scholarly journals Violência nas escolas: análise na formação de professores de educação física no oeste do Paraná

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-94
Luís Sérgio Peres ◽  
Katiucia De Oliveira Peres ◽  
Kauê De Oliveira Peres

INTRODUÇÃO: Alguns Projetos Políticos Pedagógicos (PPP) dos Cursos de Educação Física - Licenciatura da região Oeste do Paraná tem por objetivos preparar profissionais comprometidos com a construção de valores em perspectiva de um futuro melhor, mais solidário e humano. Porém, em suas grades curriculares, esquecem abordagens voltadas à violência escolar. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar junto aos PPP, se as disciplinas ministradas abordavam a questão da violência e seus enfrentamentos para uma prática pedagógica consciente na escola. MÉTODOS: Caracterizou-se como uma pesquisa descritiva, envolvendo dois cursos de licenciatura em Educação Física de Instituições de Ensino Superior privadas do Oeste do Paraná. Os dados foram coletados por meio de levantamento documental nas matrizes curriculares e nos planos de ensino, de entrevistas com coordenadores e 10 alunos pertencentes ao último ano. RESULTADOS: Na análise constatou-se que os cursos não apresentam em sua grade curricular, disciplina que trate sobre o assunto de forma especifica. Os conteúdos apresentados nos Planos de Ensino, somente em um dos cursos, na disciplina de Psicologia da Educação, apareceu um subtítulo vinculado à “violência humana”. Os Coordenadores relataram não constar disciplinas que abordem esta questão na grade curricular e desconheciam se os professores abordavam esta questão nas suas aulas. Os alunos foram unanimes em afirmar que não viram durante o período escolar, nenhuma disciplina que abordassem esta questão e que não saberiam como agir frente a uma situação de violência na escola, que no máximo levariam a questão para a direção. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos que a questão da violência escolar, um problema tão atual, que encontramos quase que todos os dias nas escolas. não é vista, trabalhada ou estudada na formação docente nas IES, deixando uma lacuna na forma de como agir frente a esta questão, que possivelmente poderá prejudicar sua prática pedagógica. ABSTRACT. Violence in schools: analyze physical education teacher training in western Paraná. BACKGROUND: Some Pedagogical Political Projects (PPP) of Physical Education Courses - Undergraduate degree in Western Paraná aims to prepare professionals committed to building values in the perspective of a better, more solidary and human future. However, in their curricula, they forget approaches to school violence. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to verify with the PPP, if the subjects taught addressed the issue of violence and its confrontations for a conscious pedagogical practice in school. METHODS: It was characterized as a descriptive research, involving two undergraduate courses in Physical Education from private higher education institutions in Western Paraná. Data were collected by means of a documentary survey in the curriculum and teaching plans, interviews with coordinators and 10 students from the last year. RESULTS: In the analysis it was found that the courses do not present in their curriculum, discipline that deals with the subject in a specific way. The contents presented in the Teaching Plans, only in one of the courses, in the Educational Psychology discipline, appeared a subtitle linked to “human violence”. The Coordinators reported not having subjects that address this issue in the curriculum and were unaware if the teachers addressed this issue in their classes. The students were unanimous in stating that they did not see, during the school period, any discipline that addressed this issue and would not know how to act in the face of a violent situation at school, which would at most lead the issue to the board. CONCLUSION: We conclude that the issue of school violence, such a current problem, that we find almost every day in schools. It is not seen, worked on or studied in teacher education in HEIs, leaving a gap in how to act on this issue, which could possibly hinder their pedagogical practice.

