Dani Sulistiantoro ◽  
Feri Budi Setyawan

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pembinaan tim futsal SMP Negeri 4 Pakem Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Evaluasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui keefektifan pembinaan tim futsal SMP Negeri 4 Pakem. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian evaluasi dengan menggunakan model CIPP. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan kualitatif dengan model analisis interaktif dari Miles Huberman. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian adalah 3 orang yang terdiri dari pengurus, pelatih, dan atlet dari SMP Negeri 4 Pakem. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembinaan tim futsal SMP Negeri 4 Pakem pada evaluasi context masuk kategori cukup. Evaluasi input pada pelaksanaan program pembinaan tim futsal SMP Negeri di Kabupaten Sleman Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta masuk kategori baik. Evaluasi process pada pelaksananaan tim futsal SMP N 4 Pakem masuk kategori cukup. Evaluasi product pada pembinaan tim futsal SMP N 4 Pakem Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta masuk kategori cukup.Kata Kunci: evaluasi, pembinaan, tim futsal.ABSTRACTThis study aimed to evaluate the development of futsal teams in SMP N 4 Pakem, Yogyakarta Special Region. The evaluation was carried out to find out its effectiveness. This was an evaluation research study using the CPP model. The approach used in the study was a qualitative approach with an interactive analysis model from Miles and Huberman. The data were collected through interviews, observations, and documentation. The research subjects were 3 people consisting of administrators, coaches, and athletes from SMPN 4 Pakem.The results of the study show that the development of the State Junior High School futsal team in SMP N 4 Pakem in the results of the context are moderate. The results of the input evaluation on the implementation of the development program are good. The results of the process evaluation on the implementation of the development program are moderate. The product evaluation on the development program are moderateKeywords: evaluation, development, futsal team

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 348
Darto Wahidin

ABSTRACT This study aimed to described the transformation of the batik creative industry and identified the impact of the transformation of the batik creative industry in order to increased the resilience of batik fabric crafts in Giriloyo Hamlet, Wukirsari Village, Imogiri District, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta.This type of research used a qualitative approach, the research design used was phenomenology. The determination of the informants in this study was carried out by means of a purposive sampling that was chosen with specific considerations and objectives. Data obtained from various sources namely, observation, in-depth interviews, documentation, and online studies. Data analysis in this study refered to the interactive analysis model proposed by Miles and Huberman.The results of this study found that the transformation that occurred in Giriloyo batik could be seen from the development of Giriloyo batik before and now that caused the transformation in the Giriloyo batik fabric craft. Forms of transformation that occured in the grip, motives, colors, marketing, and economics. During this time entrepreneurs and craftsmen in transforming the craft of batik cloth were facing various kinds of challenges. The results of transformation could be seen in the development of Giriloyo batik motifs and colors that had experienced combinations. The impact of the Giriloyo batik motif transformation on the resilience of batik fabric crafts could be seen from the increased production of batik fabrics and a more secure welfare. However, on the other hand there was pollution caused by the waste of the batik industry and the plagiarism of batik cloth. The strategy in increasing the resilience of Giriloyo batik fabric craft was carried out to faced the onslaught of batik originating from abroad, so that Giriloyo batik fabric craft could survive and be competitive.ABSTRAK             Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan transformasi industri kreatif batik dan mengidentifikasi dampak transformasi industri kreatif batik dalam rangka peningkatan ketahanan kerajinan kain batik di Dusun Giriloyo, Desa Wukirsari, Kecamatan Imogiri, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.            Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, desain penelitian yang digunakan fenomenologi. Penentuan informan dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara purposive sampling yang dipilih dengan pertimbangan dan tujuan tertentu. Data diperoleh dari berbagai sumber, yakni observasi, wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi, dan studi online. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini mengacu pada model analisis interatif yang dikemukakan oleh Miles dan Huberman.Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa transformasi yang terjadi pada batik Giriloyo dapat dilihat dari perkembangan batik Giriloyo dulu dan sekarang yang menyebabkan terjadinya transformasi pada kerajinan kain batik Giriloyo. Bentuk transformasi yang terjadi pada pakem, motif, warna, pemasaran, dan ekonomi. Selama ini pengusaha dan perajin dalam mentransformasi kerajinan kain batik tersebut menghadapi berbagai macam tantangan. Hasil transformasi bisa dilihat pada pengembangan motif dan warna batik Giriloyo yang telah mengalami kombinasi. Dampak dari adanya transformasi motif batik Giriloyo terhadap ketahanan kerajinan kain batik dapat dilihat dari adanya peningkatan produksi kain batik dan kesejahteraan yang lebih terjamin. Namun, di sisi lain terjadinya pencemaran akibat limbah industri batik dan adanya penjiplakan kain batik tulis. Strategi dalam peningkatan ketahanan kerajinan kain batik Giriloyo dilakukan untuk menghadapi gempuran batik yang berasal dari luar negeri, agar kerajinankain batik Giriloyo tetap bertahan dan dapat bersaing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nurudin - Nurudin

