تراكيب نحوية في الجملة الاسمية والفعلية ودلالتها في سورة (المؤمنون)

2021 ◽  
pp. arabic cover-english cover
فاطمة بنت مرهون بن سعيد العلوي ◽  
عبد القادر عبد الرحمن أسعد السعدي

يدخل هذا البحث ضمن مجال الدراسات اللغوية، وتحديدًا النحوية والدلالية. إذ اختص بدراسة الجملة الاسمية والفعلية ودلالتها في سورة (المؤمنون)، واستنباط دلالات هذه التراكيب، واعتمدت فيه منهج الاستقراء التحليلي: إذ يستقري الباحث تراكيب الجملة الاسمية والفعلية في سورة المؤمنون، ثم يعمد إلى تحليلها وبيان دلالتها المعنوية . يهدف هذا البحث إلى تسليط الضوء على القيم الدلالية الكامنة في الجملة الاسمية والفعلية في بناء التركيب النحوي، ومحاولة استجلاء المعاني الدلالية المختلفة في الجملة الاسمية والفعلية في حقل التطبيق من القرآن الكريم . إنّ دراسة التركيب النحوي واستقراء دلالته في القرآن الكريم أنجع وسيلة لفهم كلام الله – سبحانه وتعالى- أتمّ فهم، إذ تتكشف أمام الباحث لطائف لغوية ومعنوية عند الوقوف على كلّ تركيب . ودراسة تراكيب الجملة الاسمية والفعلية في سورة واحدة من سور القرآن تعمّق إدراك القارئ لبديع النظم القرآني، فيلاحظ اختلاف التراكيب ظاهرًا، واتّفاقها في الدلالة باطنًا، وذلك يعزّز المعنى المنشود من مجيء هذا النظم خاصة . الكلمات الدالة: التركيب النحوي، الجملة الاسمية والجملة الفعلية، دلالة الجملة الاسمية والفعلية. Abstract This is one of researches which comes within the field of linguistic studies, specifically grammatical and semantic. The research is specialized in the study of the semantic values inherent in the grammatical structure of some nominal and adverbial sentences, and devising the meanings of these semantic structures, I adopted the method of analytical induction. The researcher extrapolates the grammatical structures in some nominal and adverbial sentences in Surat Al-Muminun, and then proceed to analyze them، and statement its linguistic indication. The aim of this research is to shed light on the semantic values inherent in the grammatical structure of some nominal and adverbial sentences, and a trial to elucidate the different semantic meanings of different linguistic methods in the application field of the Holy Quran. The study of the grammatical structure and the extrapolation of its indication in the Holy Quran is the most effective method to understand the words of God – Glory be to him – the best understanding, As the researcher unfolds before the linguistic and moral groups when standing on each structure. The study of the grammatical structures in some nominal and adverbial sentences in one Surah of the Qur'an, deepening the reader's awareness of the Exquisite pronunciation of the Qur'anic composing, it is noted the different structures virtually and their agreed in indication inwardly. This reinforces the desired meaning from coming jurisdiction of these exquisite words without another. Kew words: grammatical structures, nominal and adverbial sentences, semantic values.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-59
Abdur-Rasheed Mahmoud-Mukadam

The subject of punctuation in Arabic writing may be one of the topics in which there was a great deal of writing. However, the close look at this paper reveals that there are some new things that the researcher is interested in highlighting in this article. To clarify positions in the Holy Quran. And that some contemporary writers do not take into account the status of these signs and interesting situation in the appropriate places, but they refuse to take into account behind their appearance when writing Arabic became randomly writing, Based on the above, the researcher can shed light on the importance of these punctuation marks and indicate the relationship between them and the signs of the Qur`anic cessation, which does not mean the use of the first place with The existence of the connection and kinship between them; because the writing of Qur`an is descriptive, it could never be treated in the places of cessation and tone as   usual treatment of the normal writing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Yehia Hassan Wazeri

The Qur’an contains about eighteen verses that refer to the architecture of the earth. Nearly two hundred elements (terminologies) of architecture and town planning have been mentioned in the Quran. This paper aims to present examples from the Quran to shed light on the Islamic vision of architecture and art. It uses content analysis method to achieve the objective of the research. The analysis is done by studying and discussing verses of the Holy Quran, which is related to architecture and urbanism. One of the most important results of this research is to give distinct architectural and urban examples, include the following: building materials, environmental architecture, houses of insects, visual illusions in architecture, and the centrality of Mecca to the world. All of them is explained in the Qur’an verses, such as Al-Baqarah, An-Naml, An-Nahl, Al-Kahf, and Al-Fajr. 