2012 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Stanley E. Henning

<p>Tianshui city, located in China’s ancient cultural center in Gansu Province, includes a large rural area known as Qinzhou. This area houses pockets of traditional martial arts culture, which allow one to savor the past in the present, even in the face of China’s unprecedented economic development and social change in recent years. The picture described in this short article is based upon the author’s visits to Tianshui, most recently in 2007, on-site discussions with Professor Cai Zhizhong, who teaches martial arts in the physical education program of Tianshui Normal College, and Professor Cai’s writings on the subject. While the modernization taking place throughout China cannot help but have an influence on Tianshui’s traditional martial arts practices, one comes away hopeful that the strong historical awareness and sense of cultural pride exhibited by the area’s residents will insure a continuing role for Tianshui’s traditional martial arts.</p>

Retos ◽  
2020 ◽  
Felipe Nicolás Mujica Johnson ◽  
Nelly Del Carmen Orellana Arduiz

  El estudio de las emociones en educación física es cada vez más común. Sin embargo, las emociones del alumnado han gozado de más protagonismo en la literatura, en comparación con las del profesorado. El estudio de las emociones del profesorado se divide en dos enfoques principales, uno orientado a la intensidad y otro a la calidad emocional. Con la finalidad de contribuir a la comprensión de la calidad emocional, se ha decidido realizar una revisión narrativa que tuvo por objetivo analizar los significados de las emociones del profesorado de educación física. La búsqueda se llevó a cabo en siete bases de datos internacionales y se lograron identificar siete investigaciones cualitativas sobre la temática. Los resultados indican que las emociones del profesorado responden al saber docente, los valores, el desempeño laboral, la experiencia personal y profesional. Se concluye que las emociones del profesorado expresan la complejidad de la labor docente y sus posicionamientos éticos frente a diversas situaciones pedagógicas. Abstract. The study of emotions in physical education is increasingly common. However, the emotions of the students have enjoyed more prominence in the literature, compared to those of the teachers. The study of teachers' emotions is divided into two main approaches, one focused on intensity and the other on emotional quality. With the intention of contributing to the understanding of emotional quality, it has been decided to carry out a narrative review that aimed to analyze the meanings of the emotions of physical education teachers. The search was carried out in seven international databases and it was possible to identify seven qualitative investigations on the subject. The results indicate that teachers' emotions respond to teaching knowledge, values, work performance, personal and professional experience. It is concluded that the teachers' emotions express the complexity of the teaching work and their ethical positions in the face of diverse pedagogical situations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-123
Evandra Hein Mendes ◽  
Ieda Parra Barbosa-Rinaldi

INTRODUÇÃO: Ao longo da trajetória histórica da educação física os professores seguiram por diferentes caminhos e enfrentaram inúmeros desafios para avaliar a aprendizagem dos estudantes. OBJETIVO: Nesse sentido, esse estudo buscou analisar os caminhos percorridos e os desafios que se aprensentam para a avaliação da aprendizagem dos estudantes ao longo do tempo na área da educação física escolar. MÉTODOS: Para tanto, foram consultadas obras científicas e analisados documentos oficiais normativos da educação brasileira, que permitiram elaborar conclusões acerca do tema de estudo. RESULTADOS: Inicialmente os professores caminharam pela via quantitativa para avaliar a aprendizagem, valorizando o desempenho físico, motor ou técnico. Contudo, ao longo do tempo a via qualitativa também foi incorporada pelos professores, que passaram a analisar a evolução e a participação dos alunos nas aulas. Com as mudanças paradigmáticas e conceituais relativas à avaliação, os professores sentiram a necessidade de modificar práticas avaliativas já estabelecidas e desafiados a reconhecer a avaliação como um dos elementos constituintes do processo de ensino, pois ele possibilita orientar e aprimorar a aprendizagem. Assim, as práticas seletivas ou classificatórias de avaliação foram repensadas e os professores desafiados a adotar uma perspectiva formativa de avaliação, sendo um elemento de reflexão sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem tanto para o professor quanto para o aluno. CONCLUSÃO: Os desafios, que se apresentaram no decorrer do tempo e ainda permanecem nos dias atuais para a avaliação dos estudantes, exige dos professores o reconhecimento da necessidade de discutir, refletir e diversificar as estratégias avaliativas. Para tanto, se torna necessário ampliar os espaços e momentos de reflexão ou trocas de experiência sobre o tema, tanto na formação inicial quanto na prática pedagógica, assim como aumentar a produção científica e de pesquisas sobre o tema, para fortalecer as discussões e fomentar mudanças nas práticas avaliativas da educação física escolar. ABSTRACT. Evaluation of learning in school physical education: current ways and current challenges. BACKGROUND: Throughout the historical trajectory of physical education teachers have followed different paths and faced numerous challenges to assess student learning. OBJECTIVE: In this sense, this study sought to analyze the paths taken and the challenges that arise for the assessment of student learning over time in the area of school physical education. METHODS: For this, scientific works were consulted and official normative documents of the Brazilian education were analyzed, which allowed to draw conclusions about the subject of study. RESULTS: Initially the teachers walked the quantitative way to evaluate learning, valuing the physical, motor or technical performance. However, over time the qualitative path was also incorporated by teachers, who began to analyze the evolution and participation of students in class. With the paradigmatic and conceptual changes related to assessment, teachers felt the need to modify assessment practices already established and challenged to recognize assessment as one of the constituent elements of the teaching process, as it enables to guide and improve learning. Thus, the selective or classificatory evaluation practices were rethought and the teachers challenged to adopt a formative perspective of evaluation, being an element of reflection on the teaching and learning process for both the teacher and the student. CONCLUSION: The challenges that have been presented over time and still remain today for student assessment require teachers to recognize the need to discuss, reflect and diversify assessment strategies. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the spaces and moments of reflection or exchange of experience on the subject, both in initial training and pedagogical practice, as well as increase scientific production and research on the subject, to strengthen discussions and foster change. evaluative practices of school physical education.

