2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-79

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif matematika yang berkualitas dan layak untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran matematika dan mendeskripsikan seberapa baik kualitas perangkat pembelajaran matematika yang dihasilkan. Kriteria kualitas yang digunakan mengacu pada kriteria Nieveen, yaitu valid, praktis dan efektif. Materi yang dikembangkan adalah materi Geometri Ruang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (Development research). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2019/2020. Penelitian ini mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan model pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari model pengembangan Borg & Gall. Tahap-tahap yang dilalui sampai diperoleh multimedia pembelajaran matematika yang valid, praktis dan efektif adalah analisis kebutuhan dan perumusan tujuan, desain/pengembangan produk, uji coba, revisi dan kajian produk akhir. Uji coba yang dilakukan meliputi ujicoba ahli/validasi ahli (expert judgement), uji coba kelompok kecil (small group try-out) dan uji coba lapangan (field try-out). Uji coba lapangan (field try-out) dilakukan pada dua kelas XII IPS 3 & 4 di SMA Negeri 9 Kota Jambi tahun pelajaran 2019/2020. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar validasi, lembar penilaian guru, lembar penilaian siswa, angket motivasi dan tes hasil belajar. Penelitian ini menghasilkan multimedia pembelajaran matematika yang berkualitas dan layak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa multimedia pembelajaran matematika yang dikembangkan valid, praktis dan efektif.

Nuryadi Nuryadi ◽  
Nanang Khuzaini

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan media pembelajaran matematika virtual berbasis TGT yang berkualitas baik dan layak untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran matematika dan mendeskripsikan seberapa baik kualitas perangkat pembelajaran matematika yang dihasilkan. Kriteria kualitas yang digunakan mengacu pada kriteria Nieveen, yaitu valid, praktis dan efektif. Materi yang dikembangkan adalah materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (Development research). Penelitian ini mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan model pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari model pengembangan ADDIE. Tahap-tahap yang dilalui sampai diperoleh multimedia pembelajaran matematika yang valid, praktis dan efektif adalah analisis kebutuhan dan perumusan tujuan, desain/pengembangan produk, uji coba, revisi dan kajian produk akhir. Uji coba yang dilakukan meliputi ujicoba ahli/validasi ahli (expert judgement), uji coba kelompok kecil (small group try-out) dan uji coba lapangan (field try-out). Uji coba lapangan (field try-out) dilakukan pada dua kelasVIII di SMP N 1 Sedayu. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar validasi, lembar penilaian guru, lembar penilaian siswa, dan tes Cognitive Load Theory (CLT). Penelitian ini menghasilkan media pembelajaran matematika virtual yang berkualitas dan layak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa multimedia pembelajaran matematika yang dikembangkan valid, praktis dan efektif.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-92
Andri Paranoan ◽  
Ardi Nur Prastya

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model latihan Build up menyerang pada permainan futsal menjadi sesuai dengan teori prinsip-prinsip Build up menyerang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development). Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah 15 anggota tim futsal Kiangsantang sebagai subjek uji coba kelompok kecil dan 45 anggota tim futsal Universitas Negeri Jakarta sebagai subjek uji coba kelompok besar. Pada penelitian ini peneliti bekerja sama dengan 3 ahli dalam bidang olahraga futsal sebagai expert judgement. Uji validitas yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan uji justifikasi ahli. Berdasarkan uji validasi dari 25 item model latihan Build up menyerang pada permainan futsal didapat 20 model latihan Build up yang valid berdasarkan uji justifikasi ahli Kata Kunci : Model Latihan, Build Up, Futsal ABSTRACT  This study aims to develop a Build up attacking model on futsal games to be in line with the theory of Build up attacking principles. The method used in this research is the method of research and development (research and development). Subjects in this study were 15 members of Kiangsantang futsal team as the subject of small group trials and 45 members of futsal team of Universitas Negeri Jakarta as subject of large group trials. In this study the researchers worked together with 3 experts in the field of futsal sport as an expert judgment. Validity test used in this research is by using expert justification test. Based on the validation test of 25 items of training model Build up attack on futsal game obtained 20 models of valid Build up exercise based on expert justification test.  Keywords: Exercise Model, Build Up, Futsal

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 617-628
Melyani Sari Sitepu ◽  
Chairunnisa Amelia

This article aims to develop a Civics module with Islamic values ​​on the rights and obligations of high school students in elementary schools. This research is development research (R&D). This research uses a development research model. The steps in this research are: (1) potential and problems, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) module validation, (5) module design revision, (6) limited module trial, (7 ) Revision of modules, (8) The final product of the Civics module has Islamic values ​​that meet the valid and practical criteria. The development process includes product design and product validation. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation and questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that the PPKn module has Islamic value. The material of rights and obligations developed has met the very valid criteria. This is evidenced by the average results of expert validation of 96% and 90% with very valid criteria. The Civics module has Islamic values. The material of Rights and Obligations developed has met the practical criteria. This is evidenced by the results of the questionnaire from the small group trial. The score is 86.34% with very practical criteria. From the small group trial, it was concluded that the module developed was very valid and practical.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 86
Zulbahri Zulbahri ◽  
Yuni Astuti ◽  
Erianti . ◽  
Pitnawati . ◽  
Damrah .

