Riris Oppusunggu

Pulmonary TB is a contagious disease caused by the bacterium tuberculosis. This bacterium is rod shaped and is acid resistant so it is known as Acid Resistant Basil (BTA). Most pulmonary TB germs often attack lung parenchyma and cause Lung TB, but can also attack other organs (extra-pulmonary TB) such as pleura, lymph nodes, bones and other extra-pulmonary organs.The pulmonary of this study was to determine the effect of giving Belut Abon on the levels of albumin and BMI of pulmonary TB patients in the working area of Petumbukan Health Center, Deli Serdang Regency in 2019 for 30 days. This type of research was Quasi Experiment with a design before and after the intervention using one group or called one group pre and post test design. Data analysis used paired t test to determine the effect of the intervention on albumin and BMI levels.The population in this study were all patients of disease as many as 22 people and entire population used as research samples.The results and conclucions of this study indicated the effect of Belut Abon/shredded on albumin and BMI levels (p = 0.005, 0.005 < 0.05).

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 14
Putri Megasari

Hepatitis has become a health problem in the world. The hepatitis virus infected many people. According to the teacher of MTsN 02 Bondowoso more than 20 students have hepatitis A viral infection. The purpose of this research was to know the differences of students' knowledge about hepatitis A before and after counseling in MTsN 02 Bondowoso 2015. This study used pre-experimental (pre-post test design). This study used stratified random sampling technique, 127 students from 270 sample involved this research,and 143 students was excluded. We used questionnaires to collect data. The results showed that the mean value of the students 'knowledge about hepatitis A before counseling in MTsN 02 Bondowoso 2015 was 83.96 with the lowest value of 37.5 and the highest value was 100. The mean value of the students' knowledge about hepatitis A after counseling in MTsN 02 Bondowoso 2015 was 93.21 with the lowest value waf 62.5 and the highest value was 100. Paired t test showed that t (-9.07) > t table (1.98), the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. There was a difference between students' knowledge about hepatitis A before and after counseling in MTsN 02 Bondowoso 2015. This study showed that routine counseling by healthcare provider was important to prevent hepatitis A infection.; Keywords: counseling, knowledge of students, hepatitis

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Helatul Mardiah ◽  
Zainal Munir ◽  
K Kholisotin ◽  
Ahmad Kholid Fauzi ◽  
Abdul Hamid Wahid

AbstrakBayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR) rendah merupakan berat badan bayi yang lahir kurang dari 2500 gram tanpa memandang masa gestasi atau usia kehamilan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan ibu merawat bayi BBLR sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perawatan dasar BBLR. mengetahui tingkat keterampilan ibu dalam memberikan perawatan terhadap bayi BBLR sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perawatan dasar bayi BBLR. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan total sampling dengan rancangan one-group pra-post test design dengan tujuan mengidentifikasi tingkat pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu dalam merawat bayi BBLR. populasi penelitian ini adalah ibu yang memiliki bayi BBLR yang pernah melahirkan dan dirawat di RSUD dr.H. Koesnadi Bondowoso dengan total sampel 42 responden. Uji variabel menggunakan uji paired T test. Hasil penelitian dengan uji paired T test (α=0.05) sebanyak 42 responden menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan dan tingkat keterampilan ibu terhadap perawatan bayi BBLR memiliki nilai signifikan 0.000, P.Value kedua kelompok penelitian ini adalah ρ=0.000, pada tingkat pengetahuan dan keterampilan (α= <0.05). Ada peningkatan yang signifikan dari tingkat pengetahuan dan tingkat keterampilan ibu setelah diberikan edukasi perawatan dasar bayi BBLR. Kata kunci : Perawatan Dasar Bayi BBLR, Pengetahuan, keterampilan.The Effectiveness Of  Babies Basic Care Towards Knowledge and Maternal Skills Of LBW Babies  AbstractLow Birth Weight (LBW) is the weight of baby born less 2500 grams regardless of gestation or gestational age. The purpose of this research is to know the level of knowledge of mothers caring for LBW babies before and after giving basic care of  LBW babies. Knowing the level of maternal skills in providing care for LBW before and after giving basic care. This research method use sampling total with one-group pre-post test design with the aim of identifying the level of  knowledge and mothers skills in caring for LBW babies. The study population was the mother who had LBW babies who had given birth and treated at the RSUD Dr. H. Koesnadi Bondowoso with a total sample 42 respondents. This variable test using paired T test. The result of this research with a paired T test (α = 0.05) 42 respondents indicated that the level of knowledge and the level of maternal skills towards LBW babies care had a significant value 0.000, P.Value of these two research groups was ρ = 0.000, at the level of knowledge and skills ( α = <0.05). There is a significant increase from the level of knowledge and the level of maternal skills after giving the basic caring education for LBW babies.Key words: the basic care of LBW babies, knowledge, Abilty

