scholarly journals Epistolarna autobiografia komandora maltańskiego Wincentego Raczyńskiego (1771-1857)

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 189-201
Tadeusz W. Lange

Tekst dotyczy mało znanego przedstawiciela rodu Raczyńskich z przełomu XVIII i XIX wieku, założyciela jego „kurlandzkiej” linii, komandora maltańskiego Wincentego Raczyńskiego. Przedmiotem artykułu jest napisany przez Komandora na prośbę jego kuzyna Atanazego Raczyńskiego (i później przez Atanazego opublikowany) obszerny list, stanowiący swoiste La Confession d’un enfant du siècle. Autor listu uczestniczył w pewnych historycznych wydarzeniach i otarł się o szereg historycznych postaci, dzięki czemu jego epistolarna autobiografia jest interesująca i niepozbawiona pewnego waloru poznawczego. List, w nieistniejącym już oryginale napisany po francusku, przełożony został na język polski i opatrzony komentarzem, a także licznymi przypisami, osadzającymi opisywane wydarzenia i osoby w historycznym kontekście. Epistolary biography of the commander of the Order of Malta, Wincenty Raczyński (1771–1857) The text describes Wincenty Raczyński, a little known member of the Raczyński family who lived in the 18th and 19th centuries, the founder of the “Courland line” of the family, and the commander of the Order of Malta. The subject of the article is a long letter, written by the Commander upon the request of his cousin, Atanazy Raczyński (and later published by him), which was a La Confession d’un enfant du siècle of sorts. The author of the letter participated in some historical events and met a number of historical characters owing to which his epistolary biography is both interesting and of cognitive value. The letter, which does not exist anymore in its original French form, was translated into Polish, with added commentary and a number of annotations putting the people and events described in a historical context.

2007 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 180-190
Anne J. Duggan

Medieval canon law has generally had a bad press. Its professionalization in the period c. 1140 to 1234 can easily be caricatured as the emergence of a rigid, centralized, and authoritarian system which paid small heed to the needs of the people it was supposed to serve. This conclusion is readily sustained by perusal of theLiber Extra, the GregorianDecretalesof 1234, which enshrined the legal developments of the period, from about 1140, which followed the establishment of Gratian’sDecretumas the principal authority for the teaching and practice of canon law. The genesis of theLiber Extrais well known. Pope Gregory IX commissioned Raymond of Peñafort to compile an authoritative collection of papal decretals and conciliar legislation to supplement Gratian’sDecretum, and it drew, principally but not exclusively, on the so-calledQuinqe compilationes antiquewhich had been compiled for teaching purposes in Bologna between c. 1189–91 and 1226.’ And when the work was completed, it was authorized by the bullRex pacificus, which ordered that ‘everyone should useonlythis compilation in judgements and in the schools (ut hactantumcompilatione universi utantur in iudiciis et in scholis); and a copy was duly dispatched to the canon law school in Bologna. The image of centralized, authoritarian lawmaking could not be clearer; and that perception is reinforced by an examination of its structure, where the individual extracts are organized systematically under Titles, which define the subject matter. Such a compilation, like theQuinque compilationesthemselves, was the result of an analytical method, which totally obscured the processes of consultation which had preceded many of the decisions, as well as depriving them, in many cases, of their historical context in terms of the identity of the pope, the recipient, the litigants, and the local circumstances. What emerged was a disembodied code, shorn of the nuances and hesitations which had characterized the decisions which it enshrined.

1983 ◽  
Vol 115 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-207 ◽  
Abbas Hamdani ◽  
François de Blois

Ever since the establishment of the Fatimid empire in the early part of the 10th century of the Christian era the origin of its rulers has been the subject of incessant discussion and polemics. This was, for the people of the time, no idle academic question, but one of immediate political importance. The defenders of the declining Abbasid state went to great lengths to discredit the rulers of the dynamic rival caliphate in the West, denouncing them not only as rebels and heretics, but also as impudent swindlers falsely claiming to belong to the house of the Prophet, while they were in reality the offspring of one Maymūn al-Qaddāḥ. The Fatimid rulers, for their part, maintained all along that they did indeed belong to the family of Muḥammad, and traced their lineage, at least from the middle of the 10th century onwards, to Ismā‘īl, the second son and, it was claimed, only legitimate successor of the famous Shi‘ite leader Ja‘far al-Ṣādiq, the great-grandson of ‘All and of Fāṭimah, the Prophet's daughter. The Ismaili descent of these rulers became a matter of faith for their partisans, who survive to the present day, in various branches, proudly identifying themselves precisely as “Ismailis”. Historians, whether in the Muslim world or, later, in the West, have taken sides in this ancient dispute, which flares up again from time to time, often with astonishing ferocity.

