Islam. Children in their growth require a variety of processes educated by the father and mother in the family environment. Pattern or method of religious education in Islam is basically modeled on the behavior of Prophet Muhammad in his family and his friends,because everything that is done by Prophet Muhammad is the manifestation of Qur’an’s content.

2013 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-62
M. Nur Kholis Al Amin

Abstract: Development is a thing that will happen to human life in its various aspects to complement the needs of human being as individual and social beings. Therefore, necessary to establish religious education human personality perfectli capable of mastering technology and science by sticking to religious doctrines as a measure of ethics in everyday life. However, it will not be separated from the role of the family as an institution beggining in shaping a person’s character. Thus, the formation of one’s character to be the perfect man ( insan kamil) is inseparable from the process of religious education in the family. Keywords : Family, Religious Education, Society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Tria Masrofah ◽  
Fakhruddin Fakhruddin ◽  
Mutia Mutia

In the concept of Islam, parents play an important role in the implementation of their children�s religious education, and parents must even be able to be role models for their children. For that reason, who became the subjects of this study were the parents in Air Duku village; concerning how was their role in fostering adolescents through education in the family. This study used a qualitative approach, and the data were analyzed using the approach of Miles et al. This study found a conclusion that the parents� role was quite maximal in educating and instilling the values of Islamic education to foster adolescents� morals in Air Duku village. The implementation pattern of such a fostering effort is through the inculcation of religious values, guiding, supervising children/adolescents� behavior, and reprimanding them when doing bad things with the methods of habituation and giving advice, for example, and attention.Keywords: Parents� Role, Morals, Teenagers

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Abdul Mujib

The most important child education is to form a character, which can be done in family education or school education with an Islamic education perspective. Shaping the character of a child in the perspective of Islamic education is by providing Islamic religious guidance that is applied in the family or at school, which is intended to shape the child to become a human being who believes and has devotion to God Almighty, and has noble character which includes ethics , morals, character, spiritual or understanding and experience of religious values in everyday life. Which is basically education based on imitating the behavior of the Prophet Muhammad. So, in essence, karak educationtar is the spirit in Islamic education. Islamic education and character education print students into beings who have better characters or values.Keywords: education, Islam.

Konselor ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Jaufani Gianoza

Family is the first environment encountered by children. One of the the phenomenons face in the family is the lack of parents attention to their children. Thus, in the everyday life, their behaviors are less accordance with norms and religious values. This study aimed to describe the attention of parents, moral of adolescents, and examine the relationship between them. The type of this study is a descriptive correlation with the findings of parents attention is high, while adolescent moral classified as poor, and there is a significant relationship between the attention of parrents to the moral of adolescents. Keywords: Parrents Attention; Adolescents Moral

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal Birsyada ◽  
Kintoko Kintoko ◽  
Kunal Mehta

The study of the phenomenon of the Motorcycle Gang known as Klithih in Yogyakarta at this time is very important and urgent to conduct in order to find various shifts in moral and religious values experienced by adolescents who are members of the Klithih Gang, especially from the perspective of social and religious studies. Thus, this research is expected to provide a solution, especially for the Yogyakarta local government, to overcome various motorcycle gang behavior models, mostly carried out by the school-age youth community. The differences between the previous study and this study are; First, this research focused on the Motorcycle Gang case in Yogyakarta, which has not been studied much by other researchers. Second, this study used a qualitative approach with a phenomenological framework to get a deeper picture of the motor gang involvement process in social and educational aspects. Third, the research locus was in the city of Yogyakarta. Fourth, this study used a combined theoretical conception of social theory and moral values to analyze the interpretation of the research results. The findings of this study are described as follows. First, the Motorcycle Gang's behavior occurs because of the failure to internalize moral and religious education in the family. Psychological and physical violence that occurs in the families of motorcycle gang perpetrators affects children's brain and psychological development. The condition of the two parents who experienced a divorce (broken home) made the children feel traumatized, so they look for an environment that accepts them outside. Second, the influence of their friendly environment is very dominant in triggering teenagers to join the Motor Gang group. Third, the community's social and religious lack control in preventing activities of Motorcycle Gangs around their places of residence. Fourth, students or alumni who are involved in the Motorcycle Gang network indicated a lack of preventive action from schools. Fifth, the shift in socio-religious values in the Gang Motor community occurred because of an appeal for the Klithih group to get recognition from other Motorcycle Gang groups by showing the level of their mental strength among the Gang members.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 13
Hasbullah Hasbullah

