scholarly journals Microbial production of histamine and the imperatives of processed food consumption

Bio-Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 1317-1327
James Nnabuike Ezema ◽  
Esther Chinedu Agbo ◽  
Emmanuel Aniebolam Eze

Food processing and storage increase the value chain of food items, both for commercial purposes and for future use by peasant producers. The roles of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeasts in the processing of dairy, brewed, bakery and traditionally fermented foods cannot be over-emphasized. These organisms improve the nutritional contents and organoleptic properties of these foods. However, certain undesired products, especially from protein-rich foods, notably, biogenic amines often characterize the process. This is usually a physiologic response by the organisms to the food environments such as pH, and is often influenced by temperature, time and salt concentration.  Histamine production during such a process often results in the accumulation of exogenous histamine in the foods, thereby constituting health hazards to the consumers. Histamine food poisoning affects virtually every system of the body due to the widespread physiological roles of histamine in the body, presenting a wide range of symptoms that make diagnosis difficult. More regulated scientific approaches should be adopted by food processors and handlers especially in the developing countries where technologies may not be available.

2019 ◽  
Vol 64 (12) ◽  
pp. 769-776 ◽  
Y. V. Doludin ◽  
A. L. Borisova ◽  
M. S. Pokrovskaya ◽  
O. V. Stefanyuk ◽  
O. V. Sivakova ◽  

The biobank is a structure established with the goal of long-term responsible storage of biological samples and the associated data for their further use in scientific and clinical research. The objectives of biobanking are the creation of unified recommendations on: the planning of premises and the selection of equipment for storage; development of management methods and staff training; standardization of methods for the collection, shipping, processing and storage of biomaterial of various origins, as well as methods for quality control and validation of the applied methods; creation and use of databases of information accompanying biospecimens. The lack of common standards for conducting the preanalytical phase has been the cause of low accuracy and poor reproducibility of research results. To date, a large number of guidelines and best practices have been published that provide an answer to a wide range of problems in organizing the biobanking process. The article provides an overview of the most famous biobanking guidelines that can be used to solve various research problems. Biobanking in Russia is actively developing. Since 1996 there is a work on the legislative regulation of biobanking activities, as a result of which a number of regulatory documents have been issued. An important stage in the development of biobanking in Russia was the establishment of the “National Association of Biobanks and Biobanking Specialists” (NASBio) in 2018, which included representatives of medical and research institutions, commercial firms, and qualified specialists in the field of biobanking. One of the key tasks of NASBio is the adaptation and implementation of the best biobanking practices in Russian research institutes and centers. The use of modern guidelines and best practices on biobanking will lead to an increase in the quality of research and publications.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (5) ◽  
pp. 143-152
Andrey N. Polyakov ◽  
Irina M. Enyagina ◽  
Dmitry S. Kokovin

The Kurchatov Complex of NBICS Nature-Like Technologies is focused on interdisciplinary research and development in the field of nano-, bio-, information, cognitive, socio-humanitarian sciences and technologies. The experimental basis of the NBICS complex is the Resource Centers operating in the mode of collective use by various scientific laboratories and containing modern equipment for conducting a wide range of scientific experiments. The processing and storage of the obtained experimental data is carried out on the supercomputer of the Computing Center, the use of which is also collective. Thus, there are problems of data exchange between different buildings, organizing their processing, analysis and orderly storage, as well as combining heterogeneous experimental data to obtain scientific results of a higher level. To solve these issues on the basis of the distributed modular platform «Digital Laboratory», an information and analytical environment was organized as a system that combines the scientific equipment of the Resource Centers, the supercomputer of the Computing Center, virtual machines and personal computers of scientific laboratories into a single virtual space, while organizing the exchange of data between various buildings, their processing, analysis and storage. The work with the system is carried out through the user web interface. At the request of researchers, each procedure for working with experimental data of a given type is implemented as an autonomous module of the «Digital Laboratory» platform. For example, the Module «Neuroimaging» for processing and analysis of fMRI / MRI experimental data of the human brain obtained on the tomograph of the Resource Center was put into operation and is successfully functioning. The use of this module makes the task of fMRI / MRI data analysis as simple as possible for the user, and also makes it possible to speed up the data processing many times over by parallelizing the computations on the supercomputer nodes. In addition to creating modules for working with experimental data, the system provides the ability to create modules for working with data of a different type. An example is the Module «Project Activity» for analyzing the effectiveness of scientific activities of research laboratories. The use of this system allows to optimize the work with experimental data in the course of scientific research due to the possibility of software implementation of the necessary procedures for their transfer, storage, processing and analysis.


Starch is one important natural polymer that finds application in the formulation of dosage forms as the binder, disintegrates, diluents, gelling agent etc. Starch is drawing the attention in drug delivery as it is cheap, non-toxic, renewable, biodegradable and compatible with many other materials for industrial application. Starch has vital intrinsic properties that have made its pharmaceutical applications possible. It has also been used for a wide range of particular drug delivery applications, such as the delivery of challenging molecules and targeting to specific sites in the body. Starches are integrally unsuitable for most applications such as loss of viscosity and thickening power upon cooking and storage, retrogradation characteristics and absence of certain groups responsible for a particular function etc. So, in order to reduce its limitations and improve its applications, modification of starch is necessary. It can be modified by several ways like chemical modification, physical modification and genetic modification but the most important one is the chemical modification. This review summarizes the properties and application of native starchin conventional drug delivery systems within a world of dynamic drug production technology. It also describes the chemical modification like cross-linking, esterification, etherification and dual modification of starch.