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 362-371
Nurmayanti Nurmayanti ◽  
Agung Waluyo ◽  
Wati Jumaiyah ◽  
Rohman Azzam

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of chest physiotherapy, effective coughing, and nebulizer on increasing oxygen saturation in blood in COPD patients at Jakarta Cempaka Putih Islamic Hospital. The design of this research is Quasi Experiment using observation method with One Group Pre-Post Test design approach. Statistical results of paired T test (Wilcoxon test) for the value of p = 0.001 (p <0.05). Conclusion, there is an effect of giving chest physiotherapy, effective cough and nebulizer to increase oxygen saturation in blood before and after intervention in COPD patients.   Keywords: Effective Cough Chest Physiotherapy, Nebulizer, COPD, Oxygen Saturation

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 846-865

The efforts to improve nutritional status for the human resources development must be started as early as possible, one of the things that can be done to improve nutrition status is the fulfillment of balanced nutrition in the period of 1000 first days of life (1000 HPK). This study aims to know the acceptability and the change of knowledge about 1000 HPK of brides at KUA Pesanggrahan District, South Jakarta by using the "My1000Days" application.  The method that used in this study is Research and Development (R&D). There are 5 stages carried out in this study, namely: (1) needs analysis, (2) application product development, (3) feasibility testing by experts, (4) small-scale trials, (5) large-scale trials.  The design used in this study was pre-experimental design with one group pre-post test design. The research samples were 40 brides. The results show that the acceptability of application by experts is 83% and the acceptability of application by brides is 95.7% which is categorized very well.  Media feasible test get an n-gain value of 0.77 which is categorized as high and the results of the Paired t-test obtained a p value of 0.000 (p <0.5) which indicates knowledge difference before and after using the application. For this reason, it is necessary to further develop existing features to increase the knowledge regarding 1000 HPK of brides registered in KUA . Keywords: Android-based applications, Acceptability, 1000 HPK nutrition, Nutrition knowledge  