The pathological use of the internet (PUI) interferes in a person's social life based on self-reports that declare themselves “addicted” or “dependent” on the internet. This is a bibliographic research to understand the concepts applied at work, adopting quantitative research through a questionnaire to a random audience and descriptive research with support in matters, where they report subjects such as Social Anxiety, Pathology and the Use of the Internet. With the exposed, the main reason in relation to the abusive use of the internet, is used for communication, for satisfactory or sexual purposes and surf in a general context. In short, the technology that helps in communication, research and several other benefits, when elevated to overuse, brings psychological problems. It was possible to avaluate before society with the application of the questionnaire, that the internet is not harmful, as the subject ends up facing fragile situations, when the person is in a depressed state in the face of personal disorders, among others, they found a cure on the internet for their problems.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Magola Del Carmen Quintero-Coronel

ResumenLa presente investigación tiene como objetivo diagnosticar las manifestaciones de la violencia escolar y las posibles acciones que visualizan estudiantes y docentes para su  prevención y atención  en los colegios públicos de la zona urbana de Cúcuta. Para evaluar la percepción se utilizó una metodología cuantitativa, con un enfoque descriptivo de carácter exploratorio. Se aplicó una encuesta en escala Likert sistematizada en el software Dyane y la hoja de cálculo Excel. El instrumento se validó mediante el coeficiente de confiabilidad Alfa de Cronbach. La muestra fue de 364 estudiantes, cuyas edades oscilan  entre los 10  y 16 años, y 101 docentes de Educación Básica Secundaria. Los resultados de la investigación establecieron la existencia de una percepción similar entre educandos y educadores ante el fenómeno de la violencia, coincidiendo en las formas de manifestación, así como también en los lugares desde donde se suscitan estas acciones. Asimismo los participantes  plasman su visión acerca de cómo las instituciones educativas pueden implementar estrategias para prevenir y atender las manifestaciones de la violencia escolar.Palabras claves: violencia escolar, manifestaciones de la violencia, prevención de la violencia escolar, colegios públicos Perceptions of students and teachers about the manifestations of school violence in urban public schoolsAbstractThe objective of this study is to analyze the manifestations of school violence and the possible responses that students and teachers visualize for its prevention and attention in public schools in the urban area of Cucuta. In order to evaluate the perception, a quantitative methodology coupled with a descriptive approach of an exploratory nature was employed. A Likert scale survey was applied, systematized in the Dyane software and Excel spreadsheet. The instrument was validated using the Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient. The sample consisted of 364 students, whose ages range between 10 and 16 years, and 101 teachers of Basic Secondary Education. The results of the research establish the existence of a similar perception among students and educators in the face of the phenomenon of violence, coinciding in the forms of manifestation, as well as in the places from which these actions are generated. Likewise, the participants describe their vision of how educational institutions can implement strategies to prevent and address manifestations of school violence.Keywords: school violence, manifestations of violence, prevention of school violence, public schools Percepções de estudantes e professores sobre as manifestações de violência escolar nas escolas públicas urbanasResumoA presente investigação visa diagnosticar as manifestações de violência escolar e as possíveis ações que os alunos e os professores visualizam para sua prevenção e atenção nas escolas públicas da área urbana de Cúcuta. Para avaliar a percepção, utilizou-se uma metodologia quantitativa, com abordagem descritiva de natureza exploratória. Uma pesquisa em escala Likert sistematizada no software Dyane e na planilha Excel foi aplicada. O instrumento foi validado usando o coeficiente de confiabilidade alfa de Cronbach. A amostra foi de 364 alunos, cujas idades variam entre 10 e 16 anos, e 101 professores de Educação Básica e Secundária. Os resultados da pesquisa estabelecem a existência de uma percepção semelhante entre estudantes e educadores diante do fenômeno da violência, coincidindo nas formas de manifestação, bem como nos locais onde essas ações ocorrem. Da mesma forma, os participantes refletem sua visão sobre como as instituições educacionais podem implementar estratégias para prevenir e atender as manifestações da violência escolar.Palavras-chave: violência escolar, manifestações de violência, prevenção de violência escolar, escolas públicas

