scholarly journals Methodological function of pedagogical design in the classical and post-non-classical paradigms

Р.Р. Хайрутдинов

В настоящее время приобретает всё большую актуальность представление о проектировании как специфическом способе методологической работы в сфере образовании. Цель статьи заключается в обосновании и раскрытии сущностных характеристик методологической функции проектирования и осуществлении сравнительной характеристики её проявления в классической и постнеклассической парадигмах. Автором обосновано понимание проектирования как составной части методологии педагогики, функциональное назначение которого состоит, с одной стороны, в проекции научного знания о содержании и способах изменений педагогической действительности на её конкретную область, а с другой стороны – в осмыслении наукой таких достижений практики, которые ещё не нашли объяснение в теории. Раскрыта сущность этой взаимосвязи в рамках классической парадигмы, которая заключается в обеспечении стабильного функционирования образовательных систем на основе норм, заданных наукой. В постнеклассической парадигме в качестве общих регулятивов проекции научного знания на область практической деятельности выступают принципы системности, контекстуальности, конвенциональности, саморазвития проектируемых объектов, рефлексивности, рискованности. Значение проведённого исследования заключается в расширении предметных областей практического применения методологии проектирования, к числу которых относится, например, научно-образовательное пространство вуза с его институциональными формированиями – научными центрами, лабораториями, редакциями научных изданий и т.д. Currently, the idea of design as a specific method of methodological work in the field of education is becoming increasingly relevant. The purpose of the article is to substantiate and disclose the essential characteristics of the methodological design function and to carry out a comparative characteristic of its manifestation in the classical and post-nonclassical paradigms. The author substantiates the understanding of design as an integral part of the methodology of pedagogy, the functional purpose of which consists, on the one hand, in the projection of scientific knowledge about the content and methods of changes in pedagogical reality to its specific area, and on the other hand, in the understanding of such achievements of practice by science that have not yet found an explanation in theory. The essence of this relationship is revealed within the framework of the classical paradigm, which consists in ensuring the stable functioning of educational systems based on the norms set by science. In the post-nonclassical paradigm, the principles of consistency, contextuality, conventionality, act as general regulators of the projection of scientific knowledge onto the area of practical activity, self-development of projected objects, reflexivity, and riskiness act as general regulatives of the projection of scientific knowledge on the field of practical activity. The significance of the conducted research is to expand the subject areas of practical application of the design methodology, which include, for example, the scientific and educational space of the university with its institutional formations – research centers, laboratories, editorial offices of scientific publications, etc.

Vita Semanyuk

Accounting as a practical activity was being developed during millennia but the final forming of accounting science is impossible without the development of its modern theory, which is correspondent to the requirements of scientific doctrines of the 21st century. The existing theory, in many cases, is not good at all and, in general, it is the set of technical approaches of realization of double record. The results of economic investigations of the world level show the impossibility of modern accounting science to fulfill its functions because of its conservative character and it was not changed during many years. All these investigations have a direct impact on economy and show that the understanding of the basic postulates changes and the stress is made on psychological and social aspects and avoiding of material ruling.

Aniket N. Chitale ◽  
Joseph K. Davidson ◽  
Jami J. Shah

The purpose of math models for tolerances is to aid a designer in assessing relationships between tolerances that contribute to variations of a dependent dimension that must be controlled to achieve some design function and which identifies a target (functional) feature. The T-Maps model for representing limits to allowable manufacturing variations is applied to identify the sensitivity of a dependent dimension to each of the contributing tolerances to the relationship. The method is to choose from a library of T-Maps the one that represents, in its own local (canonical) reference frame, each contributing feature and the tolerances specified on it; transform this T-Map to a coordinate frame centered at the target feature; obtain the accumulation T-Map for the assembly with the Minkowski sum; and fit a circumscribing functional T-Map to it. The fitting is accomplished numerically to determine the associated functional tolerance value. The sensitivity for each contributing tolerance-and-feature combination is determined by perturbing the tolerance, refitting the functional map to the accumulation map, and forming a ratio of incremental tolerance values from the two functional T-Maps. Perturbing the tolerance-feature combinations one at a time, the sensitivities for an entire stack of contributing tolerances can be built. For certain classes of loop equations, the same sensitivities result by fitting the functional T-Map to the T-Map for each feature, one-by-one, and forming the overall result as a scalar sum. Sensitivities help a designer to optimize tolerance assignments by identifying those tolerances that most strongly influence the dependent dimension at the target feature. Since the fitting of the functional T-Map is accomplished by intersection of geometric shapes, all the T-Maps are constructed with linear half-spaces.

