scholarly journals PAK Dalam Keluarga dan Lingkungan Pergaulan Siswa, Kontribusinya Terhadap Pembentukan Karakter

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-188
Hasahatan Hutahaean ◽  
Hermanto Sihotang ◽  
Purnamasari Siagian

This study aims to determine how Christian Education (CE) in the family and social environment of students, and its contribution to the formation of student character. The place where the research was carried out was the private high school GKPI Padang Bulan Medan. The study population was 104 people, while the sample was 30 people. The instrument used for this research was a questionnaire. Based on the results of the study, it was found that there was a contribution of CE in the Family to Character Building at the zero level ry1 = 0.510, there was also a contribution between the Student Social Environment (X2) to the Character Building (Y) at the zero level ry2 = 0.411 and there was a joint contribution between CE in the Family and Social Environment of Students on the Formation of Student Character (1,293). Four characters are described as the character traits of Christianity, namely; Trust completely in God, Not vengeful, Happy to pray, Think rationally. Therefore, parents should continue to provide examples and teaching at home to help shape children's character. Teachers in schools are also to set an example in giving character examples to students.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana PAK dalam keluarga dan lingkungan pergaulan siswa memberi kontribusi terhadap pembentukan karakter siswa. Tempat penelitian dilakukan di SMA Swasta GKPI Padang Bulan Medan. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 104 orang sedangkan sampel sebanyak 30 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan adanya kontribusi PAK dalam Keluarga terhadap Pembinaan Karakter pada tingkat nil ry1 = 0,510, terdapat pula kontribusi Lingkungan pergaulan Siswa (X2) terhadap Pembinaan Karakter. (Y) pada taraf nol ry2 = 0,411 dan ada kontribusi bersama PAK dalam Keluarga dan Lingkungan Sosial Siswa terhadap Pembentukan Karakter Siswa (1,293). Empat karakter yang digambarkan sebagai karakter agama Kristen, yaitu; Percaya sepenuhnya pada Tuhan, Tidak dendam, Senang berdoa, Berpikir rasional. Oleh karena itu, orang tua hendaknya terus memberikan teladan dan pengajaran di rumah untuk membantu membentuk karakter anak. Guru di sekolah juga harus memberi contoh dalam memberikan contoh karakter kepada siswa.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Oki Dermawan

<p><em>Spiritual intelligence is Supposed to be the main concern in education. This is done by the teaching of religious ethical values by example from the family, school and community. through the practice of worship, Such as fasting a month in Ramadhan (Refrain from eating and drinking or anything that may nevertheless invalidate the fast, all day from dawn until sunset in the month of Ramadan).  fasting, reading and understanding the holy book the Qur'an, physical and social environment conducive. when the spirituality of the students are organized, it will be Easier to organize other aspects of personality.  Fasting during Ramadan is a momentum for character building. Fasting will let people have strong principles, patience, Sincerity and do not give up and have the solidarity and love each other. That principle has now started to disappear. Moment of  Ramadan  may also be a school agenda for character building, with this media, students are expected to remember and go back to the true identity of the sacred and sublime, with the values of humanity and wisdom. When the values of human nature come back on the track, then the equality and solidarity will color the days of the students. Fasting has a horizontal dimension with a strong social life Such as charity, served meals to the orphans, be patient in facing the problem. there are some excellent values for building the character of students. It is Appropriate if the moment of Ramadan fasting would be passed on in the schools as a program after the month of Ramadan in shaping the character of students through the activities of the sunnah fasting( not </em><em>compulsory fasting) </em><em>  twice a week Monday-Thursday, or give students the freewill to negotiate to determine how many times a week or every month held sunnah fasting together, the idea of the Sunnah fasting is influence on the formation of student character effectively.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-20
Dewi Risanti

The ways, forms and content of education provided by parents to children will affect the growth and development and learning achievement of children, therefore parents should not be separated in fostering and developing all the potential of children in order to improve their children's learning achievement in the family environment by trying to create a good atmosphere and learning environment, which of course can affect learning achievement. In this study, the authors determined the population of students of class XII IPA and IPS Of Nurhasanah Medan Private High School who lived with parents as many as 38 people, the sample was determined as many as 30 people taken through random sampling techniques. To collect data, closed questionnaires are used, to obtain data on how parents educate and documentary studies to obtain student learning achievement.  Respondents' answers are given a value by giving a value weight for option a given a value of 4, for option b is given a value of 3, and for option c is given a value of 2, and for option d is given a value of 1. To find a correlation between the way parents educate and learning achievement is used pearson product moment formula as follows : To test a hypothesis with a significant level of 5% or by using a belief level of 95% used a table r (correlation table) with a sample number of 30 people which is 0.361.  Thus the result of the calculation obtained the value r = -0.24 cannot prove the hypothesis. The results of the conclusions in the study stated a negative relationship between the way parents educate and student learning achievement. So the author can conclude that the way parents educate good influences low on student learning achievement at Nurhasanah Medan Private High School.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 423-446
Mu’min Firmansyah ◽  
Ajeng Sanggarwati Etika Sari