Abstract. Educational environment is needed in the education process, because the educational environment serves to support the process of teaching and learning, a comfortable environment and support for the implementation of an education is needed. The environment is distinguished into the biological environment, the non-living natural environment, the artificial environment and the social environment. Education is one of the first obligations for parents. In Islam, the person most responsible for the education of the child is the parent. The family is the "smallest people" who have leaders and members, has a division of work and work, and the rights and obligations of each member. The best exemplary education for children is if both parents are able to connect their child with the example of Rasûlullâh SAW, as uswah of all mankind. A positive school environment is a school environment that provides facilities and motivation for religious education. Keywords. Environment, Education   Abstrak. Lingkungan pendidikan sangat dibutuhkan dalam proses pendidikan, sebab lingkungan pendidikan berfungsi menunjang terjadinya proses belajar mengajar, lingkungan yang nyaman dan mendukung bagi terselenggaranya suatu pendidikan sangat dibutuhkan. Lingkungan dibedakan menjadi lingkungan alam hayati, lingkungan alam non-hayati, lingkungan buatan dan lingkungan sosial. Pendidikan merupakan salah satu kewajiban pertama bagi orang tua. Dalam Islam, orang yang paling bertanggung jawab dalam pendidikan anak adalah orang tua. Keluarga adalah “umat terkecil” yang memiliki pimpinan dan anggota, mempunyai pembagian tugas dan kerja, serta hak dan kewajiban bagi masing-masing anggotanya. Pendidikan keteladanan terbaik bagi anak, ialah jika kedua orang tua mampu menghubungkan anaknya dengan keteladanan Rasûlullâh SAW, sebagai uswah seluruh umat manusia. Lingkungan sekolah yang positif yaitu lingkungan sekolah yang memberikan fasilitas dan motivasi untuk berlangsungnya pendidikan agama. Kata Kunci. Lingkungan, Pendidikan Daftar Pustaka Ahmadi, Abu dan Nur Uhbiyati. 2001. Ilmu Pendidikan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Badudu, Js. 1996. Kamus Umum Bahas Indonesia. Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan. Juhji. 2015. “Telaah Komparasi Konsep Pembelajaran Menurut Imam Al-Zarnuji dan Imam Al-Ghozali”. Tarbawi. 1(02): 17-26 Juli - Desember 2015. Terdapat dalam Nata, Abudin. 2010. Sejarah Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. Nizar, Samsul dan Zainal Efendi Hasibuan. 2011. Hadist Tarbawi. Jakarta: Kalam Mulia. Purwanto, Ngalim. 1996. Psikologi Pendidikan. Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya. Ramayulis. 2008. Ilmu Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta: Kalam Mulia. Soejono, Ag. tt. Pendahuluan Pendidikan Umum. Bandung: CV. Ilmu. Suwarno. 1982. Pengantar Umum Pendidikan. Jakarta: Aksara Baru. Tafsir, Ahmad. 2000. Ilmu Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Islam. Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya. Tafsir, Ahmad. 2003. Metodologi Pengajaran Agama Islam. Bandung: Rosdakarya. Uhbiyati, Nur. 1997. Ilmu Pendidikan Islam. Bandung: Pustaka Setia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-298
Kholid Mawardi ◽  
Cucu Nurzakiyah

The results of the study found that the responsibility of religious education of children in the family of Tablighi Jama'ah differed in terms of several conditions, namely first, when parents were not going to khuruj where both parents were responsible for children's education; secondly, when the father goes khuruj, then the mother is responsible for everything including children's education; third, when both parents go khuruj, then the responsibility of the child is left to other family members such as grandparents or their first adult children; and fourth, when the child goes to khuruj, where parents are responsible for children's religious education both mother and father. The pattern of the religious education in the Tablighi Jama'ah family in the village of Bolang is formed from several similarities held in the implementation of religious education, one of which is the daily activity that is carried out by the Tablighi Jama'at family. Al-Qur'an becomes one of the material given to children in the ta'lim. Children are taught how to read the Qur'an and memorize short letters such as Surat al-Falaq, al-Ikhlas, and so on. In addition to al-Qur'an, in this ta'lim there is a special study in the Tablighi Jama'ah, which is reading the book of fadhilah ‘amal, and the last is mudzakarah six characteristics.

Yuliya V. Kim ◽  

The article presents two letters from V.A. Musin-Pushkin which he wrote to his bride shortly before the wedding in 1828 (the letters are kept in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts). The text of the letters reflects the context of the time and everyday life, the system of views and the peculiarities of the worldview of a young aristocrat, the specific features of intra-family interaction in the field of feelings, marriage, human relations which inevitably turn out to be associated with the concepts of the family honor, family duty, the need to preserve the status of a noble family. The author traces how the power hierarchy is manifested at the level of relations within a close circle of relatives, as well as how traditional patterns are combined with new elements. Vladimir Alekseevich Musin-Pushkin, the youngest son of the archaeographer Count A.I. Musin-Pushkin, was arrested in connection with the case of the Decembrists, transferred from the Guards to the army and exiled to serve in Finland, where he met his future wife, Emilia Karlovna Shernval von Wallen. The article provides details of the family life of this married couple, as well as private facts from the biography of some other members of the Musin-Pushkin family.

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