This research is motivated by the limited development of learning media for the subjects of Physical Education, Sports and Health on floor exercise (artistic) material, especially for schools in the regions. This study aims to produce a learning media product for students and students in learning gymnastics. The subjects or samples of this research were FIK UNP students who attended basic and advanced / learning gymnastics courses with a total of 12 people for small group subject trials and 15 people for field trials. The data used in this research are qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data in this study is data obtained through validation from material experts, media experts, while quantitative data in this study were obtained through assessment questionnaires which were analyzed with descriptive statistics.This research was conducted using "Research and Development" (Research and Development), namely the research method used to produce certain products. The model used as a reference is the Borg & Gall development research model with 10 developments, in this study the researcher adopted the following stages: 1) Preliminary Study (research and data collection). 2) Prepare a plan and analyze the media to be made. 3) Initial product development by producing learning media with validation by media experts and material experts. 4) Conduct small group trials. 5) Product Revisions. 6) Conduct field trials. 7) Revise the final product. For this early stage research, it has only arrived at the fourth stage (4), namely the initial stage validation by media experts and material experts. Research results in the form of learning media products for practical material with a score of 3.67 with good criteria and for media with a score of 3.3 with a fairly good category.

Rori Rachmadani ◽  
Sutarno Sutarno ◽  
Siti Umayaroh

Abstract: This study aims to produce media products in the form of e-comic on PPKN content with the theme of local culture of Malang City, class IV SD semester 2 at SDN Tasikmadu 1 Malang and SDN Tasikmadu 2 Malang which are valid and interesting. This research is a development research, which consists of (1) Analyze, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, (5) Evaluation. The test subjects were fourth grade students at SDN Tasikmadu 1 and SDN Tasikmadu 2 Malang. The small group trial subjects consisted of 10 students and the large group test subjects consisted of 45 students. The results of this study indicate that the developed media received a very valid and very interesting rating, according to experts and users. The results of the small-scale test showed a result of 0.93 which was stated to be very interesting and the large-scale test showed a result of 0.95. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan produk media berupa e-comic pada muatan PPKn bertemakan kebudayaan lokal Kota Malang kelas IV SD semester 2 di SDN Tasikmadu 1 Malang dan SDN Tasikmadu 2 Malang yang valid dan menarik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan, yang terdiri dari (1) Analyze, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, (5) Evaluation. Subjek uji coba adalah siswa kelas IV SDN Tasikmadu 1 dan SDN Tasikmadu 2 Malang. Subjek uji coba kelompok kecil terdiri dari 10 siswa dan subjek uji coba kelompok besar terdiri dari 45 siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan media yang dikembangkan ini mendapatkan penilaian yang sangat valid dan sangat menarik, menurut para ahli dan pengguna. Hasil dari uji skala kecil menunjukkan hasil 0,93 yang dinyatakan sangat menarik dan uji skala besar menunjukkan hasil 0,95.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-91
Komarudin Komarudin ◽  
Prisma Teja Permana

Penelitian inibertujuan untuk menghasilkan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) matematika berbasis scientific approach yang layak dan menarik. Pengembangan LKPD dalam penelitian ini sesuai menggunakan prosedur development research yang melalui tiga tahapan yaitu self evaluation, expert review dan one-to-one, dan small group. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik angket dan tes. Analisis data dilakukan dengan (1) deskriptif, data yang diperoleh dari teknik angket, seperti: data validasi dan respon peserta didik dan (2) jawaban peserta didik dianalisis secara deskriptif. Adapun hasil pengembangan ini adalah (1) Penilaian ahli materi mencapai kriteria interpretasi tinggi, dengan persentase rataan mencapai 70%, penilaian ahli media mencapai kriteria interpretasi sangat tinggi, dengan persentase rataan mencapai 80%, dan validasi oleh praktisi mencapai kriteria interpretasi tinggi, dengan persentase rataan 79%; (2) Respon peserta didik SD terhadap LKPD berbasis scientific approach pada uji kelompok kecil terhadap 10 peserta didik maupun uji kelompok besar dengan melibatkan 32 peserta didik mencapai kriteria sangat tinggi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa LKPD yang dikembangkan sangat menarik bagi peserta didik dan dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu media penunjang dalam pembelajaran.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Fibra Cahyani ◽  
Ketut Udy Ariawan ◽  
Gede Ratnaya

