scholarly journals Relasi Budaya dan Agama dalam Perkembangan Agama Islam di Huta Sijungkang, Humbang Hasundutan

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-92
Herrio Tekdi Nainggolan

AbstractThe space for interaction in society is always influenced by religion and culture as binding aspects, both individually and in groups. This study aims to reveal how the relationship between culture and religion in the development of Toba Islam in Huta Sijungkang, Parlilitan sub-district, Humbang Hasundutan district. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach through interviews and literature studies. Based on research conducted in the development of Islamic religion in Huta Sijungkang, culture and religion are not two contradictory entities, but an inherent unity to regulate relations in society. This has made the people not patterned based on religion, so that cultural and religious dualism is not a conflict, but rather a cultural identity and values that continue to be lived by the Huta Sijungkang community. For society, religious differences are not a barrier in family ties, so there is an awareness to maintain the principles of togetherness and unity.Keyword: Relation; Culture; Religion; Huta Sijungkang.

2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
Limas Dodi

According to Abdulaziz Sachedina, the main argument of religious pluralism in the Qur’an based on the relationship between private belief (personal) and public projection of Islam in society. By regarding to private faith, the Qur’an being noninterventionist (for example, all forms of human authority should not be disturb the inner beliefs of individuals). While the public projection of faith, the Qur’an attitude based on the principle of coexistence. There is the willingness of the dominant race provide the freedom for people of other faiths with their own rules. Rules could shape how to run their affairs and to live side by side with the Muslims. Thus, based on the principle that the people of Indonesia are Muslim majority, it should be a mirror of a societie’s recognizion, respects and execution of religious pluralism. Abdul Aziz Sachedina called for Muslims to rediscover the moral concerns of public Islam in peace. The call for peace seemed to indicate that the existence of increasingly weakened in the religious sense of the Muslims and hence need to be reaffi rmed. Sachedina also like to emphasize that the position of peace in Islam is parallel with a variety of other doctrines, such as: prayer, fasting, pilgrimage and so on. Sachedina also tried to show the argument that the common view among religious groups is only one religion and traditions of other false and worthless. “Antipluralist” argument comes amid the reality of human religious differences. Keywords: Theology, Pluralism, Abdulaziz Sachedina

Almerinda Auxiliadora De Souza ◽  
Flávio Bezerra Barros

THE MEANING OF THE PLACE AND THE VISIBILITY OF THE SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL DILEMMAS LIVED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE JARDIM OLIVEIRA DISTRICT, CÁCERES, STATE OF MATO GROSSOEL SIGNIFICADO DEL LUGAR Y LA VISIBILIDAD DE LOS DILEMAS SOCIOAMBIENTALES VIVENCIADOS POR LOS MORADORES DEL BAIRRO JARDÍN OLIVEIRA, CÁCERES, MATO GROSSORESUMOEste estudo foi realizado no bairro Jardim Oliveira, situado na cidade de Cáceres/MT, à margem esquerda do rio Paraguai. O objetivo consistiu em entender a relação dos moradores com o lugar. A pesquisa foi de natureza exploratória e descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa. Para o levantamento de dados nos pautamos em observação, entrevista semiestruturada e registros fotográficos. Os resultados revelaram que o Jardim Oliveira é percebido pela experiência dos moradores, que mesmo com as limitações, conhecem, dão sentidos e significados ao lugar. Verificou-se a topofilia associada ao sentimento pelo lugar, o que poderia ser contraditório, visto que os mesmos interlocutores relataram que já vivenciaram e/ou presenciaram casos de violência no bairro. O rio Paraguai aparece como centralidade nas relações dos moradores com o lugar. É visível a ausência de infraestrutura básica no bairro, o que interfere de forma direta na vida dos moradores, levando-os a vivenciarem os dilemas socioambientais.Palavras-chave: Questões Socioambientais; Lugar; Rio Paraguai; Mato Grosso.ABSTRACTThis study was carried out in the Jardim Oliveira district, located in the municipality of Cáceres, State of Mato Grosso, on the left bank of the Paraguai River. The objective was to understand the relationship of the residents with the place. The research was exploratory and descriptive, with a qualitative approach. For the survey of data we are in observation, semi-structured interview and photographic records. The results revealed that Jardim Oliveira is perceived by the residents experience, that even with the limitations, they know, give meanings and meanings to the place. Topophilia was associated with feeling for the place, which could be contradictory, since the same interlocutors reported that they had experienced and / or witnessed cases of violence in the neighborhood. The Paraguai River appears as centrality in the relations of the residents with the place. The lack of basic infrastructure in the neighborhood is visible, which directly interferes with the lives of the residents, leading them to experience the socio-environmental dilemmas.Keywords: Socio-environmental Themes; Place; Paraguai River; State of Mato Grosso.RESUMENEste estudio fue realizado en el barrio Jardim Oliveira, situado en la ciudad de Cáceres / MT, a la margen izquierda del río Paraguay. El objetivo consistió en entender la relación de los habitantes con el lugar. La investigación fue de naturaleza exploratoria y descriptiva, con abordaje cualitativo. Para el levantamiento de datos nos fijamos en observación, entrevista semiestructurada y registros fotográficos. Los resultados revelaron que el Jardín Oliveira es percibido por la experiencia de los habitantes, que incluso con las limitaciones, conocen, dan sentidos y significados al lugar. Se verificó la topofilia asociada al sentimiento por el lugar, lo que podría ser contradictorio, ya que los mismos interlocutores relataron que ya vivenciaron y / o presenciaron casos de violencia en el barrio. El río Paraguay aparece como centralidad en las relaciones de los habitantes con el lugar. Es visible la ausencia de infraestructura básica en el barrio, lo que interfiere de forma directa en la vida de los habitantes, llevándolos a vivir los dilemas socioambientales.Palabras clave: Cuestiones Socioambientales; Lugar; Río Paraguay; Mato Grosso.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 26
Maryam Maryam

