2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-47
T Heru Nurgiansah

The election event became the right moment in implementing democracy in the country of Indonesia. Contestants are contenders with the winners in the hearts of society. Here is the importance of citizenship education both for voters and for the figure who is running. The purpose of this research is to know the concept of citizenship education in political contestation. This method of research uses qualitative methods. The data collection techniques in these studies use observations, interviews, and literacy studies. The results of this study say that political contestation required a democratic, responsible, and participatory attitude, which all exist in the concept of citizenship education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-22
Ririn Fadillah ◽  
Mahmud MY ◽  
Riftiyanti Savitri

This research aims to describe the management of recruitment of educators in MTs Darussalam Muara Tembesi. This study uses qualitative methods. Data collection techniques using observations, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the procurement of well-managed education personnel includes several activities, first, establishing the number of teachers needed. Second, the determination of quality and placement of teachers according to the needs based on job description and job specification. Third, determine the number of teachers received according to the needs of madrasah based on the right man in the right place and the right man in the right job. Fourth, establish teacher welfare and career development so that teachers are always motivated to improve their skills in academic and non-academic fields. A well-managed recruitment process can produce qualified human resources in MTs Darussalam Muara Tembesi.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 143
Rahma Syafitri ◽  
Marisa Elsera

 Land grabs and land tenure are one of the potential conflicts that often occur in the community. One of the conflicts that occurred was a case of land control over the former mine of PT. Antam Tbk. in the Sungai Enam sub-district began in 2005. Conflicts started from different meanings of land between PT. Antam Tbk. with the Sungai Enam community. This research was carried out to determine the dynamics of the conflict over the control of the former mining area of PT Antam Tbk. in the Sungai Enam sub-district, Bintan Timur, Bintan district. This research method uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, observations and documentation studies selected as techniques in data collection. The results of the study show that the conflict that occurred was still in the phase of conflict over the perception of the land of the former PT Antam Tbk. mine between the official owner of PT Antam Tbk. and the community. The Flores people who currently occupy the land consider that the land belongs to God so that they have the right to occupy the land and make it a place to live and grow crops, this assumption is considered right because they can live for decades without any direct request from PT. Antam Tbk. hasn't moved them yet. While the PT. Antam Tbk. can only make a warning by making a notice in one corner of the land with the writing that the land belongs to PT Antam Tbk.Perebutan lahan dan penguasaan lahan merupakan salah satu potensi konflik yang sering terjadi di masyarakat.Salah satu konflik yang terjadi adalah kasus penguasaan lahan atas eks tambang PT Antam Tbk. di Kelurahan Sungai Enam dimulai sejak tahun 2005.Konflik bermula dari pemaknaan yang berbeda atas tanah antara PT Antam Tbk. dengan masyarakat Sungai Enam. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dinamika konflik penguasaan lahan eks tambang PT Antam Tbk. di Kelurahan Sungai Enam Kecamatan Bintan Timur Kabupaten Bintan. Metode penenelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi serta studi dokumentasi dipilih sebagai teknik dalam pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konflik yang terjadi masih pada fase pertentangan atas persepsi lahan eks tambang PT Antam Tbk. antara pemilik resmi PT Antam Tbk. dengan masyarakat. Masyarakat Flores yang saat ini menempati lahan tersebut menganggap tanah tersebut milik Tuhan sehingga mereka berhak menempati lahan dan menjadikannya sebagai tempat tinggal dan bercocok tanam, anggapan ini dinilai benar karena mereka bisa hidup puluhan tahun ditanah tersebut tanpa adanya permintaan langsung dari PT Antam Tbk. untuk mereka pindah. Sedangkan pihak PT Antam Tbk. hanya bisa membuat peringatan dengan membuat pemberitahuan di salah satu sudut lahan dengan tulisan bahwa tanah tersebut milik PT Antam Tbk.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Yuliana Asmi