This development research aims to develop the module of practical electronics engineering based on livewire application for student grade XII in Senior High School 4 Singaraja in the subject field of workshops and entrepreneurship. This research is a kind of R&D research which is adapted the development steps from development sample proposed by Sugiyono. The developed module has been validated by the experts and teacher in the subject field. In this research, Likert scale is used to the instrument calculation for the experts and student trials. The research sample in the experiment is limited with only 37 students from grade XII MIPA 4 Senior High School 4 Singaraja. The research found that the module got 92,67% of eligibility percentage level from the media experts with excellent qualification, 90% of eligibility percentage level from the material experts with excellent qualification and 88% of eligibility percentage level from the subject teachers with excellent qualification. The product trial steps got 89,97% of eligibility percentage level from the small group trial and 91,42% from the field trials, both percentages are classified as excellent qualification. Therefore, the developed modules are eligible to apply in the subject field of workshops and entrepreneurship.

Rohman Rohman ◽  
Riya Dhotul Janah

 This research aims to develop the student activity sheet material broad flat wake discovery based learning methods for secondary school students are valid and practical and how the potential effect of the use of student activity sheet based discovery learning method for junior high school students. The method used is a method of research and development (development research). Stages of development research done of the preliminary phase which includes the analysis and prototyping stage (designing) and evalution formative stages which include self evalution, expert reviews, one to one, small group, and a field test. Based on the results of the analysis of the product, obtained LKS discovery based learning methods are valid and praktis.Valid seen from the results of expert assessment is based on content, construct, and languages. Practical seen from the observations of the trial small group where students can complete a given student activity sheet. Based on the results and final grades on students' ability test VII.1 SMP Negeri 3 Palembang done individually than 35 students that there were 15 (42.85%) of students categorized as very good and 20 (57.14%) students including both categories. Overall average grade student ability VII.1 is 78.85 which means that the learning outcomes of students belonging to either category. Based on the analysis of student learning outcomes, it can be concluded that student activity sheets that have been developed have potentKeywords: discovery learning method, research development, student’s’ worksheet (LKS)This research aims to develop the student activity sheet material broad flat wake discovery based learning methods for secondary school students are valid and practical and how the potential effect of the use of student activity sheet based discovery learning method for junior high school students. The method used is a method of research and development (development research). Stages of development research done of the preliminary phase which includes the analysis and prototyping stage (designing) and evalution formative stages which include self evalution, expert reviews, one to one, small group, and a field test. Based on the results of the analysis of the product, obtained LKS discovery based learning methods are valid and praktis.Valid seen from the results of expert assessment is based on content, construct, and languages. Practical seen from the observations of the trial small group where students can complete a given student activity sheet. Based on the results and final grades on students' ability test VII.1 SMP Negeri 3 Palembang done individually than 35 students that there were 15 (42.85%) of students categorized as very good and 20 (57.14%) students including both categories. Overall average grade student ability VII.1 is 78.85 which means that the learning outcomes of students belonging to either category. Based on the analysis of student learning outcomes, it can be concluded that student activity sheets that have been developed have potent Keywords: discovery learning method, research development, student’s’ worksheet (LKS)

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-42
Yuli Fitrianingsih

This study aims to develop a culture-based mathematics comic learning media using research and development or R & D methods with the ASSURE model. This development research was conducted in three Junior High Schools (JHS) in one sub-district, Pasar Minggu sub-district, South Jakarta. This research has been tested to various experts, namely: two material experts with very good categories and a percentage of 86%, 72% from one linguist with a good category, 96% from one development expert with a very good category, and get a percentage 3,4 with a good category from one graphic design expert. While the results of one to one test evaluations get an average of 84% which falls into the good category, small group test with a percentage of 85% with a very good category, and a large group test using the t-test results obtained tcount > ttable. Based on the evaluation results from several experts, using learning media in the form of mathematical comics is considered feasible and can increase students' interest and learning outcomes.

Irmawati Irmawati

This study examines the Android-based Learning Style Inventory (IGB) Application for High School Students in Bantaeng Regency. The main problem in this research is that students do not know the learning styles they have and in the school counseling teachers do not have special counseling hours in class . The development research model is the development model Borg and Gall modified by researchers. Research subjects are divided into expert subjects, namely material experts and media experts. The data collection technique was carried out by surveying through interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The data were analyzed by means of content analysis techniques on qualitative data and quantitative analysis techniques. The results of the development research were completed with two test stages, namely the expert test (expert validation) and the small group test, and one revision stage covering; revisions based on expert tests and revisions based on small group tests. revisions were carried out covering several aspects, namely aspects of material content, aspects of media content and applications, usability, feasibility and accuracy and usefulness of the IGB application for students. Based on the expert test material guidance and counseling, the media expert test and learning design and practitioner test get a research scale assessment that is in the very valid category. The learning style inventory (IGB) application in the acceptance test is in a very high category, the product is declared to be used and implemented. Thus, the Android-based Learning Style Inventory (IGB) application developed is said to be appropriate, accepted and can be used for high school students in Bantaeng Regency. 

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