О. В. Василишина

Плоди вишні мають короткий термін зберігання, всього лише 15 діб при температурі 0 °С. Продовжити його можна шляхом застосування відповідних заходів первинної обробки та зберігання продукції. Один з них – обробка плодів вишні розчином саліцилової кислоти перед зберіганням. Метою нашої роботи було вивчення впливу попередньої обробки розчином саліцилової кислоти на хімічний склад плодів вишні. Для цього плоди вишні сортів Шпанка та Лотівка 2016–2017 року врожаю обприскували за день до збирання водним розчином 50 мг/л чи 100 мг/л саліцилової кислоти. Висушували природним шляхом. Через 24 години знімали з дерева плоди, типові за забарвленням та формою, укладали в ящики №5 по 5 кг у кожний згідно з методичними вказівками щодо зберігання плодів, овочів та винограду. Зберігали в умовах холодильних камер кафедри технології зберігання і переробки плодів та овочів за температури 5±0,5 °С та відносної вологості повітря 95±1 %. Обробка плодів вишні розчином саліцилової кислоти дала змогу подовжити термін зберігання до 21 доби. Найефективнішою виявилась обробка 100 мг/л розчином саліцилової кислоти. Природні втрати маси при цьому становлять 4,9–5,1 %, втрати у вмісті сухих розчинних речовин – 5,3–6,6 %, кислот – 12,3–9 %. Вміст аскорбінової кислоти знижується в 1,3–1,1 рази. Cherry is fruit with a short shelf  life of only 15 days at the temperature of 0 °С. Every year about 20% of product losses are due to the lack of appropriate measures for primary processing and storage of products. Salicylic acid plays an important role in a wide range of physiological and metabolic reactions, including delayed maturation, by delaying the synthesis of ethylene and reducing the physiological diseases of the fruit. However, the effect of treatment with salicylic acid on cherry fruits and their physiological and biochemical parameters has not been investigated. Therefore, the purpose of our work was to study the effect of pre-treatment with salicylic acid solution on the chemical composition of cherry fruit. For this purpose, the day before harvesting with the cherry varieties of  Shpanka and Lotivka of the yield of the year 2016−2017 were sprayed the aqueous solution of 50 mg/l or 100 mg/l of salicylic acid. They were dried by natural way. After 24 hours, the fruit of typical colour and shape were taken from the tree, placed in boxes of 5 to 5 kg each, according to the guidelines for the storage of fruit, vegetables, and grapes. We preserved them in the conditions of the refrigerating chambers of the department of the technology of storage and processing of fruit and vegetables at the temperature of 5±0,5°С and relative humidity of  95±1%. The options were the following: control − unprocessed fruit and cherry fruit treated with a solution of 50 mg/l or 100 mg/l of salicylic acid. The processing of cherry fruit with a solution of salicylic acid allowed to extend the shelf life to 21 days. The most effective treatment was 100 mg/l solution of salicylic acid. Natural mass losses in this case are 4.9−5.1 %, losses in the content of dry soluble substances 5.3−6.6%, acids 12.3−9%, the losses of ascorbic acid are reduced in 1.3−1.1 times. As the results of the correlation analysis showed, the level of natural mass losses strongly is correlated with the content of ascorbic acid (r = -0.65) and titrated acids (r = -0.57). The weight loss factor has the greatest influence on the type of treatment (85.6%).

Food systems ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 190-196
A. S. Knyazeva ◽  
D. A. Utyanov ◽  
A. V. Kulikovskii ◽  
A. A. Kurzova

Food products undergo a wide range of chemical changes during their processing and storage. As a result of such reactions, both new chemical compounds and optical isomerization of compounds already present in the composition can be formed. The second case concerns the formation of D-enantiomers of amino acids from their L-forms. D-forms of amino acids not only have no biological value for the body, but also often have a negative effect on the human body due to the impossibility of metabolizing them and, as a consequence, their accumulation in the body. The aim of the work was to study the quantitative content of D-isomers of amino acids in milk that passed the ultra-pasteurization process and dairy products based on bacterial starter culture. The research results showed that in both cases of the considered technological methods, amino acid isomerization occurs. The highest degree of isomerization was observed in kefir samples relative to other samples. However, from the results obtained, it is not possible to estimate which amino acid is most susceptible to the racemization process, since different samples contained different D-isomers of amino acids. The smallest amount of D-isomers is found in milk that has not undergone any industrial processing. Studies have shown that technological processing of milk inevitably leads to the formation of D-isomers of amino acids, and this, in turn, at least reduces the nutritional and biological value of the product, which makes it necessary to conduct deeper studies in this direction to establish the most important factors in the process of racemization of amino acids in food products.