Solikin Solikin ◽  
Kristiani Kristiani ◽  
I Made Alit Gunawan

<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Background: The province of NTB had the prevalence of underweight 30.5% in 2010 for children under five, this figure is above the national prevalence. A nutrition improvement through community empowerment (NICE) has been developed aimed to supporting community nutrition service to overcome nutrition and health problem independently. One of the programs is CNP (community nutrition package) which got the highest fund allocation compared to other NICE program.</p><p>Objectives: To evaluate the effect of CNP supplementation in NTB Province to the increase of nutritional status of children under five through index of weight by age and performance of posyandu.</p><p>Methods: The study was evaluative with quantitative and qualitative method and one group pre and post test design, from January to April 2012 at 4 districts/ municipalities area of NICE Project, comprising 72 villages/cities that received CNP in 533 posyandu with 7,975 of children under fives. Posyandu’s performance was measured by baseline data collection for NICE project questionairre, weight measured by scale, and indepth interview was made to individuals administering CNP before and after receiving the package. Samples were randomly selected. Data analysis used paired t-test.</p><p>Results: There was significant difference in performance of posyandu (p&lt; 0.001, 95% CI: 9.88-11.05) and nutritional status of children under five based on index of weight/age (p&lt;0.001, 95% CI: -1.23 to -1.32) before and after CNP supplementation. CNP supplementation increased performance of posyandu, but did not increase the nutritional status of children under five (index of weight/age). There were supporting factors of community nutrition supplementation such as human resources, participation across sectors, villages and community/religious leaders and integration with other programs (PNPM-Mandiri, GSC, local budget).</p><p>Conclusions: CNP supplementation affected performance of posyandu but did not increase nutritional status of children under five at Province of NTB in 2011.</p><p>KEYWORDS: NICE project, nutritional status, performance of posyandu, children under five</p><p><br />ABSTRAK</p><p>Latar belakang: Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat memiliki prevalensi balita underweight di atas prevalensi nasional, yaitu sebesar 30,5 persen tahun 2010. Proyek perbaikan gizi NICE (nutrition improvement through community empowerment) dikembangkan melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat untuk mendukung pelayanan gizi masyarakat. Salah satu programnya adalah paket gizi masyarakat (PGM) yang mendapat alokasi dana paling tinggi dibanding proyek NICE yang lain.</p><p>Tujuan: Mengevaluasi pengaruh pemberian PGM di Provinsi NTB terhadap peningkatan status gizi balita indeks berat badan menurut umur dan kinerja posyandu.</p><p>Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluatif menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif pada bulan Januari sampai dengan April 2012. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan one group pre and post test design. Penelitian dilaksanakan di 4 kabupaten/kota wilayah NICE mencakup 72 desa/kota yang mendapat PGM dengan jumlah posyandu sebanyak 533 dan 7.975 balita. Pengukuran kinerja posyandu menggunakan kuesioner yang diadopsi dari baseline data collection for NICE project, pengukuran berat badan menggunakan dacin dan indepth interview dilakukan pada pengelola PGM sebelum dan sesudah PGM. Pemilihan subjek penelitian dilakukan secara simple random sampling. Analisis data menggunakan paired t-test.</p><p>Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna kinerja posyandu (nilai p&lt;0,001, 95% CI: 9,885763-11,05232) dan status gizi balita menurut indeks BB/U (nilai p&lt; 0,001, 95% CI: -1,233254-1,321063) antara sebelum dan sesudah pemberian PGM. Kinerja posyandu meningkat setelah pemberian PGM, namun belum mampu meningkatkan status gizi balita (indeks BB/U) di Provinsi NTB tahun 2011. Terdapat faktor pendukung pemberian PGM di antaranya kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) kelompok gizi masyarakat (KGM), keterlibatan lintas sektor, desa/ kelurahan, dan tokoh masyarakat/agama serta keterpaduan program lainnya (PNPM-Mandiri, GSC, dana daerah).</p><p>Kesimpulan: Pemberian paket gizi masyarakat berpengaruh terhadap kinerja posyandu tetapi belum mampu meningkatkan status gizi balita di Provinsi NTB tahun 2011.</p><p>KATA KUNCI: proyek NICE, status gizi, kinerja posyandu, balita</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 307
Dwi Astuti ◽  
Dewi Hartinah ◽  
David Reveindra Afif Permana