Oleksandr Levko ◽  
Valeriia Zapolska

The article examines the phenomenon of grammatical equivalence based on the Latin poem «To Lesbia» by Catullus and its French translations of the XVI-XXI centuries. The research reveals that the sequence of certain grammatical structures in Catullus 5 plays a significant role in revealing the author's message addressed to Lesbia. In the article we present a brief analysis of the structure of this Latin poem with an emphasis on the role of conjunctive, gerund, imperative and constructions with the sequence of tenses and moods in the author's speech. Given the importance of grammatical structures of the Latin poem for the expression of the author's intentions, their adequate rendition in translations facilitates the achievement of grammatical and semantic equivalence while also helping the translator to convey the message accurately. We have found out that French translations of Catullus 5 mainly reproduce the grammatical meanings of the original poem, often expressing them in other grammatical structures and forms. Some translations retain the architectonics of the poem, using direct grammatical equivalents of the Latin original, while others render the grammatical structure of the poem by equivalent French grammatical constructions. Further studies in this area could focus on the research of grammatical equivalence in poetic translations with the use of corpus linguistic methods.

Hassan Ali Hassan Ananzeh, Feras Ali Alhamad Ananzeh

    This study aims to shed light on the humanitarian organizations in light of the growing role of civil society organizations, including constructive and destructive, in addition to dealing with its emergence and development and the role that can play on the local and international arenas in the light of the guidance of the Koran and the Sunnah. The researcher has followed the inductive fundamentalist approach through the use of verses from the Koran supported by the interpretation of the interpreters and try to drop these interpretations on the lived reality through reference to the evidence from the Koran explicit, as well as the researcher inferred the Prophet's Sunnah, coupled with the explanations of the hadith Hadith as well as his biography In the publication of the Islamic call, the researcher reached many results, the most important of which are the different philosophers of Greece and the Greeks in their contemplation of human organizations through their freshness to society and the extent of enrichment provided by Arab and Muslim philosophers in the conceptualization. The researcher reached the legitimacy of constructive humanitarian organizations such as advocacy, liberation and humanitarian relief and awareness- raising organizations and the fight against organizations with destructive orientations that target the nation and its unity as Zionist and atheistic organizations. In contrast, the study recommended that all constructive humanitarian organizations should be encouraged. The study recommended that the role of civil society organizations should be activated in parallel with government institutions so that they are of no help to them, as explained in the conclusion of the search.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 225 (2) ◽  
pp. 339-352
Dr. the master. Jawad Al – Khatami ◽  
Dr. Mrs. Sumaya Al – Khatami

     The intercession came in the Holy Quran in the sense of begging to the guardians of God, a desire to escape the calamities or gain mercy or reach a need. In view of the fact that the act of supplication itself is considered, on the basis of what is stated in some of the verses and Islamic Hadiths, a kind of supplication, and the supplication itself is a kind of worship of God Almighty, on this, the question that arises is that is faith in intercession is contrary, Propagation dimension, the first monotheistic origin. Based on this, we will shed light, after we addressed the sections of unification and the conflict, to study the problematic relationship between unification and intercession on two sides, starting from the destinations of Wahhabism. In the beginning, we examine, through studying the historical background, the main factor in this encounter. This article then deals with the relationship between du'aa 'and Tawhid in the Qur'aan, as well as the verses that indicate the convergence between Tawheed and Intercession or the abstention of this encounter. The conclusion of this article is that there is no correspondence between unification and intercession, but there is also a kind of homogeneity and overlap between them.

