scholarly journals Implementasi Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik Dalam Penyelesaian Masalah Ujaran Kebencian Pada Media Sosial

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-41
Iman Amanda Permatasari ◽  
Junior Hendri Wijaya

After the enactment of The Information and Electronics Transactions (IET) laws in Indonesia, there are certain limitations in terms of conveying something through social media, especially regarding hate speech. The purpose of this study is to find out how the implementation of the IET Law in solving hate speech problems on social media. The method used is the literature study method. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the IET Law has been adjusted to the objectives of the 1945 Constitution, however, in solving the problem of hate speech, it is always bound to the rubber article, namely articles 27, 28 and 29 of the IET Law. This article seems to be a terrible scourge, even used as a means to take revenge, silence criticism, win a case or even become a political weapon. The suggestion from this study is for the government to review the contents of several articles and also sanctions against the perpetrators of hate speech. Keywords: Implementation, the constitution of IET, Hate Speech, Social Media   ABSTRAK Setelah diberlakukannya undang-undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (ITE) di Indonesia, terdapat batasan-batasan tertentu dalam hal menyampaikan sesuatu melalui media social, terutama mengenai ujaran kebencian. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi Undang-Undang ITE dalam penyelesaian masalah ujaran kebencian pada media sosial. Metode yang digunakan metode studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan pengimplementasian undang-undang ITE sudah disesuaikan dengan tujuan Undang-Undang Dasar Tahun 1945,akan tetapi, di dalam penyelesaian masalah ujaran kebencian selalu terikat dengan pasal karet yaitu pada pasal 27, 28 dan 29 Undang-Undang ITE. Pasal ini seolah menjadi momok yang mengerikan, bahkan dijadikan sarana untuk membalas dendam, membungkam kritik, memenangkan suatu perkara atau bahkan menjadi senjata politik. Saran dari kajian ini adalah  agar pemerintah untuk mengkaji ulang isi dari beberapa pasal dan juga sanksi-sanksi terhadap pelaku ujaran kebencian. Kata kunci: Implementasi, undang-undang ITE, Ujaran Kebencian, Media Sosial.  

Significance The new rules follow a stand-off between Twitter and the central government last month over some posts and accounts. The government has used this stand-off as an opportunity not only to tighten rules governing social media, including Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook and LinkedIn, but also those for other digital service providers including news publishers and entertainment streaming companies. Impacts Government moves against dominant social media platforms will boost the appeal of smaller platforms with light or no content moderation. Hate speech and harmful disinformation are especially hard to control and curb on smaller platforms. The new rules will have a chilling effect on online public discourse, increasing self-censorship (at the very least). Government action against online news media would undercut fundamental democratic freedoms and the right to dissent. Since US-based companies dominate key segments of the Indian digital market, India’s restrictive rules could mar India-US ties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-68
Simon Simon ◽  
Tan Lie Lie ◽  
Heppy Wenny Komaling

Indonesian netizens are often labeled as social media users at will without heeding politeness when interacting. This assessment is further confirmed by a survey conducted by Microsoft,  that Medsos users are labeled as netizens with the worst politeness level for Southeast Asia scale. The predicate is certainly aimed at allreligius netizens without emphasizing certain beliefs. The low politeness indicates the lack of social media ethics applied by the people of the country. Ironically, Indonesia is known as areligius and civilized country, it seems invisible if you look at the behavior of netizens who are. The method used in this paper is descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach. The description of this topic religion certainly teaches how politeness and politeness in the public space are displayed especially in social media, because politeness is an indikator we are called ethical or not. The principle of Christian ethics teaches that when using social media what a believer must do is not to do body shaming with other online media users, or not to comment racistically. Because God does not differentiate between fellow humans by loving one and not loving another just because humans are different physically, race or nation. The next principle of Christian ethics in social media is not to argue theologically and not to spit negative things. The goal is to avoid quarrels, let alone hate speech. Netizen Indonesia kerap di cap sebagai pengguna media sosial sesuka hati tanpa mengindahkan kesantunan ketika berinteraksi. Penilaian ini makin dipertegas melalui survei yang dilakukan oleh Microsoft,  bahwa pengguna Medsos dilabeli sebagai netizen dengan tingkat kesopanan paling buruk untuk skala Asia Tenggara. Predikat itu tentu ditujukan kepada semua netizen yang beragama tanpa menitik-beratkan keyakinan tertentu. Rendahnya kesopanan menandakan kurangnya etika bermedia sosial diterapkan oleh masyarakat tanah air. Ironisnya, Indonesia yang di kenal sebagai negara yang religius dan beradab, hal itu seakan tidak terlihat bila melihat perilaku netizen yang bar-bar. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriftif dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan. Uraian dari topik ini agama tentu mengajarkan bagaimana kesopanan dan kesantunan di ruang publik ditampilkan terlebih dalam bermedia sosial, karena kesopanan itu merupakan indikator kita di sebut beretika atau tidak. Prinsip etika Kristiani mengajarkan bahwa ketika bermedia sosial  yang  harus dilakukan orang Kristen  adalah tidak melakukanbody shaming kesesama pengguna media online, maupun tidak berkomentar secara rasis. Karena Allah tidak membeda-bedakan sesama manusia dengan mengasihi yang satu dan tidak mengasihi yang lain hanya karena manusia itu berbeda secara fisik, ras atau bangsa. Prinsip etika Kristiani berikutnya dalam bermedia sosial adalah tidak berdebat secara teologis dan tidak mengumbar hal negatif. Tujuannya  agar tidak terjadi pertengkaran apalagi ujaran kebencian.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 96-106 ◽  
Andreu Casero-Ripollés ◽  
Josep-Lluís Micó-Sanz ◽  
Míriam Díez-Bosch