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh (1) kemajuan teknologi komunikasi yang telah mengubah perilaku masyarakat dalam berkomunikasi;  (2) semakin maraknya kegiatan swafoto (selfie dan wefie) yang diunggah di media sosial; dan (3) muncul gejala sosiopat bagi para pengguna media sosial. Rumusan masalah yang dikedepankan adalah: (1) bagaimana munculnya gejala sosiopat di kalangan mahasiswa;  (2) apa dampak sosiopat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, penelian berlangsung di Malang Raya di lingkungan aktivis mahasiswa Mazhab Djaeng, yaitu kelompok diskusi aktivis mahasiswa yang dilaksanakan seminggu sekali di luar kampus dan diikuti oleh seluruh mahasiswa di Malang dan masyarakat umum. Adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah model analisis interaktif Matthew B. Miles dan A. Michael Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) foto selfie memperkuat gejala narsisme di kalangan mahasiswa; (2) narsisme yang kelewat batas memunculkan gejala penyakit sosial di masyarakat, yaitu antisosial; (3) perlunya gerakan literasi media dan masyarakat untuk menekan dampak munculnya sosiopat.Kata Kunci: Media Sosial, sosiopat, swafoto This background of this research is (1) the advancement of communication technology that has changed people's behavior in communication; (2) the increasing number of selfie activities that uploaded on social media; and (3) sociopathic symptoms appear for social media users. The formulation of the problems is: (1) how the symptoms of sociopaths arise among students; (2) what is the impact of sociopaths in everyday life? Using a qualitative approach, the study took place in Malang Raya in the Djaeng School student activist environment, namely a student activist discussion group held once a week outside the campus and attended by all students in Malang and the general public. The data analysis technique used is interactive analysis model Matthew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman. The results of the study showed (1) selfie photos strengthened the symptoms of narcissism among students; (2) overarching narcissism raises symptoms of social disease in the community, namely antisocial; (3) the need for media and community literacy movements to reduce the impact of the emergence of sociopaths.Keywords: Social media, sociopath, selfie

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-129
Nur Fajar Arief ◽  
Akhmad Tabrani

Sustainable professional development of pedagogic teachers is a strategic effort to improve the competence and performance of teachers in carrying out their duties and functions as planners, implementers, and evaluation of learning in  the classroom. This research aims to examine the improvement of innovative, creative, adaptive, and productive quality of PBI based on Indonesian text and character through the SKBP model of teachers in junior high schools and MTs. This research was  conducted using qualitative approach with survey type. The research subjects were PBI teachers in 6 junior high schools and MTs selected research target locations by using random patterns of strata. Descriptive data of 5 research objects obtained by researchers as a key instrument with interview techniques, questionnaires, and focused observations. Data analysis was carried out using a flow model during the study.  The development models used are  R2D2 model: Recursive, Reflective Instructional Design and Development  and Oxford training strategy model. The assessment of the effectiveness of the SKBP model was carried out using a qualitative approach with the type of class action research of the Kemmis and Taggart models. The research subjects were PBI teachers and grade VIII students at 6 junior high schools in Malang districts and cities. Further data analysis is done descriptively, including (1) improvement of pbi process based on Indonesian text and character using SKBP model and (2) improvement of PBI results based on Indonesian text and character using SKBP model.

