Making Good Use of Pictures

Pınar Nuhoğlu Kibar ◽  
Rune Pettersson

Pictures have been important for communication for thousands of years. It is easy for students to lose interest in learning materials with complicated content. Visuals may have many functions, such as attract, gain, get, hold, and maintain attention of a learning material. In contrast to pictures used for advertising, decoration, and entertainment, the main purposes for use of visuals in education are cognitive and pedagogical. Our use of pictures must always be adapted to the intended audiences, and to the available technology. Teachers, and students, need to pay attention to visuals in learning materials. Most students do not attend to the visuals unless they actually are instructed to do so. At this point, how pictures are included in the learning process is decisive on the expected impact. As an effective visualization type, infographics enable conveying complex information in a big picture by combining text and visuals. Beyond instructor-provided infographics, infographic creation enables focusing on a subject, researching in-depth and visualizing the constructed knowledge.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-220
Diana Diana ◽  
Anandita Eka Setiadi

This research aims to develop learning materials at science based on local wisdom and islamic values that can be used at schools. This research conducted with research and development 4-D Model. There are four stages which are define, design, develop, and dessiminate. Data were collected through observation, interview, validation sheets and response sheets for teachers and students. Product learning materials tested limited trials at ANNUR kindergarten in Pontianak. The validity of the results achieved very valid. The results of validation learning materials achieved very well with score 81%. The results of a response teacher and students achieved strong category with score 76%. The conclusion about this research learning materials at science based on local wisdom and islamic values worthy to use in the learning process at schools. Keywords: Learning material, Early childhood Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar sains anak usia dini berbasis kearifan lokal dan nilai keislaman yang layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran di sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan Four D (Model 4D). Terdapat empat tahapan dimulai dari define, design, develop, dan dessiminate. Pengambilan data menggunakan lembar observasi, lembar wawancara, lembar validasi dan angket respon untuk guru dan siswa. Analisa data menggunakan metode deskriptif. Produk bahan ajar melalui uji coba terbatas di TK ANNUR di Kota Pontianak. Hasil penilaian bahan ajar oleh validator sebesar 81% dengan kriteria sangat valid. Respon siswa dan guru terhadap bahan ajar sebesar 76% dengan kriteria kuat. Disimpukan bahwa bahan ajar berbasis kearifan lokal dan nilai keislaman layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: Bahan ajar, Anak usia dini  

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 476-484
Agus Imam Kharomen

[TAFSEER LEARNING METHODS IN 'ULUM AL-QUR'AN BASED SCHOOL]. This paper is aimed to respond to the lack of formulation of tafsir learning methods at schools. This study shows that the learning method with the basis of Ulum al-Qur’an consists of three aspects, i.e. the foundation, learning material, and method. The foundation of tafsir learning comprises three elements; it must be based on the function of the Qur'an, gradual, and not burdensome. Then, the learning materials of tafsir can use the stories contained in the Qur'an, asbab al-nuzul (reason of revelation), and the main themes of the Qur'an. Meanwhile, the tafsir learning process uses the ijmali method. This is a library based study with data sources from books, especially ‘Ulum al-Qur'an Mabahits fi 'Ulum al-Qur'an by Manna' al-Qathan, 'Ulum al-Qur'an by Nuruddin' Itr, Kaidah Tafsir by M. Quraish Shihab, and Membumikan Ulumul Qur’an by Ahsin Sakho Muhammad as well as research results in the form of journals and others in the field of education. In the process, this study uses a descriptive-analytical method with a content analysis approach and contextual interpretation.

2020 ◽  
Ayu Amelia Aprilia ◽  

The purpose of this paper is to describe how the effort to reduce misconceptions in Physics learning material using inquiry learning models. This writing is motivated by the large number of students who are still experiencing errors in understanding Physics learning materials. For this reason, efforts need to be made to reduce misconceptions in learning physics. The inquiry learning model can be used to reduce students' misconceptions. The method used in this paper is the study of literature by studying some literature to be analyzed and made conclusions. The results of this paper show that using inquiry learning models in the physics learning process can be a solution to reduce the misconception of material in the classroom. The inquiry learning model is applied to students where when the activity takes place the teacher is only a guide who directs the students then the students actively seek and understand the learning, generating ideas to find solutions in solving existing problems. Learning can increase student activity in the classroom so that not only accept all the material provided by the teacher but actively seek for themselves and there is openness where learning will facilitate the various hypotheses of students that must be proven and its truth openly.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Angkin Ikalindhari ◽  
Reni Ambarwati ◽  
Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu

Creative thinking ability can be trained to students during learning process using  suitable learning materials. The purpose of this study was to produce a valid and practical student worksheet based on iMindmap in Animalia topic to train students’ creative thinking ability. This R & D referred to 4D model (define, design, develop, and disseminate) without disseminate phase. The validity of student worksheets was determined based on experts (material, education and media) assessment. Meanwhile, the practicality was evaluated based on teachers’ and students’ responses; and the readability of the worksheet decided based on Fry Graph. The data gained were analyzed descriptive-quantitatively. The research results revealed that the worksheet developed was declared as very valid (mode value: 4) and very practical based on practitioners' responses (mode value: 4) and students’ responses (the positive responses reached 90.45%). In addition, the readability test result was at level 10, which means that the worksheet was suitable for Grade 10. Hence, it can be concluded that the student worksheet based on iMindMap in Animalia topic can be used to train students’ creative thinking ability.