Abstrak Latar belakang:Di Indonesia dalam Riset Kesehatan Dasar tahun 2013 proporsi persalinan dengan bedah sesar menunjukkan sebesar 9,8% Provinsi Jawa Tengah sendiri untuk metode persalinan Caesar sebesar 10%. Bedah caesar merupakan bedah yang bukan tanpa resiko, risiko dari bedah Caesar ini merupakan potensi stressor yang dapat menyebabkan pasien operasi SC mengalami kecemasan.  Dunia kesehatan Islam, memasukkan dzikir sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi kecemasan. Tujuan: mengetahui pengaruh pemberian terapi dzikir terhadap penurunan tingkat kecemasan pada pasien post SC. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan quasy experiment dengan desain pre-post test design with control group. Sampel sebanyak 24 orang yang diambil secara sampel jenuh. Statistik yang digunakan adalah paired t test, wilcoxon test dan independent t test. Hasil uji Paired t Test diperoleh ada perbedaan (perubahan) tingkat kecemasan pasien post SC sebelum dan sesudah diberikan terapi dzikir pada kelompok intervensi nilai p = 0,000 > α = 0,05, terjadi penurunan rata-rata sebesar 9,917.  Hasil uji Wilcoxon diperoleh tidak ada perbedaan (perubahan) tingkat kecemasan pasien post SC sebelum dan sesudah diberikan komunikasi terapeutik pada kelompok kontrol nilai p = 0,636 > α = 0,05, penurunan yang terjadi yaitu hanya 0,83. Hasil uji Independent t Test diperoleh tidak ada perbedaan (perubahan) tingkat kecemasan pasien post SC sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan pada kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol dengan nilai p = 0,211 > α = 0,05. Kesimpulan: ada pengaruh pemberian terapi dzikir terhadap penurunan tingkat kecemasan pasien post operasi SC Kata kunci      : Kecemasan, Post SC, Dzikir AbstractBackground: In Indonesia in 2013 Basic Health Research the proportion of deliveries with cesarean section showed 9.8% of Central Java Province alone for the method of caesarean delivery by 10%. Caesarean section is a surgery that is not without risk, the risk of a C-section is a potential stressor that can cause SC surgery patients to experience anxiety. The world of Islamic health, incorporating dzikir as an effort to overcome anxiety. Objective: to determine the effect of dzikir therapy on reducing anxiety levels in post SC patients. Method: This study uses a quasy experiment with a pre-post test design with control group design. A sample of 24 people were taken in a saturated sample. The statistics used were paired t test, Wilcoxon test and independent t test. Results: Paired t Test results obtained there were differences (changes) in the anxiety level of post SC patients before and after given dzikir therapy in the intervention group the value of p = 0,000> α = 0.05, there was an average decrease of 9,917. The results of the Wilcoxon test obtained no difference (change) in the anxiety level of post SC patients before and after therapeutic communication in the control group p = 0.636> α = 0.05, the decrease that occurred was only 0.83. The results of the Independent t Test obtained no difference (change) in the anxiety level of post SC patients before and after treatment in the intervention group and the control group with a value of p = 0.211> α = 0.05. Conclusion: there is an effect of giving dzikir therapy to decrease anxiety level of postoperative SC patients Keywords: Anxiety, Post SC, Dzikir

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Chytra Rachmat ◽  
Shane H.R. Ticoalu ◽  
Djon Wongkar

Abstract: A common form of dyslipidemia is often associated with cardiovascular disease which is hypertriglyceridemia. Triglycerides in the body is mainly used as energy storage for a variety of metabolic processes. Poco-poco gymnastics from North Sulawesi. The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of poco-poco gymnastics to triglyceride blood levels. Methods: This study is experimental using one group pre and post test design, the subjects were 25 female students year 2013 Science and Mathematic Faculty of Pharmacyof Sam Ratulangi University Manado who met the inclusion criterias. Data was analyzed using paired t test. Results: Based on the research that has done from 25 subjects it was obtained that there was a decrease in mean triglyceride levels before and after poco-poco gymnastics for four weeks. However, this decrease was not significant (p=0,366). Conclusion: There was a decrease in triglyceride levels after poco-poco exercises for four weeks but this is not significant.Keywords : poco-poco gymnastics, triglycerideAbstrak: Bentuk umum dislipidemia yang sering dikaitkan dengan penyakit kardiovaskuler yaitu hipertrigliseridemia. Trigliserida dalam tubuh terutama dipakai untuk menyediakan energi berbagai proses metabolik. Salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kadar trigliserida yaitu olahraga. Senam poco-poco merupakan senam yang berasal dari Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh senam poco-poco terhadap kadar trigliserida darah. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental dengan rancangan one group pre and post test dengan jumlah subjek penelitian 25 mahasiswi Program Studi Farmasi Fakultas MIPA Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado yang memenuhi kriteria. Data dianalisis dengan uji t berpasangan. Hasil: Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan pada 25 subjek penelitian diperoleh hasil yaitu terjadi penurunan rata-rata kadar trigliserida sebelum dan sesudah senam poco-poco selama empat minggu. Namun penurunan ini secara statistik tidak bermakna (p=0,366). Simpulan: Terjadi penurunan kadar trigliserida setelah latihan senam poco-poco selama empat minggu namun penurunan ini secara statistik tidak bermakna.Kata Kunci: senam poco-poco, trigliserida