This study aims to examine the role of the majelis ta ‟lim in developing human qualities in society. Taklim Assembly is regulated in Article 26 paragraph 4 of RI Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System. This study uses a qualitative approach with triangulation analysis. The results of this study found that the existence of the Ta'lim Assembly in the era of globalization is very important and one of the most important strongholds in counteracting the negative effects of globalization itself. besides that it also functions as a fostering and developing Islamic religion, a park of spiritual recreation, an arena of silaturrahmi, a means of continuous dialogue between ulama, umaroh and the people and as a medium to convey the idea of modernization that is beneficial for the development of the people.

2021 ◽  
Yuyun Agnes Kristianty Kiding Allo

In Toraja there are many family members of different religions, even under one roof of the house there are family members of different religions. In general, Islam and Christianity. There are even married couples who have different beliefs or religions. This was especially the case in lembang Pa'tengko where there were families between husbands and wives adhering to different religions and living in one and having descent. This study uses a qualitative approach, which examines empirical truth in one family in Lembang Pa'tengko. The purpose of the study was to find the factors they apply to their families so that their families remain harmonious despite religious differences. In essence, religion has an important role in creating peace. Between husband and wife can not be separated from the relationship and work together every day. But sometimes they also get teachings from their respective religious doctrines, but this is responded to with a healthy and wise ratio. None of them is selfish and accentuates an attitude of wanting to dominate because they build relationships of mutual respect or hospitality for the sake of creating harmony in their family

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-41 ◽  
Ahmad Faza Muzakky

Researchers interested in lifting the title "Implementation At-Tawassuth Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah As Values Character Education In Class VI Madrasah Ibtida'iyah (MI) Khozainul Ulum II Rural districts Bojoasri Kali Tengah Lamongan in the school " as motivated by history or Nahdhotul history scholars' who keep a few things about the relationship Aswaja with education in the archipelago. Aswaja teachings and the empowerment of the people are of the Vision and Mission. This is evidenced by the establishment of boarding institutions in this country do not know the era of independence and develop into some of the educational system. Education at-tawasuth Aswaja given by following the guidance of that vision is to realize human Aswaja pious to Allah, berakhlaqul karimah, intellectual, intelligent, skilled, productive, ethical, honest and fair (tawassuth and i'tidal), disciplined, berkesimbangan (tawazun), tolerance (tasamuh), maintaining harmony in personal and social development and developing a culture ahlussunnah wal jama'ah (commanding the good and forbidding evil). The purpose of this research is to know and understand the extent of implementation of the At-Tawassuth Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah As Values Character Education In Ibtida'iyah Khozainul Ulum Madrasah class II Hamlet Village Dondooman Bojoasri Kali Tengah Lamongan District of Central VI Academic.To find out the problems and get the data clearly, here the author uses descriptive qualitative approach.

Bailee Huebert

This essay looks at the French Wars of Religion, specifically the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre and the relationship that it has to religious conflict. Looking at the religious elements of violence within this massacre attempts to show that both Protestant and Catholic leaders, followers, and significant figure of the time, like the King and Catharine de Medici, used religious upheaval as a way to condone the violence that ensued during the late 1560s and early 1570s. Using both primary and secondary sources, this essay looks at ‘Religious nationalism’ and its role in the blood shed of the Massacre. The tensions between the two sects of religion were growing, St. Bartholomew’s Day is an example of when this tension became too much. Looking closely at the people involved and the events that took place, violence and religion are clearly intertwined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. 582-590
Grenada Tri Kardiana ◽  
Ahmad Arif Widianto