Yasser Muhammad Babatin

ملخص البحث: للأفعال الناسخة "كان وأخواتها" دلالات وظيفية شغلت اهتمام النحاة في صنعة الإعراب، ثم امتدت إلى التأويل؛ في حين غاب عن الدرس النحوي، وما بني عليه من تحليل لغويٍّ الدلالاتُ المعجمية للأفعال الناسخة؛ وأثر الفروق الدلالية للمادة المعجمية في التفريق بين مقامات ما تقاربت دلالته منها، إلا أن تتبع مواضع الأفعال الناسخة في سياقاتها من الكلام الرفيع، ومحاولة استبدال الناسخ بما ألحق به في الدلالة الوظيفية، وتأمل ما بين الاستعمالين من دقائق الدلالات، ولطائف الإشارات؛ كل ذلك يؤكد أن للدلالات المعجمية حضوراً مؤثراً في تشكيل ملابسات السياق، ونسج خيوط الصورة النهائية للنص، وعلى هذا الأصل ارتكزت هذه الدراسة لتخط طريقها بين مقامات "أصبح"، في محاولة لاستجلاء أثر الدلالة المعجمية على جو السياق وحركة المعنى. وتوصلت الدراسة إلى تأثر المعنى بالدلالة المعجمية للتراكيب الوظيفية، وما يلحق ذلك من الفروق الدلالية، ولو على سبيل الإشارة، وأن البحث البياني يتوقف على النظر في أدق تفاصيل السياق، وربطها بالمقام، وأنه مما يجلي المعنى الوقوف على نظائر الآية لجمع أطراف القصة وتَبَيُّن وجه دلالة ما تعاقب من الألفاظ، وأن إطلاقات المفسرين وعمومات التفسير؛ كثيراً ما تكون على سبيل التجوز أو التغليب. الكلمات المفتاحية: أصبح - البلاغة القرآنية – مقامات – السياق - الدلالة. Abstract: The incomplete group of verbs known as ‘Kāna and its sister verbs’, have functional significances that always have been a focus study of the grammarians in the topic of parsing.  It had been a topic in hermeneutics as well albeit the absence of their functional meaning in the Arabic grammar which was merely based on their lexical meaning and the similar contextual meanings they carry. The attempt to locate their functional meaning in speech such as replacing them with functional meanings and comparing the two usages to observe the minute difference proved that their lexical meanings affect the contextual meaning and ultimately shape the final meaning of a given sentence. Based on this observation, the present study will try to shed light on the use of this group of Arabic verbs in the Holy Quran focusing on the significances of the verb ‘aṣbah’, for its diversity of contexts in meaning. As for the rest of the other verbs, the study merely presents them statistically in order to check the overall significance of their contexts.   Keywords: Aŝbaĥ-Quranic Konteks penggunaan ‘aṣbah di dalam Al-Quran Rhetoric-Case-Context-Significance.   Abstrak: Kumpulan kata kerja yang dikenali sebagai ‘kāna’ dan kumpulannya, mempunyai kepentingan fungsi yang sentiasa menjadi fokus para sarjana tatabahasa Arab dalam permasalahan i‘rāb. Ia juga telah menjadi perbincangan dalam permasalahan pentakwilan makna walaupun aspek makna yang sedemikian tidak begitu menonjol di dalam perbahasan nahu Arab yang biasanya adalah berdasarkan makna leksikal dan makna kontekstual yang dibawa. Usaha untuk mengesan makna fungsi kumpulan kata kerja ini seperti dengan menggantikannya dengan makna-makna yang membawa fungsi lain dan membandingkan di antara dua penggunaan tersebut untuk memperhatikan perbezaan halus di antara makna-makna itu membuktikan makna leksikal memberi kesan terhadap makna kontekstual dan seterusnya membentuk maksud sesuatu ayat. Berdasarkan pemerhatian ini, kajian ini akan cuba untuk meninjau kegunaan kumpulan kata kerja ini seperti yang terdapat dalam Al-Quran, dengan menjadikan salah satu kata kerja kumpulan ini iaitu ‘asbaha’ memandangkan kepelbagaian makna kontektualnya. Kata-kata kerja lain dalam kumpulan ini walaubagaimanapun,kajian ini akan hanya memperincikannya secara statistik untuk melihat kesan keseluruhan konteks mereka.   Kata kunci: ‘Asbaha’ – Balaghah Al-Quran – Keadaan i‘rab- Konteks – Kepentingan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
حسين محمد حسين البطاينة ◽  
محمد ماجد الدخيل

Getting rid of Evidence is a common syntactic phenomenon in various syntactic sub-disciplines. This researcher attempted to investigate the locations of such phenomenon in the primary sources of the Arabic language. This research was conducted to shed light on this phenomenon with a new perspective that takes the following into consideration: 1) The concept of getting rid of evidence and the wide spreads in this semantic meaning with control; 2) The locations of this particular phenomenon; 3) The conditions for getting rid of evidence for the article; 4) The cases of getting rid of evidence and the reasons behind it; 5) The evidence is related to this particular phenomenon as it exists in the Holy Quran and Arabic poetry. The study was concluded with a summary of the major findings of the research. The researcher hopes that the findings of this study will benefit those scholars interested in the Arabic language.