During the Covid-19 pandemic, student character-building interactions were centered on parents due to distance learning. The independence of students is created from a single pattern of parenting because interactions with teachers only take place virtually. Therefore, parents play a major role in shaping the characteristics of students. This research wants to reveal the ideal role of these people, especially in shaping the character of students in the family and social environment. The actions of parents in providing education for children in the environment of the family is very important. It is because the family becomes the first education for children. The duties of parents are to be the first educators or teachers to their children for the sake of creating and developing a child's character. This study used a qualitative research style and the samples taken were several residents of Badal Pandean Village, Ngadiluwih District, Kediri Regency. After doing research, it shows that parents have a big role in shaping children's characters even amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 33
Risda Mariana Manik ◽  
Hetty Gustina Simamora

According to data Basic Healt Research (Riskesdas) in 2016, as many as 22,7% women of reproductive age more than 15 years indicate anemia. Anemia that often occurs is iron deficiency anemia, the incidence reaches 50% of the total anemia. There is a significant relationship between nutritional status and incidence of anemia in adolescent.This study was an observational analytic with a cross sectional approach. This study was conducted in private high school Santa Lusia Medan. The population of this study were adolescent girl with a total sample 74 using total sampling technique. The research material in the form scales and height measurements to measure boddy mass index, quesioner for iron consumption patterns and consumption habits of Fe tablet and hemoglobin levels were examined using haemometer digital. Data analysis used chi square test (α=0,005).The results of the research are variabels related to anemia incidence are body mass index (sig=0,019), iron consumption patterns (sig=0,017), Fe tablet consumption habit (sig=0,045). Conclusion this study is factor causing anemia in adolescent girls is the pattern of iron consumption. Adolescent girl who have irreguler iron consumption pattern have an oppurtunity to experience anemia of 4,250 compared to adolescent girl who have reguler iron consumption patterns.

Hardianti Abubakar ◽  
Yolanda MTN Apituley ◽  
Lilian M. Soukotta

As a form of diversified processed fish meat, tuna meatball is very popular to people in Ambon. This type of food is sold by traders from Java by walking or cycling. Difficulties living in the origin area require traders to leave their families and go out looking for jobs in other areas with hopes that the family needs are met. The purpose of this research is to analyze (1). Characteristics of mobile tuna meatball traders in Ambon, (2). The amount of income received by mobile tuna meatball traders in Ambon, and (3). Percentage income utilized by the mobile tuna meatball traders either in family or personal needs. The study was conducted by survey and data obtained through interviews and observations from May to October 2018. The results show that the average age of meatball traders was between <25-65 yo, having education in junior and senior high school level, with the highest number of dependants 1-2 people and <5 years trading experience. The average income of tuna fish meatball traders is Rp. 4,747,231, - which is used for personal and family needs. Seven  traders use more than 50% for family needs and the rest for personal needs, while six traders utilize more than 60 % for personal needs and the rest for family needs.

