scholarly journals Media Innovation Based on Simple Kit for Dynamic Electricity Learning

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 209-217

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of simple KIT-based media in improving student learning achievement in dynamic electricity material. The sample used was the students of class grade 12 of IPA-3 Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Mojokerto, totaling 35 students. The type of research used is research development (Research and Development). The research data were obtained from questionnaire responses during learning and the results of the pre-test and post-test. The questionnaire's responses were as many as 85.14% of students who thought that the development of KIT-based learning media was very effective in using dynamic electricity learning. Moreover, as many as 14.85% think that KIT-based learning media is creative and interactive learning and is an additional supplement in the teaching and learning process. From the test results given to students, there was a significant increase in students' achievements. This indicator can be seen from the t count value is smaller than the t table (t count <t table), then H1 (learning with media treatment) can be applied in learning. Another indicator is that the value of p-value is smaller than alpha 5% (0.05) Ho (learning without treatment) is rejected, so it is concluded that there is a significant increase between learning outcomes before using Simple KIT-based media after implementing learning media using simple KIT

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 25-30
Siti Laylatul Izzah

The Effectiveness of Group Investigation Learning Models on Student Learning Outcomes in Subjects of Fiqh. The purpose of this research is to find out whether the group investigation learning model class XI MIPA is more effective than the conventional learning model class XI IIS 1 on the learning outcomes of students of class XI Aliah Al-Ihsan Kalikejambon on Fiqh subjects. The research is in the form of experiments with the type of experiment conducted is quasi-experimental research (Quasy Experiment Research). Based on the results of statistical calculations from the average post-test results of the control class 68.35 and the average post-test results of the experimental class 72.75 obtained calculations using the SPSS program with a significance of significance (Sig 2-tailed) is 0.034, a significance value of 0.034 <0.05. Then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the results of the post-test of the control class and the experimental class. Thus, it can be said that the teaching and learning process carried out with the group investigation learning model in class XI MIPA is more effective than conventional learning models in class XI IIS 1 on student learning outcomes in the subject of Fiqh.   Keywords: Fiqh lessons, Group Investigation, Learning Outcomes   Abstrak Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Group Investigation Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Fiqih. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah model pembelajaran group investigation kelas XI MIPA lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran konvensional kelas XI IIS 1 terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas XI Madrasah Aliah Al – Ihsan Kalikejambon pada mata pelajaran Fiqih. Adapun penelitian ini berbentuk eksperimen dengan jenis eksperimen yang dilakukan adalah penelitian eksperimen semu (Quasy Experiment Reasearch). Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan statistik dari rata-rata hasil post-test kelas kontrol 68,35 dan rata-rata hasil post-test kelas eksperimen 72,75 diperoleh perhitungan menggunakan program SPSS dengan signifikansi signifikansi (Sig 2-tailed) adalah 0,034, nilai signifikansi 0,034 < 0,05. Maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil post-test kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa proses belajar mengajar yang dilakukan dengan model pembelajaran group investigation di kelas XI MIPA lebih efektif daripada model pembelajaran konvensional di kelas XI IIS 1 terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Fiqih.   Kata kunci: Pelajaran Fiqih, Group Investigation, Hasil Belajar

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-132
Ummu Rosyidatul ◽  
Mustofa Mustofa ◽  
Nisaul Barokati Selirowangi

This research aims to download have been described : (1) the activity of the students on learning to write essays with a contextual approach and video media, (2) the activity of the teacher in the learning of essay writing with the contextual approach and video media, (3) student learning completeness on learning to write a contextual approach to essay and video media, and (4) student response on learning to write essays with the contextual approach and media video in class XI SMA Darul Ulum Sugio. This type of research is research qualitative and quantitative test results through the application of approaches and learning media. The population of this research is the learners class XI SCIENCES 2 SMA Darul Ulum Sugio. This research data obtained through observation sheets students, teacher observation sheets, test write essays, and question form. The results showed that the application of the approach Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) and video media on learning writing essay very effectively applied. Ditinjau of the student activity categorized either by percentage of 87% or effective to apply, review of teacher's activity categorized either by percentage amounted to 93.75% or effective to apply, review of ketuntasan learning students categorized either by a percentage of 75% effective or to be applied, in terms of response students categorized very well with the percentage of 91.96% or effective to apply.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-63
Wida Wido Yanto