عاصم شحادة علي ◽  
ربيعة الفاطمة الزّهراء بنت رشيد

يعد القرآن الكريم من مصادر المعرفة، وقد تولدت منه فروع واسعة؛ إذ نُزل القرآن الكريم باللغة العربية، ولا يوجد خيار آخر لإتقان المعرفة الواردة فيه إلا من خلال تعلم اللغة العربية. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى بيان مفهوم المدونة العربية القرآنية ومكوناتها، والكشف عن علاقة تعلم اللغة العربية بالقرآن الكريم، وبيان كيفية تعليم وتعلم القواعد العربية الأساسية عبر المدونة العربية القرآنية، وستتبع الدراسة المنهج الوصفي والتحليلي. إن وجود العلاقة بين اللغة العربية والقرآن الكريم، يدفع الطلبة المتخصصين في اللغة العربية أن يربطوا اللغة العربية بالقرآن؛ لذلك نرى أن المدونة العربية القرآنية تساعدهم على فهم القواعد القرآنية بطريقة مثيرة للاهتمام. في نظرة شاملة يمكن أن نستنتج أن المدونة العربية القرآنية هي واحدة من أهم الأدوات الحسابية التي تم إنتاجها في خدمة اللغة العربية؛ حيث توفر للمتعلمين ما يحتاجون إليه في مجال اللغة واللغويات والدراسات الحاسوبية، كما تمهد الطريق للباحثين لدراسة الهياكل المورفولوجية والنحوية من خلال دراسات الحوسبة العميقة للقرآن. الكلمات المفتاحية: المصرف القرآني، نموذج حاسوبي، المدونة العربية القرآنية، المعجم القرآني. Abstract The Holy Quran is a source of knowledge and it has generated wide branches of knowledge. The Holy Quran was revealed in Arabic. Hence, there is no other option to master its knowledge except by learning the Arabic language. This study aims at explaining the concept of the Arabic Quranic Corpus and its components, revealing the relationship between learning the Arabic language and the Holy Quran, and showing how to teach and learn basic Arabic grammar through the Quranic Arabic Corpus. The study will follow the descriptive and analytical approach. The existence of the relationship between the Arabic language and the Holy Quran prompts Arabic learners to associate Arabic with the Qur'an. Therefore, we see that the Quranic Arabic Corpus helps them to understand Quranic rules in an interesting way.  In a comprehensive view, we can conclude that the Arabic Quranic Corpus is one of the most important web-based medium produced to serve the Arabic language. It provides learners with what they need in the field of language, linguistics and computer studies, and paves the way for researchers to study morphological and grammatical structures through technology with detail description of grammars. Keywords: Quranic Treebank, Computational Model, Arabic Quranic Corpus, Qur’anic Dictionary.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-90
Shahzeb Shahid

This paper tends to examine the nature of rape crime under Islamic law in order to take sterner action against this crime in line with Islamic law. As the Holy Quran does not directly deal with rape crime, for this reason, there is a wide range of disagreement among jurists regarding the issue of rape crime. Rape is not a single dimension issue, therefore, this paper is meant to shed light on issues related to rape such as whether or not rape is a separate crime? When does sexual intercourse amount to rape? What does Islam prescribe punishment for a person who is coerced to commit rape? Does Islam permit abortion for raped women? Why marital rape does not exist in Islam? Whether rapists may be awarded the punishment of lashes, Imprisonment or death as t‘azir or syasah?   This paper finds out what Zina (fornication) is under Islamic law because in Islamic jurisprudence only coerced Zina is regarded as rape. Thus, this paper is classifying rape in the same category as Zina. By classifying rape as a subset of Zina can only sort out the juridical issues that are emanating from coerced Zina. However, Some modern scholars put rape in a category of Hirabbah crime in order to circumvent the strict evidentiary procedure of Zina(fornication) crime. This paper depicts that there is no need to put rape in the domain of Hirabah because Islamic law permits the ruler or legislation to award punishment of lashes or death as Tazir or Syasah without waiting for the four pious Muslim male eye witness and inflicting Hadd of Qadaf(slander) to the complainant. Finally, this paper is exploring the options that may be taken in order to nip this crime in the bud.

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