Rini Mayasari Rini Mayasari

ABSTRACT   Free sex is a relationship that is done by men and women without matrimony. Various forms of sexual behavior, such as intimate dating, courtship, to have sexual contact. Factors associated with sex behavior among others, is the lack of knowledge about free sex, free sex impact, forms of promiscuity, perversion LGBT, and disease-free sex. This study design is the technique of sampling using quantitative indirectly using a questionnaire tools shaped questionnaires. Be knew overview of students' knowledge about sex in high school / vocational Lubuk Linggau Year 2016. The study population was high school class XII students in schools in the city Lubuklingga 2016. The sample in this study is the high school class XII students in 9 schools there in Lubuklinggau of 167 people. Results of univariate analysis showed respondent knowledge about free sex amounted to 48 people (28,74%), students with sufficient knowledge of 54 people (32,33%), and students with less knowledge of 65 people (38, 93%). Students with a good knowledge about the impact of free sex amounted to 57 (34,13%), students with sufficient knowledge of 69 people (41,31%), and students with less knowledge 41 (24,56%). Students with a good knowledge about the form of free sex amounted to 58 students (34,73%), students with sufficient knowledge totaled 49 peoples (29,34%), and students with less knowledge of 60 people (35,93%). Students with a good knowledge about LGBT amounted to 54 (32,34%), students with sufficient knowledge amounted to 68 peoples (40.71%), and students with less knowledge amounted 45 peoples (26,95%). Students with a good knowledge about the disease free sex amounted to 22 peoples (13,17%), students with sufficient knowledge of 39 peoples (23,35%), and students with less knowledge amounted to 106 peoples (63,48%).     ABSTRAK   Seks bebas merupakan hubungan yang dilakukan oleh laki-laki dan perempuan tanpa adanya ikatan perkawinan. Berbagai bentuk tingkah laku seksual, seperti berkencan intim, bercumbu, sampai melakukan kontak seksual. Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku seks bebas antara lain adalah kurangnya pengetahuan tentang seks bebas, dampak seks bebas, bentuk-bentuk seks bebas, penyimpangan LGBT, dan penyakit seks bebas. Desain penelitian ini adalah teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik kuantitatif yaitu secara tidak langsung menggunakan alat bantu angket berbentuk kuisener. Di ketahuinya gambaran pengetahuan siswa tentang seks bebas di SMA/SMK Kota Lubuk Linggau Tahun 2016. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII SMA di sekolah yang ada di Kota Lubuklingga tahun 2016. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII SMA di 9 sekolah yang ada di Kota Lubuklinggau yang berjumlah 167 orang. Hasil analisis univariat menunjukan respondent pengetahuan tentang seks bebas berjumlah 48 orang (28,74%), siswa dengan pengetahuan cukup 54 orang (32,33%), dan siswa dengan pengetahuan kurang 65 orang (38,93%). Siswa dengan pengetahuan baik tentang dampak perilaku seks bebas berjumlah 57 orang (34,13%), siswa dengan pengetahuan cukup 69 orang (41,31%), dan siswa dengan pengetahuan kurang 41 orang (24, 56%). Siswa dengan pengetahuan baik tentang bentuk perilaku seks bebas  berjumlah 58 siswa (34,73%), siswa dengan pengetahuan cukup  berjumlah 49orang (29,34%), dan siswa dengan pengetahuan kurang berjumlah 60 orang  (35,93%). Siswa dengan  pengetahuan baik tentang LGBT berjumlah 54 orang (32,34%), siswa dengan pengetahuan cukup berjumlah 68 orang (40,71%), dan siswa dengan  pengetahuan kurang berjumlah 45orang (26,95%). Siswa dengan pengetahuan baik tentang penyakit seks bebas berjumlah 22 orang (13,17%), siswa dengan pengetahuan cukup 39 orang (23,35%), dan siswa dengan pengetahuan kurang berjumlah 106 orang (63,48%).  

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-58
Jiří Semrád ◽  
Milan Škrabal

The paper deals with issues connected with the motivation of high school students to participate in activities aimed at professional creative activity and, in this context, issues of environmental influences, especially from school and the family. It is responding to some of the growing efforts of neoliberalism to over individualize creative expression and activities and completely ignore social influences. It also takes into account the cultural legacy of past generations and the sources of creative power that have taken root in society and from which individuals draw and process their inspiration. Presented within are the results of an empirical probe focused on the influence of the social environment on the creative activity of teenagers. The paper follows the relations to the existing body of knowledge on the relationship between social environment and creativity, with an effort to capture the social conditionality of creative performances—to capture their roots. The results of the probe have confirmed the initial hypothesis that the creative efforts of secondary school students taking part in vocational training is based on the social background of the family and school. However, the family influence on the students’ creativity is not as significant as one would expect. It is the indirect effect of the family environment that has a larger influence.

Elena de Andrés-Jiménez ◽  
Rosa Mª Limiñana-Gras ◽  
Encarna Fernández-Ros

The aim of this study is to determine the existence of a characteristic personality profile of family carers of people with dementia. The correct knowledge and use of psychological variables which affect the carer, helps to promote appropriate actions to mitigate the impact of care and improve the carer’s quality of life and likewise the one of the person cared for. The study population consists of 69 family carers of people with dementia, members of various associations and care centers. The results allow us to identify a characteristic personality profile for these carers and it reveals a specific psychological working in this sample, although we cannot directly relate it with the tasks of caring for people with this disease, this profile gives us very relevant information to pay more attention to the needs of this group. Moreover, the analysis of personality styles depends on the sex of the family carer, showing, once again, that the woman is in a situation of most vulnerability.

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