The topic of the problem in this research is that there are not a few couples whose relationships are in different schools even though they are in the same Islamic religion. This study aims to analyze what conflicts will occur in a marriage relationship with different streams. So, in this study, the researcher wants to use the conflict theory according to Lewis A. Coser as a knife of analysis. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach, namely the process of exploring and understanding the meaning of individual and group behavior, describing social problems or humanitarian problems. Meanwhile, the type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The sample used was 3 married couples with different sects and 2 unmarried couples, but dating people from different sects. The result of this research is that conflicts can occur between partners, such as forcing them to enter into one of the pairs of streams and it can also occur between families such as damage to the relationship between parents and children. Topik Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah tak sedikit jumlah pasangan yang menjalin hubungannya berada dalam perbedaan aliran meskipun dalam agama islam yang sama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konflik-konflik apa sajakah yang akan terjadi pada hubungan pernikahan berbeda aliran. Sehingga, dalam penelitian ini peneliti ingin menggunakan teori Konflik menurut Lewis A. Coser sebagai pisau analisisnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Pendekatan Kualitatif yaitu proses eksplorasi dan memahami makna perilaku individu dan kelompok, menggambarkan masalah sosial atau masalah kemanusiaan. Sedangkan, jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 3 orang pasangan yang sudah menikah dengan berbeda aliran dan 2 orang yang belum menikah, namun berpacaran dengan orang yang berbeda aliran. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah konflik bisa terjadi antar pasangan seperti pemaksaan untuk masuk kedalam salah satu aliran pasangan dan juga bisa terjadi antar keluarga seperti rusaknya hubungan antara orang tua dengan anak.

Omer Najmaldden Inja Aljabbary

This study (The Approach to Reform Islamic religion) deals with the following: 1 - Islamic religion is a set of rules, laws and instructions created by Allah Almighty to organize human society by bringing benefit to them and the preservation of their necessary interests and preventing any harmful and corrupted things from them. Moreover, it prevents overwhelming anyone in his religion, life, wealth and mind.2- Peace is among the fundamentals of the Islamic religion and it is a means of building the country, spreading religion and cooperation among the members of society in addition to organizing international relations between Islamic countries and others to preserve the common interests of the human being, considering that all people are brothers and they came from one father and one mother, Adam and Eve , and that war is an exception should be resorted only in the cases of defense and aggression. Even in the case of war, it must be resorted to peace and reconciliation. 3. Religion is a means of reforming the relationship between the individuals and the individual with the group to achieve peaceful coexistence. 4 - The Islamic religion is not a religion of violence, killing and aggression as alleged by the hypocrites who want to abuse the religion of heaven; because the appeal of the Islamic religion is an abuse to the rest of the heavenly religions; as the source of religions is Allah Almighty. Moreover, the religion was found to serve the community by organizing and preserving their interests. 5. Responsibility for the preservation of religion is a collective responsibility shared by the individual, society, clergy and the government. It must be legislated and directing the people not to offend religions and by insulting the heavenly religions as it is the source of Chaos and aggression among people.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 143
Abdul Manaf Tubaka

ABSTRAK This study aims to reveal the meaning of the tradition of Pukul Sapu ceremony in Morella which is held annually on the 7th of syawal or seven days after Eid al-Fitr. The method used in this study is the verstehen method with a qualitative approach. Research instrument is the researcher itself with interview method, participatory observation to understand the context of an event. The results of the study illustrate that the tradition of Pukul Sapu in Morella with the symbol attributes used has a variety of meanings for the people of Morella. Therefore, these traditions can drive people's behavior in their daily life. In addition, Pukul Sapu tradition becomes a construction of a unique cultural identity and gives influence to the social integration of the Morella people. The existence of Pukul Sapu Ceremony becomes a marker of historical awareness for people of Morella and has functional value for people of Maluku in general. Keywords: Tradition, Pukul Sapu, and Symbol Meaning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-115
M.Farhan Fahrudin ◽  
Siska Mardiana ◽  
Annisarizki Annisarizki

INPOWER-CARE programs as the implementation of Community Relations is the fostered partner of Omah Kreteg Anggana, this activity aims to develop skills and welfare for the community, especially around the company by promoting the Suralaya locality, namely sambal kreteg. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation and development of the INPOWER-CARE program of Omah Kreteg Anggana's fostered partners as the implementation of the Community Relations program. This study used a qualitative approach with case study methods and data collection techniques by conducting observations, in-depth interviews with four informants, documentation and literature. The results of this study indicate that the Division of Public Relations and Community Development PT. Indonesia Power Suralaya PGU in implementing the program, Community Relations, namely by maintaining relationships with the community by conducting socialization needed by the community and establishing intimacy with the people who participate in the program. Meanwhile, in developing the program of Omah Kreteg Anggana's fostered partners, they carried out institutional strengthening in accordance with the RENSTRA and RENJA. With the implementation of this program, the relationship between the company and the community is getting closer and mutually beneficial to one another.

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