Christopher Howgego

‘Identity is Now Seen Not as an Eternal given, but as something actively constructed and contested in a particular historical context, based on subjective, not objective criteria.’ For all that it may be a contingent construct, identity is a powerful driver of action, as we know all too well from our own experience. Identity matters. Coins have been described, in the words of Fergus Millar, as ‘the most deliberate of all symbols of public identity’. Yet the Roman historian will look in vain for any good introduction to, or systematic treatment of, the subject. That, in a nutshell, is the need which this volume seeks to address. It is worth emphasizing the words deliberate and public. It is relevant to recall the late second-century BC inscription which states the reasons why the people of Sestus decided to use its own bronze coinage. The first reason given is so that the city’s coin type should be used as a current type. In this context at least, coins were seen as a deliberate advertisement of public identity. What coinage most obviously provides is an enormous range of self-defined and explicit representations of public/official/communal identities, principally civic in nature. The material thus largely allows us to avoid the thorny problems associated with externally defined, implicit, and private identities. A public medium like coinage is not the place to look for overt opposition to Roman rule. And it invites, rather than answers, the question of to what extent public identities might have been understood as covert ‘resistance’ to Rome, to what extent they represented a self-definition designed to accommodate or play up to Roman attitudes, and to what extent they may even have been inspired or promoted by Rome itself. Identity has been a major focus of research in recent decades, for the obvious reason that it is particularly an issue when under threat. That consideration applies as much to our own scholarly context as it does to our subject, the Roman empire. The advent of the Euro has inevitably drawn attention to money in this context. Naturally there are major differences between now and then.

2011 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
La Ino

This article studies about one of cultural products at Tolaki ethnic in South-East Sulawesi Province. The cultural product is mombolusuako.  Mombolosuako is a tradition in Tolaki society, in which someone, a man, did a breach of custom that usually happen when the relationship between the girl and the young man is not agreed by the parents and when the girl and the man have different social status. Because it is a breach of custom, there should be a solution according to the custom. In solving this problem (mombolasuako), the custom provides two steps rembinggare and mesokei. The method used in research is descriptive qualitative method. The subject of research is the informants mastering in uttering the solution of the breach of custom (Mombolasuako) in Tolaki society in Lambuya subdistrict. This study is done by using semantic and pragmatic approach. In solving the mombolasuako the people use the language with particular characteristics that is different from their daily language. The language emphasizes beauty especially in its use of language speech and metaphors.  The rembinggare is meaningful for the man family, as to show his intention to solve the problem, and it is meaningful for the family of the girl as the solution of the problem so that they will be avoided from shame.  In the process of mesokei there is a negotiation and settlement among two families to get the best solution for both of them.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Nurmalita Natia Dewi ◽  
Sumekar Tanjung

This research originated from a phenomenon of women in the mass media which initially served as a satisfaction for the audience with their body shape, but now has begun to fade. Women in the media are the subject and are not underestimated especially in the film media. So as to make the female figure in the film the main character in the storyline which is constructed through the existing reality. And the woman's figure seemed authoritative and classified as a honorable woman who could have a big influence on the people. That way the phenomenon attracted the attention of researchers, because researchers wanted to know how the identity of the honorable women in the film Marlina Si Pembunuh Dalam Empat Babak, 3 Srikandi and Jilbab Traveler: Love Sparks In Korea. With Roland Barthes's semiotic method that reveals the meaning of verbal and non verbal signs with two stages, namely denotations and connotations and associated with myths that develop in society. Then analyzed based on critical views found the identity of respectable women in Indonesian films. The results showed that the identity of a woman in the three films included in the category of social identity. Where the identity is formed due to the influence of interaction in the family and community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Jakaria Jakaria ◽  
Rispawati Rispawati ◽  
Mursini Jahiban

ABSTRACKThis study aims to determine the public service standards of village apparatus on community satisfaction and the factors that influence public service standards based on Public Service Standards according to Ministerial Decree PAN number 63 / KEP / M.PAN / 7/2003 in Jerowaru Village, Jerowaru District, Regency East Lombok. The subject of this research is the Head of Service and Service Staff, the subject of this study was chosen because most know the administration of government services in the village of Jerowaru, Jerowaru District, East Lombok Regency. The informants in this research are the people (who are doing a letter of introduction to the Family Card / KK). Date collection techniques used are, interview, observation, and documentation. The results showed that 1) The application of public service standards was in accordance with Minister of PAN Decree number 63 / KEP / M.PAN / 7/2003 such as service procedures, service requirements, clarity of service officers, discipline of service officers Responsibility of service officers, ability of service officers , Speed of service, Justice in getting services, Courtesy and friendliness of officers, Certainty of service schedules, Comfort of the environment and Safety of services, in Jerowaru Village, jerowaru sub-district, East Lombok Regency, this can be seen in the service activities carried out by village service employees, 2) The driving factors and obstacles that affect public services in Jerowaru village. The driving factors are cooperation between service Internal and Eksternal, supporting facilities and evaluation meetings related to services performed. Then the inhibiting factors are the lack of employees in the field of service, inadequate facilities and lack of understanding from the novice community that makes the Family card.ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui standar pelayanan public perangkat desa terhadap kepuasan masyarakat dan Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi standar pelayanan publik berdasarkan Standar Pelayanan Publik menurut Keputusan Menteri PAN nomor 63/KEP/M.PAN/7/2003 di Desa Jerowaru, Kecamatan jerowaru, Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Subyek Penelitian ini adalah Kepala Bidang Pelayanan dan Pegawai Pelayanan, subyek penelitian ini dipilih dikarenakan paling mengetahui penyelenggaraan Pelayanan pemerintahan di Desa Jerowaru, Kecamatan Jerowaru, Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Informan dalam penelitian adalah masyarakat (yang sedang melakukan pembuatan surat penghantar Kartu Keluarg/KK). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yakni, wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa 1) Penerapan standar pelayanan publik sudah sesuai dengan Keputusan Menteri PAN nomor 63/KEP/M.PAN/7/2003 seperti Prosedur pelayanan, Persyaratan pelayanan, Kejelasan petugas pelayanan, Kedisiplinan petugas pelayananTanggung jawab petugas pelayanan, Kemampuan petugas pelayanan, Kecepatan pelayanan, Keadilan mendapatkan pelayanan, Kesopanan dan keramahan petugas, Kepastian jadwal pelayanan, Kenyamanan lingkungan dan Keamanan pelayanan, di Desa Jerowaru, Kecamatan jerowaru, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, hal ini terlihat dalam kegiatan pelayanan yang dilakukan pegawai pelayanan desa,2) Faktor Internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi pelayanan publik di desa jerowaru. Faktor Internal yaitu adanya pola pelayanan umum organisas, penyedian fasilitas penunjang, sumber daya manusia. Kemudian faktor Eksternal yaitu pola layanan distribusi Jasa dan pola layanan dan tata cara pembuatan Kartu Keluarga