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 114
Merlina Sari ◽  
Novia Nazirun ◽  
Zulhendri Zulhendri

In this case the writer wants to reveal a small part of the perception of Penjaskesrek students in the Adaptive Physical Education course of the Islamic University of Riau. This research is a descriptive research. The population in this study were all Penjaskesrek students taking Adaptive Physical Education courses. While the sample in this study was 128 students from 320 people with purposive sampling technique. The results of this study that the factors opening up the lesson by 87.27%, 81 students attend attendance, 95%, 78 students motivation, 71%, memory of students with past material 57.61%, readiness of students to accept new material 70.81%, core activities 77.22%, and the cover 66.74%. After conducting research directly in the field, a satisfying result is seen where students have a good perception of the learning process of Adaptive Sports Physical Education itself. Then it can be concluded that the students' perception of the Adaptive Physical Education Process is in the good category.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Liska Sukiyandari

This study aims to determine the condition of facilities and infrastructure of PhysicalEducation in SD Se UPTD West Semarang District Semarang City Year 2015.This research is a descriptive research with survey research design. The subject ofthis research is teacher Penjas Se UPTD West Semarang District Semarang City.Data were collected through questionnaires, and interviews.From the results of research and analysis of data that has been described, then ingeneral sports facilities and infrastructure that includes the main or compulsivesports branch on the subject of Physical Education in Elementary Schools UPTDWest District can be knownfor gymnastics sports state facilities and infrastructure asa whole in conditions "Lacking", athletic sports in "lacking" conditions, soccer ingood condition, volleyball sport in a "sufficient" condition and a sporting sport in"sufficient" condition.Based on the results of research and discussion it can be concluded as follows: Thecondition of gymnastics facilities and infrastructure in the condition of "less". Thestate of facilities and infrastructure of athletic sports in less condition ".Circumstances and facilities of soccer sport in good condition. The condition of thefacilities and infrastructure of volleyball sport is in "enough" condition. Thecondition of facilities and infrastructure of sporting branch of kasti is in "enough"condition. Overall for the condition of facilities and infrastructure of PhysicalEducation SD Se UPTD West Semarang District in condition "enough"Key Words:Facilities and infrastructure, Physical Education 

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-22
Angélica Liseth Mero Piedra