2016 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-81 ◽  
Parminder Singh

Purpose – The aim of the paper is to shed light on the use of chitosans and chitooligosaccharides as biopreservatives in various foods animal. Foods of animal and aquatic origin (milk, meat, fish, eggs, sea foods, etc) become contaminated with a wide range of microorganisms (bacteria, molds and yeasts) during harvesting, transporting, processing, handling and storage operations. Due to the perishable nature of these foods, their preservation is of utmost importance. Though many synthetic chemicals are available, yet their use is quite restricted due to their hazardous effects on human health. Design/methodology/approach – Within the domain of food industry, traditionally chitosan is used for biopreservation of foods, which is well known for its nutritional and medicinal properties in human nutrition. However, chitooligosaccharides also possess a number of nutraceutical and health promoting properties in addition to their preservative effect and shelf-life extension of foods. In this study, the comparative effects of both chitosan and chitooligosaccharides on preservation of foods of animal and aquatic origin have been summarized. Findings – Though chitosan has been extensively studied in various foods, yet the use of chitooligosaccharides has been relatively less explored. Chitooligosaccharides are bioactive molecules generated from chitosan and have several advantages over the traditional use of chitosan both in food products and on human health. But unfortunately, little or no literature is available on the use of chitooligosaccharides for preservation of some of the foods of animal origin. Notable examples in this category include cheese, beef, pork, chicken, fish, sea foods, etc. Originality/value – This paper focuses on the effects of chitosans and chitooligosaccharides on the processing and storage quality of foods of animal and aquatic origin, which offers a promising future for the development of functional foods.

2020 ◽  
Umamaheswari S

The wireless sensor networks composed of tiny sensor with the capability of mon- itoring the tangible changes for a wide range of applications are limited with the capabilities on processing and storage. Their limited capabilities make them seek the help of the cloud that provides the rented service of processing and storage. The dense deployment of the wireless sensor and their vulnerability to the unknown attacks, alterations make them incur difficulties in the process of the conveyance causing the modifications or the loss of the content. So, the paper proposes an optimized localization of the nodes along with the identification of the trusted nodes and minimum distance path to the cloud, allowing the target to have anytime and anywhere access of the content. The performance of the cloud infrastructure-supported wireless sensor network is analyzed using the network simulator 2 on the terms of the forwarding latency, packet loss rate, route failure, storage, reliability, and the network longevity to ensure the capacities of the cloud infrastructure-supported wireless sensor networks.

Ndagi Mohammed Saba ◽  
Musa Achimugu Dickson ◽  
Ogbiko Cyril

Under favorable growth conditions, fungi produced aflatoxins. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) categorized as a carcinogen is the most toxic and subject of regulation in foods and feeds in many countries. AFB1 contamination has been reported in a wide range of products including cigarette tobacco due to improper processing and storage conditions. This research aim at determining the concentration load of AFB1 mycotoxin in brands of cigarette tobacco commonly consumed in Lapai and Minna metropolis of Niger State Nigeria. Thirty-six (36) brands of cigarette tobacco were purchased in open markets in Minna and Lapai towns of Niger state, Nigeria. Residual AFB1 was extracted from the sample using standard procedures. HPLC analysis was used for the mycotoxin quantification. The result showed that all cigarette samples produces AFB1 with a concentration of 302 µg/mL and 18 µg/mL as the highest and lowest AFB1 concentration respectively for the local – Nigeria brands compared to 166 µg/mL and 8 µg/mL AFB1 concentration observed for the foreign brands. The findings from this study provide sufficient levels of contamination to pose significant health hazard for the consumer of the tobacco. Careful processing and storage is therefore advocated to eliminate or reduce the mycotoxin contamination of the cigarette brands.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 23 ◽  
Jennifer L. Golbach ◽  
Steven C. Ricke ◽  
Corliss A. O'Bryan ◽  
Philip G. Crandall

<p>Riboflavin is an essential micronutrient in the human diet. Because riboflavin is water soluble and not stored in appreciable amounts in the body, sources of riboflavin must be constantly consumed. In the United States many cereal grains are being fortified with riboflavin. In this review we briefly discuss the chemistry of riboflavin, the role of riboflavin in nutrition and health, effects of food processing and storage and means of measuring riboflavin in food and animal feeds.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Ebele O. Igwemeka ◽  
Faith Chinyere Ekwunife

In the past, the agricultural financing policy of the Nigerian government emphasized primary production without paying attention to the marketing of agricultural products. Consequently, the current emphasis by financial institutions on value chain financing has further compounded the problem of access to credit by smallholder farmers who account for over 90 per cent of agricultural production in Nigeria and do not have access to lucrative markets, nor adequate processing and storage facilities. More worrisome is how the right amount of investment can be acquired, particularly in a challenging environment where financial uncertainty causes a reduction in available resources along with increased fear and scrutiny of risk. From the perspective of other climes farmer linkages, improving access to improved seeds, fertilizers and production technology, enhancing farmer integration into the seed production, processing and marketing chain through farmer organization, training and out-grower contracts among others will boost agricultural value chain financing that will lead to sustainable development.

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