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
Liza Tri Handayani ◽  
Atiqa Sabardila

In the last a couple of years, national character has been degraded. In the field, data showed that the morality or character of the Indonesians has now collapsed. Character education through the learning process can be very helpful. In addition to the learning process, it turns out the learning material too. We often find that in the textbook, they contain learning materials to the value of the attitude that must be followed. The purpose of this study is to describe the nature and patterns of reasoning values of caring, creative, and manners in Indonesian learning materials in class VII curriculum 2013. This research uses descriptive explanative technique. The data of this study is learning materials of text containing the value of caring, creative, and manners. Data were analyzed using data flow model of Miles and Huberman. The results showed that there were 27 form values of caring, 11 creative values, and 6 manners values in Indonesian learning materials in books class VII curriculum 2013. It was also the pattern of reasoning appropriate at this stage of the scientific approach. The pattern of reasoning realized that the process of deductive reasoning, analogy inductive, deductive analogy, the relationship between causal phenomenon, due to the cause, and 1 causal-effect 2. The new pattern appears that the causal relationship 1-induced second-result 3, and causal relationship-effects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 59
Dio Resta Permana ◽  
Rita Inderawati ◽  
Machdalena Vianty

This study aimed at investigating how far teachers and students really understand the existence of character education in the curriculum, especially through the teaching and learning process in the classroom by using English textbooks as a medium. There were six teachers and six students who participated in this research. A semi-structured interview with a one-on-one interview was conducted in order to see the perspective of teachers and students about character education in their textbooks.  The study revealed that both teachers’ and students’ agreed that character education is essential in creating good individuals with noble characters to tackle moral degradation. Their understanding of character education in the textbooks they were using now was satisfactory. It can be seen through both teachers and students were aware of dealing with character values in the textbooks that embedded in the teaching and learning materials which can be presented both in form of implicit and explicit but they did not know about 18 character values proposed by the government yet.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 114
Dio Yulian Sofansyah

With regard to content about the Japanese occupation in history lectures in universities, most of the available material is in textual form, especially in history textbooks. Meanwhile, there is an abundance of archival videos available about this topic that could be used as media or learning materials in classroom learning. This research aims to offer some ideas in using the propaganda films produced during the Japanese occupation as alternative learning material. By doing so, resources learners are expected to realize the teaching and learning process to be varied, fun, easy to understand, able to stimulate imagination, share events that previously abstract in a short time and can bring learners through space and time indirectly because the film media in accordance with the material, needs and objectives proses teaching and learning.

Annisa Turrahma ◽  
Erma Novita Satyariza ◽  
Ali Ibrahim

AbstrakSeiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, proses belajar mengajar tidak hanya mengandalkan tatap muka secara langsung yang diselenggarakan didalam kelas, namun juga mengandalkan media lain, seperti media ICT yang dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu bentuk penyebaran materi pembelajaran. E-Learning sangat potensial untuk dijadikan sebagai salah satu media interakti yang dapat membantu meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran karena siswa dapat mengakses materi pembelajaran selain itu juga kesempatan untuk berinteraksi dengan pengajar akan terbuka lebih luas. Selain itu e-learningjuga berfungsi sebagai forum diskusi antara pengajar dan siswa, dan juga dapat digunakan sebagai kuis online, sehingga semua kegiatan proses pembelajaran menjadi sangat efektif dan efisien.Katakunci:E-Learning, kualitas pembelajaran, efektif, efisienAbstractAlong with the development of technology, teaching and learning process not only rely on face-to-face directly held in the classroom, but also rely on other media, such as ICT media that can be used as one form of dissemination of learning materials. E-Learning is potential to serve as one of the interactial media that can help improve the quality of learning because students can access the learning materials as well as the opportunity to interact with teachers will open more widely. Besides it e-learning also serves as a discussion forum between teachers and students, and can also be used as an online quiz, so all the process activities learning becomes very effective and efficient. Keywords: E-Learning, learning quality, effective, efficient

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Gede Sudana Praptono

This research aimed at developing English learning material for food and beverage service in Singaraja Hotel School for D1 program. The research design followed 4D model. The steps of this study were: (1) Define,(2) Design, (3)Develop, and (3)Disseminate. There were two questionnaires employed in the research: (1) Needs analysis questionnaire (2) Expert judgment questionnaire. The materials needed are the English learning materials consisted of various activities and example for food and beverage service course. The activities of the materials were in the form of dialogues, detail explanation, illustration, and additional information related to food and beverage service course. Based on the data process, it was found that the score of the product quality was 256. Based on the criteria made, it can be concluded that the quality of the product was categorized asgood material. It means that the materials can be used in learning process.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Yudi Wijanarko

The learning process of Natural Science subject in elementary schools is supposed to implement method, strategy and model which have many variations, so that the ongoing learning process is perceived as something fun by the students; thus, it can enhance their motivation in learning. The selection of the method, strategy and learning model are supposed to be adjusted with the materials which will be delivered in class, with the purpose that there will be no learning material which is missed and in other hand, it has a purpose to trigger the students to be active and feel it fun to learn. The learning model of “make a match” is one of the learning models, which can be used in delivering natural science materials in elementary schools. It is because the learning model “make a match” has characteristic that is close to students’ characteristic that is fond of playing games. Besides, the learning materials of natural science are really close with the students’ life so that the uses of this learning model trigger the students to be more active and make the students perceive that learning natural science subject is fun that subsequently may enhance the competence of the students themselves as it is seen in their score.

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