Penelitian ingin menganalisa penanaman nilai-nilai yang ada pada ajaran Islam pada kegiatan kepramukaan. Dalam dharma pramuka terdapat nilai-nilai keIslaman terutama pada sembilan poinnya. Penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dalam penelitian ini. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yakni pendekatan sosiologi. Objek penelitian yang menjadi focus dalam penelitian ini, ialah pembina pramuka, pemangku adat dan anggota pramuka Racana Raden Mas Said-Nyi Ageng Serang IAIN Surakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses internalisasi nilai-nilai pendidikan agama Islam pada anggota pramuka Racana Raden Mas Said-Nyi Ageng Serang IAIN Surakarta, melalui tiga fase (fase pengenalan, penerimaan dan fase pengintegrasian). Dari tiap-tiap fase tersebut terdapat sembilan nilai pendidikan agama Islam, yang terdapat dalam dasa dharma pramuka. Kontribusi dari internalisasi nilai tersebut memunculkan values consciousness, well being, agency, Connectedness dan transformation. Dari kelima poin tersebut dideskripsikan tentang proses internalisasi nilai pendidikan agama Islam pada diri anggota. Hasil dari proses internalisasi tersebut menghasilkan perubahan yang cukup signifikan, dalam artian ke arah yang lebih baik (memiliki rasa empati, tanggung jawab, berani mengemukakan pendapat karena setiap anggota memiliki hak untuk menentukan plihan, dapat membangun hubungan yang positif antara satu dengan yang lainnya), sehingga tercipta sebuah kerukunan, serta bertransformasi dari yang semula tidak peduli dengan lingkungan sekitar menjadi lebih peduli dan bersifat humanis terhadap sesama rekan organisasi.[The research wants to analyze the inculcation of values that exist in Islamic teachings in scouting activities. In the dharma of scouting there are Islamic values, especially on the nine points. The author uses qualitative methods in this study. The approach used in this research is a sociological approach. The object of research that is the focus of this research, is the scout coach, traditional stakeholders and members of the Racana Racana Mas Said-Nyi Ageng Serang IAIN Surakarta scouts. Data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the process of internalizing the values of Islamic religious education in Racana Raden Mas Said-Nyi Ageng Serang scout members at IAIN Surakarta, went through three phases (introduction, acceptance and integration phases). From each of these phases there are nine values of Islamic religious education, which are contained in the Dasa Dharma of Scouts. The contribution of the internalization of these values gives rise to values consciousness, well being, agency, Connectedness and transformation. From the five points, a description of the process of internalizing the value of Islamic religious education is described in members. The results of the internalization process resulted in significant changes, in the sense of a better direction (having a sense of empathy, responsibility, daring to express opinions because each member has the right to make choices, can build positive relationships with one another), so as to create a harmony, and transform from being initially indifferent to the surrounding environment to being more caring and humanist towards fellow organizational partners.]

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 122
Kadek Linda Kusnita

ABSTRACTThis research is intended to know the marketing carried out by Harper Kuta Hotel to get out of the Red Ocean Marketing carried out in the hospitality industry has implemented a red ocean zone which in all hotels uses the same marketing strategy, so marketing is offered in marketing. This study uses qualitative methods and uses four blue ocean frameworks that explain the strategies that must be corrected and corrected. Data collection uses interview techniques from each resource person. The final goal of this research is to learn the advantages possessed by Harper Kuta Hotel, so that they can choose the right strategy and have innovation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-42
Muh. Mintari ◽  
Fadlilah Fadlilah ◽  
Bawaihi Bawaihi

This study aims to describe the communication style of madrasah heads in improving teacher performance at yayasan Nururrodhiyah Jambi City. This study uses qualitative methods. Data collection techniques using observations, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study found there are two communication styles of madrasah heads at nururrodhiyah foundation in improving teacher performance, first, the equalitarian style; give teachers the opportunity to express suggestions or opinions. Second, the relinguishing style; reflects the willingness to accept the suggestions, opinions or ideas of others, rather than the wishes of the command, even though the head of the madrasa has the right to give orders.