1991 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-241 ◽  
R H Kruse ◽  
W H Puckett ◽  
J H Richardson

The biological safety cabinet is the one piece of laboratory and pharmacy equipment that provides protection for personnel, the product, and the environment. Through the history of laboratory-acquired infections from the earliest published case to the emergence of hepatitis B and AIDS, the need for health care worker protection is described. A brief description with design, construction, function, and production capabilities is provided for class I and class III safety cabinets. The development of the high-efficiency particulate air filter provided the impetus for clean room technology, from which evolved the class II laminar flow biological safety cabinet. The clean room concept was advanced when the horizontal airflow clean bench was manufactured; it became popular in pharmacies for preparing intravenous solutions because the product was protected. However, as with infectious microorganisms and laboratory workers, individual sensitization to antibiotics and the advent of hazardous antineoplastic agents changed the thinking of pharmacists and nurses, and they began to use the class II safety cabinet to prevent adverse personnel reactions to the drugs. How the class II safety cabinet became the mainstay in laboratories and pharmacies is described, and insight is provided into the formulation of National Sanitation Foundation standard number 49 and its revisions. The working operations of a class II cabinet are described, as are the variations of the four types with regard to design, function, air velocity profiles, and the use of toxins. The main certification procedures are explained, with examples of improper or incorrect certifications. The required levels of containment for microorganisms are given. Instructions for decontaminating the class II biological safety cabinet of infectious agents are provided; unfortunately, there is no method for decontaminating the cabinet of antineoplastic agents.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 289-300
Pedro Donizete Colombo Junior ◽  
Daniel Fernando Bovolenta Ovigli ◽  
Sabrina Eleutério Alves

Atividades extensionistas que visem propiciar a educação em ciências são cada vez mais presentes em discussões educacionais, sejam como forma de pensar novas roupagens para conteúdos programáticos ou para novos vieses metodológicos e de avaliação dos processos educativos. Este trabalho apresenta e discute a atividade “Pílula da ciência: o conhecimento está no ar!”, desenvolvida no âmbito do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID/CAPES), junto a uma escola pública de Uberaba/MG, em parceria com o grupo PIBID-Física-UFTM, com ênfase em suas contribuições à formação dos envolvidos, licenciandos em Física. O objetivo da atividade desenvolvida foi promover uma dinâmica que permitisse, por um lado, ouvir as inquietações e indagações dos estudantes da Educação Básica frente às suas dúvidas em relação ao conhecimento científico e, por outro lado, proporcionar novas vivências em sala de aula por parte de pibidianos, professores em formação. Para tanto, estudantes da Educação Básica depositavam questionamentos (aqui denominados pílulas) sobre temas voltados às Ciências da Natureza em uma caixa de dúvidas, para posterior socialização das respostas em sala de aula com os pibidianos. Evidenciamos que ouvir e discutir as percepções dos estudantes frente à visão que estes têm do conhecimento científico é um caminho promissor para despertar seu interesse pela ciência, sendo os primeiros passos para o letramento científico, além de ser uma estratégia para sensibilizar os futuros professores a considerarem estas abordagens em suas futuras práticas pedagógicas. Palavras-chave: Ensino de Física; Iniciação à docência; Estratégias didáticas   Physics teaching initiation and the students´ questions in basic education - a report   Abstract: Extension activities that aim to provide science education are increasingly present in educational discussions, whether as a way of thinking about new approaches for curricular contents or new methodological biases and evaluation. This paper presents and discusses the activity "Pill of science: the knowledge is in the air!" developed under the Institutional Program of Initiation to Teaching Scholarship (PIBID/CAPES), at a public school in Uberaba, Brazil, in partnership with the PIBID-Physics-UFTM group, with an emphasis on their contributions to the training of those involved, undergraduates in Physics. The objective of the activity developed was to promote a dynamic that would allow, on the one hand, to listen to the concerns and questions of Basic Education students in the face of their doubts regarding scientific knowledge and, on the other hand, to provide new experiences in the classroom by teachers in training. To this end, Basic Education students deposited questions (here called "pills") about topics related to the Natural Sciences in a box of doubts, for later socialization in the classroom with the undergraduates in Physics. We show that listening and discussing students' perceptions of their view of scientific knowledge is a promising way to awaken their interest in science, being the first steps towards scientific literacy, in addition to being a strategy to sensitize future teachers to consider these approaches in their future pedagogical practices. Keywords: Physics Teaching; Teaching Initiation; Didactic Strategies