Khalif Ashhabul Umam ◽  
Iip Saripah

Evaluation of training program is made to establish the achievement of program objectives and to provide recommendations for program improvements. In this article, use of the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product) evaluation model in training programs is discussed. It is an evaluation research, with a descriptive quantitative approach involving 16 training program participants as research subjects. The data collection techniques were based on questionnaires as the main instrument, with interview guides and observation guidelines as supporting instruments. The data analysis was made by comparing the scores obtained with the ideal score and multiplying by 100%; the results of these calculations were then grouped into a number of criteria that had been established. The results of the study indicate that the context dimension consisting of training objectives, training needs assessment, and state agency program organizers obtained a PE (Percentage of Effectiveness) score of 75.04%, placing it in the "fair" criterion. In the input dimension, consisting of participant description , instructor condition, infrastructure, training curriculum and instructional media, the PE score was 79.44% again in the "fair" criterion. In the process dimension, comprising lecture method, discussion method, demonstration method, question and answer method, practice method, field visiting method and evaluation of learning outcomes, the PE score obtained was 78.75%, which was also in the "fair" criterion. Finally, in the product dimension of knowledge aspect, attitude aspect and skill aspect, the PE score was 82.29%, in the “good" criterion. Based on the results of the dimension evaluation, the total PE score obtained was 78.88%, or overall in the "fair" criterion. It can be concluded that in general the execution of this training program was successful, so it is recommended that similar programs be conducted again, with some improvements.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-162
Ainy Faizah

The purpose of this research was to evaluate the teaching and learning program for Arabic language at Integrated Islamic Junior High School of Nurul Islam Tengaran, based on the quality of lesson planning, the process of teaching and learning activities and the assessment of Arabic lesson. This was an evaluation research by using Countenance Stake model, with descriptive quantitative approach. This research was conducted at Integrated Islamic Junior High School of Nurul Islam Tengaran, putting teachers and students as research subjects. In collecting data, the researcher uses observation, questionnaires, and documentation. The instruments of collecting data for this research have been validated. Instruments for observation and questionnaires have also been estimated to be reliable. After conducting the analysis, the instruments were stated to be valid and reliable so they could be used as a measuring tool in this research. Data analysis technique used for the research was descriptive quantitative. The result of this research showed that (1) the completeness of components in the lesson plan of Arabic language is very good, meanwhile its concordance with the syllabus is in a good category (2) the teaching and learning activity of Arabic language is good, (3) the assessment of Arabic language, is also good, and (4) the learning outcomes of learners have met the passing grade (KKM).

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Sundari Gita Pertiwi ◽  
Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana

Materi geometri merupakan materi yang penting untuk dipelajari karena berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari dan sebagai materi dasar pendukung penguasaan materi matematika yang lain. Namun, materi geometri, khususnya materi hubungan antar sudut, masih dianggap sulit dipahami oleh siswa. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu model pembelajaran yang interaktif dan dapat menuntun siswa menemukan sendiri konsep yang dipelajari untuk mengembangkan pemahaman mereka. Salah satu model pembelajaran alternatif yang dapat digunakan adalah model guided inquiry atau penyelidikan terbimbing yang mana siswa adalah pusat pembelajaran dan guru hanya sebagai fasilitator dan motivator siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk mendeskripsikan proses belajar menggunakan model guided inquiry. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMPN 3 Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dengan subyek penelitian yaitu siswa kelas VII (n = 32). Data penelitian dikumpulkan dalam bentuk rekaman audio dan video, foto, dan lembar aktivitas siswa. Data dianalisis dengan cara mereduksi, menampilkan, dan menyimpulkan data, setelah itu ditulis dalam bentuk narasi deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi model guided inquiry dalam pembelajaran hubungan antar sudut yang terdiri dari tiga pertemuan dengan beberapa aktivitas pembelajaran mendeskripsikan proses pembelajaran yang baik. Inter-angular relationship learning using a guided inquiry learning modelAbstractGeometry is one of the essential materials to study because it is related to everyday life and raw material to support other mathematical materials’ mastery. However, the material of geometry, especially the material on the relationship between angles, was still considered difficult by students. Several factors affect student learning difficulties, one of which is using conventional learning models by teachers. Therefore, we need a learning model that is more interactive and can guide students to find their concepts. One alternative learning model that can be used is the guided inquiry or guided discovery model. The student is the center of learning, and the teacher is only the student’s facilitator and motivator. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method to describe the learning process using a guided inquiry model. The research was conducted at SMPN 3 Bantul (Junior High School), Special Region of Yogyakarta, with the research subjects, namely, grade-seventh students (n = 32). The research data were collected in the form of audio and video recordings, photos, and student activity sheets. The data were analyzed by reducing, presenting, and concluding, then it was written in the form of a descriptive narrative. The results showed that implementing the guided inquiry model in inter-angular relationship learning to consist of three meetings with several learning activities described an excellent learning process.