This research was based on the teaching and learning process now in the world of education which most of it still tends to be done conventionally. In the future, information and communication technology has an important role in learning, namely as learning content or learning media. The purpose of this study is to describe the ifluence of LMS Schoology on improving the learning outcomes of Training participants at the Supervisor Vocational Development Material PKP V Surabaya Religious Training Center 2020. Problem formulation: Is there any significant and positive influence on the use of LMS Schoology on Improving the learning outcomes of Training participants at the Supervisor Vocational Development Material? This research was conducted using a pre-experimental one group pretest-postets research method with regression analysis. Regression analysis was used to find out how much influence the independent variable had on the increase in the dependent variable. The results showed that after the teaching and learning process carried out with the LMS Schoology application the learning outcomes of the training participants increased. Empirical test results indicated the magnitude of the percentage of influence of the independent variables on the dependent variable of 77.4%. T test results showed the t value of 11.333 and p-value (Sig) of 0.000 which is below alpha 5%.  was rejected, meaning that there was a significant and positive influence between LMS Schoology on improving the learning outcomes of training participants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-82
Purwandari Suciningtyas

This study aims to describe students' activeness of the class when it is applied to the media and the improvement of learning outcomes of the students of grade V SDN Paciran I Lamongan 2016/2017 academic year in completing multiplication counting operation through the use of laces. This research belongs to classroom action research. Data obtained in the form of formative test results, observation sheet of teaching and learning activities. The learning outcomes of multiply counting operations by applying the wrist strap medium from cycle 1 to cycle 2 experience, a very satisfactory improvement. In cycle 1, there is an increase of students who fulfill KKM that is 50%, while in cycle 2 reach 100%.

Lisa Indriyanti ◽  
Arsyad Abd. Gani ◽  
Sintayana Muhardini

Pengembangan media pembelajaran merupakan suatu sarana yang mempunyai fungsi untuk membantu memahamkan siswa dalam pembelajaran, khususnya pada siswa kelas I SD. Penelitian ini bertunjuan (1) untuk mengetahui desain media pembelajaran puzzle dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas 1 SDN 38 Mataram pada Tema 7 Sub tema 1 materi  benda hidup dan benda tak hidup disekitar kita (2) Untuk mengetahui kevalidan media puzzle dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas 1 SDN 38 Mataram pada Tema 7 sub tema 1 materi benda hidup dan benda tak hidup disekitar kita. (3) Untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat hasil belajar siswa pada materi benda hidup dan benda tak hidup sebelum menggunakan media puzzle dan setelah menggunakan media puzzle. Metode  penelitian yang digunakan peneliti adalah model ADDIE (anlisis, desain, development, implementation, & evaluation). Pengembangan media pembelajaran ini telah menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran yang telah dinyatakan valid oleh ahli desain media, ahli materi dan praktisi pembelajaran. Hasil test pada uji coba terbatas mendapatkan rata-rata nilai pre-test  65,83 dan rata-rata nilai post test sebesar 87,58. Hasil tes pada uji lapangan mendapatkan rata-rata nilai pre-tes sebesar 64,58 dan post-test sebesar 87,58. Hasil selisih pre-test dan post-test berdasarkan perhitumg rumus gain standar diperoleh nilai sebesar 0,63 baik yang didapat pada uji coba terbatas  maupun pada uji coba lapangan  sehingga peningkatan hasl belajar siswa berada pada posisi sedang (berdasarkan tabel gain standar).The development of instructional media is a means that has a function to help students understand learning, especially in grade I SD students. This research aims (1) to determine the design of puzzle learning media in improving student learning outcomes in grade 1 SDN 38 Mataram on Theme 7 Sub theme 1 material on living objects and non-living objects around us (2) To determine the validity of puzzle media in improving student learning outcomes. grade 1 SDN 38 Mataram on Theme 7 sub theme 1 material on living things and non-living things around us. (3) This is to determine the difference in the level of student learning outcomes on living and inanimate objects before using puzzle media and after using puzzle media. The research method used by researchers is the ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation, & evaluation). The development of learning media has produced learning media products that have been declared valid by media design experts, material experts and learning practitioners. The test results in the limited trial obtained an average pre-test score of 65.83 and an average post-test score of 87.58. The test results on the field test get an average pre-test score of 64.58 and post-test of 87.58. The result of the difference between pre-test and post-test based on the standard gain formula, the value of 0.63 was obtained both in limited trials and in field trials so that the increase in student learning outcomes was in a moderate position (based on the standard gain table). 