Agnes Kukulska-Hulme ◽  
Chris Jones

Focusing on intermediate and institutional levels of design for learning, this chapter explores how institutional decisions relate to design, using recent experience at The Open University as a case study. To illuminate the relationship between institutional decisions and learner-focused design, we review and bring together some of the research on learner practices in mobile and networked learning. We take a critical stance in relation to the concept of generation, which has been applied to understanding learners of different ages using terms such as net generation and digital natives. Following on from this, we propose an integrated pedagogical design approach that takes account of learner practices, spaces for learning, and technologies. The chapter also proposes future research directions focused on the changing context for learning, a distinction between place and space and an understanding of how the different levels of educational systems interact with mobile and networked technologies.

Сергей Александрович Лебедев ◽  
Сергей Николаевич Коськов

В статье излагается содержание двух базовых концепций неклассической философии и методологии науки: конвенционалистской и консенсуалистской теории природы научного знания и научной истины. Каждая из них является альтернативой двум основным парадигмам классической философии и методологии науки: эмпиризму (позитивизму) и рационализму. С точки зрения конвенционализма научное знание не есть ни описание чистого опыта, ни его обобщение. Но оно не является также и результатом некой априорной интуиции и чистого разума. Согласно конвенционализму научное знание - это система доказательной информации, исходные принципы которой имеют характер условных, конвенциональных истин. Отсюда следует, что любая истина в науке не категорична, а условна и имеет форму «если, то». Консенсуалистская концепция природы научного знания возникла в философии науки второй половины XX в. Она была, с одной стороны, обобщением конвенционализма, а с другой - его отрицанием. Если в конвенционализме основным субъектом научного познания является отдельный ученый, то в консенсуалистской эпистемологии таким субъектом является социальный субъект - научное сообщество. Научное познание имеет принципиально коллективный характер как в плане его получения в силу разделения научного труда, так и в плане его легитимации и оценки. Последние операции всегда являются результатом консенсуса научного сообщества. The article examines the content of two basic conceptions of non-classical philosophy and methodology of science: the conventionalist and consensual theory of the nature of scientific knowledge. Each of them is an alternative to the two main paradigms of classical philosophy and the methodology of science: empiricism (positivism) and rationalism. From the point of view of conventionalism, scientific knowledge is neither a description of pure experience nor a generalization of it. But it is also not the result of some a priori intuition and pure reason. According to conventionalism, scientific knowledge is a system of evidence-based information, the initial principles of which have the character of conditional, conventional truths. It follows that any truth in science is not categorical, but conditional and has the form «if, then». The consensual concept of the nature of scientific knowledge emerged in the philosophy of science of the second half of the twentieth century. It was, on the one hand, a generalization of conventionalism; on the other, a negation of it. If in conventionalism the main subject of scientific knowledge is an individual scientist, then in consensual epistemology such a subject is a social subject - the scientific community. Scientific knowledge has a fundamentally collective character, both in terms of its acquisition by virtue of the division of scientific work, and in terms of its legitimization and evaluation. The latest operations are always the result of a consensus of the scientific community.