Liquidity ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-52
M. Koesmawan ◽  
Darwin Erhandy ◽  
Dede Dahlan

In order to meet the needs of living which consists of primary as well as secondary needs, human can work in either a formal or an informal job. One of the informal jobs that is became the subject of this research was to become an ojek driver. Ojek is a ranting motorcycle.  Revenue of ojek drivers, accordingly, should be well managed following the concept of financial management. This research was conducted for the driver of the online motorcycle drivers as well as the regular motorcycle drivers they are called “The Ojek”. Ojek’s location is in Kecamatan (subdistrict) Duren Sawit, East Jakarta with 70 drivers of ojeks. The online ojeks earn an average of Rp 100,000 per day, can save Rp 11,000 to 21,000 per day, while, the regular ojek has an average income per day slightly lower amounted to Rp 78,500, this kind of ojeks generally have other businesses and always record the outflow of theirs money. Both the online and regular ojeks feel a tight competition in getting passengers, but their income can help the family finances and both ojeks want a cooperative especially savings and loans, especially to overcome the urgent financial difficulties. Almost all rivers, do not dare to borrow money. They are afraid of can not refund the money as scheduled.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-103
Lina Aniqoh

This paper seeks to elaborate on the textual interpretation of Q.S Muhammad verse 4 and Q.S at Taubah verse 5. These two verses are often employed by the extremist Muslim groups to legitimize their destructive acts carried out on groups considered as being infidels and as such lawfully killed. The interpretation was conducted using the double movement hermeneutics methodology offered by Fazlur Rahman. After reinterpretation, the two verses contain moral values, namely the war ordered by God must be reactive, fulfill the ethics of "violence" and be the last solution. Broadly speaking, the warfare commanded in the Qur'an aims to establish a benefit for humanity on the face of the earth by eliminating every crime that exists. These two verses in the contemporary socio-historical context in Indonesia can be implemented as a basis for combating the issue of hoaxes and destructive acts of extremist Muslim groups. Because both are crimes and have negative implications for the people good and even able to threaten the unity of mankind.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (11) ◽  
pp. 179
Nazhan Hammoud Nassif Al Obeidi ◽  
Abdul Wahab Abdul Aziz Abu Khamra

The Gulf crisis 1990-1991 is one of the important historical events of the 1990s, which gave rise to the new world order by the sovereignty of the United States of America on this system. The Gulf crisis was an embodiment to clarify the features of this system. .     The crisis in the Gulf was an opportunity for the Moroccans to manage this complex event and to use it for the benefit of the Moroccan situation. Therefore, the bilateral position of the crisis came out as a rejection, a contradiction and a supporter of political and economic dimensions at the external and internal levels. On the Moroccan situation, and from these points came the choice of the subject of the study (the dimensions of the Moroccan position from the Gulf crisis 1990-1991), which shows the ingenuity of Moroccans in managing an external crisis and benefiting from it internally.

Think India ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 72-83
Tushar Kadian

Actually, basic needs postulates securing of the elementary conditions of existence to every human being. Despite of the practical and theoretical importance of the subject the greatest irony is non- availability of any universal preliminary definition of the concept of basic needs. Moreover, this becomes the reason for unpredictability of various political programmes aiming at providing basic needs to the people. The shift is necessary for development of this or any other conception. No labour reforms could be made in history till labours were treated as objects. Its only after they were started being treating as subjects, labour unions were allowed to represent themselves in strategy formulations that labour reforms could become a reality. The present research paper highlights the basic needs of Human Rights in life.

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