This article aims to promote and support the physical education teacher's community in the use of playful practices with pupils with mild intellectual disabilities (MID), as a didactic medium, and a substantial educational resource of quality physical education.  Firstly, it will be reviewed definitions and emergent themes on the subject shaping the theoretical framework on which this study has been built. Later, it will be presented didactic advice and guidelines for the application of playful practices, extracted from the most effective observable practices in the author's teaching experiences in specialized education institutions with pupils with MID and supported by the scientific literature. This article reinforces the notion that playful practices provide variety to meaningful learning, have great potential as a facilitator in pedagogical processes, and provide an appropriate educational response to pupils with intellectual disabilities. It also shows that teachers should reflect positive and reflective disposition to modifications and adaptations of the different elements involved in the playful practices according to educational objectives and the personal needs and interests of the children with MID. Considerations such as the instructions have to be modified to meet students’ needs, play according to children's biological age and systematic registration and monitoring in the teaching-learning process are essential. It is recommended that teachers share their experiences in pedagogical practice to learn from our differences and strengthen our coincidences, to contribute to the still insufficient bibliography in the pedagogical practices in special education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Mimi Haetami

ABSTRACT        The study of physical education in schools is often criticized by both the school and community. The presumption that the subject of physical education as a complement, less meaningful learning, so there is the assumption that the subject of physical education is not important. This is a challenge for physical education practitioners in developing and improving the quality of learning better.         In the implementation there are still many problems in the learning of physical  education such as: [1] there is still a lot of time wasted during physical education lesson in progress, so that learning tends to be less meaningful., [2] involvement of students as a whole when lesson is not maximal, so that learners begin to feel bored in learning, [3] Utilization of learning time is still minimal, so the management of the class seemed not ready.       The purpose of this study is expected to know how much time effective in learning physical education in high school in the city of Pontianak. While the method used in this research is descriptive research method with quantitative approach, in the form of survey, with the number of samples of 5 public schools located in the city of Pontianak.        The conclusion of the calculation of the percentage of effective time of learning of learners in high school is found as follows: SMAN 1 with the proportion of time utilization (63.33%) and the total involvement of learners (83.33%); SMAN 2 with the proportion of time utilization (46.67%) and the number of students' involvement (75.00%); SMAN 3 with the proportion of time utilization (44.44%), and the number of students' involvement (85.00%), SMAN 4 proportion of time utilization (44.44%) with the total involvement of learners (61.90%), SMAN 5 with the proportion of time utilization (46.67%), and number of learner participation (45.00%). Keywords: effective time, learning

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 150
Poniman Gultom ◽  
Sumarsono Sumarsono ◽  
Heri Soeprayogi ◽  
Tetty Mirwa

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan unsur realis yang terdapat pada patung Dr. I L Nommensen yang ada di taman wisata salib kasih tarutung dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Untuk memperoleh data mengenai analisis realis patung dilakukan pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen yang dianalisis berdasarkan unsur realis patung, observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah patung Nommensen yang berada di taman wisata salib kasih desa peatolong kecamatan siatas barita Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa gaya realis patung Nommensen di taman wisata salib kasih tidak sesuai dengan proporsi wajah,tangan, dan kaki. Proporsi patung tidak sesuai dengan 8 kali ukran kepala. Wujud dari patung Dr. I L Nommensen tidak sesuai dengan wujud Nommensen yang sebenarnya.  Kata Kunci: patung, realis, nommensen, salib, tarutung.AbstractThis study aims to describe the realist elements found in the statue of Dr. I L Nommensen who is in the crossing tourist park gave tarutung by using a qualitative descriptive research method. To obtain data on the realist analysis of sculptures, data collection using instruments was analyzed based on the realist elements of sculpture, observation, documentation and interviews. The subject of this study was the statue of Nommensen which was in the crossing tourist park of the village of Peatolong, Subdistrict Siatas Barita, North Tapanuli Regency. The results of the study explained that the realist style of Nommensen's statue in the tourist park of the cross of love did not match the proportions of the face, hands, and  feets. The proportion of the statue does not correspond to 8 times the head size. The form of the statue of Dr. I L Nommensen did not match Nommensen's true form. Keywords: statue, realist, nommensen, tourism, cross, tarutung.

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