Social media has instituted new parameters for the political conversation in the digital public sphere. Previous research had identified several of these new phenomena: political polarisation, hate speech discourses, and fake news, among others. However, little attention has been paid to the users’ geographical location, specifically to the role location plays in political discussion on social media, and to its further implications in the digital public sphere. A priori, we might think that on the digital landscape geographical restrictions no longer condition political debate, allowing increasingly diverse users to participate in, and influence, the discussion. To analyse this, machine learning techniques were used to study Twitter’s political conversation about the negotiation process for the formation of the government in Spain that took place between 2015 and 2016. A big data sample of 127,3 million tweets associated with three Spanish cities (Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia) was used. The results show that the geographical location of the users directly affects the political conversation on Twitter, despite the dissolution of the physical restrictions that the online environment favours. Demographics, cultural factors, and proximity to the centres of political power are factors conditioning the structure of digital political debate. These findings are a novel contribution to the design of more effective political campaigns and strategies, and provide a better understanding of the dynamics of the digital public sphere provided by Twitter.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 152
Rizaldi Parani ◽  
Astrid Pramesuari ◽  
Daffa Muhammad Maldiva ◽  
Edlyn Felicia

The phenomenon of post-truth appears, in which a view believed to be true is inverted and made contradictory as a new form of truth. This phenomenon appears to occur in several countries such as the United States, North Korea, the Philippines and also Indonesia. This can be seen from various actions carried out by radical organizations that question the values of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika with the desire to change these values by referring to religious values. This activity is increasingly growing in terms of followers, and further builds up on the blasphemy case accusations towards former Jakarta Governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama.This research focuses on how the social media has an influence in expanding the spread of hoaxes and hate speech as an effort to destabilize the values of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Information and data were obtained from interviews with mass organizations often labeled radical, non-governmental organizations and social observers.The results of this study confirm the need for capacity building both in the form of media literacy and also the socialization of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika values through social institutions and the Government. This is intended to create strong social capital, especially in fostering a sense of trust in the context of a pluralist society in Indonesia.Keywords: Post truth, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Social Media, Social Capital, Trust.

2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-72
Goenawan A. Sambodo ◽  
Maria Tri Widayati ◽  
Hery S. Purnawali

The aim of this study is to identify and analyze the efforts of the Kandang Kebo Community in handling new found inscriptions. The method used is descriptive-qualitative, combined with inductive reasoning. Structural analytic, especially Internal Criticism (transliteration, translation and interpretation) is also applied to analyse the new found inscription.  Information for this study were collected from the members of Kandang Kebo community, stakeholders, and local community. Data collection were done by observation, literature study, interviews, and documentation. This study found that community which participate in maintaining cultural heritage objects is a provision in the Cultural Heritage Act no. 11 of 2010. Kandang Kebo as a society's community has been trying to apply this Act. The using of social media becomes one of the methods, with its quick and easy way; it makes new artifacts discovery easier to be known by others. Kandang Kebo then proceed this news to the office of BPCB. There are some inscriptions that are successfully saved and read by Kandang Kebo, followed by positive responses from the government.