E. Baratashvili ◽  
N. Chubinidze

The article discusses the problems of the modern textbooks and teaching aids on pedagogy, where the solution of management problems is the content of the chapter, which is often called “Management of educational systems”. Then authors define, that in scientific papers devoted to the problems of pedagogical management, the view of his specific object and subject is substantiated. So, it is considered that pedagogical management as a science of management of educational systems and processes is a branch of pedagogy, the subject of which is the organization of management in the field of education and in educational institutions. The structure of pedagogical management includes the following levels: a. management of the teaching staff; b. teacher activity management; c. student activity management. The authors believe that in pedagogical management there are two levels of management: the head of the educational institution and the teacher. The activity of the head is aimed at creating conditions for the effective functioning and development of the entire educational system of the institution; the task of the teacher-manager is the organization of educational work with the aim of developing cognitive activity and the formation of the student's personality. According to the authors, project management is among the “young” and most demanded areas of scientific knowledge and practice.  Development of it over the past 50–60 years has gone from its understanding as a technological scheme for organizing work on the implementation of individual projects to the idea of project management as a methodology for system changes, which carried out in organizations, firms, corporations, territorial entities, across the country and interstate associations. The article also reviewed the most diverse areas of scientific knowledge. It is the project culture. We think that it is institutionally manifested in project activities, although it does not boil down to it. All of the above gives grounds for identifying historical and cultural sources of project management as a person’s ability, an independent type of professional activity and, finally, a cultural phenomenon. The authors think that in modern management concepts, there are two types of management - process (management of recurring activities in fundamentally unchanged external conditions) and project management (change management of the managed system). The latter is precisely the subject of research in the field of scientific knowledge and practice, called “project management” and the subject of one of the branches of management science - project management. In conclusion, the authors define the methodological foundations of project management in pedagogical management are system-activity, process, and resource approaches, which, being internally consistent, set the fundamental methodological orientation of research in the considered field of scientific pedagogical knowledge.

Luc Schneider

This contribution tries to assess how the Web is changing the ways in which scientific knowledge is produced, distributed and evaluated, in particular how it is transforming the conventional conception of scientific authorship. After having properly introduced the notions of copyright, public domain and (e-)commons, I will critically assess James Boyle's (2003, 2008) thesis that copyright and scientific (e-) commons are antagonistic, but I will mostly agree with the related claim by Stevan Harnad (2001a,b, 2008) that copyright has become an obstacle to the accessibility of scientific works. I will even go further and argue that Open Access schemes not only solve the problem of the availability of scientific literature, but may also help to tackle the uncontrolled multiplication of scientific publications, since these publishing schemes are based on free public licenses allowing for (acknowledged) re-use of texts. However, the scientific community does not seem to be prepared yet to move towards an Open Source model of authorship, probably due to concerns related to attributing credit and responsability for the expressed hypotheses and results. Some strategies and tools that may encourage a change of academic mentality in favour of a conception of scientific authorship modelled on the Open Source paradigm are discussed.

Thiago Schumacher Barcelos ◽  
Ismar Frango Silveira

On the one hand, ensuring that students archive adequate levels of Mathematical knowledge by the time they finish basic education is a challenge for the educational systems in several countries. On the other hand, the pervasiveness of computer-based devices in everyday situations poses a fundamental question about Computer Science being part of those known as basic sciences. The development of Computer Science (CS) is historically related to Mathematics; however, CS is said to have singular reasoning mechanics for problem solving, whose applications go beyond the frontiers of Computing itself. These problem-solving skills have been defined as Computational Thinking skills. In this chapter, the possible relationships between Math and Computational Thinking skills are discussed in the perspective of national curriculum guidelines for Mathematics of Brazil, Chile, and United States. Three skills that can be jointly developed by both areas are identified in a literature review. Some challenges and implications for educational research and practice are also discussed.

Arthur Fine

Traditionally, scientific realism asserts that the objects of scientific knowledge exist independently of the minds or acts of scientists and that scientific theories are true of that objective (mind-independent) world. The reference to knowledge points to the dual character of scientific realism. On the one hand it is a metaphysical (specifically, an ontological) doctrine, claiming the independent existence of certain entities. On the other hand it is an epistemological doctrine asserting that we can know what individuals exist and that we can find out the truth of the theories or laws that govern them. Opposed to scientific realism (hereafter just ‘realism’) are a variety of antirealisms, including phenomenalism and empiricism. Recently two others, instrumentalism and constructivism, have posed special challenges to realism. Instrumentalism regards the objects of knowledge pragmatically, as tools for various human purposes, and so takes reliability (or empirical adequacy) rather than truth as scientifically central. A version of this, fictionalism, contests the existence of many of the objects favoured by the realist and regards them as merely expedient means to useful ends. Constructivism maintains that scientific knowledge is socially constituted, that ‘facts’ are made by us. Thus it challenges the objectivity of knowledge, as the realist understands objectivity, and the independent existence that realism is after. Conventionalism, holding that the truths of science ultimately rest on man-made conventions, is allied to constructivism. Realism and antirealism propose competing interpretations of science as a whole. They even differ over what requires explanation, with realism demanding that more be explained and antirealism less.

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