Prima Retnaning Mareta ◽  
Akhmad Arif Musadad ◽  
Susanto Susanto

<p>The pandemic period which is increasingly protracted and it is not clear when it will end has disrupted all human activities, one of which is learning activities in school. After the physical distancing rules are implemented, student learning activities are carried out at home. This results in students experiencing a decrease in student affective skills, besides that the teacher also experiences limitations in monitoring student affective behavior. Therefore, this study aims to determine the extent to which students' social skills during the pandemic. The research subjects were students of SMA Negeri 1 Kedunggalar, Ngawi Regency, with 76 students as respondents who were randomly selected from various classes, majors, and genders. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. Data analysis in this study refers to an interactive analysis model consisting of the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. From this research, the goal is to be able to see how the attitude of students' social skills during the pandemic.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 571-578
Apri Retnaningsih ◽  
Achadi Budi Santosa

This study aims to reveal the role and participation of the community in the implementation of School-Based Management (SBM) and the factors supporting and inhibiting implementation. The research was conducted using observation sheet guides and interview guidelines supported by a review of school administration documents, through a qualitative approach to the interactive analysis model of Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the implementation of SBM was quite successful; this was indicated by a significant change in schools, namely the increase in school quality and increased public interest in Muhammadiyah Mutihan Elementary School. In the implementation of SBM, the school is more flexible because it can manage schools independently, making programs based on the school's needs and abilities. Public participation is quite good; the community always supports and helps school activities and controls the school. Supporting factors in implementing SBM are the community, alumni, foundations, and sponsors. While the inhibiting factor is limited land, schools cannot provide sports fields for students and the limited ability to accompany teachers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (01) ◽  
pp. 73-79
Siswantoro ◽  
Moch Asmawi ◽  
James Tangkudung

The purpose of this study was to find out the volleyball extracurricular development program in Tambun Utara sub-district using the CIPP eva-luation model (Context, Input, Process and Product). By using the CIPP method, which was presented by Daniel L. Stuflebeam, it is an evaluation of the Context discussion on the background of the program and the purpose of the coaching program. Input Evaluation is a discussion of the acceptance of athletes, coaches, funds, facilities and infrastructure. Process Evaluation, discussion on the implementation of training, consumption / nutrition, coordination and communication programs. Product evaluation, which is about the results of the guided program achievement which is obtained in the volleyball extracurricular program development. The results of this study were obtained from the results of interviews, observations and documentation studies obtained by the researchers that the volleyball extracurricular training program in Tambun North District Public Middle School had carried out the processes and procedures of sports achievement development programs in general. However, the implementation is constrained by funding, training facilities and infrastructure as well as other facilities that can support the training program. The importance of communication and coordination of sports stakeholders has not run as expected in seeking donors both local and private government.

Prima Retnaning Mareta ◽  
Akhmad Arif M ◽  
Susanto Susanto

The increasingly prolonged pandemic period and its unclear ending have disrupted all human activities, one of which is learning activities in school. After the physical distancing policy is implemented, student-learning activities are carried out at home. This results in a decrease in the affective skills of students. Besides, the teachers also experience limitations in monitoring students’ affective behavior. Hence, this study's goal is to determine the extent to which students' social skills during the pandemic period. The research subjects were students of Kedunggalar 1 Senior High School (SMA Negeri 1 Kedunggalar), Ngawi Regency, with 76 students as respondents who were randomly selected from various classes, majors, and gender. This research was a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection techniques used questionnaires. Data analysis in this study referred to an interactive analysis model consisting of the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. Based on the results of this research, it can be seen how the attitude of students' social skills is during the pandemic.

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