2022 ◽  
Azizah Pauleta Arthamevia ◽  
Rachel Arifa ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

This research is motivated by mass communication and retrieval of information on Instagram, creating hate speech on digital platforms. With the availability of social media as a means of disseminating the required information, the pattern of society has shifted, either implicitly or unseen, so that culture, ethics, and norms become biased and cause conflict. This study aims to identify hate speech on Instagram and test the effectiveness of digital ethics within the axiological analysis. The object of this research is hate speech used to comment with inappropriate words. This research method uses a literature review method. This research collects data from various journals and finds proof of hate speech on Instagram. The freedom of expression results in this literature study state that many social media users do not apply excellent and polite social media ethics. Besides that, axiological studies supported these results that do not help ethical skills related to moral and aesthetic values. In addition, many Indonesian netizens still spread hatred intentionally or unintentionally on social media. Therefore, there is a need for education and proactive action for Indonesian netizens to use social media.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-76
Rety Palupi

Changes in the communication of information continue to occur along with the advancement of technology in the digital era. Nowadays everyone can work as a journalist even though he or she has never learned the basics of journalism. The public also frequently receive information or news that raise the eyebrows — ranging from disaster threats to information about the political world. The finding of this research is that often information that circulates in the hands of Warganet is a hoax and even hate speech, despite the government efforts to reduce the spread of hoax and hate speech. With this paper, the author aims at disclosing the propaganda elements in the hoax and hate speech in the social media as in the digital era the social media is the most vulnerable in spreading of hoax news and hate speech. By utilising qualitative content analysis, the author discusses five hoax news and hate speeches which are dissected using nine propaganda practices. The conclusion obtained by the author is that the hoax news and hate speech comprise of elements of exaggeration, rhetoric, recognition and influence on a variety of parties, as well as prejudices supplemented by emotions. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Satria Kusuma ◽  
Djuara P. Lubis

The developments of information technologies affect the life of democracy in Indonesia. Information technology such as social media has caused social change. Social media should be a public space to establish relations and public information centers. The user submits a message to create a closer ties with the community and convey information about social problems. The public get information faster from social media rather than print media, radio and television. But there are some people who spread false news (hoaxes) or even attack the other party through hate speech. Such actions lead to defamation toward certain people then lead public opinion to worsen the socio-political situation, causing a split. The insult to the President by a citizen through a message on social media which continues to the proceedings reminds us to be more concerned about the ethical consideration of communication in public spaces. This issue should be a shared responsibility between the organizers and users of social media in order to maintain a cultured communication behavior and ethical understanding. The policy from the head of Indonesian Police regarding hate speech in social media is the firm stance of the government against violators who deliberately spread messages of hate, violate the values, norms, manners and ethics. The act of spreading the message of hate speech is against the law. Hate speech message ruins the conduciveness of social and political situation. This kind of violation could threaten the mentality of younger generations as users of social media in creating a civilized communication in Indonesia.Keywords: hate speech policy, messages of hate, and social media.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Abraham Zakky Zulhazmi ◽  
Dewi Ayu Sri Hastuti

The link between religion and cyberspace has become a necessity in the cyber era. The internet, in this case social media, changes many patterns and forms of communication. Social media has become a massive channel used by Indonesian preachers for the past decade or so. Da'wah on social media presents a number of challenges and opportunities, especially when dealing with millennials as majority users. This study intends to describe the phenomenon of da'wah on social media among millennial Muslims. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with literature study as a data collection method. The conclusion of this study is that there are three main points in viewing da'wa, millennial Muslims and social media. First, the character of millennial generation who tend to be out of the box and always connected to the internet more or less changes the da'wah landscape in Indonesia. They slowly leave the conventional da'wa, both in terms of theme and method choices. The popularity Hanan Attaki’s da’wah became one of the markers. Secondly, social media despite having a positive contribution to da'wah but also left a number of notes that demand attention, such as prejudice, easy spread of hate speech, reluctance to access primary sources and quality filter problems. Third, looking at millennial generations who have the characteristics of tolerance, pluralism and being able to appreciate diversity brings opportunities for the development of moderate Islamic da'wah in Indonesia. Keywords: da’wah, millenial, social media

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-76
Degwale Gebeyehu Belay

Despite social media has supplied a great role in bringing the current political landscape of Ethiopia, a couple of months after PM Dr. Abiy took hold of power, hate speech on social media has become common. This has made the government police social media by drafting laws on hate speech since April 2019. This study has the objective of exploring the interplay between spoil political system, government legitimacy and hate speech on social media. This study adopted qualitative research approach. Data has been gathered data from social media e.g. Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram. Different pages and informal discussions were important tools of data collection. From the findings, the author concludes with the argument that laws are not effective to end hate speech, but can be done by bringing legitimate government, good governance, equality, and justice to the country.

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