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 157
Oktavia Rukmana Wulandari

Teaching material is a supporting factor for students in the learning process. However, the irrelevance of teaching materials used will result in not achieving learning objectives. The purpose of this research is to describe the feasibility of LKPD with the Team Games Tournament model, to analyze the practicality and effectiveness of using LKPD with the TGT model. The research method used is Research & Development using the 4D model from Thiagarajan. The research procedure consisted of 4 phases, define, design, develop, and disseminate. Instruments of product validity were obtained from material experts, graphic experts, evaluation experts and students' post-test results. The results of this study indicate that (1) The development of TGT-based LKPD is considered Eligible, based on the average validation of experts at 77.92%. (2) LKPD is considered effective in learning in terms of learning outcomes as well as the students' skills in working on HOTS questions increased with the final result 82.14% so that students are declared to have passed completeness. (3) LKPD is considered practical in learning because the development carried out is able to increase the interest and relaxation of students in the learning process according to the results of research students' responses where an interest in the product as much as 80.60% is said to be feasible. Based on these results it can be said that TGT based LKPD is declared to be very feasible and good for use in the learning process because it shows an increase in learning outcomes after using this LKPD.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 307
Deden Kusdinar

Based on the author's experience teaching for this in SD Negeri 010 Banjar PanjangKerumutan, and based on observation and early reflections by the author seen low creativityof students in learning that ultimately ends up in the low student learning outcomesthemselves, especially on the subjects of Natural Sciences. After many tests on the midtermturns lower student learning outcomes. Completeness class only reach 50% or 10 out of 20students, KKM for subjects of Natural Sciences which has been set in the class IV SD Negeri010 Banjar Panjang Kerumutan is the number 70. As Judge things that cause children lowvalue, from the aspect of teachers are: teacher always using methods lectures, learningachievement of children have been considered equally by teachers, and the learning processis dominated by the teacher. This research is a classroom action research (PTK). Class actionresearch through the stages of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Fromthe research data is a result of learning of natural science at the top can be seen learningoutcome science students from the action on the preliminary data for the first cycle to thesecond cycle by improving student learning outcomes that menigkat are significant, the initialdata of students who achieve mastery only 50 % and cycle to the first increase has reached70% and the thoroughness of the class in the second cycle reaches 85%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 35
Sigit Trimayanto ◽  
Dian Novita

This study aims to produce the Practical KIT along with its devices that are effectively used as learning media to train students SPS on the sub material of the Reaction Rate Law. The method used in this study is Research and Development design. The research instrument used consisted of a sheet of pre-test and post-test. Data analysis was carried out in descriptive quantitative to determine the effectiveness of Practical KIT along with the devices developed. The media is said to be effective if it meets 2 requirements, namely the percentage of classical completeness <85% and N-gain value <0.3. The developed media has been declared effective as indicated by the increase in the value of cognitive learning outcomes in the "Medium" and "High" categories with 100% classical completeness, an increase in the value of science process skills of students after using the Practical KIT media. "With classical completeness reaching 91.67%.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
Sri Wahyu Widyaningsih ◽  
Irfan Yusuf

<p>The research is motivated not yet using CTL approach. In addition, the study provided yet foster the character value of students. This study aimed to the development of learning materials by using CTL approach with the integration of character value are valid, practical, and effective. The type of this research is research and development by using 4-D models. The stages of this research are define, design, and development. The define stage consists of analyzing of curriculum, students, and concept. Then, the learning materials as lesson plan, handout, student’s worksheet, and evaluation, were designed at design stage. The development stage was doing validity, practicality, and effectiveness test. The data of this research was collected by using validation instruments, questionnaire of students and teacher, observation and test instruments. The result of research with validity of the test results showed that the syllabus, lesson plans, teaching materials, worksheets and assessment sheets (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) developed very valid. The test results showed that the learning practicalities developed very practical. Based on the results of efficacy trials, it was stated that the developed learning very effectively used as learning tools are developed to improve the activity and competence of students in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor and behavioral character. And Those, learning materials by using CTL approach with the integration of character values are classification of very valid, very practical, and effective.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol Volume 2 Nomor 2 ◽  

There is a tendency in the education field today to return to the idea that children will learn better if the environment is created naturally. Learning will be more meaningful if children "experience" themselves what they are learning, not 'knowing' it. Target-oriented learning of material mastery proves to be successful in short-term 'remembering' competitions, but fails to equip children to solve problems in long-term life. The problems that would to be studied in this study are: (a) how is the improvement of Social Science learning outcomes by applying the Make A-Match Model to it? (b) how does the Make A-Match Model apply towards the learning motivation? The objectives of this study are: (a) want to know the improvement in Social Science learning achievement after the implemetation of the Make A-Match Model. (b) want to know the effect of Make A-Match Model towards students’ motivation of the subject after it is applied. This research is used two rounds of action research. In each round consists of four stages, namely: design, activity and observation, reflection and revision. The target of this research is the fourth grade students of Mongodow. The data obtained in the form of formative test results, observation sheets of teaching and learning activities. From the results of analysts obtained student achievement has increased from cycle I to cycle II namely, cycle I (65%), cycle II (83%). The conclusion of this research is the Make A-Match Model of Social Science learning could positively influence the motivation of learning of central students, and this learning model could be used as an alternative to Social Science learning.

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