T Heru Nurgiansah

<p><em>This research aims to establish the political participation of Bantul people through citizenship education at the pandemic of Covid 19. The political participation of Bantul society needs to be improved so that the apathy towards politics is not increasingly faded. There are many ways to establish the political participation of Bantul people through the role of citizenship education. This method of research uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques use observations, interviews and literacy studies. The result of this study mentions that citizenship education has an important role and succeeded in establishing the political participation of Bantul people in the pandemic of Covid 19.</em></p>

Lusival Barcellos E Eliane Farias

Como nos séculos passados, os povos indígenas continuam resistindo para sobreviver em meio a uma sociedade preconceituosa que nega o direito de ser diferente. O presente trabalho versa sobre os indígenas Tabajara da Paraíba, expropriados do seu território, no litoral sul paraibano. Nos tempos hodiernos vivem num processo de etnogênese, reivindicando seus direitos e reelaborando suas tradições. A problemática do estudo se refere aos Tabajara fiéis à doutrina Protestante, que convivem com uma nova realidade: a de exteriorizar seus sinais diacríticos ou sua religiosidade Pentecostal. O estudo está fundamentado nos autores: Barcellos e Farias (2012; 2014), Mendonça (1989), Wright (2004), dentre outros. Utilizou-se da metodologia qualitativa para adentrar no universo de significados, crenças e valores desses indígenas. Foi usado na coleta de dados a observação participante e entrevistas abertas. O resultado da pesquisa revela as transformações ocorridas na vida desses indígenas, convertidos às denominações religiosas pentecostais após a diáspora ocorrida no século XIX. As in past centuries, indigenous peoples continue to resist to survive amid a prejudiced society that denies the right to be different. This paper deals with the ParaíbaTabajara Indians, dispossessed of their territory in the south coast of Paraiba. In modern times they live in ethnogenesis process, claiming their rights and reworking their traditions. The study of the problem relates to Tabajara faithful to Protestant doctrine, living with a new reality: to externalize their diacritics or his Pentecostal religion. The study is based on the authors: Barcellos and Farias (2012; 2014), Mendonça (1989), Wright (2004), among others. We used qualitative methods to enter the universe of meanings, beliefs and values ​​of these indigenous. It was used in data collection participant observation and open interviews. The search result shows the changes occurring in the lives of indigenous people converted to Pentecostal denominations after the diaspora occurred in the nineteenth century.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-75
Mas Indra Putra Alamsyah ◽  
M.Arif Nasution ◽  
R. Hamdani Harahap

Netizen Basis Democracy Volunteers are one of the community groups that carry out election socialization activities and educate democratic values to their segments of society or Netizens in the 2019 Elections. This study discusses the election socialization activities carried out by Netizen Basis Democracy Volunteers. The purpose of this research is to analyze the patterns of election socialization using the variable of political socialization. The author uses qualitative methods, data collection through interviews, documentation and literacy studies. The results showed that Netizen-Based Democracy Volunteers carry out election socialization activities using media and non-media facilities through volunteer and personal account posts. There are four patterns of socialization of Netizen-Based Democracy Volunteers, namely: Opening information posts, hanging out with Netizens, posting on social media and giveaway. For some people, especially Millennials, consider the Election socialization activity as an effort to represent the struggle to uphold people's sovereignty, this is supported by the composition of Netizen-Based Democracy Volunteers who are all students who are considered far from political interests, this is because Millennial is more familiar with social media so that it is easy and quickly keep abreast of information and relatively many have references. While some who refuse to assume that the socialization activities carried out by volunteers are less work activities and some even make fun of volunteers.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Rialdo Rezeky ◽  
Muhammad Saefullah

The approach of this research is qualitative and descriptive. In this study those who become the subject of research is an informant (key figure). The subject of this study is divided into two main components, consisting of internal public and external public that is from the Board of the Central Executive Board of Gerindra Party, Party Cadres, Observers and Journalists. The object of this research is the behavior, activities and opinions of Gerindra Party Public Relation Team. In this study used data collection techniques with interviews, participatory observation, and triangulation of data. The results of this study indicate that the Public Relations Gerindra has implemented strategies through various public relations programs and establish good media relations with the reporters so that socialization goes well. So also with the evaluation that is done related to the strategy of the party. The success of Gerindra Party in maintaining the party’s image in Election 2014 as a result of the running of PR strategy and communication and sharing the right type of program according to the characteristics of the voting community or its constituents.Keywords: PR Strategy, Gerindra Party, Election 2014

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