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Iin Aini Isnawati ◽  
Rizka Yunita

Elderly can cause a person to experience a decrease in physical strength, speed and skills that resulting in a decline of health functions in term of physically, psychologically and socially. This condition causes the elderly to be hampered in carrying out daily activities. As a result, the elderly feel inferior, easily offended, feel useless, unhappy, lose their roles, and are worthless. Efforts to overcome this problem are by forming a mental health cadre so that they can invite the elderly to conduct health check up at the posyandu. This study aims to analyze the effect of soul cadre training toward the number of elderly visits. This study was used experimental quasy design with one group pre-post test design. This research was carried out in Karangbong Village, Pajarakan District, Probolinggo District. The population and sample of this study were all mental health cadres  that is 25 cadre using total sampling. The research instrument was used observation sheets by assessing the number of elderly visits. This study uses data analysis paired t-test. This study shows that there is significant effect of soul cadre training on the number of elderly visits in Karangbong Village, Pajarakan with ρ value of 0,001. Suggestions from this study are that intervention is needed for the elderly such as supportive therapy in order to provide support and motivation to the elderly so that it can improve the quality of life's welfare physically and psychologically. Keywords: training, soul cadre, elderly visit

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 369-376
Noverda Ayuchecaria ◽  
Sahena Nurzaqia ◽  
Nur Fitriani Ahdy ◽  

The use of eye drops must be as directed in order to obtain an optimal clinical outcome. The storage of eye drops should also receive special attention to ensure sterility. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in the level of patient knowledge before and after giving leaflets. This is an experimental research one group pre test-post test design. Data were collected prospectively. The research was conducted at the Kuripan Perintis Pharmacy, Banjarmasin. The sample in this study amounted to 50 respondents. Data were collected using a questionnaire. The research sample received intervention giving leaflets about the use and storage of eye drops. The research data were displayed in percentage form and analyzed using different test. The results showed that the level of knowledge of respondents about how to use and store eye drops before giving leaflets was in good category 15 (30%); enough 21 (42%) and less (28%). While the level of knowledge of respondents after being given leaflets was in the good category 30 (60%); enough 13 (26%) and less 7 (14%). There was a significant difference between the level of knowledge of the respondents before and after being given the leaflet (p <0.05).

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Triana Indrayani ◽  
Nadya Namira

Comics are effective in increasing elementary school children's knowledge because comics have attractive colors and images, therefore they can facilitate easy understanding of a concept. One group of children who are vulnerable to being victims of sexual violence were elementary school children. This study aimed to measure the effectiveness of educational comics on the prevention of violence in elementary school children. The research design used in this study was a pre-experimental using the One Group Pre-Post-Test design, the sample in this study was 32 students taken using total sampling. The instrument used was a questionnaire, the data analysis used paired t test. The results showed that there were significant differences in the pretest and posttest after the educational comic intervention. There is a significant influence between the effectiveness of educational comics on prevention of violence in state elementary School Children before the intervention and after the intervention. It is expected that students will be more proactive in finding information about preventing violence in children so that they can apply the information obtained as well as possible.

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